Roselle School District Grade 7 Pre-Algebra Honors Curriculum Unit 1 Essential Question(s) How are integers and whole numbers alike and different? What do negative numbers represent? Enduring Understanding(s) Integers are useful for noting relative changes or values. Every numerical operation has an inverse. Mathematical properties reveal multiple appropriate methods to compute. Rational numbers can be expressed in multiple ways. Common Core Standards, 2010 NS 1b. Understand p + q as the number located a distance |q| from p, in the positive or negative direction depending on whether q is positive or negative. Show that a number and its opposite have a sum of 0 (are additive inverses). NS 1c. Understand subtraction of rational numbers as adding the additive inverse, p – q = p + (–q). Show that the distance between two rational numbers on the number line is the absolute value of their difference, and apply this principle in real-world contexts. NS 2b. Understand that integers can be divided, provided that the divisor is not zero, and every quotient of integers (with non-zero divisor) is a rational number. If p and q are integers, then –(p/q) = (–p)/q = p/(–q). Interpret quotients of rational numbers by describing real-world contexts. EE 1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. W.7.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. Learning Expectations WAL To/That … Activities/Instructional Procedures Explain that adding rational numbers means having a starting Introductory video clip: Absolute Value: ue/ Student Strategies/ Modifications/ Differentiation Small group instruction Individualized Formative Assessments Exit ticket Do now Quiz Technology Infusion/ Resources Laptops Smartboard Starboard a number and moving in a positive or negative direction from that number depending on what you are adding to it Illustrate and explain that a number and its opposite have a sum of zero (additive inverses) Use and explain procedures for performing calculations with integers and all number types named above with: Pencil-and-paper; . Mental math; Calculator Model a “zero pair” for students (Unit 2 Zero Principle from Algebra Tiles for the Overhead Projector or The Zero Principle from Algebra Tiles p.7) “Zero the Hero” Smart Notebook Activity for rooms with Smartboards and Smart software Have students model different “zero pairs” using “Pairing it Up” activity p. 491 Hands-On Math Text Have students perform addition and subtraction using integer models (pgs. 25 -34) Multiply and divide integers using rules (pgs. 44-49) Additional Practice: Integers can be divided as long as the divisor is not zero following the same rules for division as whole number Algebra Readiness Text: Modeling Integers p. 23 Utilize yellow and red squares to represent positive and negative integers Introduce integers with “Don’t Be Negative” rap video: ers&video_id=121930 Play Integers Jeopardy with responders: Students complete Tic-Tac-Toe choice board of various activities related to integers, absolute value, and zero pairs to demonstrate mastery of the concepts instruction Peer tutoring Use of manipulatives Computer activities for remediation Choice activities Chunking information Rephrasing of questions Working with partner Video tutorials from textbook Oral questioning Homework Stations work Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board with Rubric Formative Assessment Quiz: Applying Integers in Real-World Situations www.brainpop.c om/math/numbe rsandoperations/ absolutevalue/ http://www.ixl. com/math/grad e-7/absolutevalue-andoppositeintegers duce integers with “Don’t Be Negative” rap video: http://www.tea viewVideo.php ?title=Integers &video_id=121 930 Play Integers Jeopardy with responders: ersJeopardy/Integ ersJeopardy.html plying-anddividing- integersgame.html The distance between two rational numbers on the number line is the absolute value of their difference Model integers on a number line Graph and order integers on a number line pgs. 19-22 1. Use graphing techniques on a number line. . Absolute value . Arithmetic operations represented by vectors (arrows) (e.g., “-3 + 6” is “left 3, right 6”) Explain situations in which opposite quantities combine to make zero. Have students create real-world situations in which two numbers combine to make zero (Ex. A student walks five steps to the right and then is called to go to another classroom that is five steps to the left; where does the student end up?) Small group instruction Individualized instruction Peer tutoring Use of manipulatives Computer activities for remediation Choice activities Chunking information Rephrasing of questions Working with partner Video tutorials from textbook and online Small group instruction Individualized instruction Peer tutoring Use of manipulatives Computer activities for remediation Choice activities Chunking information Rephrasing of questions Working with partner Video tutorials from textbook Exit ticket Do now Quiz Oral questioning Homework Smartboard Starboard Smartboard notebook templates for number lines Exit ticket Journal entry Do now Oral questioning Homework Smartboard Starboard Smartboard notebook templates for number lines Use exponentiation to find whole number powers of numbers. Use order of operations to simplify expressions Recognize, describe, extend, and create patterns involving whole numbers, rational numbers, and integers. Patterns & Exponents Activity Lab (p. 177) Students complete a 2-5-8 menu of activities to explain and apply PEMDAS with specific examples created by the students Students complete the Patterns Project working to decipher codes and create codes and to write a friendly letter explaining what a cipher is and how to use the cipher to send messages in code Small group instruction Individualized instruction Peer tutoring Computer activities for remediation Choice activities Chunking information Rephrasing of questions Working with partner Exit ticket Journal entry Do now Oral questioning Homework Formative Assessment Quiz: Applying Order of Operations 2-5-8 Menu Laptops Starboard Smartboard www.readwrit /resources/inte ractives/comic /index.html www.makebeli Comix www.learnalbe mejhm/index.h tml?D1=AB.MA TH.JR.NUMB&I D2=AB.MATH.J R.NUMB.INTE& lesson=html/o bject_interacti ves/order of operations/use _it.html /mc/ ml Utilize properties of operations to add, subtract, and factor Review properties of numbers: pgs. 68-77 (practice as needed) Create chart of different properties for reference in notebooks: Property Arithmetic Example Algebraic Example Commutative Property (+ and x) Associative Property Identify Property (+ and x) Distributive Property Students work in groups to create Google site of a specific property with examples of the property’s use; students review classmates’ Google sites to review properties of numbers Assess students level of understanding, the students will complete an online activity rade=7&subject=Math&topics=Properties%20of%20operations Students will be given strips of paper with a number sentence on it. They will turn to their partner for 2 min to identify the property. They will then get up and tape it onto the board under the respective property. As a class we will go over each sentence. Play four corners by displaying a number sentence on the Smart Board and asking students to identify what property is being shown by moving to a certain corner of the room. Working in groups Chunking information Copy of power point presentation from teacher, if necessary, for notetaking Google Site Rubric Starboard Smartboard Google docs to make Google sites Assess students level of understanding, the students will complete an online activity http://www.myt rksheet.aspx?tes t_id=1332&grade =7&subject=Mat h&topics=Proper ties%20of%20op erations