Preliminary Program 10th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and

Preliminary Program 10th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental
Thursday 24 September
Reception Hosted by the City of Tampere
Raatihuone: Keskustori 10, 33210 Tampere, Suomi
Friday 25 September
* Approximately 12-15 minutes per presentation
Pinni B 3109 Public Goods I
Success rates in simplified threshold public goods games (Christian Feige)
Normative Conflict and Cooperation in Sequential Social Dilemmas (Lauri Sääksvuori)
Cooperators, Free Riders and Punishment: Free Riders Punish Too (Till Weber)
Chair: Daniel Kalchev
Pinni B 3110 Risk I
Cooperation under uncertainty (Lisa Björk)
Social Reference Points and Risk Taking (Andreas Friedl)
Money Illusion, Loss Aversion and Homeownership (Thomas Alexander Stephens)
Chair: Aleksandr Ilikbaev
Pinni B 3111 Time and Preferences
Using prediction markets to estimate the reproducibility in science - The Many Labs 2 replications
(Eskil Forsell)
Preference reversals in the social domain: The effect of social distance on choice and valuation
(Geoffrey Castillo)
On the sources of aggregate instability in time preferences (Hjördis Hardardottir)
Coffee Break
SESSION 2: 10.40-12.00
Pinni B 3109 Education
Soft Commitments, Reminders and Student Outcomes (Oliver Himmler)
The Political Economy of University Tuition Fees: Information Provision and Income Contingency in
a representative Survey Experiment (Philipp Lergetporer)
Peers or Parents? On the Working of Social Incentives in School: Evidence from a Large-Scaled Field
Experiment in Germany (Valentin Wagner)
Chair: Tuomo Kuivalainen
Pinni B 3110 Gender
Gender Differences in Competitive Choices: risk, confidence, or a taste for tournaments? (Roel van
Are Multiple-Choice Tests gender-neutral? (Javier Gardeazabal)
Is female empowerment always good for child welfare? (Charlotte Ringdal)
Chair: Arseniy Lobanovskiy
Pinni B 3111 Cooperation I
Promoting Cooperation through Strategic Complementarity (Olli Lappalainen)
Cooperation in Divided Societies (Andrea Martinangeli)
Signaling Cooperation (Heiner Schumacher)
Subliminal Influence on Generosity (Topi Miettinen)
12.30-12.45 Presentation by Andreas Nicklisch: Hroot: Hamburg Registration and Organization Online
Tool (Pinni B 3111)
13.00-14.15 Keynote Lecture Pinni B 1100
Professor Catherine Eckel, Texas A&M University
Coffee Break
SESSION 3: 14.40-16.00
Pinni B 3109 Risk II
When inducing affective decision making statistical significance may not be enough (Anna BlajerGołębiewska and Dagmara Wach)
Mental Accounting, Access Motives, and Overinsurance (Markus Fels)
The role of Anscombe-Aumann Monotonicity in models and tests of Ambiguity Aversion (Florian
Chair: Aleksandr Ilikbaev
Pinni B 3110 Cooperation II
Joy of giving – increasing product uptake by allowing consumers to forward (Bjørn-Atle Reme)
Trust your gut: hunger increases trust and trustworthiness (Elias Rantapuska)
Competing to Cooperate. Partner Choice and Communication in the Prisoner's Dilemma (Eirik
Chair: Arseniy Lobanovskiy
Pinni B 3111 Group Effects
Because of you I did not give up - How peers affect perseverance (Leonie Gerhards)
Solidarity and Information (Maria Paz Espinosa)
Group identity and the illusion of fairness (Nives Della Valle)
Chair: Pekka Vatanen
SESSION 4: 16.20-17.40
Pinni B 3109 Information
Relative performance feedback: Merely effective or for some a dismay? (William Gilje Gjedrem)
Whistle-Blowing and Diffusion of Responsibility: An Experiment Based on the Ultimatum Game
(Kohei Nitta)
Concession Bargaining: An Experimental Comparison of Protocols and Time Horizons (Ken Tsutsui)
Change we can perceive: The economics of dynamic inattention (Edward Webb)
Chair: Pekka Vatanen
Pinni B 3110 Market Behavior
Perceptional Limitations and Market Competition: An Experiment (Andreas Gotfredsen)
Deceiving Homo Economicus at the Supermarket (Michele Garagni)
Discrimination in Labor Markets With Directed Search (Knut-Eric Joslin)
Demand shifts through salience effects? An experimental investigation (Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt)
Chair: Daniel Kalchev
Pinni B 3111 Selfish/Lying Behavior
You'll Never Walk Alone (Sigve Tjøtta)
Social Information and Selfishness (Yilong Xu)
Lying, Spying, Sabotaging -- Procedures and Consequences – (Nadine Chlass)
Does Power Make People More Selfish? (Gönul Dogan)
Chair: Tuomo Kuivalainen
19.15 - Informal Gathering in the Talvipuutarha room of the Tampere Talo
Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere
(This event is at your own expense)
Saturday 26 September
SESSION 5: 9.00-10.20
Pinni B 3109 Prosocial Behavior and Mechanisms
Do you want to save the planet? Environmentally friendly behaviour and uncertainty (Anna Pauls)
Seasonal scarcity and sharing norms (Bartos Vojtech)
Substitution across Prosocial Alternatives (Ek Claes)
Complexity, salience and income tax filing behaviour: Evidence from a natural experiment (Kaisa
Kotakorpi and Jani-Petri Laamanen)
Chair: Elizabeth Harjunpää
Pinni B 3110 Risk III
Adaptation and asymmetries in the GDP-subjective well-being relationship (Matti Hovi)
The `sales agent' problem: Risk aversion and effort under multiplicative noise (Nick Zubanov)
Asymmetric Dominance and Compromise Effects as Manifestations of Choice Without Preference
(Kim Kaivanto)
 Social risk preferences: Theory and experimental evidence (Erik Sørensen)
Pinni B 3111 Learning
Financial Literacy and Self-Employment: First Evidence from Germany (Aida Cumurovic)
The Influence of Error Culture and Task-Inherent Learning Opportunities on Error Reporting
Behavior: A Laboratory Experiment (Frederik Graff)
Learning and loss aversion: Evidence from a financial betting experiment (Tomas O’Briain)
Information Quality and Regime Change in the Lab (Leif Helland)
Chair: Saki Kudo
Coffee Break
SESSION 6: 10.40-12.00
Pinni B 3109 Framing and Goals
Individual preferences across contexts (Erkut Hande)
How Framing guides the Decision Making Process (Adrian Hillenbrand)
Goal Setting and Raising the Bar: A Field Experiment (Max van Lent)
Chair: Saki Kudo
Pinni B 3110 Trust
Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity – Evidence From a Natural Field Experiment
(Adrian Chadi)
Winners don't punish - they reward (Andreas Nicklish)
Two Mechanisms of Accountability: An Experimental Approach (Juha Ylisalo)
Chair: Elizabeth Harjunpää
13.00-14.15 Keynote Lecture Pinni B 1100
Designing Auctions for Fishery Management
Professor John Ledyard, California Institute of Technology