Please sign the attendance register, sign up for activities in which you would like to participate and pass it to your neighbor. April 21, 2013 WORSHIP MUSIC I Saw the Light Old Time Religion Awesome is the Lord Most High Jesus Built This Church on Love SPECIAL MUSIC Worn – Susan DePhillip Ministers Pastor Music Director/Organist Director of Spiritual Formation Director of Assimilation and Outreach Middle School Youth Director High School Youth Directors Director of Children’s Ministries Preschool Director Friendship Ministry Financial Administrator Church Administrator Facilities Manager Secretary Church Website CUMC Preschool Website Newsletter Prayer Chain MESSAGE “Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage” Rev. Dr. Margaret Kutz SCRIPTURE Matthew 19:3-9; John 3:16-18 Every Member of the Congregation Dr. Margaret T. Kutz: Joshua Wortham: Rev. Dr. Jim Davis: Margie Ashburn: Carolyn Landis: Jenni & Jason Deckert: Stacey Ferrer: Jenni Deckert: Edie & Jerry Higgins: Jerri Hunter: Sheri Orton: Jimmy Willingham: Terry Wisegarver: Gail King: A Community in Christ Chester United Methodist Church Our Mission: Rooted in God, Growing in Christ, Bearing Fruit in the Spirit 12132 Percival Street, Chester, Virginia 23831 * Church: (804) 748-6006 Fax: 748-0859 Web site: * A Stephen Ministry Congregation FRESH START SERVICE April 21, 2013 - 8:30 AM Please sign the attendance register, sign up for activities in which you would like to participate and pass it to your neighbor. WORSHIP MUSIC Life of Praise Shout to the Lord I Will Rise I Walk By Faith SPECIAL MUSIC Worn – Susan DePhillip SCRIPTURE Matthew 19:3-9; John 3:16-18 MESSAGE “Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage” Rev. Dr. Margaret T. Kutz We Celebrate the Holy Baptism and Reception into Membership of Kathleen May Kessinger and her son, Aidan Earl Kessinger. We welcome Kathleen into full membership by profession of faith and Aidan into preparatory membership. April 21, 2013 SERVICE OF WORSHIP 4th Sunday of Easter Please sign the red attendance register, register for activities which you would like to participate in, and pass it to your neighbor. ENTRANCE Chimes Prelude Jean Karppinen, organist Call to Worship (based on Exodus 15) Leader: The people of God sang this song to their God: People: I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously. Leader: In your steadfast love you led the people whom you redeemed. People: You guided them by your strength to the sanctuary that your hands established. * Opening Hymn No. 315 Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain * Opening Prayer God our Savior, as once you delivered by the power of your mighty arm your chosen Israel through the waters of the sea, so now deliver your Church and all the peoples of the earth from bondage and oppression, to rejoice and serve you in freedom, through Jesus Christ our Deliverer. Amen. * Welcome and Greeting PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE Children’s Message Bob Brick (The children are invited to go to Children’s Church with our Director of Children’s Ministries, Stacey Ferrer. Parents, please meet your child(ren) in Room 119 at the conclusion of worship. ) Special Music Worn Susan DePhillip Prayer for Illumination Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. In the reading and proclamation of your Word send forth your Spirit that we shall be recreated in the image of our risen Lord. Amen. Scripture Reading Sermon Hymn No. 707 Offering Offertory Music Matthew 19:3-9; John 3:16-18 “Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage” Hymn of Promise Rev. Dr. Margaret Kutz Jean Karppinen, organist * Doxology No. 94 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! THANKSGIVING * * Affirmation of Faith No. 881 The Apostles’ Creed Community Announcements Morning Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer No. 895 Closing Hymn SENDING FORTH Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven by Christopher Wordsworth Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise: sing to God a hymn of gladness, sing to God a hymn of praise; he who on the cross a victim for the world’s salvation bled— Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, now is risen from the dead. Alleluia, Christ is risen! Death at last has met defeat: see the ancient powers of evil in confusion and retreat; once he died, and once was buried: now he lives forevermore, Jesus Christ, the world’s Redeemer, whom we worship and adore. Alleluia, alleluia! Glory be to God on high: Alleluia to the Savior who has gained the victory; Alleluia to the Spirit, fount of love and sanctity! Alleluia, alleluia to the Triune Majesty! * * Benediction Choral Amen * Please stand as you are able. Bold print indicates a response in unison. CALENDAR April 21 – April 28, 2013 Today: 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM Mon. - Thurs. 9:15 AM Monday: 11:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Tuesday: 10:00 AM 3:45 PM 6: 00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Thursday: 1:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 3:45 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Fresh Start – DFH Cherub Choir Sunday School The Bridge Traditions Connections – 116 DASH- DFH Spiritual Growth - 224 Middle School Quench Preschool Barbre Memorial Service Cub Scouts 231, 232, 233 Boy Scouts – DFH, 116 Christian Believer – 224 Preschool Board - Parlor Prayer Group – Parlor Broadwater Tutoring Girl Scout Tp. 507 - 229 Bulletin Deadline Preschool Family F’ship in Fellowship Hall Prayer Shawl – Parlor HS Youth– Cottage Presch. Beach Day! Broadwater Tutoring Confirmation - Youth Cot. Daisy Tp. 5248 - DFH Friday: Saturday: 4:00 PM HS Youth Camping 4:30 PM Girl Scout Tp. 5259 – 208,209 7:30 AM Man in the Mirror – DFH 9:00 AM UMW Prayer B’fast- DFH Next Sunday: NEW MEMBER SUNDAY 8:30 AM Fresh Start – DFH 9:30 AM NO Cherub Choir until fall 9:45 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM The Bridge 11:00 AM Traditions 2:00 PM Damon Honn Eagle Award Ceremony – Sanc. 2:00 PM Girl Scout Bridging –DFH 4:00 PM MS Youth Quench- Cottage This Week’s Music Schedule: Sunday: 9:30 AM Cherub Choir 4:00 PM His Kids / Kid’s Praise 4:30 PM NO Bells or Chimes Tuesday: 10:30 AM Joy Singers 6:30 PM Bridge Band Wednesday: 4:30 PM NO Dawn of Grace Thursday: 6:30 PM Fresh Start Band 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Study the Bible in Greek or Hebrew: If you would like to but do not know either language, try this website: Without knowing any language but English you can do an extensive word search in Greek or Hebrew, learn its various meanings, where it is used in the Bible, and how it is translated in various translations. It is an amazing tool. If you need help in using it, talk to our pastor. We are blessed that all guests have chosen to worship with us today. You are invited to stop by our Welcome Center in the Atrium or the table in the Narthex where we have prepared gift bags for you. Information and brochures on our church may be found at our Welcome Center. Thank you for worshipping with us today! Fresh Start Sunday School Class: Beginning TODAY, April 21—When Christians Get it Wrong—at 9:45 AM in Room 207. More and more young adults have opted out of Christianity and the church often because of attitudes and behaviors they believe are practiced too often by Christians: judging others, condemning people of other faiths, rejecting science, injecting politics into faith, and being anti-homosexual. This study addresses the how’s and why’s of Christians getting it right when it comes to being Christ in the world. POC: Susan Petrey (275-9258). CONNECTIONS: TODAY from 11 AM – 12:30 PM in Room 116. Rev. Jim Davis will share the history of the Methodist faith and provide information on the various ministries available to every age group at CUMC. We’ll enjoy a snack while we share and learn. Please join us! DASHers! (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) will meet TODAY at 3 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Come play, learn about God, and have a snack. We look forward to seeing you. POC: Carolyn Landis ( May CHIMES Deadline: Wednesday, April 24. Send articles to . CUMC Food Pantry: It’s time to “feed” our pantry which is really low on the following items: hot cereal; 16 oz. can fruit; can Spam; box macaroni & cheese; 1 lb. can ham; lg. box mashed potatoes; large box biscuit mix; 12 oz. shampoo; and bar soap. CUMC Tutoring Program is up and running but we need more hands on deck. This session, which ends May 30, meets each week on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 – 5:00 PM in the Broadwater Townhomes Clubhouse (on Harrowgate Road). Please consider making a difference in the lives of these children in our own community by volunteering on Tuesdays or Thursdays or as a sub. To sign up, register in the pew pad or contact Rebecca Hodell ( or Amy Gray ( Chocolate Boutique: Where women taste and see that the Lord is good! Saturday, April 27, from 9 AM – 12 noon. Join the United Methodist Women as we connect the extravagance of chocolate with the extravagance of God’s love and grace. You’ll grow closer to friends, deepen your relationship with Jesus, and be lavished with love. Together we’ll enjoy meaningful devotions, chocolaty activities, and lots of sweet fun! Dress is casual. Invite your mother, your sister, your daughter, your best friend! The cost for the event will be $10 per person. Registration forms are available in the Atrium. POC: Susan Petrey (275-9258). KEEP IN PRAYER: Andy Kutz (Pastor Marg’s brother); Ruth Siller; Jack Akom; Silvia McCarney; family of Dean Miller (Ashley’s father); Jane Lee Moore; Amanda Compton (Shannon Puckett’s sister): family of Terry Trimble (Harry’s brother & Jeff Trimble’s uncle); Ed Bishop; Bill McCarney; Vickie Lojek; Oliver Nelan; Arnie Beck (Brenda McCormac’s brother); Emily Scott (Phyllis & Dennis Knaack’s daughter); Matt Carson (Luke Carson’s brother); Larry Cunningham (Pam Earley’s brother); Phil Wallace; Susan Henry; Molly Knaack & family (Phyllis & Dennis Knaack’s daughter-in-law); Faith Miller; Craig Jellie (Betty Jellie’s son & Dawn Boyd’s brother); Jonathan Scott & family (son-in-law of Phyllis & Dennis Knaack); Helen Jones; Blanche Castelow; Michael Turner (Bev Nelan’s son-in-law); Wayne Tunstall; Beth Powner; Dana Potter; Alexa Nixon; Kate Ewalt; Shirley Conley (Paul Duffy’s sister); Diane & Charlie Higgins; Angela Butler (Margie Ashburn’s niece); Ann Shelton; Jan Gibson; Margie Burkholder; Audrey Comer; Bea Chase; Karen Nash; Karen Cole and her daughter, Courtney; Ernie Sanders; Joe Furr, Sr.; Jennie Sisler (daughter of Joan & Joe Furr); Nothera Goyne; Doug Wheeler (Judy Dyson’s brother); Brenda Norris; Judy Dyson. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED SERVICE MEMBERS: In Afghanistan: Heather Tittle Briggs & Travis Cooper (530th HHC from Ft. Lee) SGT Donald Hevener (friend of Anna Nichole Rollins) Pentagon: CDR Hersch Weinstock (son of Ann Stuart) Ft. Jackson: Aarun Roy, PFC (Stacey Ferrer’s son) South Korea: Air Force Major Britt Warren (nephew of Don & Will Schmidt) Metro Richmond at Prayer: We pray for the Spirit of the Resurrection: For a spirit of justice, righteousness, equality, and mutual benefit. Our Good Samaritan Fund allows us to offer utility and rent assistance for members of our church and community who are temporarily struggling to make ends meet. This vital fund has been depleted for quite some time. Please consider donating so that we can continue to help our neighbors in need. Chester United Methodist Church is a Member-Supported Church. Everything we do is made possible through your faithful giving. Your offerings here go to support the work of Christ in this community and around the world. If you do not have offering envelopes you are welcome to use the offering envelopes provided in the pews or on the table in the back of the Fellowship Hall. You can also give on-line at our church’s website or from your own bank’s on-line services. If You Ordered a Boston Butt pork roast from the UMM and haven't picked it up yet, we will be over at the Youth Cottage shed this morning after each service. Please stop by to pick up your orders. If you didn't place an order, but are interested in purchasing one, stop by to see us. We usually have a few extras on hand and available for purchase ($25). Thank you for your continuing support of the UMM! Acolyte Coordinators Needed for the Traditions Service (11:00 AM). The job description is a cinch and only requires 20 minutes of your time once every 6 weeks! Please register in the pew pad or contact Kay Williams ( ) if you are able to serve in this area. Attention 4th – 12th Grade Students: Please consider serving as an acolyte. You will assist with bringing in the Light of Christ and the Cross and help with communion on occasion. This is an important position in our worship service and it is a way for you to serve your church. You will be asked to serve once every 3 months. Training will be held Sunday, May, 5 after the 11:00 service. Please sign up on the pew pad. If you are unable to attend the May 5th training, we will schedule individual training. If you have questions, please contact Kay Williams at 748-3811. Tea Time: Interested in hosting a table at the May 11 Chancel Choir's Afternoon Tea? For detail information, please contact Gwen Byer ( or 796-1158) before the remaining tables have been reserved. You will enjoy delicious, homemade finger foods; special entertainment by CUMC's music department; and an array of unique door prizes. The Tea happens once each year, and there is usually a waiting list for seats, so reserve your seat through Terry Wisegarver in the CUMC office. (Tea Time: 2 PM Saturday, May 11) Das Barbecu Tickets now on sale. It’s love and Texas on my mind in this country western spoof of Wagner’s opera “The Ring,” performed at the Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen during the first three weekends in May. (Joshua Wortham providing music direction/accompaniment) Call 501-5859 to order tickets. See “The Chimes” for more info. More Baby Blankets Needed: UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, is training women around the world to use simple birthing kits (which include a sheet of plastic, rubber gloves, soap, a razor blade, string and your baby blankets) to promote safer deliveries and healthier mothers and babies. You are invited to help the United Methodist Women collect baby blankets to be made into 100 birthing kits. All other materials have been donated. Baby receiving blankets should be approximately 36x36 inches flannelette and must be new. Put donations in the labeled bin in the Missions Closet no later than Sunday, May 12. POC: Susan Petrey (2759258.) Health Kits for Annual Conference: The Jean Craig Fellowship will be assembling Health Kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief to be distributed to crisis relief efforts around the world. The entire congregation is invited to support this effort by donating items to be packed into kits. Pick up your “assignment card” from the display in the Atrium and return the assigned items to the collection bin in the Mission Closet no later than 12 noon on Sunday, June 9. Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for more information. Recycle Used Cell Phones: Please place your old cell phones and accessories in the labeled bin in the Mission Closet. The cell phones will go to a woman’s shelter called Safe Harbor. The phones are wiped clean and specially programmed to be used by women who have left violent homes and are seeking a new/safe life. Phones that are too old or damaged are recycled and the money is used to support Safe Harbor’s programs. For more information, contact Katey Petrey McCarney (802-0084 or or go to Chester UMC on the Web and in the World: The deadline for submission to the May Chimes is 9:00 AM Wednesday, April 24; send articles to Find us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at @ChesterUMC and be a part of the conversation at #ChesterUMC. Receive our Chester UMC Prayer Chain by request. Submit your name and email address to Leading Our Worship NEXT SUNDAY (April 28, 2013) Acolytes: 11:00 John Ryan Irvin, Zak Goodwyn Greeters: 8:30 Sharon Buchanan, Darlene Emerson, Marian Garrett 9:45 Linda & Emory Large, Bob Kutz, Cathy Epps 11:00 Margaret & Bud Burke; Will Schmidt, Anita Keen Parking Lot Greeters: 9:15 Linda Nabors, Bob Kutz 10:20 Dawn Boyd, Keith Boyd Ushers: 8:30 Marshall Henry, Dale Clark, Rian Mey 9:45 Jim Watkins, Bruce Costner 11:00 Emory Large, Art Moody, Dean Hutchins, John Radford, Gary Williams Nursery: 8:30 Vicki & Sarah Bowers, Louise Ross 9:45 Amy & John Dodd 11:00 Louise Ross Welcome Center: 9:45 Lorraine Young Liturgists: TBA, Brenda McCormac Mid Week Bible Study Led by Dr. Jim Davis Starting with our “Favorite Bible Stories,” a mid week evening sharing will begin on May 21 in Room 224 where our fantastic biblical timeline is on the walls. 7 O’clock PM is the hour we will start. No snacks provided…just the meat and potatoes of the Holy Script. Elevator accessible; good lighting; independent temperature controlled; comfortable seating; and tables available. Bring yourself, your favorite Bible, Biblical questions, pen and paper if you want. We will begin and end with prayer. At first we will jump around in the scriptures to the favorite stories or parables…make sure yours are included. We will share about the cultural values and traditions as well as geography of the scripture that drive and underpin the stories helping them to come alive and be more meaningful for our living the faith these days. Come and see. Please register in the pew pad. Graduate Recognition: Sunday, June 2, at 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 services; Please register your graduates in the pew pad so that we can celebrate this milestone in their lives. Be sure to indicate whether your graduate is high school, college or post graduate. We’d love to know what their future plans are as well (college, trade school; post graduate work; job). Missing in Action: The church is missing tablecloths and a large chrome coffee maker. If you borrowed any of these items, please return as soon as possible since we use them frequently. Leading Our Worship TODAY (April 21, 2013) Acolytes: 11:00 Hanna Verghese, Leia Verghese Greeters: 8:30 Karen Comer, Sandra & Rachel Dishman, Elna Mey 9:45 Cindy Yuoconis, Terri Dombrowski, Carolyn Maxwell 11:00 Jan Spohn, Marilyn Baxter, Ann Jeter, Juanita Timmons Parking Lot Greeters: 9:15 Keith Koob, Keith Boyd 10:20 JR Irvin, Bill Comer Ushers: 8:30 John Ferguson, Bill Comer, George Bryant 9:45 Billy Hopson, Will Herrmann 11:00 Ivey Gilliam, Ed Labin, George Verghese, Sophia Verghese, Keith Boyd Nursery: 8:30 Courtney & John Farrell 9:45 Courtney & John Farrell 11:00 Linda Large Welcome Center: 9:45 Linda Large Liturgists: Cindy Yuoconis, Don Tipton