Call for Research Projects on the topic of Career Paths Security Deadline for submitting applications: 31st December 2015 Completed applications must be sent exclusively by email to Andreea Minea ( 1. Presentation of the Call for Projects Introduction The Chair Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels (Security of Career Paths) launches a call for projects to finance research on topics related to its main object of study. This research can result in a scientific publication or the organisation of a conference. The Chair Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels and its partners show a great interest for the topics listed in Annex 1. Projects addressing these topics will be considered with priority. But other projects linked to career paths and security in the labor market will also be considered. Successful projects will we awarded a maximum of 20 000 € for two years. The Chair can compensate a release from teaching obligations within this amount. In return, the authors of these projects commit, under a contract to be signed with the Chair, to: publish their work in the working papers series of the Chair. mention the Chair in the list of their funding resources, both in the working paper and in any future publications. meet one or several partners of the Chair at the beginning of the project; if the topic is of interest to them. participate in a seminar of presentation of their work before the final publication, such as the seminars organised by the CREST or the seminars organised by the DARES. The projects will be evaluated and selected firstly by the steering committee of the Chair composed of Yann Algan, Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo and Francis Kramarz, as well as of two representatives of the Chair’s partners to date, every vote counting equally. The steering committee will transmit its proposal of selected projects to the members of the Chair’s policy committee for validation. The results of the selection process will be given to the candidates no later than the end of February 2016. Application procedure A complete application must include: The current form filled in, including most importantly the identification of the project manager and the full description of the research work considered; The full and detailed budget by filling in the table enclosed in section 5 and in accordance with the reimbursement conditions specified in Annex 2; A CV for each participant in the project (maximum 2 pages per CV). Completed applications must be sent exclusively by email ( no later than the 31st December 2015. 2 to Andreea Minea 2. Identity card of the project Title of the project (provisional title of the article or title of the conference) Summary of the project (half a page maximum) 3 3. People involved in the project Project manager A coordinator has to be designated by the research team. He or she will be the unique signatory of the contract with the Chair Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels. First Name, Last Name Institution Department Address Email Phone number 4 List of people involved in the project (co-authors, co-organisers) Last Name First Name Institution Department 5 Email 4. Description of the project Context (half a page maximum) Objectives (half a page maximum) Methodology, and type of data if appropriate (a page maximum) Expected contributions of the research (half a page maximum) 6 5. Budget Reimbursements will be done according to the rules laid down by the Chair and by the Fondation du Risque (see rules in Annex 2 below). The provisional budget of the project supported by the Chair will be subject to a convention with the researchers. Decomposition of the full budget Present the full budget of the project, including all expenses that can be funded from other sources. Total of the expense financed by the Chair (€ including taxes) Type of expense Total of the expense financed from a different source (€ including taxes) Staff costs (doctoral students, post-doctoral students, research assistants) Release from teaching obligations Purchase of services and goods Organisation of conferences, (including reception costs) workshops Rereading, proofreading of papers in English Database entry services Software Computer Data purchase Purchase of books, documentation Mission costs Travel costs for the project manager and for the people in charge of the project (coauthors, co-organizers) Travel costs for people invited to the conferences Total by funding source Any comments or justification of budget items (half a page maximum) Other funding sources If the project has other funding sources, please specify the origin of funding for the other expenses. 7 Annex 1- Topics of interest to the Chair The Chair Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels and its partners have a special interest for the topics presented below. The projects addressing these topics will be considered with priority. 1. Support for jobseekers 1.1. Starting/Taking over a business: a springboard to employment? Can starting or taking over a business constitute a durable solution for unemployment and for which categories of people? What are the major restraints for this? Efficiency of aid and support for jobseekers in the creation or takeover of a company. 1.2. What happens during the first weeks following registration the Public Employment Service? What happens before the first meeting with the Public Employment Service for the jobseeker? Who are those who start searching for a job during this period? Who are those who find a job during this period? 1.3. Relations and contracts between labour market intermediaries: Analysis of the relations and contracts between labour market intermediaries: co-contracting and subcontracting of capacity or of specialty, research of an « optimal contract » with the private operators coherent with the nature of the relation established. 1.4. Profiling of jobseekers What are the conditions for efficiency, and the impact on the exit from unemployment? 2. Parameters of the unemployment insurance 2.1. How do compensation parameters influence on the behaviour of job search? Relationship between the replacement rate, the duration of benefits, incentive schemes and return to employment. Optimality of compensation parameters, especially around the business cycle. Interactions between the modalities of unemployment insurance and the other labour market policies/regulations. 2.2. Partial unemployment, a prompt response to the need for flexibility? In periods of declining activity, the company can adjust the volume of worked hours by reducing its workforce in interim or fixed-term contracts, imposing leave, reducing overtime hours, modulating work time, training its employees... These solutions are not sufficient anymore when the decline in activity is too important. How does partial unemployment allows an extra adjustment? Can it have the unintended effect to create a disincentive for the pursuit of productivity gains? 8 3. Labour market segmentation 3.1. The determinants of the nature of job offers (choice of contract type, modalities) The objective would be to grasp, at the onset, during the formulation of job offers, how the contractual segmentation of the labour market appears: the determinants of the choice of contract type and their evolution. The database on job offers of the Groupe ALPHA (Sodie) could be used for this purpose (subject to review of the technical feasibility). 3.2. The relationship between atypical contracts and unemployment What is the impact of short contracts or part-time on time spent in unemployment? What is the quality and the sustainability of any return to work after such episodes? 3.3. The use of part-time In which circumstances is part-time used by companies or requested by employees? What is its impact on the professional paths? 4. Training for jobseekers: efficiency according to the concerned public, the content, the timing and the modalities Should training be oriented depending on the short-term need of labour for companies, by which indicators? What type of training should be privileged: qualifying training, certified training or training focused on specific or more general job skills? What is the impact of the initial level of training of the person on the efficiency of training? When should training occur in the unemployment cycle and more generally in the life cycle? How to extend the validation of skills? 5. Technical progress, international trade and reorganisation of the labour market 5.1. Company liquidation What are the consequences of business liquidation on career paths? What are the trends? What measures are efficient to limit the effects of business liquidation? 5.2. Polarization of tasks What is the magnitude of the polarization of tasks in France and abroad? What are the trends? Does this job polarization emerge from technical progress, international trade? 9 Annex 2 – Terms and rules of reimbursement for the selected projects In order to be reimbursed by the Chair, the expenses associated with the selected projects from the call of projects must be subject to a contract (“convention”) between the FDR, the Chair and the researchers. Only expenses foreseen in this contract can be supported by the Chair, for a total amount of maximum 20 000 € including taxes, for two years. The maximum amounts foreseen for each expense category have to be mentioned in this contract. All expenses receipts will have to be provided before reimbursement. In all cases, the following rules will be applied so that incurred expenses can be reimbursed. Missions in France and abroad and foreign visitors Expense type Accommodation Place Maximum amount Receipt type Province 100 euros bill Paris and suburbs 150 euros bill Abroad Per diem none France Lump sum of 20 euros/meal none Abroad Per diem none Train Real costs ticket Plane Economy class ticket France Real costs ticket Abroad Per diem none France Real costs bill Abroad Real costs bill Real costs bill Real costs, economy class bill Meal Public transports Taxi from/to airport or train station Visa fees Car rental Abroad Per diem and exchange rate Link for per diem (group 1) : Link for the exchange rate: Reception costs Noon: 25 euros per person Evening: 40 euros per person Purchase of goods or services The purchase of computer equipment must be justified by the need of substantial data analysis and the lack of sufficient material available for the researcher to proceed. There may be no new purchase 10 of computer equipment in the three years following the previous purchase for the same researcher except in the case of force majeure (accident, theft). The maximum amount for the purchase of computers is fixed at 3 000,00 € including taxes. Mission expenses corresponding to expenses incurred by people other than the Project Manager (people invited to a conference, or a co-author of the project) can be reimbursed directly to these people. In this case, the invoices must be issued on the name of the person to be reimbursed, and must be accompanied by an expenses form signed by the Project Manager validating that the expense is related to the project and specifying the budgetary category to be charged, as well as the bank account to which the reimbursement transfer will be made. 11