C.1 Project relevance

Project draft prepared by: Europa Inform Consulting Srl., IT
SECTION A - Project overview
A. 1 Project identification
Programme priority
Priority Axis 2 – “Cooperating on low-carbon strategies in CENTRAL EUROPE”
Programme specific objective
SO 2.3 To improve capacities for mobility planning in functional urban areas to
lower CO2 emissions
Project acronym
Project title
Name of the lead partner organisation/original language
Mestna občina Velenje
Name of the lead partner organisation/English
Municipality of Velenje
Project duration
36 months__________________________________________________
Start date
A. 2 Project summary (2000 characters)
Please give a short overview of the project and describe in the style of a press release (please cover all the points below)
 the common challenge of the programme area you are jointly tackling in your project
 the main objective of the project and the expected change your project will make to the current situation
 the outputs of the project and who will benefit from them
 the project approach you plan to take and its transnational character
 what is innovative about it
 the transnational added value of the project
Partnership and indicative budget (it can be changed by the partner concerned)
1. Municipality of Velenje (LP – Slovenia) – 390.000 €
2. Comune di Forlì or Forlì Mobilità Integrata (IT) – 190.000
3. ANCI Emilia-Romagna (IT) - 180.000
4. Municipality of Bolzano (IT) – 180.000
5. University of Vienna (AT)) – 190.000
6. Municipality of Weiz (AT) – 185.000
7. RDC Koper/Capodistria (Si) -180.000
8. Municipality of Prague 9 (CZ) – 185.000
9. West Pannonian Business Network - Gyor (HU) – 180.000
10. Municipality of Budapest 14 (HU) – 185.000
11. Municipality of Dubrovnik (HR) – 180.000
12. County of Zadar (HR) – 180.000
13. Municipality Michalovce (SK) – 175.000
14. Polish Union of Active Mobility (PL) – 190.000 €
Total: 2.770.000 €
Associated partner (advised) Ministry of Transport; PT companies. BKK, BKV
SECTION B – Partners (info to be provided by each partner)
Partner role in the project
Project Partner ________________________________________________
Name of organisation in original language
Budapest Főváros XIV. Kerület Zugló Önkormányzata ________________
Name of organisation in English
Municipality of the City of Budapest, District 14, Zugló _________________
Abbreviation of organization
ZuM _________________________________________________
Department/unit/division (if applicable)
Mayor’s Cabinet ______________________________________________
Country (NUTS 0)
Hungary _______________________________________________
Pétervárad u. __________________________________________________
2 ___________________________________________________
Postal code
H-1145 ___________________________________________________
Budapest ___________________________________________________
Region (NUTS 2)
www.zuglo.hu ___________________________________________________
Sub-region (NUTS 3)
Legal And Financial Information
Type of partner
municipality ___________________________________________________
Legal status
local public body ___________________________________________________
VAT number (if applicable)
15735777-2-42 ___________________________________________________
Legal representative
Mr ___________________________________________________
Gergely ___________________________________________________
Last name
Karácsony ___________________________________________________
Contact Person
Mr ___________________________________________________
Örs ___________________________________________________
Last name
Szokolay ___________________________________________________
E-mail address
szokolay.ors@zuglo.hu ________________________________________________
+3620 4844960___________________________________________________
Competences (2000 characters)
Which are the organisation’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for the project? What is the main business
of the organisation? Is the organisation normally performing economic activities on the market? If yes, please specify.
Zugló is one of the most populous district of the City of Budapest with more than 120,000 inhabitants. The municipality
provides citizens’ wellbeing; sustains kindergartens, schools and social services, operate cultural and medical
institutions, ensures working of its system of public utilities and responsible for the operating and developing of the
district’s traffic system. One of the main strategic priorities of the district development is to establish a sustainable LowCarbon Mobility System. It includes walking, biking, (jogging, roller skate, roller-board…) tram, and city-rail solutions. As
the City of Budapest prepares a congestion charge, Zugló, being an outer district has to create plans for avoiding the
effects of the inner-city congestion zone. The vision of the district is to create a green, sustainable, liveable district.
Establishing a strong network of civic and professional organizations will help to engage citizens and companies of the
district. This effort is supported by the Hungarian Cyclists’ Club (HCC). Public transport is organised and running by the
City of Budapest – its company called Budapest Transport Privately Held Corporation (BKV). Centre for Budapest
Transport (BKK) is responsible for the planning, management and maintenance of the city's traffic. In this project Zugló
will work in partnership with both organizations.
Role in the project (2000 characters)
What is the partner’s role and responsibility in the project? What is the benefit for the organisation from participating in
the project? Is the organisation performing any economic activity within the project or as a result of it?
Zugló’s role is to coordinate special fields of actions of municipalities involved in the project. Within this focus Zugló
works mainly for creating a knowledge base and case studies of bicycling in the cities. The common methodology of
planning these systems is necessary for Central, Eastern European cities and professional guidance is also useful to
help cities to adopt the general guidance. Analyzing the best practices of creating bike systems in the cities could help
understanding the complexity of planning and implementing these initiatives.
Zugló is to get information, shared knowledge from our partners in order to be able to plan its Sustainable Urban Mobility
Plan and within this an effective, sustainable and open system for biking. This must be an integrated system of all the
fields of urban traffic. The main output of this project is a plan or at least a study of a bike system for the district based on
the experience of all our project partners creating together with local people, organizations. Participative approach of
planning could lead us to build local partnership for implementation.
EU/international projects experience (1500 characters)
If applicable, describe the organisation’s experience with EU co-financed or other international projects (both
participation and their management). In case of lead partner, please describe your capacity to manage a transnational
cooperation project.
ZuM has a new leadership, who’s aim is to participate in relevant EU/international projects to form networks of
cooperative municipalities, organizations. Our aim is to use international projects to enhance strategic thinking within the
organization of the municipality and amongst our local partners.
ZuM has implemented several international projects with different partners. “Silver City” project (code:
SEE/D/0325/4.1/X) was a partnership of five South-East European towns, financed by SEE Program. Its objective was to
contribute to socio-economic development of partner cities by creating better conditions for seniors to remain active in
the society focusing on financial & institutional aspects, social services and quality of the urban living and working
ZuM has wide range co-operation with its sister towns from all over Europe. The cooperation extends to visits and
common projects with each town (Berlin/DE, Raciborz/PL, Csikcsicso and Alsorakos/RO, Veliko Tarnovo/BG and
Opava/CZ). Projects were implemented between towns’ kindergartens, school choirs, folkdance groups and many more
ZuM has experiences in implementation of different European OPs. We have executed developments and renewals of
Zuglo’s kindergartens and play-schools as well as a barrier-free modification of an office building, and had an expansive
preventive program on protection of victims financed by National Operative Programs.
Experts of ZuM has personal experience in EU funded projects; CENTROPE project in Central Europe, ESP project of
AT-HU cross-border program, European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN).
B.1 project partner
Partner role in the project
Name of organisation in original language
Pannon Gazdasági Hálózat Egyesület
Name of organisation in English
Pannon Business Network Association
Abbreviation of organisation
Country (NUTS 0)
Region (NUTS 2)
Sub-region (NUTS 3)
Postal code, town, street, etc.
9027 Győr, Gesztenyefa u. 4.
Legal and financial information
VAT number (if applicable)
Other national identifying number (if no VAT
number is provided)
Is your organisation entitled to recover VAT
based on national legislation for the activities
implemented in the project?
Drop down menu (yes/partly/no) – if partly explain how
Type of partner
Business support organization
Co-financing %
Automatically entered depending on the country the partner is located
in (information is automatically transferred to the budget section)
Legal status
In case of international organisations, the applicant has to select
If private: profit/non-profit
Legal representative
Éder, Géza President
Contact person
Lazáry, Mátyás International Projects Coordinator
Type of identifying number (e.g. registry number, tax
Registry number: 60079-2006-4
+36 30 686 1380
Pannon Business Network Association has been founded in 2006, with
the participation of the regional Clusters and Industrial Parks. As a
leading public economic development organization in the West Pannon
region we are supporting the Hungarian national goals like the creation
of new jobs and improvement of living conditions with complex and
integrated programs. The network aims to contribute to the quality of
employment and the improvement of the competitiveness of
enterprises in the West Pannon with the cooperation and networking of
the regional industrial parks and clusters.
a. Competences
Which are the organisation’s thematic
competences and experiences relevant for the
project? What is the main business of the
organisation? Is the organisation normally
performing economic activities on the market?
If yes, please specify.
PBN -since its foundation- as a regional economic development
organization support micro-, small-and medium-sized enterprises to
strengthen economic power in Hungary. We maintain close cooperation
with regional and international economic and industrial institutions.
Basic purpose of this is to strengthen the internationalization activities
of local small and medium-sized business sector.
Currently, as a partner of regional government, and partner of National
Ministries our organization is coordinating the planning and distribution
of structural funds for 2014-2020 of our region. We work for the
European Commission as well, in the form of framework contracts:
country reports, case studies, feasibility studies of public money
investments of Hungary, market research for FDI of international
We employ 18 professionals working at 3 regional and 1 Brussels
offices. Within our work we value our independence, integrity and
partnerships. Our staff and experts are dedicated professionals from
academia and consultancy, who share best practices both within our
company and with our partners internationally.
b. Proposed role in the project
What is the partner’s role and responsibility in
the project? What is the benefit for the
organisation from participating in the project?
Is the organisation performing any economic
activity within the project or as a result of it?
Max 2000 characters
 ADB Multiplatform - Adriatic-Danube-Black Sea multimodal
platform; Project No. SEE/C/0004/3.3/X / SOUTH EAST EUROPE.
The idea of the project is to develop and promote environmentally
friendly, multimodal transport solutions from the ports in the SEE
programme area (Black Sea, Aegean, Adriatic) to inland countries
and regions along a selected pilot transnational network.
 EMPIRIC - Enhancing Multimodal Platforms, Inland waterways and
Railways services Integration in Central Europe; Project No.
3CE268P5 / CENTRAL EUROPE. The EMPIRIC project (Enhancing
Multimodal Platforms, Inland Waterways and Railways Integration in
Central Europe) has been developed to support the start up and
improvement of multimodal connections from/to North Adriatic
Ports with Central Europe hinterland. EMPIRIC has been conceived
as an initiative to integrate and capitalize results of previous
international projects and local initiatives for the promotion of
multimodal transport solutions and increased interconnectivity of
individual transport modes.
c. EU/international projects experience
If applicable, describe the organisation’s
experience with EU co-financed or other
international projects (both participation and
their management). In case of lead partner,
please describe your capacity to manage a
transnational cooperation project.
No. IEE/11/113/SI2.61.927 / Intelligent Energy Programme. The
project removes the barriers by using existing and available technical
tools and developing well targeted promotional campaigns with
accompanying financial packages. Parallel contacts has been
developed with ESCOs capable of offering turn-key solutions paid
with the saved energy and regional governments to reinforce
guarantee funds for SMEs. Intelligent Energy, www.erasmeproject.eu
 REZIPE – Renewable Energies for Zero Emission Transport in
Europe; Project No. 2CE268P3 / Central Europe. To create a
momentum for zero emission vehicles fed by renewable energy,
validate policy tools, test innovative approaches for public vehicles
or joint Public-Private- partnership in six local pilot implementations;
produce a toolbox and template for follower cities. Municipal
Authoriy of the provincial Capital Klagenfurt, 1.461.307 EUR.
 SEE MARINER - South Eastern Europe Marine and River Integrated
System for Monitoring the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.
Project No. SEE/B0005/2.2/X / SOUTH EAST EUROPE; The SEE
MARINER project is focusing on mitigating environmental risks
arising from the transportation of dangerous goods in marine areas
and rivers by applying an integrated system for the joint prevention
and response procedures, enhanced monitoring of maritime and
river traffic and increased co-ordination capacity for the mobilization
of the relevant authorities and stakeholder groups. SEE MARINER
will achieve a measurable improvement in the interoperability of
monitoring activities in the prevention of environmental risks.
 WATERMODE - Transnational Network for the Promotion of the
Water-ground Multimodal Transport. Project No. SEE/A/308/3.3/X
/ SOUTH EAST EUROPE. The project is highlighting the potentials of
the waterways crossing the area, contributing to the full integration
of the maritime and river transport in the logistics chain.
B.1 Lead partner/project partner
Partner role in the project
Drop down menu (LP, PP, AP)  will be filled out by LP
Name of organisation in original language
Regionalni razvojni center Koper
Name of organisation in English
Regional Development Centre of Koper
Abbreviation of organisation
RRC Koper (RDC Koper)
Country (NUTS 0)
Region (NUTS 2)
Western Slovenia
Sub-region (NUTS 3)
Coastal Carst region
Postal code, town, street, etc.
6000, Koper, Ulica 15. maja, 19,
Assimilated partner
Legal and financial information
VAT number (if applicable)
Other national identifying number (if no VAT
number is provided)
Max 200
Is your organisation entitled to recover VAT
based on national legislation for the activities
implemented in the project?
Type of partner
Sectoral agency
Co-financing %
Automatically entered depending on the country the partner is located
in (information is automatically transferred to the budget section)
Legal status
If private: profit/non-profit
Legal representative
Giuliano Nemarnik, director
Contact person
Irena Cergol
Type of identifying number (e.g. registry
number, tax No.)
registry number: 5868696
+386 5 663 75 83
Max 2000 characters (please preferably take into account priority 4
relevant experiences and projects)
a. Competences
Which are the organisation’s thematic
competences and experiences relevant for
the project? What is the main business of the
organisation? Is the organisation normally
performing economic activities on the
market? If yes, please specify.
RDC Koper acts as an institution on regional level with the
aim of promoting business and economy development in
the region. It performs the role of regional coordinator of
interests on local as well as national level in this field and
also in the fields of regional development, human
resources and environment protection. It cooperates with
municipalities, slovene ministries, slovene and european
regional development stakeholders and political bodies. It
manages regional guarantee fund for SMEs and regional
scholarship fund. As a regional development agency is in
charge of preparation of regional development programs
which define regional priorities for programming periods.
Sustainable mobility is one of the priorities of the regional
development program for the years 2014-2020. In the
period 2004-2007 it prepared Coastal Area Management
Programme for Slovenia (UN environment program MAP).
Among its results were regional spatial conception plan,
regional tourism deve-lopment strategy, reccomendations
for protected areas management, regional environment
protection program, regional spatial information system.
Our organization doesn’t perform economic activities on
the market.
Max 2000 characters (please preferably take into account priority 4
relevant experiences and projects)
RCD Koper will implement common project activities
(project management, project promotional activities.
Related to the project objective 1: Increasing planning
capacities of the public sector for low-carbon mobility:
One of the priority projects identified in the Regional
Development Programme (RDP) of the Obala-Kras region
is the establishment of a regional technical group for
strategic planning and implementation of sustainable
mobility projects. In the framework of the CE project we
b. Role in the project
What is the partner’s role and responsibility
in the project? What is the benefit for the
organisation from participating in the
project? Is the organisation performing any
economic activity within the project or as a
result of it?
establish a project steering committee, composed
by representatives of municipalities (responsible
- prepare a feasibility study for such regional
technical structure,
- present results to the steering committee, which
will adopt a decision on future structure,
- prepare a 5-year business plan for the structure.
In this activity we will involve an expert, who will
work/lead this structure in future. We will use best
practices and know-how from front-runners (Bolzano,
Freiburg, Weiz), adapted to the regional circumstances.
Related to the project objective 2: Development and
implementation of integrated mobility concepts. We will
select a pilot municipality, for which we will prepare a
Sustainable urban mobility strategy in implementation
plan, which will tackle issues, such as: integration between
urban-territorial planning and mobility planning; trainlocal public transport-bike integration; park and ride;
sustainable freight delivery; deployment of info-mobility
solutions to address commuters, citizens, temporary cityusers, freight-delivery operators, tourist buses, towards
the best available options of sustainable mobility in the
functional areas concerned)
Related to the project objective 3: the project steering
committee will be a base for permanent coordinated
management structure on regional level (tasks:
coordination between the different local authorities
belonging to the functional areas involved in the project;
coordination between various departments of public
administration – urban planning, transport and mobility,
education, culture, environment, health -, usually working
separately, to address and implement the sustainable
mobility concepts).
The benefit for the organisation: RDC Koper has
coordinated the preparation of the RDP Obala-Kras region.
Sustainable mobility is one of its priorities. With the
project we will create conditions for the implementation
of the priority, related to sustainable mobility, which is
supported by all municipalities in the region and many
other stakeholders.
RDC Koper will not perform any economic activity within
the project or as a result of it.
Max 1500 characters (please preferably take into account priority 4
relevant experiences and projects)
c. EU/international projects experience
If applicable, describe the organisation’s
experience with EU co-financed or other
international projects (both participation and
their management). In case of lead partner,
please describe your capacity to manage a
transnational cooperation project.
RDC has a wide experience in national and international
projects as partner and lead partner. At the moment it
leads a Slovenia-Italy cross-border strategic sustainable
mobility project focusing on the establishment of a crossborder cycling network and a common tourist product
(project Crossborder intermodal cycling connections Inter Bike). It was a partner in a Central Europe
Programme project BICY with the aim of preparation of
sustainable mobility strategies and development of pilot
activities. PlanCoast and POLY.DEV projects (Interrreg IIIB
Cadses) were focused on preparation of spatial planning
documents and GIS database. RDC was partner in both
projects. In the years 2000-2002 it took the role of Phare
CBC Slovenia-Italy secretariat, Small projects fund 1998
and 1999.
Information needed for project application
Original name of the organization (national
Polska Unia Mobilności Aktywnej
English name of the organization
Polish Union of Active Mobility
Legal status
Association formed by several regional or local
∙ National (governmental), regional and local
∙ Bodies governed by public law;
∙ Associations formed by one or several
regional or local authorities;
∙ Associations formed by one or several bodies
governed by public law;
∙ European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
Organisation ID
Registered at
National Court Register (KRS)
Type of partner
Interest groups including NGOs
∙ Local public authority
∙ Regional public authority
∙ National public authority
∙ Sectoral agency
∙ Infrastructure and public service provider
∙ Interest groups including NGOs
∙ Higher education and research institutions
∙ Education/training centre and school
∙ Small and medium enterprise
Correspondence address
ul. Jana Heweliusza 29
Postal code
Signatory of concept note
Rafał Glazik
Project coordinator
Rafał Glazik
+48 695 624 634
Estimated total partner budget
What specific knowledge is your city/ organization contributing to the project?
The Polish Union of Active Mobility is an innovation oriented, covering all Poland organisation of local
governments – towns, cities, communes and poviats interested in improvement of conditions and
promotion of all forms of active mobility, considering it as an important factor contributing to the
improvement in the quality of life and natural environment.
The organisation has extensive experience in organisation networks of co-operation among Polish
and EU – member states in the area of environmentally friendly - sustainable development projects.
Its particular field of expertise is the experience accumulated in the initiation and implementation of
a number of active mobility promotion, education and information dissemination activities, based on
knowledge acquired among others during the 5 editions of Active Mobility Congresses in the city of
Gdansk (more on: www.kongresmobilnosci.pl ) and participation in the Velo-city Conferences in
Sevilla, Vancouver, Vienna and Adelaide.
The organisation is using the experience of a team of experts regularly involved in the process of
implementation and evaluation of EU and locally sponsored sustainable mobility promotion projects,
based on extensive public participation, such as bicycle policy audits (BYPAD) and SUMPs.
How does your city/ organization benefit from the project?
The organisation and the local governments, which are represented in it, will benefit from the
expertise created and accumulated during the process of implementation of the project, learning
about the ways of overcoming all kinds of barriers inhibiting the process.
The benefits will result from adoption of sustainable development patterns of energy efficiency
enhancement. The knowledge and skills developed in regions, which have already managed to
implement substantial changes in energy management policies are an excellent source of inspiration
helping to overcome prejudice and mental barriers standing on the way of implementation of
sustainable, advanced energy efficiency enhancing practices needed in Poland.
We are particularly interested in training mediators capable of resolving conflicts arising in
connection with the construction of renewable energy installations, e.g. windmills, biogas and other
The greatest expectation of benefits resulting from the participation in the project is connected with
the assumption, that the project results will be readily promoted and disseminated among the
communities living in jurisdictions of the local and regional governments being the members of the
What responsibilities will your city/ organisation take over within the project organisation & what
experiences does your organisation have regarding to the responsibilities in the project?
The PUMA will be responsible for the creation of a number of educational and promotional activities,
aimed at the dissemination of information about the results of the project.
PUMA has gained until now a lot of experience in the organisation of various information and
promotion campaigns and events.
In 2015 the PUMA Association has been one of the founding organisation of a cluster of research
institutes, business companies and civic organisations involved in the promotion of an Intelligent
Specialisation (IS) of the Pomeranian Voivodeship called SMART 3D: the idea of the IS is to promote
energy efficient housing and urban structures.
Please list the previous experience of your organization in operating other projects financed by EU
programmes (e.g. Interreg, IEE, CIVITAS, …)
ABC Multimodal – South Baltic Programme partly financed by the ERDF
ELMOS – Introducing electric mobility as intermodal transport mean in small and medium sized cities
in the South Baltic Area – South Baltic Programme partly financed by the ERDF
Central MeetBike – More sustainable transport in Central European cities through improved
integrated bicycle promotion and international networking – Central Europe partly financed by the
SECTION B – Partners (info to be provided by each partner)
Partner role in the project
Scientific partner
Name of organisation in original language
Technische Universitaet Wien
Name of organisation in English
Vienna University of Technology
Abbreviation of organization
Department/unit/division (if applicable)
Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering
Country (NUTS 0)
Postal code
Region (NUTS 2)
Sub-region (NUTS 3)
Legal And Financial Information
Type of partner
Higher Education
Legal status
Public body___________________________________________________
VAT number (if applicable)
Legal representative
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.________________________________
Last name
Contact Person
Last name
E-mail address
Competences (2000 characters)
Which are the organisation’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for the project? What is the main business
of the organisation? Is the organisation normally performing economic activities on the market? If yes, please specify.
The Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering is a part of the Institute of Transportation, under the
Faculty for Civil Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology. A team comprising of 15 employees is working in
the fields of teaching, research, planning and training. In contrast to classical transport engineering schools, the
researchers at the Research Center do not only have a civil engineering background but also from urban planning,
mechanical engineering, sociology and economics as well as ecology and computer science. Thus the Research Center
has highly trans-disciplinary characteristics. The Research Center has been accumulating a wide range of expertise with
research and practices greatly contributing to realize sustainable transport systems as well as the transfer of knowledge.
These two important aspects will be fully deployed during the course of the project.
The Research Center has been working for a long time on understanding transport planning and transport systems
focusing on people and their environment at its core of the work. Ecological, social, psychological, ethical, economic and
technical aspects and their interrelations have been always integral parts of the work. The main focuses are on strategic
planning of transport infrastructure considering environmental aspects as well as state-of-the-art traffic engineering,
concepts for urban and nation-wide mobility and co-modality, energy-minimizing transport systems and interaction
between transport and land-use.
Role in the project (2000 characters)
What is the partner’s role and responsibility in the project? What is the benefit for the organisation from participating in
the project? Is the organisation performing any economic activity within the project or as a result of it?
The Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology will act as
the only scientific partner in this project. The main responsibility in this project is on two levels:
on a horizontal level the Research Center supports the project partners with experiences in scientific work and
in an evaluating role throughout the whole project. This also includes a knowledge transfers in the form of
transport science seminars for practitioners. This will be mainly carried out as advisory works throughout the
project for learning (WP4), conceptualization (WP5) and pilot implementation (WP6).Additionally, the knowledge
and experiences gained in Vienna, a city and region where a lot of measures in the field of sustainable mobility
have been implemented, will also contribute to this advisory role in the project.
On the workpackage level, the Research Center is responsible for a status-quo analysis of strategies and
capacities for mobility planning in FUAs to lower CO2 emissions and for data collection. Another very important
part is the compilation of a knowledgebase for increasing the planning capacities of the public sector and
related entities. The knowledgebase, which will serve as a handbook for decision makers, will start as a draft
and will be expanded and improved during the project life time.
For the Research Center, cooperation in this project implies increasing the existing expertise in administrative processes
and decisions in the field of sustainable mobility. An existing “Decision Makers´ Guidebook” for developing sustainable
urban land use and transport strategies can be extended with the newly acquired knowledge.
EU/international projects experience (1500 characters)
If applicable, describe the organisation’s experience with EU co-financed or other international projects (both
participation and their management). In case of lead partner, please describe your capacity to manage a transnational
cooperation project.
The Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering has a long tradition working on numerous national
and international projects and is thus very experienced in project work. One project that´s of high interest is the
PROSPECTS project (2000 – 2003) - a project that was 15 years ago but has not lost any of its relevance today and
demonstrates the long tradition of the Research Center in the field of planning capacities of the public sector.
PROSPECTS was funded by the EU in the Fifth (EC) RTD Framework Programme (1998 – 2002). One important output
was a set of Guidebooks for decision makers, which will build a sound base for this project.
The Research Center gained a lot of experience relevant to this project in the EU-projects in the past, to name a few
from the last year:
ASCIMER - Assessing Smart City Initiatives for the Mediterranean Region (European Investment Bank, 2014 – 2016)
WIWIT - Who is who in Transport (ERDF, 2014)
EMAH - Eco-mobility in the Austro-Hungarian border region (ERDF, 2012 – 2015)
COMPASS – Optimised Co-modal Passenger Transport for Reducing Carbon Emissions (FP7, 2011 – 2013)
ORIGAMI – Optimal Regulation and Infrastructure of Ground, Air and Maritime Interfaces (FP7, 2011 – 2013)
COST TU1002 – Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice in Europe (COST, 2010 – 2014)
OBIS – Optimising Bike Sharing in European Cities (IEE, 2008 – 2011)
SECTION C - Project description
C.1 Project relevance
What are the territorial challenges that will be tackled by the project? (2000
Please describe the relevance of your project for the programme area in terms of common challenges and/or joint assets
addressed. Please specify the situation for the territories participating in the project.
The Thematic Study “Sustainable public transport and logistics in the CE Programme” (Komobile, April 2013) outlines
that “in Central Europe the share of sustainable passenger and freight transport has declined significantly over the last
decade”. Due to various reasons (emerging of market economies; search for western life-styles & status symbol
represented by car possession & usage etc.), CZ, HU, SK, SI, PL (and HR as well) are facing a tremendous increase of
passenger transport by car on cost of more sustainable modes as rail transport, which has significantly dropped in last
two decades. Freight transport demonstrates a similar trend. While sustainable modes lost market shares (especially
rail), road transport tripled within 15 years. Regarding transport related greenhouse gas (GHF) emission, the above
mentioned countries show an increase which is higher than average in UE, whilst transport related GHG emission have
stagnated in old member states (AT,DE,IT). In brief, we are observing a sort of divergence within Central Europe
between old member states (where attention to sustainable mobility is increasing, even if not everywhere in the same
way and level) & new member states, with negative consequences in terms of social, economic, environmental &
territorial cohesion. To contribute to facing this situation, project aims at improving capacities for mobility planning in
some paradigmatic functional urban areas (FUAs) to lower CO2 emissions. For geographical location, characteristics &
size FUAs involved represent variety of CE area & are potentially able to achieve huge & multiplier results, ranging from
Velenje (Si -approx..30.000 inhabitants), Weiz (AT – approx. 10.000), Koper (Si – approx. 55.000), to municipalities
(respectively 9 &14) of metropolitan areas of Prague (1.240.00) & Budapest (1.740.000 ). Regardless their size, all these
FUAs are characterized by densely inhabited “urban cores” (big commuting & freight traffic attractor) and “hinterlands”.
c. 2.000
What is the project’s approach in addressing these common challenges and/or
joint assets and what is innovative about this approach? (2000 characters)
Please describe new or innovative solutions that will be developed during the project and/or existing solutions that will be
adopted and implemented during the project lifetime. Please explain how far the approach goes beyond existing practice
in the sector and/or participating regions.
On the basis of results got in the 2007-2013 programming period, the Central Europe 2020 Cooperation Programme has
rightly introduced the concept of functional urban areas (OECD, 2012), as appropriate level for addressing the issues
related to current unsustainable transport models and achieving the overall goal of reducing CO2 emissions. This
concept embraces the importance of interactions between cities and their hinterlands (e.g. commuters) and bring the
urban mobility challenge at its appropriate super-communal (or inter-communal) level. The public sector is largely below
this level. Many municipalities haven’t elaborated a Sustainable Urban Mobility plan (sometimes they have only a
traditional Urban Traffic Plan); a strict coordination between the various branches of municipality whose involvement
would be necessary to promote a real sustainable urban mobility (urban and territorial planning; mobility and road
infrastructure; culture and education; municipal police; environment, health & energy etc.) is lacking or inconstant. In
such a context, to address mobility planning at FUA level is out of horizon of the great majority of public administrations,
due to consolidated habits, political and administrative cultures and practices, whilst pollution and worsening of air
quality, CO2 emissions, noise, congestion have not municipal barriers. To change this situation, the LowCo2Mob project
will work at a double level: firstly, to increase the internal capacity of various municipal departments to work together (and
in coordination with main stakeholders; secondly, to set up governance structure at FUA level (involving municipalities of
hinterlands, PT companies etc.) to achieve a sustainable mobility planning at this challenging level. Some joint tools (for
example a geo-referenced virtual map representing the FUA’s current mobility and that new after change to be achieved)
will support the expected innovation,
1.947 c.
Why is transnational cooperation needed to achieve the project’s objectives and
results? (2000 characters)
Please explain why the project goals cannot be efficiently reached acting only on a national/regional/local level and/or
describe what benefits the project partners/target groups/project area gain in taking a transnational approach.
Transnational cooperation enables late-runners to acquaint with best practices and solutions in a concentrated and quick
manner. To know how Bolzano has become in 15 years a leading city in the field of sustainable mobility or that
Municipality of Weiz put at disposal of its employees approx. 30 e-bikes to persuade them to let their cars in garage, are
all elements of a new mobility planning culture that public sector as a whole should achieve to become main driver of
transition towards a CO2-free mobility in CE. From this point of view, to know problems and solutions adopted by other
participating areas will allow to activate a reciprocal learning mechanism. The transnational acquaintance with positive or
negative experiences on enhancing no-car use will increase the probability that public money is spent in the most
effective way and help local governments to avoid mistakes already made elsewhere in Europe The transnational
context of LowCO2Mob, a sort of transnational result-oriented learning process, will enable each partner to learn from
pitfalls, drawback and barriers as well as from successful ideas of other countries, and also to learn how solutions work
in different cultural contexts. Clearly, the local, regional or national level wouldn’t be able to ensure similar results,
overall in the cities/regions that are initiating only now a comprehensive sustainable mobility policy and are at a very
early stage in the promotion of a car reduction policy. In addition, to read a measure description can help someone. But
evidences on the learning pyramid have shown that someone learns and remembers much more if he/she reads and
listens, and again even more if she/he sees or interacts with the information provider. That’s is why the learning
experience achievable through the LowCO2Mob learning approach (based on all senses and intercultural exchange)
couldn’t be reached at regional/national level.
c. 1.998
C. 2 - Project focus
Programme result (predefined)
Programme result indicator to which the project has to contribute
Project main objective (1500 characters)
What is the main objective of the project and how does it link to the overall programme goal?
How does it contribute to the programme priority specific objective?
The main objective of the project is to contribute to changing the trend of the last 2 decades in Central Europe, marked
by a remarkable increase of private motorized traffic based on fossil combustion (especially in the new member states)
with negative consequences in terms of CO2 emissions, congestion, worsening of air quality, noise, congestion etc.
Partial change (e.g. increase of cycling urban trips) are important, but not sufficient to invert the general trend; a
substantial change requires a new planning and implementing capacity of the public sector (and related entities) as a
whole, accompanied by a strong and coherent political will. Whilst pursuing it, the project is linked to the overall
programme goal (contribution to the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and the achievement of
economic, social and territorial cohesion) and contribute to the programme priority specific objective, namely achieving
the overall goal of reducing CO2 emission by improving the energy efficiency of urban transport at the level of functional
urban areas (FUA). The reduction of CO2 emission from transport sector will be pursued though a mix of measures all
coherently aimed at reducing the fossil-fuelled car dependency.
c. 1.251
Expected project results (1500 characters)
What are the project’s main results and how do they link to the programme result indicator?
The main result expected by the project is the improved capacities of the public sector and related entities (represented
in the project by 10 local authorities all having direct or indirect power of intervention in the field of mobility, plus ANCI
Emilia-Romagna associating 340 municipalities of all sizes) for low carbon mobility planning in Central Europe’s
functional urban areas. All the activities, tools, pilot actions described in the following work-plan are thought to
accomplish this well clear final result, linked to the programme results indicators in terms of number of strategies and
action plans (1 transnational + local customization), tools (1 geo-referenced platform) and pilot actions (8).
Project specific objectives
Which are the specific objectives the project the project aims to achieve? Define max. 3 project specific objectives.
Project specific objective 1
Title of project specific objective:
Increasing planning capacities of the public sector
Please shortly explain each of the defined specific objectives (750 characters)
Increasing planning capacities of the public sector for low-carbon mobility by transferring best practices and know-how
from front-runners (Bolzano, Weiz) to territories lagging behind, by focussing on functional areas of Central Europe
marked by high urban congestion, CO2 emissions, air and noise pollution (Prague, Budapest, Gyor, Velenje, Forlì etc.).
Project specific objective 2:
Title of project specific objective: Development and implementation of integrated mobility strategies
Please shortly explain each of the defined specific objectives (750 characters)
Development and implementation of integrated mobility strategies: integration between urban-territorial planning and
mobility planning; SUMs elaboration; integration between train-local public transport-bike; park and ride; sustainable
freight delivery; deployment of info-mobility solutions to address commuters, citizens, temporary city-users, freightdelivery operators, tourist buses, towards the best available options of sustainable mobility in the functional areas
Project specific objective: 3
Title of project specific objective: coordinated management structures
Please shortly explain each of the defined specific objectives (750 characters)
Coordinated management network: coordination between the different local authorities belonging to the functional areas
involved in the project; coordination between various departments of public administration – urban planning, transport
and mobility, education, culture, environment, health -, usually working separately, to address and implement the
sustainable mobility concepts.
Sustainability and transferability of project outputs and results (2000+2000
How will the project ensure that project outputs and result/s have a lasting effect beyond project duration?
Please describe concrete measures (including institutional structures, financial resources, etc.) taken during and after
project implementation to ensure and/or strengthen the sustainability of the project’s outputs and results. Explain how
outputs will be further used once the project has been finalized and, if relevant, explain who will be responsible and/or
who will be the owner of results and outputs.
Partnership is composed overall by city administrations & bodies who work very close to public administration, National
laws assign to these entities clear responsibilities, power of intervention and funds in the field of mobility/traffic planning,
public transport, so they will take up the project’s outputs and results directly into their policies and daily administration.
As LowCO2Mob is overall designed to promote a new planning capacity of mobility within the responsible personnel at
functional urban areas level, de facto it is oriented to produce outputs and results that will have lasting effect beyond
project duration. It is implicit in planning activity a vision and an impact that links current state of art with a change to be
gradually achieved in mid-long term. During the project implementation, the sustainability of the project’s outputs and
results will be ensured by the involvement of top figures inside the local authorities concerned (mayors, councilors at
mobility, cross-sectoral working groups involving managers of urban-territorial planning, mobility & infrastructures,
environment and energy, health and education, municipal police departments). During the project life-time, the financial
sustainability will be ensured by the project’s budget. Once the project is concluded, intangible outputs and results
(included the geo-referenced platform) will be owned and used by the partners on reciprocal and equal basis, whilst
tangible services/small infrastructures will be owned directly by the entities that will have set up them. Integrated
concepts on CO2-free mobility, drafted SUMs elaborated at FUA level, coordinated management network will be further
used by policy-makers, officials and stakeholders (overall PT companies) also after project’s finalization, they being
functional to their institutional activity The post-project financial sustainability of outputs and results usage will be based
on annual budgets of the public authorities concerned.
c. 1.998 c.
How will the project ensure that project outputs and results are applicable and replicable by other
organizations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership? Please describe to what extent it will be possible
to transfer the outputs and results to other organizations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership. *
Traffic congestion and related consequences are a diffuse problem in all FUAs of CE; also core cities having internally
wide pedestrian zones, a good cycling infrastructure, good public transport are affected by big daily flows of commuters
coming from hinterlands by car. The same is for freight delivery, largely based on diesel-powered vehicles. Therefore,
outputs & results produced by LowCO2Mob are widely applicable and replicable in all CE area. As all PPs are taking part
(or have taken) in other EU partnership, they will be first vector to transfer outputs & results to other
organizations/regions/countries outside partnership. This will happen through a crossed participation in seminars &
conferences. Furthermore, project will utilize ELTIS web site, which main purpose is to spread know-how & best
practices in sustainable transport. ELTIS has more than 300.000 user requests a month, and it is already 15 years on
market. It is best portal to spread LowCO2Mob results, but also news and case studies, at international level. At
transnational and national level, a stakeholder & media database (set-up by every partner & maintained by WP2
coordinator) will be set up. The persons included in this database will be continuously informed about LowCO2Mob
working progress & results. The information to national stakeholders will be given in national languages, to make easier
to take up the information. Furthermore, there will be two national workshops in every country/region to disseminate
outputs & results of LowCO2Mob outside partnership. At local & regional level, a distribution of LowCO2Mob know-how
from city/regional administration groups stricter involved in project to other concerned departments of other municipalities
not directly involved, will be pursued through periodical meetings held at regional and sub-regional scale devoted to
mobility and traffic issues (convoked by the regional governments, association of municipalities like ANCI EmiliaRomagna etc.)..
c. 1.998
C. 3 - Project context
How does the project contribute to wider strategies and policies? (2000
Please describe the project’s contribution to relevant strategies and policies at different levels (EU/national/regional); in
particular, those concerning the thematic scope of the project and the participating regions.
EU (and CE) is densely populated and over 70% (80% by 2020) of its citizens live in urban and peri-urban areas, facing
specific environmental & climate-related challenge. In such a context, project’s general objectives face an urgent
common issue for participating CE areas: the achievement of a higher sustainability in transport. As many surveys
highlight, people are very sensible to problems raised by traffic congestion, especially in urban areas, both for the daily
waste of time caused by it (2% of GDP lost), health consequences (according to an estimation of European Commission,
400.000 of premature death are due to air pollution; hundred millions of people, children and adolescents included,
obese and overweight due to sedentary life-styles), noise & effects on global climate change (urban transport is
responsible for more than. 20% of CO2 emissions). A substantial majority of Europeans believes that air pollution (81%),
road congestion (78%), travelling costs (74%), accidents (73%) and noise pollution (72%) are important problems within
cities (Eurobarometer, Dec.2013). Starting from these assumptions, LowCO2Mob contributes to various EU strategies &
policies: Europe 2020 (Flagship initiative “Resource efficient Europe”, to modernize & decarbonizes transport sector), 7 th
Environment Action Programme (to turn Union into a resource-efficient, green & competitive low-carbon economy),
Transport White Paper (2011) (EU has recognized need to reduce at least 60% of GHGs emissions from transport by
2050 with respect to 1990; achievement of essentially CO2-free city logistics in major urban by 2030) . Project also
contribute to achieving national targets of CO2 emissions reduction by 2020 (established at EU level), to implementing
tROP-ERDF (almost all have allocated funds to implement sustainable urban mobility solutions and improvement of
quality of air), regional/local policies (regional mobility planning; SUMs locally under preparation e.g. at Forlì, Italy).
c. 1.997.
SECTION D - Workplan
Workpackage List
1 WP 1 – Management and coordination;
2 WP 2 – Communication and information
3 WP3 - Status quo analysis of FUAs and draft knowledge base
4 WP4 – Learning and know-how transfer
5 WP 5 – Definition of a common transnational policy paper and local practice in SUMP for the functional areas
6 WP 6 – Finalization of knowledgebase, pilot actions and mainstreaming activities
Thematic work package (to be repeated for all thematic WPs)
WP3 - Status-quo analysis of FUAs and draft knowledge base
Summary (2000 characters)
Analytic works will be carried out in this WP to gain sharable base knowledge of the partners’ current situations and
needs to serve as a basis of local strategies built in WP6 and the horizontal scientific support. These aim to:
- analyze state-of-the-art literature and research on public sector’s capacity development and policy learning in transport;
- collect information on practices of municipalities aiming at making transport more sustainable;
and for each FUAs;
- identify available data concerning travel behavior, commuting, freight, noise and pollutions;
- elaborate available data;
- analyze status quo of travel behaviors with aforementioned data (if available), as well as competence distributions
among various institutions, practices concerning sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP) and sustainable energy action
plan (SEAP);
- define FUAs for each pilot action area to be used within this project, using the outcomes from the points above and
other local information derived from each municipality participating in this project;
Information needed during the project will be made available as factsheets, and the main outcomes will be compiled as
the first draft knowledgebase (explained in detail in WP6). This will serve as a basis for learning activities in WP4, local
elaboration in WP5, and as a basis for the final versions of the knowledgebase in WP6.
Role of PP;
WP coordinator: Vienna University of Technology’s Institute of Transportation
Each PP will provide data and information required
-1 transnational report on public’s sector practices, capacity development and policy learning in transport & mobility
planning serving as first draft knowledgebase report
- 1 transnational analytical report on FUAs concerned
Month 1– Month 8
WP Budget:
c. 1.786
WP4 – Learning and know-how transfer
Summary (2000 characters)
Policy makers, public officials, manager of PT companies located in FUAs concerned (core city with its hinterlands
composed by town, villages, namely: Velenje, Forlì, others from Emilia-Romagna region mobilized by ANCI, Koper,
Prague 9, Gyor, Budapest 14, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Michalovce) will be involved in 3 learning and know-how transfer
events: the first one will consist in a transport science seminar held at Vienna, based on existing annual seminar
organized by TUW-IVV for practitioners. It aims to share the state-of-art knowledge with partners. Furthermore, 2
transnational training seminars-study visit aimed at sharing best practices & know-how transfer will be held at Bolzano
and Weiz.. Bolzano (approx. 106.000 inhabitants) and Weiz (approx. 10.000 inhabitants) are two of the best example of
sustainable mobility in the program region. Through a long-lasting effort by local government (commenced approx. 15
years ago), Bolzano records now a urban mobility based by 70% on no-car means (one of the best performance in the
world). Weiz, on the other side, is very committed to the promotion of active mobility by citizens & electrical mobility, also
for presence here of industries operating in this sector. Transnational learning activity will be completed by regional
workshops (2 per FUAs) which main targets will be local policy makers & main stakeholders (overall managers of public
transport companies).,
Role of PP;
WP coordinator: Municipality of Weiz or Energy Innovation Centre of Weiz
Each PP will form delegations (policy markers + stakeholders) to take part in learning and know-how transfer events
- 1 programme of transnational transport scientific seminar of Vienna;
- 2 programmes of transnational training seminars /study visits in Bolzano and Weiz
- agendas of the regional workshops (2 per each FUA)
- 1 transnational report collecting and commenting the results
Month 6– Month 24
WP Budget:
12% c. 1.944
WP title WP 5 – Definition of a common transnational policy paper and local practice in SUMPs for the
functional areas
Summary (2000 characters)
A common transnational policy paper, to be customized & implemented locally, will be elaborated with contribution of
each PP & stakeholders concerned. It will be focused on:
a) governance aspects: promotion of coordinated management network based on involvement of different local
authorities, PT companies and main stakeholders belonging to functional areas concerned; coordination between various
department of public administration: urban & territorial planning, mobility & infrastructures, education, culture,
environment, health, energy, municipal police, usually working separately, to address and implement the sustainable
mobility concepts and plans on short, mid and long term;
b) the coordinated management network above will be the base for the promotion of demonstrative SUMP drafts at FUA
level; almost all the rare SUMPs are limited to the administrative borders of a city, whilst the traffic in a functional urban
area overcome those borders. The document “Guidelines – Developing and implementing a sustainable urban mobility
plan”, issued in December 2013 for the European Commission, will be the base for the drafting activity above.
c) design of some pilot actions targeted to the wide functional metropolitan areas of Prague and Budapest, represented
in the project by Prague 9 and Budapest 14 as well as smaller areas as Velenje, Forlì. Koper/Capodistria etc.; for
example, a better integration between train and bike (by improving cycling routes to the railway station and bike parking),
policy parking to discourage the use of cars etc.
The activity above will be complemented by a virtual space of discussion/confrontation (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs), in
synergy with the WP2, aimed at collecting from citizens/commuters ideas, proposals, criticisms, videos, photos etc.
related to their experience of motorists, bikers, PT users, to contribute to co-designing the new de-carbonized mobility of
the future.
Role of PP;
WP coordinator: Municipality of Velenje
Each PP will actively implement the planned activities.
- 1 transnational policy paper
- coordinated management network (1 per each FUA)
- 11 local practices in SUMP elaboration
- 1 document designing pilot actions
- Web 2.0 online discussion/confrontation
Month 18– Month 30
WP Budget:
WP 6 – Finalization of knowledgebase, pilot and mainstreaming activities
Summary (2000 characters)
On the basis of plans identified in WP5, pilot activities will be carried out in each FUA. The small scale pilot activities
funded through this project should be associated with (or be part of) more ambitious projects fundable by the ESIF, CEF,
EIB. The mainstreaming activity above will be completed by a Final Central Europe Conference in which project results
will be presented, with the aim of helping policy makers and stakeholders of other functional urban areas in facing similar
Each partner should indicate here (only brief sentences) which pilot action intends to implement (if any), remaining within
a ceiling of 30-40.000 €
Forlì – strengthening of the “Mi muovo” system (a ticket allowing an intermodal use of different public transport means
like regional trains, urban public transport, car sharing) + improvement of school-to-school and linking green areas
cycling routes + improvement of the cycling route Faenza-Forlì, to offer FUA’ commuters an alternative to car usage.
Prague 9
Budapest 14
Elaboration of a guidance for biking for schools – pupils needs special care and knowledge to understand the rules and
possibilities of cycling in the city. So far there is no such subject in the curriculum, but as a guidance for teachers could
be useful tool.
Improvement of a cycling route defined during the project – ZuM is developing its bike routes, during this project a
special part planned by participative methods jointly with users could be implemented, as an example of a cooperative
approach (EU and local cooperation).
Polish municipalities
Towards end of project upon completion of WP4,&5 as well as of pilot action, an internal workshop will be held to gather
feedback & experiences of participating PP throughout project. Knowledge gained through this project will be fed into
knowledgebase, and final version of it will be prepared. This knowledgebase is aimed at providing comprehensive
supports to create SUMPs at FUA level as well as other “hard” and “soft” measures in a coordinated manner. It will
include “key points” towards the sustainable urban mobility plan that will be generally applicable to various municipalities,
and “best practices and failures” that are based on local experiences, which will be collected from literature at this stage.
This knowledgebase will cover (a) legal and governance aspects (e.g. legal framework, cooperation among relevant
municipalities and stakeholders, competence distribution among relevant institutions), (b) cooperation with other relevant
municipal departments (e.g. health, education) and stakeholders (PT operators, NGOs, participation), (c) creation of
SUMPs, especially focusing on small and mid-sized municipalities, and (d) design and implementation of “hard” and
“soft” measures, as well as (e) learning among municipalities. This final version will be translated into the local languages
of the partners to maximize the outreach of the project outcome, as this knowledgebase will serve as the key output of
the project that will ensure the sustainability and transferability.
On the basis of plans identified in WP5, pilot activities will be carried out in each FUA. The small scale pilot activities
funded through this project should be associated with (or be part of) more ambitious projects fundable by the ESIF, CEF,
EIB. The mainstreaming activity above will be completed by a Final Central Europe Conference in which project results
will be presented, with the aim of helping policy makers and stakeholders of other functional urban areas in facing similar
- 1 transnational internal final workshop
- 11 pilot actions
- 1 Final knowledgebase, translated into partner’s local languages.
- 1 Final public conference
Month 18– Month 36
WP Budget:
SECTION E/F - Project budget
Indicative Project budget Partner 1 ________________________________________________
Indicative Project budget Partner 2 ________________________________________________
Indicative Project budget Partner 3 ________________________________________________
Indicative Project budget Partner 4 ________________________________________________
Kindly asking that each PP fulfil the table below, dividing the budget within budget lines.
Office /
Travel /
SECTION G - Annexes
Only the declaration of the Lead Partner is necessary for Step