n CURRICULUM STUDIES AND TEACHER DEVELOPMENT GRADUATE PROGRAM CSTD FACULTY RESEARCH INTERESTS 2013-2014 PROGRAM COORDINATOR Jim Slotta, Ph.D., Associate Professor GETTING TO KNOW PEOPLE Name Scholarly Interests Phone Room Number Allen, Guy (Mississauga Campus) language and pedagogy; narrative; psychoanalytic theory; teaching writing and literacy; science/technology and writing; writing and mental health; innovative curriculum research theory and methodology – qualitative, quantitative, mixed, and cross-cultural; program assessment & evaluation; music education – all levels; social psychology of music; alternative and creative arts methods; urban and equity issues in the arts; professional development; music and neuroscience; music in health, therapy and medicine narrative inquiry; arts-based research; teacher development, holistic education; life-long learning teacher education; teacher induction; teacher change; professional development; theory of schooling; school reform; teacher leadership; role of the principal; practitioner inquiry; qualitative research methods science and technology education promoting social justice & environmental sustainability; the nature of science and technology; realistic inquiry and design projects; socio-political activism instructional intelligence; educational and systemic change; classroom management; action research; merging assessment with curriculum and instruction school programming and curriculum for conflict education, peace building, democratization, citizenship; social studies; controversial issues; gender/sexuality and ethnocultural equity; international and comparative education literacy education; interdisciplinary arts education; teacher education technology and learning in post-secondary; elementary and secondary contexts; inclusion of technology use in teacher education; distance education and asynchronous learning environments; reading and writing development 905-828-3900 CCT-3002 (Mississauga Campus) 212 Edward Johnson Building teacher education, induction and development; international dimensions and inclusive practices in teacher education; deepening knowledge of aboriginal worldviews and histories in teacher education, critical teacher inquiry, and the scholarship of teaching and learning early childhood; language and literacy; children's literature; Bartel, Lee (Cross-appointed: Faculty of Music, Associate Dean – Research) Beattie, Mary (Emerita) Beck, Clive (Emeritus) Bencze, Larry Bennett, Barrie (Emeritus) Bickmore, Kathy Booth, David (Emeritus) Brett, Clare (Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, CTL) Broad, Kathy (seconded to Ontario Ministry of Education) Cameron, Linda 416-978-0535 416-978-0226 10-150 416-978-0196 10-130 416-978-0079 11-238 416-978-0233 10-164 416-978-0237 10-170 416-978-0320 10-272 416-978-0132 11-134 416-978-1112 12-116 416-978-0321 10-274 Name Scholarly Interests (Emerita) parenting; adaptive instruction; teacher education; interdisciplinary arts education; girls’ issues professional ethics in education; teachers' professional knowledge; moral and ethical dimensions of schools; teacher education; qualitative research cultural studies, critical pedagogy, medicine, sociology of education, applied linguistics, postcolonial theory, anti-racist, feminist, anti-oppression theories; poststructural/postpositivist theories in education; politics of language; language policy; francophone contexts narrative inquiry methodology; cross-cultural teaching and learning; school-based research; teacher development; comparative studies critical inquiry; socio-cultural dimensions of literacy, learning, and leadership; qualitative research methodologies; teacher education equity and social justice in/through mathematics education; sociocultural theories of learning and development; out-of-school learning (of mathematics); discourse analysis initial teacher education design, innovation, and reform; teachers’ ongoing professional learning and development; international and global characterizations of education for citizenship and democracy in school contexts; perspectives on pedagogy and the implications for learning and classroom practice; social studies and social science education multicultural perspectives in teaching and learning; ethnic identity maintenance and language learning; immigrant and refugee experiences in educational contexts; cultural and linguistic diversity in classrooms; peace education and literacy issues in international contexts drama education; applied theatre; performance studies; pedagogy; arts education; youth and urban schooling; teacher development; qualitative methodologies; ethnographic research; technology and methodology; sociology of education; feminist/critical theory; gender, identity and schooling; curriculum theory youth and urban schooling; cultural studies; arts in education; solidarity; sociology of education; curriculum theory; elite schooling; identity processes; Latino-Canadian studies; interpretive research methodology; school ethnography; youth participatory action research; critical theory and pedagogy; feminist theory; postcolonial theory minority education; linguistic minorities; French language education; qualitative research; educational policy; school and society; process of identity construction; teaching to minorities critical thinking pedagogy; use of technology to enhance critical thinking; relationship between curriculum design, assessment and student motivation; current brain research and its implications/applications to the classrooms cognitive continuity in science learning; access, equity and retention in science education; socio-cultural context of science education; indigenous and everyday knowledges anti-oppression education in school and teacher education settings; anti-homophobia education in school and teacher education settings; critical ethnography; performed ethnography and research-informed theatre. computer supported learning environments; electronic discourse; distance education; multimedia case studies; teacher education; telementoring; online communities; knowledge building; educational technologies Campbell, Elizabeth Connelly, Christine Connelly, Michael (Emeritus) Cooper, Karyn Esmonde, Indigo (on study leave from July 2013 to June 2014) Evans, Mark (on study leave from January 2014 to June 2014) Feuerverger, Grace (on study leave from January 2014 to August 2014) Gallagher, Kathleen GaztambideFernández, Rubén Gérin-Lajoie, Diane Gini-Newman, Garfield Gitari, Wanja (Cross-appointed - TYP) Goldstein, Tara Hewitt, Jim (Associate Chair, Academic; Master of Teaching Program Coordinator) Heywood, Daphne Kooy, Mary Phone Room Number 416-978-0232 10-154 416-978-1989 6-108 416-978-0254 10-214 416-978-0256 10-174 416-978-0117 11-258 416-978-2612 10-176 416-978-0229 10-158 416-978-0160 10-110 416-978-0194 10-126 416-978-1993 6-109 416-978-0193 11-232 416-978-0072 11-224 416-978-0104 10-160 416-978-0123 11-130 teacher education, equity and social justice issues in policy and curriculum; comparative education; global education; and transformative models of schooling 416-978-0074 11-230 teacher learning and development; teacher knowledge; teacher voice and student voice in education; women and teaching; communities of learning/practice; social construction of 416-978-0316 10-162 Name Scholarly Interests Phone Room Number Kosnik, Clare knowledge teacher education; action research and teacher inquiry; literacy education 416-978-0227 10-156 self-reporting and rating biases; rating scale construction; research validity; standards-based testing and evaluation; retrospective methods of measuring change; training evaluation handheld technologies; dynamic geometry software; computer algebra systems; connections between mathematics and the world around us; the integration of mathematics with the arts; numeracy; literacy mathematics education and science education focusing on: student communication (e.g. student writing and student discourse), teaching strategies which assist ELLs and learners who struggle, problem solving, visual literacy, student inquiry, teacher change, graphic organizers, and action research urban education; health and well-being of urban youth; boys’ education; educational trajectories of young black men; sexual minority youth and media; cultural pedagogies in education and human services professions; ethnic studies; racialization; intersectionality; masculinities and gender relations; qualitative research methods mathematics education; teacher development; applications of technology to teaching and learning; qualitative research methods holistic education; spirituality in education; contemplation in educational settings; curriculum orientations teacher education and development; inner-city education; culturally-relevant & critical pedagogies; internationalizing teacher education; environmental & sustainability education Canadian history; history of gender and the British Empire; history of British settler societies; cultural history, including the history of gender and performance, 1860s-1940s; history of commemoration, memory, and public history in 19th and 20th century Canada teaching, researching, teacher development and education reform in developing, muslim, post-communist contexts; global education; international and comparative curriculum studies/education science education; science-technology-societyenvironment(STSE) education; environmental and outdoor education; action research; teacher development; and learning science in non-school settings such as museums and science centres redesign of teacher education; instructional and assessment innovation; teacher development; school improvement; school/district/university partnerships; leadership; system reform and managing educational change; and, a range of topics related to teaching and learning in higher education. 416-978-0140 11-284 416-978-0114 11-262 416-978-0099 11-260 416-978-0183 10-116 416-978-0056 11-142 416-978-0221 10-134 416-978-2358 10-132 416-978-1209 10-172 416-978-0200 10-138 416-978-0080 11-240 416-946-3139 (CTSI Assistant) CTSI, Room 4029 Robarts Library Canadian history (of education, rural society and the family) and the teaching of history; the importance of studies in the humanities in general, and history in particular, to theories and practices of education knowledge building; innovative learning environments; digital, textual, scientific and graphical literacy; adaptive flexibility in teaching; design-based research; discourse analysis; knowledge building communities; inclusiveness; knowledge creation; 21st century skills; formative assessment; deep understanding and intellectual engagement adolescent literacies, in- and out-of-school settings; new literacy studies; multiliteracy pedagogy; social justice oriented teaching and teacher education; urban education; collaborative teacher inquiry; practitioner research technology-enhanced learning and instruction; learning technology architectures and frameworks; cognitively informed curriculum; computer supported collaborative learning; 416-978-1216 10-164 416-978-0370 9-130 416-978-5963 10-118 416-978-0121 11-268 (on study leave from July 2013 to June 2014) Lam, Tony (on study leave from January 2014 to June 2014) Lancaster, Ron Marks Krpan, Cathy (on study leave from July 2013 to June 2014) McCready, Lance (Director, Centre for Urban Schooling) McDougall, Doug (Chair, CTL) Miller, Jack Montemurro, David Morgan, Cecilia Niyozov, Sarfaroz (Director, CIDE) Pedretti, Erminia Rolheiser, Carol (Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, University of Toronto – full-time administrative appointment) Sandwell, Ruth Scardamalia, Marlene (Head, Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology) Simon, Rob Slotta, Jim (CSTD Program Coordinator) Name Scholarly Interests Smyth, Elizabeth (Vice-Dean of Programs, School of Graduate Studies) Springgay, Stephanie Stewart Rose, Leslie (on study leave from July 2013 to June 2014) Sykes, Heather Thiessen, Dennis (Emeritus) Trifonas, Peter Troper, Harold (on study leave from July 2013 to June 2014) Wallace, John (Director, Centre for Studies in Science, Math & Technology Education) Woodruff, Earl (Cross-appointed, also in HDAP) international curriculum exchanges curriculum and teachers' lives; curriculum development for gifted learners; history of Canadian education including education for the professions, teacher education and higher education; gender issues and education; pedagogy and practice of online learning; communities of teachers; the intersection of education and religion curriculum theory; cultural studies; contemporary visual art; aesthetics; embodiment; youth and civic engagement; artsbased research methodologies; sensory methodologies; feminist pedagogy anti-oppression education in teacher education and school settings; dialogic inquiry; arts education and social change; music education anti-homophobia education; teacher's life history; issues of sexuality in physical education and sport; post-structural, queer and feminist theories curriculum and school change; student and teacher perspectives; teacher education critical theory; literacy curriculum theory; philosophy of education; social and cultural studies; technology and media immigrant, ethnic and minority group history; intergroup relations; history of film; American history; history of education and schooling; religion and schooling science education; teacher learning; case methods in teacher education; curriculum integration; qualitative inquiry cognition and learning; sociocognitive knowledge building; technology in education Phone Room Number 416-978-5986 10-150 416-978-0195 10-128 416-978-0181 10-120 416-978-0073 10-142 416-978-1030 11-216 416-978-0263 10-124 416-978-1219 10-152 416-978-0085 11-252 416-978-1068 9-156 PROGRAM ASSISTANTS: Danny Cavanagh (CSTD Program) danny.cavanagh@utoronto.ca Tel.: 416-978-0248 Room 10-106 Cheryl Clarke (CSTD Program) cherylj.clarke@utoronto.ca Tel.: 416-978-0245 Room 10-108 For further information, please visit the CTL Faculty Profiles webpage: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ctl/UserFiles/File/List-CSTD-Research-Interest.pdf