Int1 Class Expectations

Ann Sobrato High School
Integrated I Mathematics
Mr. Paulson’s Classroom Expectations
Welcome to Integrated Mathematics. This class is part of your high school course work for the
mathematics component of your graduation requirement. Your success in this course requires your
commitment and dedication to the activities, rules, and expectations of this class. I am confident that you will
have a successful year in my class. If any problems develop during the year please either set up an
appointment with me or have your parents contact me at Sobrato. The telephone number where I can be
reached is (408) 210-6200, Ext. 41269. I can also be contacted by email at
Classroom Guidelines
The following guidelines are designed to help you to have a successful learning experience in
Successful students are ready to learn and arrive to class on time.
Successful students respect everyone in their class at all times.
Successful students bring appropriate materials to class.
Successful students respect the classroom environment.
Successful students try their best on all activities.
If you choose to use disruptive behavior in my classroom one or more of the following may result:
-Verbal Warning
-Student/Teacher Conference
-Change in assigned seat
-Phone call to parents/guardian -Discipline Referral to Asst. Principal
All school rules will be strictly enforced in this mathematics class.
● Students are responsible for the care of their assigned textbooks and Chromebooks. Students will be
charged for any lost or damaged textbooks or Chromebooks.
● We will use a variety of materials in this classroom to help us understand mathematical concepts. All
materials need to be treated properly and returned in good condition.
● Students are requested to bring the following materials to class daily:
○ Textbook, Composition Book (for Classwork/Notes), Spiral Notebook (for Homework),
pencils, loose leaf binder paper and graph paper, tape, dry erase markers, and highlighters
Student Support
● Student who are having difficulty with their math work need to see me as soon as possible during
● Homework Center/Peer tutoring is available to students after school, Monday through Thursday, in
the Sobrato High School Library
● Assignments will be posted online with a link in Google Classroom to
● Websites for the textbooks are available for additional online help. Resource pages, technology, and
homework help are at (under student support).
● Homework is an essential part of your mathematics class. You are expected to complete all
homework when assigned.
● Homework will be assigned nearly every class period, It will be corrected and reviewed in class.
● Your homework needs to have a heading which includes: date and assignment in the upper right hand
corner of each paper
● ALL WORK needs to be shown on your homework paper. Any scratch paper used needs to be
attached to your homework. If you do not show your work, your homework will be considered
● Your completed homework is expected to be on your desk at the beginning of the class period. Late
homework assignments will not receive full credit, unless the student has an excused absence.
● Student are given one day, (not a class period), for each day absent to make up their assignments. If
you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up all work missed. (Tutorial is a good time to do
● Homework will be posted at and a link to this site is available in
Google classroom.
- Google Classroom Codes - Per.1 = ig16m7, Per.2 = 4rdbkc, Per.5 = 4qd1xba, Per.6 = ajp121
Web grades are updated weekly in the online gradebook. Check grades often.
Your grade is based on the following:
Classwork/participation 20%
Tests/quizzes 45%
Final 20%
***Any student caught cheating on a test, quiz, or an assignment will be given a Zero (F) on that test,
quiz, or assignment and your parents/guardian will be notified.
Thank you for reading this information. Please sign below.
I have read the information stated in this Classroom Expectation Sheet and I am signing this sheet to show my
commitment towards my own, or my student’s, success in this class. This sheet will remain in the student’s
notebook for reference.
Student Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________
Parent Signature ______________________________________ Date __________________