DRAFT SOCIETY CONSTITUTION Please complete the red areas and familiarise yourselves with your constitution. 1. Definitions 1.1 1.2 The Union refers to the University of Derby Students’ Union. The Committee refers to the Executive Committee of the Society. 2. Name 2.1 The name of the group shall be the University of Derby Students’ Union ………………… Society, referred to as the “Society” 3. Aims 3.1 The aims of the Society shall be: ……….. List here all of the aims of your Society. Example: ‘To increase awareness of issues relating to mature students’ (Mature Students Society) 4. Membership 4.1 Membership of the Society will be open to all members of the Union in accordance with the Union Constitution. Membership of the Union Societies of the society is manadatory for all Society members as outlined in the Union Societies’ constitution. Non-members of the Union may only join the Society after becoming an Associate member of the Union. Associate members shall have the same privileges as full members, except the privilege of voting in meetings, to hold office in the Society, or to nominate or vote in elections. Individuals who are not members of the Union may participate in Society activities as the guest of a full member and with the agreement of the Committee. Any guest of a member participating in any activity which is not on the University of 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5. Derby premises shall not be covered by insurance and shall be made aware of this at the earliest practical opportunity. All Society members must act in accordance to the Union’s equal opportunities policy. At no point shall the proportion of non-student members be more than 10% of the total membership of the Society. Affiliation and Finance 5.1 5.2 A membership fee is required from all Society members. The minimum membership charge shall be determined by the Union on an annual basis. It is at the member’s discretion whether to charge a higher membership fee than the minimum required by the Union. This is to be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. 5.3 The current membership fee for the Society stands at: £ 5.4 It is the Committee’s responsibility to ensure that membership fees have been paid via the online membership system. 5.5 Societies have two income streams. 5.5.1 A Social Account holds all money raised through membership, fundraising and sponsorship. 5.5.2 A Grant Account holds all money received through the Union Societies’ Fund Application Process. 5.5.3 All accounts are run by the Union on behalf of the Society. This money will be carried over from year to year. All financial procedures are outlined in Standing Order 24.2 and the Union Societies’ Constitution (Section 10). 5.6 The Society accounts are available for inspection at any time by the Union and members of the Society. 5.7 All Society expenditure will be authorised by one of the designated signatories. 5.8 Union members shall receive no direct or indirect payment, except for legitimate expenses incurred in connection with Society business. 6. The Committee 6.1 A Society Committee will conduct the ‘Societies’ administration. This committee shall not operate autonomously. Planning activities, buying equipment and administering other Society matters must satisfy the majority of members. It is mandatory for three members of the Society Committee to attend the required Union Societies and Zone level meetings, 6.2 Student Councils & the Union’s AGM and it is the responsibility of the committee to encourage its members to attend the required Union Societies and Zone level meetings, Union Councils & the Union’s AGM. 6.2.1 If committee members are unable to attend the required Union Societies and Zone level meetings, Student Councils or the Union’s AGM, a written apology must be given to the VicePresident Student Community. Please refer to Standing Order 5 for more information. 6.3 The Committee will consist of the following officers who shall be full members of the Union. 6.31 President 6.32 Secretary 6.3.3 Treasurer 6.4 The Committee shall take office on the 1st June and sit until the 31st May 9. Elections 9.1 Committee elections will be conducted at the Annual General Meeting. All student members of the Society are eligible to stand, provided that they are eligible for membership for the whole of their term in office. Nominations for the Executive Committee will be accepted up until and including the AGM. Quoracy for AGM’s & EGM’s are outlined in the Union Societies’ Constitution. Voting shall be by the 'first past the post' method by secret ballot. Re-open nominations (RON) shall be a candidate for all positions. The new Committee shall serve along side the old Committee (ex officio) for the remainder of the academic year to promote the effective hand-over of the Society and to provide a period of apprenticeship for the new Committee, overseen by the existing committee. 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 10. Duties of the Committee The roles and duties of the Executive Committee are as follows: The President is responsible for: Ensuring that the Union’s Constitutions & Standing Orders are adhered to. Providing adequate provision for all members in the Societies programme of events. Publicising the Societies complaints procedure to members. Overseeing that members of the Committee are meeting their own responsibilities and to deputise in their absence. Calling and chairing regular meetings of the Executive Committee and hold a casting vote at all such meetings. To attend all meetings and training as required by the Union. Other duties as agreed with the Society Committee. Supporting the Union’s Visions, Values and Priority Campaigns. The Secretary is responsible for: Keeping up to date records of the Membership of the Society. Minuting all meetings of the Executive Committee. Minuting the AGM of the Society and passing those minutes to the Student Activities Department of the Union. Publishing all minutes of meetings within seven days To maintain the Society’s mini-site. To maintain the Society’s facebook page. To write at least ½ a page (210 words) on the society, to be submitted to the Union’s Student Magazine, ‘Dusted’, once during the academic year Booking rooms and transport with the Union Collecting post from the Societies pigeonhole. All publicity relating to the Societies activities. Attending all meetings and training as required by the Union. Other duties as agreed with the Society Committee. Supporting the Union’s Visions, Values and Priority Campaigns. The Treasurer is responsible for: Administering the Societies finances in accordance with Union procedures. Reporting to the Committee on a regular basis, details of the financial health of the Society. Producing the completed Development Fund Applications when required, and returning them to the Vice-President Student Community. The collection of all money relating to the activities of the Society. To transfer any monies raised for charity into the Union’s RAG account & report this to the Volunteering Part-time Officer. Attending all meetings and training as required by the Union. Other duties as agreed with the Society Committee. Supporting the Union’s Visions, Values and Priority Campaigns. 11. Interpretation 11.1 If there is a dispute over the interpretation of the Society Constitution, the decision of the Vice-President Student Community will be required. Refer to Standing Order 24 and the Union Societies’ Constitution for further information. 12. Amendments 12.1 Any proposed amendment to this constitution must be passed by a majority at the Society’s AGM. 12.2 The Constitution & Standing Orders of the Union will always override a Society’s constitution. 13. Discipline of Members 13.1 For all disciplinary information and Votes of No Confidence requests, see Standing Order 18,19 and 20.