2014 Sept 25th subwork

Thanks for taking my classes. I have German 2 first period, then German 1 second period , then German 3 third
period at Orion. Fourth period is my travel period to North. After lunch at North I have 5th period German 3,
sixth period is German 1 and seventh period is German 2.
Call me if you have any questions or problems. Seating charts are under my mouse pad at both schools.
Harold Zentz 801-668-7653
I have a student teacher at Orion and she will be teaching the German 1 and 2 classes and will probably do
something with the German 3 class. I have given instructions for the students at North so they should know
what to do.
Vielen Dank!
German 1: 6th period Name:
For your warm up: Write 40 German Vocab Words on your Warm up paper. The 40 words should come from
these topics: colors, adjectives, and body parts.
After your warm up is finished, on this paper write 10 questions and their answers. You might need to use the
pronouns for he and she to make enough questions.
Now write out 10 math problems with numbers smaller than 100. Plus, minus, mal (times) and dividiert durch
(divided by) will help you. Do not use the same numbers more than 3 times. Examples
Ex 1: zwei plus drei ist fünf. Ex 2: achtzehn dividiert durch 3 ist sechs.
On the back side of this paper, write down 10 things your family members like to play (or not).
Mutter, Vater, Bruder, Schwester, Onkel, Tante, Oma, Opa, ….
Ex. Meine Mutter spielt Tennis nicht gern.
German 2: 7th period Name:
Warm up on your warm up paper: Write 7 sentences telling me different things you do each day and when.
Ex. : Am Montag spiele ich Racquetball um fünf Uhr dreissig.
On this paper, complete the following assignment:
Write a letter to your Oma or Opa. Tell them at least 5 sentences about your school day and classes. Tell them
about at least 3 chores you do at home. Tell them at least 4 sentences about things you would like to (möchten)
do with them (mit dir) this year. Include Liebe/r, the date, and a sincere goodbye.
On the back of this paper, use the vocab we have studied and found on page 193 in the book to write 8
sentences about different chores you do or don’t do.
Finish the assignment by making verb charts for haben, sein, sollen, and möchten. Include the ich, du….
German 3: 3rd and 5th periods Name:
Warm up on your warm up paper: Write 20 vergangenheit Verben with the correct helper verb…
Ex : habe gespielt. Use the back of the book ONLY after you have finished to see if they are correct.
On this paper, complete the following assignment:
Write a letter to your Oma or Opa. Tell them at least 8 sentences about what you have done in the first month of
school. (in past tense) Tell them about at least 3 chores you have done at home. Tell them at least 4 sentences
about things you will (werden) do with them (mit dir, mit euch) this year. Include Liebe/r, the date, and a
sincere goodbye.
On the back of this paper, use the vocab on page 193 in the book to write 8 sentences about different chores you
have done or haven’t done.
Finish the assignment by writing 4 past tense sentences about reflexive verbs you have done…
Ex: sich waschen, sich duschen, sich rasieren, sich kämen,….