Elements and Features Cards for analysis in groups Allocate one or more selected cards to each small group of students Each group responsible for focussing on and analysing only the elements and features on their card(s) Feedback to whole class so that class builds a holistic picture of the music work Two sets of cards: o Scaffolded set with “prompts and possibilities” o Unscaffolded set Elements: Dynamics akiaki / te tangi Articulation Element: Harmony reo rua / ororua Element: Prompts and possibilities: Constant Gradually/suddenly changing Prompts and possibilities: Triads Primary chords Blues (influence) Consonant/dissonant Cadences Prompts and possibilities: Form / Structure āhua Element: Melody rangi Element: Tonality Element: Binary AB Ternary ABA 12 Bar Blues intro, coda/outro verse/chorus/bridge Prompts and possibilities: Range of notes Regular/irregular phrases Chromatic Steps, leaps Motif Prompts and possibilities: Major Minor Blues Atonal Modulation Prompts and possibilities: Rhythm Ūngeri / manawataki Element: Style / Genre tūomo puoro Element: Texture tatangi Element: Groupings of notes Syncopation Constant/changes Ostinato Simple/compound Beat Prompts and possibilities: Style of music Era Period of music Purpose Stylistic features Prompts and possibilities: Thin/thick Constant/changing Monophonic Homophonic Polyphonic Prompts and possibilities: Tempo tere / terenga Element: Speed of the beat Constant/changing Regular/irregular Time signature: simple/compound Prompts and possibilities: Timbre hā Element: Context horopaki puoro Features: What stands out? Instrumentation How instruments/voices are used Effects Prompts and possibilities: When, when, how, why performed Stand-alone/part of larger work Performance practices Prompts and possibilities: When How Why Features: Prompts and possibilities: Compositional Devices Sequence Ostinato Expansion Augmentation Diminution Variation Pedal note Inversion Retrograde Motif Riff Repetition Features: Compositional Devices Features: What stands out? Elements: Dynamics akiaki / te tangi Articulation Element: Harmony reo rua / ororua Element: Form / Structure āhua Element: Melody rangi Element: Tonality Element: Rhythm Ūngeri / manawataki Element: Style / Genre tūomo puoro Element: Texture tatangi Element: Tempo tere / terenga Element: Timbre hā Element: Context horopaki puoro