PLANT SCIENCES GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL (PSGSC) CONSTITION & BYLAWS Updated October, 2012 HISTORY & PURPOSE The Plant Sciences Graduate Student Council (PSGSC) was founded in 2000 by combining the graduate student councils of horticulture, agronomy, and plant breeding and plant genetics (PBPG). The PSGSC was created to foster enhanced communication and promote more social interaction among the graduate students of horticulture, agronomy, and PBPG, including those not located in the Moore / Horticulture / Plant Sciences Building. The council has four main goals: 1. To be mediators between students and faculty. 2. To plan events designed to foster fellowship among plant scientists and provide education and awareness. 3. Keepers of the “blue book” (a set of books that contain reflections and memories of past preliminary exams written by students who successfully completed their prelims). 4. Manage the candy cart. ARTICLE I MEMBERSHIP 1. MEMBERSHIP. All members are required to be current graduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in a program that focuses on plant sciences. 2. DUES. There are no dues required for membership in this organization. ARTICLE II FINANCE 1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the PSGSC shall be from January 1 to December 31, inclusive. 2. CHECKS. All checks issued on behalf of the PSGSC shall be issued by approval of the President, Vice President or Treasurer. 3. PAYMENTS. All payments due to the PSGSC shall be made to the Treasurer, who shall record them. 4. ACCOUNTS. The PSGSC will conduct all banking using the savings and checking accounts under the council name at the UW Credit Union. ARTICLE III ELECTION OF OFFICERS 1. TIMELINE FOR ELECTION. A. NOMINATION. Nomination of future officers will occur one month before the current officer’s term ends. B. ELECTION. Election of officers will occur three weeks before the currents officer’s term ends. C. TIE BREAKERS. Tie breakers will occur two weeks before the current officer’s term ends. D. TRANSITION BETWEEN NEW AND OLD OFFICERS. Transition between new and old officers will occur during the final week of the current officer’s term. 2. NOMINATION. All members of the organization will be allowed to nominate current members of the organization to each of the seven available positions, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Agronomy Representative, Horticulture Representative, Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics Representative, Journal Club Chair. A person can be nominated for more than one position; however, that person can only serve as one of the officer positions if he/she is elected to both positions. 3. ELECTION. Each member will be allowed one vote per officer position. Votes will be submitted anonymously on the PSGSC website. Election to an officer position will be determined by which candidate receives the most votes. Current officers may be reelected to the same position or other officer positions. 4. TIE BREAKERS. In the case of a tie between two candidates the members will be allowed to revote for that position. A new ballot will be given to members with the candidates involved in the tie and the same election rules stated in Article II Section 3 will apply. 5. TRANSITION BETWEEN NEW AND OLD OFFICERS. It is the responsibility of each officer to inform the new officer of their specific roles. It is also the responsibility of each officer to provide any documents that are necessary for the position. ARTICLE IV OFFICER REQUIREMENTS 1. All officers are required to be members of the PSGSC. This requirement implies that all officers are required to be current graduate students at the University of WisconsinMadison studying plant sciences. 2. There shall be seven officers of the PSGSC, who will serve a one year term, beginning January 1 and ending December 31. ARTICLE V OFFICER DUTIES 1. PRESIDENT A. Facilitate communication between plant sciences faculty and students. B. Assistant in graduate student recruitment. C. Facilitate social events and fundraisers for members. D. Organize invited speakers to speak about a topic related to plant sciences. E. Schedule and facilitate regular officer meetings. 2. VICE PRESIDENT A. Aid the President in daily activities. B. Maintain the PSGSC website. C. Maintain communication with plant sciences graduate student programs at other universities. D. Facilitate inclusion of plant sciences graduate students outside of the agronomy, horticulture and plant breeding & plant genetics graduate programs. 3. TREASURER A. Maintain the bank accounts through UW Credit Union. B. Maintain an organized log of council expenditures. C. Empty out and deposit funds from the candy cart. 4. AGRONOMY REPRESENTATIVE A. Organize lunch with PSGSC members when the agronomy department brings in guest speakers. B. Contact new agronomy graduate students about the PSGSC and welcome them. C. Facilitate social events and fundraisers for members. 5. HORTICULTURE REPRESENTATIVE A. Organize lunch with PSGSC members when the horticulture department brings in guest speakers. B. Contact new horticulture graduate students about the PSGSC and welcome them. C. Facilitate social events and fundraisers for members. 6. PLANT BREEDING PLANT GENETICS REPRESENTATIVE A. Organize lunch with PSGSC members when the plant breeding and plant genetics program brings in guest speakers. B. Contact new plant breeding and plant genetics graduate students about the PSGSC and welcome them. C. Facilitate social events and fundraisers for members 7. JOURNAL CLUB CHAIR A. Keep abreast of current, relevant & stimulating literature in plant sciences. B. Select articles to discuss in weekly meetings of the PSGSC Journal Club. C. Encourage discussion leadership and paper suggestions from PSGSC members. D. Engage with other officers to fulfill the PSGSC purpose. ARTICLE VI HAZING 1. ALL FORMS OF HAZING SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 2. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to: creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; wearing apparel in public which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and jokes; moral degradation and humiliation in games or activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with the regulations and policies of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ARTICLE VII RULES OF ORDER 1. The PSGSC and its officers shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised except in matters specifically provided for in the Bylaws. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS 1. These Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the voting members of the PSGSC provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing one week prior.