National Chung Hsing University Regulations for Transnational Dual

National Chung Hsing University Regulations for
Transnational Dual Degrees with Foreign Universities
Enacted in the 47th Academic Affairs Meeting on Mar. 25, 2004
Amended in the 52nd Academic Affairs Meeting on Oct.27, 2006
Approved by the Ministry of Education cf. the Ordinance, Tai-(2)-Zi No. 0950189466 (Amendments to
Articles 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, & 16), issued on Dec. 28th, 2006.
Amended in the International Affairs Meeting on Jan. 20th, 2009, and approved in the 342nd Administrative
Meeting on Mar. 18th, 2009 according to the resolution of the mentioned International Affairs Meeting.
Approved by the Ministry of Education cf. the Ordinance, Tai-Kao-(2)-Zi No. 0980053577 (Amendments to
Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, & 13), issued on Apr. 9, 2009.
Amended in the 2nd International Affairs Meeting on Jan. 26, 2011
Approved by the Ministry of Education cf. the Ordinance, Tai-Kao-(2)-Zi No. 1000028214 (Amendments to
Articles 4 & 5), issued on Feb. 22, 2011.
Amended in the 368th Expanding Administrative Meeting on Feb. 22, 2012
Approved by the Ministry of Education cf. the Ordinance, Tai-Kao-(2)-Zi No. 1010096787 (Amendments to
Articles 2, 4, 6, 13 & 16), issued on Oct. 23, 2012
Article 1
The present Regulations are formulated to broaden the horizons of the
students of National Chung Hsing University (hereinafter referred to as
“the University”), enhance international academic cooperation, and
promote learning exchange between the departments or colleges in both
the University and foreign universities.
Article 2
The “transnational dual degrees” in the Regulations refers to the degrees
which students will simultaneously obtain from the University and a
counterpart university based on a signed contract, if the students study at
the counterpart university after taking courses in their originally-registered
university for at least 2 semesters (for undergraduates and doctoral
students) or 1 semester (for master’s students) and meet the graduation
requirements of the 2 universities. Students of the University pursuing a
transnational dual degree under the present Regulations should conform to
the following course-taking period before and after going abroad:
I. Undergraduate students are required to study for at least four
semesters in the undergraduate programs of the University and at least
32 months in both universities.
II. Master students are required to study for at least two semesters in the
master programs of the University and at least 12 months in both
III. Doctoral students are required to study for at least four semesters in
doctoral programs of the University and at least 24 months in both
The credits earned from each university should exceed one thirds of the
required credits for granting degrees. The concerned departments or
colleges should clearly state whether their students pursuing a
transnational dual degree should spend their final year or semester of the
study in the University in a written agreement based on Article 4 of these
Article 3
The counterpart foreign universities cooperating with the University on the
transnational-dual-degree programs should conform to the following rules:
I. Foreign universities which have signed an academic exchange
agreement with the University.
II. Academic institutions that are listed in the ROC Ministry of
Education’s Reference List. Those universities that are not listed in
the Reference List shall be accredited by the foreign governments or
foreign accreditation agencies.
Article 4
Each transnational-dual-degree program requires the department or college
to draft a Transnational Dual Degree Agreement (in Chinese or English).
The draft of the agreement should be approved by the department and
college affairs meetings, and sent to the Division of Registration of the
Office of Academic Affairs and the Division of Academic Exchange of the
Office of International Affairs two weeks before the signing of the
Agreement for review. The agreement will become effective after ratified
by the President of the University.
The above-mentioned Transnational Dual Degree Agreement should
include the following information:
I. Qualifications for application.
II. Regulations for applicants review.
III. Arrangement for courses convergence.
IV. Credit exemption.
V. Study period and time arrangement at both universities.
VI. Agreements on the co-instruction of master’s or doctoral thesis.
VII. Granting of degrees.
VIII. Matters concerning the management of school roll, such as:
registration, voluntary suspension and resumption of study.
IX. The payment of fees and quota limitation.
X. Regulations for agreement amendments and termination.
XI. Other matters concerned.
Article 5
Each department’s outgoing or incoming graduate or doctoral
dual-degree-searching students should also sign an Agreement on the
Co-instruction of Master and Doctoral Thesis by following subsection 6 of
paragraph 2 of the preceding Article. The agreement should be approved
by the department and college affairs meetings, and sent to the Division of
Registration of the Office of Academic Affairs and the Division of
Academic Exchange of the Office of International Affairs for review. The
agreement will become effective after ratified by the President of the
The above-mentioned Agreement on the Co-instruction of Master and
Doctoral Thesis should include the following information:
I. Name of the student.
II. Names of the thesis instructors.
III. Topic of the thesis.
IV. Rules for Length of study and time arrangements in both universities.
V. The language used in the writing of the thesis and abstract.
VI. The organization of the oral examination committee members and the
format of the oral examination.
VII. The publicity right and copyright of the Master’s or doctoral thesis.
VIII. The regulations for the amendments and termination of the
IX. Other matters concerned.
Article 6
Departments of the University may arrange transnational-dual-degree
curricula or programs and decide the required courses and credits with the
counterpart university alternatively according to practical needs. The
curricular and programs should be approved by the Academic Affairs
Meeting of the University and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs
for reference.
Article 7
Foreign universities cooperating with the University on a
transnational-dual-degree program should make a list of the applicants
before March, 31 of each year and send it along with the following
documents to the Division of Foreign Student Affairs of the Office of the
International Affairs of the University:
I. An application form (with a two-inch passport photo)
II. A certificate of enrollment and an official transcript of the
currently-registered university (Chinese or English translations are
required, if necessary).
III. Two letters of recommendation.
IV. A study and research plan written in either Chinese or English.
V. A financial statement proved sufficient financial support for studying
in Taiwan.
VI. Doctoral applicants should also attach their master’s thesis. Thesis
written in the languages other than Chinese or English should attach
the abstract in either Chinese or English (exempted for those without
a thesis, but submission of relevant proving documents are required).
VII. An autobiography of 300-500 words written in either Chinese or
Article 8
transnational-dual-degree program at the University should be accepted by
the Division of Foreign Student Affairs, OIA for preliminary review
according to the applicant’s qualification and whether his/her documents
conforms to the regulations. The documents of the qualified applicants will
be sent to relevant departments for further review.
Article 9
transnational-dual-degree program of the University should submit a
health and injury insurance certificate valid for the period of studying at
the University. Students without an insurance policy may pay the
insurance fee, and entrust the University to complete the procedures of
insurance application for them.
Article 10
Foreign students admitted to a transnational-dual-degree program of the
University should follow the regulations for registration, grading,
examination, scholarship, accommodations, and counseling.
Article 11
Foreign students admitted to a transnational-dual-degree program of the
University can apply for exemption of credits earned at the counterpart
university according to the National Chung Hsing University Regulations
for Credit Exemption.
Article 12
The students of the University admitted to the transnational-dual-degree
program of a counterpart university should apply for exemption of credits
earned from the counterpart universities according to the Regulations for
Credit Exemption within the designated study period of the University.
After the credit exemption is approved, and the student meeting the
graduation requirements of the department, the University shall grant the
student a degree.
Article 13
If any transnational-dual-degree student of the University fails to complete
the study at the counterpart university abroad for certain reasons, and
his/her total study years do not exceed the legal study period in both
universities, he/she may submit a report and relevant proving documents to
the Division of Registration of the Office of Academic Affairs, and apply
for resumption of studying at the appropriate grade level of his/her original
department of the University two weeks before the school opening day of
each semester. The completed subjects and credits earned at the
counterpart university can be exempted according to the National Chung
Hsing University Regulations for Credit Exemption.
Article 14
Foreign students shall abide by the laws of Taiwan and the School
Regulations of the University during their studying period.
Article 15
Any matters that are not covered by the Regulations shall be implemented
in accordance with the relevant rules of the Ministry of Education and the
Article 16
These Regulations shall be enforced upon approval of the Meeting of
Academic Affairs and reported to and approved by the Ministry of
Education for review. The same shall apply where these Regulations are