Onpage optimization

What is on-page optimization?
On-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your website or webpage
listing in natural search results. These factors are controlled by you or the coding on your page.
Examples of on-page optimization include HTML code, Meta tag, keyword placement, keyword
density, etc.
Meta content optimization
Webpage optimization
Sitemap.xml generation
Google analytics optimization
Google webmaster tool optimization
Sitmap.xml submission
Image name- Alt tag optimization
H1 tag optimization
Canonical optimization
Robots.txt optimization
Outbound link optimization
404 redirect optimization
Website health analysis
Meta tags are very important part of HTML code of your webpage. Meta content includes
meta title, meta description and meta keywords.
Meta title tag: Title is what appears on the search engine results page and provides summarized
information about your site. It should be between 10-60 characters. The most important keyword
should be used in the title tag.
Meta description: Description tag contains information about your site in a clear and brief
manner. It should be about 250 characters.
Web contents must be fresh and unique and must cater both search engine crawlers and
webpage visitors. This type of optimization generally involves editing your website to optimize
scripts, HTML or CSS code for faster loading. Choosing the right web host is also important in
webpage optimization.
Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their
sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists
URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL so that search engines can more
intelligently crawl the site. For static websites the sitemap must be manually generated by
writing codes by hand or by using online tools. Then upload the sitemap to the root of your
website and check if it works.
With the SEO reports in Analytics, you can easily compare Google Web Search
impressions and clicks for your site to other traffic source data from Analytics, such as paid Ad
Words impressions and clicks. By identifying the Google Web Search queries that drive traffic to
your site, you can also learn which Ad Words keywords make the most sense for your business
objectives. In addition, you can identify how to optimize your website for both content and
search quality.
Google webmaster tool optimization:
Google webmaster tool is an essential tool for keeping a Website functionally and SEO
optimized. It is also great for identifying problems with your server and links.
Steps to be followed in using webmaster tools are:
Log into your Google account then head to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
Click the Add Site button
Enter your domain and click Continue
Choose a verification method and follow the instructions to verify your website.
Once your site is verified, you will need to give Google some time to prepare your report.
Check back in a few hours.
Sitmap.xml submission:
To get useful status and statistical information, the sitemap generated in the necessary
format must be submitted to the google webmaster tools.
Steps in submitting a sitemap:
1. Upload your Sitemap to your site.
2. On the Webmaster Tools home page, click the site you want.
3. On the left-hand menu, click Optimization, and then click Sitemaps.
4. Click the Add/Test Sitemap button.
5. In the text box, complete the path to your Sitemap (for example, if your Sitemap is at
http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml, type sitemap.xml).
6. Click Submit Sitemap.
When you make changes to your website and sitemap you can resubmit it to webmaster tools
1. On the Webmaster Tools Home page, click the site you want.
2. Under Optimization, click Sitemaps.
3. Select the Sitemap you want to resubmit, and then click the Resubmit Sitemap button.
Image name- Alt tag optimization:
Title tag and Alt tag must be given to images.
Alt text: Crawlers don't read images but they do read their textual descriptions in the <alt> tag,
so if you have images on your page, fill in the <alt> tag with some keywords about them. If your
browser can’t display the image for some reason, the alt text is used in place of that particular
File name: Meaningful file names should be used for the images. It must be similar to the
name kept in the alt text.
Image title: Title tag must be used in images so that when the user moves the mouse over the
image, the image title will be displayed as a tool tip.
Image linking: We can add links to the image by using image keywords in link test.
H1 tag optimization:
<h1> tag optimization is the most important step in on-page optimization. It specifies the
topic of the page. There should be only one <h1> tag per web page. There may be more than one
<h2> to <h6> tags. It should support the theme established in the Title and Meta Description by
using one of the page's top keywords. It should be short and clear.
Canonical optimization:
Canonical optimization is the process of optimizing the URL for avoiding duplication.
Some people browse the same page on a site using www and some without www. Hence google
considers it to be two pages and hence the visit to the same page using two different URLs is
split. To avoid this canonical optimization is done. Using the canonical tag tells the search
engines to consolidate indexing of duplicate content to a single URL. We’re also informing the
search engine which URL is the one to use for calculating rank.
Robots.txt optimization:
Robots.txt tells search engines whether they can access and therefore crawl parts of the
website. Search engines usually crawl from top to bottom. Hence any errors in the syntax at the
top of the page will affect the whole file because the search engine will ignore the directories
below. Sitemap URL can also be included in robots.txt.
Outbound link optimization:
External links are important for crawling and indexing. Optimize the webpages in such a
way that the outbound links open in a new tab. Outbound links are more important because bad
links can drown your website.
404 redirect optimization:
404 refers to file not found error. Create customized error page. If such error is found the
user must be redirected to the home page. Redirecting to html sitemap is also a good practice.
Website health analysis:
It is used to check errors using webmaster. It includes the following
Domain Related Analysis
Text Content Check
Images Check
Meta Data Analysis
Ranking Check
Dead Link and Spelling Error Check
Sitemap, robots and other related files check
Search engine verification check
Traffic Analysis HTML status check for web pages