Canterbury Public School Canteen Policy Support Document The Canteen Committee 1. Membership of the Canteen Committee The committee shall consist of the following number of elected representatives: A minimum of 7 parents 1 staff member 2 students (required for special planning meetings) Principal (ex officio) Canteen Manager (ex officio) These representatives are elected by their respective organisations. The Canteen Manager shall be invited to report to the Canteen Committee meeting and to answer any questions, but will not have voting rights. All parent representatives shall average one day a term assisting in the school canteen. 2. Committee Meetings The committee shall: Meet at least twice during school term, preferably one evening and one daytime meeting. Have a quorum of 4 members at each meeting. The committee, at the written request of at least three members, can be called to a special meeting. Seven (7) days notice of any such meeting (stating the business of the meeting) shall be given to all members of the committee. 3. Election of office bearers Office bearers shall be elected at the committee meeting following the sponsoring body’s annual general meeting (see point 1). Chairperson: Lynne Scouller Suzanne Trimmer Vice – chairperson: Cheryl McCarthy Mel Bruniges Secretary: Mel Bruniges Treasurer: Dawn Tuften Manager of volunteers Lynne Scouller Linda Clark Promotions officer: Lynne Scouller ???? Menu Co-ordinator: Suzanne Trimmer and Linda Clark??? Food Safety – Kate Purcell Office bearers shall be not be limited to a three year consecutive term in the one office unless there is an objection. The Principal/Deputy Principal shall be the returning officer. All candidates shall be nominated and seconded, and if there are a greater number of candidates than are required the election shall be decided by secret ballot. Tellers (independent of the Committee) shall be appointed by the returning officer prior to the ballot. The Canteen Manager 1. Conditions of employment The canteen manager shall be: - Appointed by, and if necessary dismissed by an executive of the sponsoring body in consultation with the executive of the canteen committee and principal (see Employment Agreement). - Paid the current state award, or a salary negotiated and approved under an enterprise agreement (maximum award conditions must apply). - Paid superannuation into a superannuation trust in the name of that employee at the official Superannuation Guarantee rate - Subject to review annually. 2. Responsibilities of the Canteen Manager Shall report on canteen activities at each canteen committee meeting. Shall be given a job description outlining responsibilities (see Appendix) Canteen Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Implementation of Food Philosophy The Canteen’s philosophy of food that is fresh and seasonal, sourced from local suppliers, is free from chemical additives, is minimally processed and packaged, reflects our diverse community and is affordable should be evidenced in the menu items sold at the canteen. The Committee recognises that reading labels etc can be time-consuming and has therefore provided simple ‘guidelines’ for the purchase of certain food items for easy reference when shopping and planning. To ensure consistency, new menu items must meet with the approval of the Committee. Where possible, the Canteen and Gardening Committee will work together to promote healthy eating and sustainable food practices. The Canteen will ensure the environment is considered in all its practices including composting, minimal packaging and waste-management. Special food needs such as gluten intolerance and vegetarians will be catered for. Food allergies will be managed as per school guidelines. Pricing Policy The average percentage mark-up shall be: approximately 70% with foods in the amber category having a higher mark up than foods in the green. Trading Hours The canteen will be open from 8:50am until 2:20pm. Occupational Health and Safety The committee shall provide essential, safe equipment and ensure that it is well maintained, in good repair and used correctly. The committee shall report to the Principal any structural defect/s within the canteen. The committee shall carry out risk assessments on all relevant canteen procedures and develop appropriate safe operating procedures. The safe operating procedures shall be displayed in a prominent place in the canteen for accessibility of all canteen employees and volunteers. All new staff and volunteers shall be made aware of the safe operating procedures and appropriate training provided so that injury risks are minimised. Any injuries that occur during the operation of the canteen shall be recorded on an incident report form and forwarded to the Principal. See Appendix for a checklist. Promotion New foods will be advertised to students, staff and primary school parents. Taste tests, menu boards, competitions and displays will be used to promote the choice and sale of healthy foods. Health theme ‘days’ and/or ‘weeks’ will be used to promote certain healthy foods. See Appendix for promotion ideas. Insurance A worker's compensation insurance policy shall be obtained to cover all paid employees. The premium payable shall be made from canteen funds. Volunteer workers to be covered by an appropriate policy held by the sponsoring body. 7. Special Activities The canteen committee shall decide when the canteen should cater for school functions and determine the arrangements. Canteen stock should not be sold during these functions, unless it is sold at the regular price and all money raised is kept by the canteen. If the canteen is used a canteen committee member, or the canteen manager or a member of the P&C Executive shall be present during opening hours. The canteen manager’s attendance at these functions is additional to the hours of employment. 8. Food Safety and Hygiene A copy of the Food Safety Standard (3.2.2 Division 4) will be on permanent display in the school canteen. (Download from According to the legislation: The canteen manager (paid or unpaid) will provide evidence of appropriate safe food and personal hygiene skills and knowledge. The canteen as a food business in NSW will notify its details to the NSW Food Authority. The canteen will have food handling procedures consistent with the Food Safety Standard. Volunteers and staff will have appropriate training commensurate with their duties. 9. Voluntary Workers Will be given a job description. New volunteers shall be given an orientation/induction program covering hygiene, routines, OH&S procedures, insurance and food prices. This will also be provided in a duplicate for signing in a Canteen Volunteer package. See Appendix for Volunteer letters etc. On rostered day each volunteer worker: Will be supplied with clean aprons. Shall sign the canteen attendance book. Will be provided free, one sandwich or roll tea & coffee. 10. Monies All money from the canteen shall be deposited in the name of Canterbury Public School P&C Association – Canteen (Account held at Commonwealth Bank Leichhardt Market Place.) Account payment is the responsibility of the canteen treasurer. All accounts are to be paid by cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and are the responsibility of the treasurer. Cheques are to be signed and EFT payments are to be authorised by any one two of the following committee officers: - Chairperson - Secretary - Treasurer Two persons will count the money at the end of each working day. A float of $20 shall be counted and retained (from the takings) in a secure location. The same float shall be maintained each day. Monies taken daily to be banked three times per week. Daily takings are not to be stored overnight on the Canteen premises. A petty cash float of $100 may be stored in a secure location. The petty cash float should equal $100 in value at all times as a combination of cash and petty cash receipts. - Accurate records shall be kept of the monies received and expended. - 11. 12. The treasurer will present a written report at each committee meeting (copy to be glued into the minute book). A reserve fund to cater for long service leave, sick leave and holiday payments and equipment maintenance shall be kept in a separate account. - All surplus funds shall be transferred to the sponsoring body. The Canteen will not offer credit but customers may set up a debit account. Parents or carers experiencing financial difficulties will be referred to the school principal. Teachers may have credit but will be invoiced fortnightly. The Canteen will invoice the school for catering events. Stocktake A stocktake should be performed at the end of each school term. Auditor An auditor shall be appointed at the annual general meeting of the sponsoring body The auditor shall not be a member of the sponsoring body or the committee, the Principal or a relative of a member of the school community. The auditor shall at all times have reasonable access to the books, accounting records and other documents of the committee. The auditor shall be supplied with all the following items relating to the financial period being audited at least twenty one (21) days prior to the canteen sponsoring body’s annual general meeting. Income and Expenditure Ledgers. Cheque vouchers and accompanying invoices. Petty Cash vouchers and the Petty Cash Record. Cheque book stubs and any current cheque books that contain stubs relating to the financial period being audited. Stocktake records. Bank reconciliation. All bank statements from the period and the canteens bank deposit book. Wages book. Investment accounts (passbooks or statements) if relevant Equipment depreciation record. Mark-up schedules. Financial reconciliation showing all the money that is owed to and by the canteen. 13. Student Helpers in the Canteen Written permission must be obtained from parents in order for students to assist in the canteen. Student helpers are covered by the P&C Association’s insurance. Students assisting in the canteen: - Must not be left in the canteen unsupervised - Only serve at the counter (students are not to acquit tasks which involve machines, cutting implements, ovens pie warmers etc.) - Are restricted to Year 6 students - Are to be provided with training to ensure correct food handling and OH&S. - Are to be supported with regards to counting change. 14. Logistical Procedures Agreement Between School & Canteen Committee Canteen Manager and Canteen Sub-Committee Chairperson will hold a set of Canteen Keys. These may be passed onto Canteen Committee members or members of the P&C Executive when necessary. Only authorised persons (Canteen Committee Members, volunteers, authorised Student Helpers) are permitted behind the counter. School cleaners have access to the canteen each day. Obligations of the Canteen Committee to the school can be found in the Appendix to this document 15. Equipment The canteen committee, on behalf of the P&C will provide adequate kitchen equipment in both quality and quantity. The equipment will be recorded in an Equipment Register Is this being maintained? Maintenance requirements will be reported by the canteen manager to the canteen subcommittee 16. Annual General Meeting of the Sponsoring Body The following items will be presented to the P&C AGM: Annual Report from the Canteen Committee Auditors Report Last Amended on Wednesday 30th May 2012 (Day, date, year) ___________________________________________________ Signature of canteen committee’s chairperson ______________________________ Signature of the president of sponsoring body ______________________________