STUDENT TUTORIAL & MOODLE PLP HANDBOOK 2012/13 A GUIDE TO SUPPORT YOUR COURSE PROGRESS 0 CONTENT SUBJECT: PAGE Tutorial Planning 2012 - 13 2 Tutorial Calendar 2012 – 13 2 PLP’s - Course information 4 - Student information 5 - Target Setting 6 - Progress Reviews 7 - Self-Assessment Webs 8 - End of Term Reports 9 1 Tutorial Planning 2012-13 The tutorial programme for this year is structured around 33 one hour sessions to cover the group and one to one tutorial process. The group/individual tutorial is timetabled as an hour slot per week for 33 weeks. If you are on a Level 1 or 2 programmes the Group tutorial will be used for individual tutorials and to allow your group to be updating and working on their Individual Learning Plans. In addition a number of the sessions will be used to pick up on the themes of the College Respect Campaign. If you are on a Level 3 programme then the session will be used for 1:1 tutorials only and you will be given a dates and times for these. The College Respect Campaign themes will be picked up in your assignment support sessions. You will receive a minimum of one 20min tutorial per term but will be able to have more if needed or requested. A tutorial timetable will agreed between you and your tutor so that you are clear of the dates and times these will be happening during the year. Group tutorial sessions These group sessions provide you, the learner with a range of activities that support the themes of: Being healthy Staying safe Enjoying and achieving Achieving economic well being There will 3 compulsory sessions (one per term) that coincide with the College respect campaign: Faith and race No smoking Health and well being Additional sessions may be put on that cover Personal Finance, Sexual Health and Drug Awareness. Support from Learner Services is available with these. Tutorial planner The tutorial planner shows the pattern of activity for the year. The first 2 weeks of the programme are for ‘getting to know’ activities in the group sessions. This will include completion of the ILP by you and your Tutor. Targets will be set with you and monitored on a frequent basis. The dates for the cross college respect themes each term are also shown. Progression week 2 For those of you that want to progress onto another course at the College or are looking to go on to Higher education there are two important weeks built into the tutorial calendar: Autumn term HE progression and careers week – This is where the UCAS application process is started and guidance is given as to the range of options available to you. Spring term HE/FE progression careers week- In this week all students wishing to complete another course the following year at the College will complete an application form which will need to be submitted by the end of the spring term. During both of these weeks the Careers and progression staff from Learner services will be providing a range of activities and information to help you with your choices. This will include the opportunity to develop your CV and have a mock interview. Year 2 students For second year students a number of group sessions will be built in to the years that support you with the next stages of your career. These sessions may include: - UCAS & personal Statements College HE progression sessions Talks by HE students Industry professionals – master classes Study Skills, referencing, online resources etc – By Library. Assignment & Assessment catch up. 3 Personal Learning Plan (PLP) You can find the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) page by entering your course page and clicking on the PLP icon in the TOP RIGHTHAND SIDE on the page. Your personal details and PLP should be then shown. 1) STUDENT COURSES DETAILS SECTION ( As below) The information you will find in this section includes: - Personal Data ie Student number, email, mobile and Next of Kin information. Academic data ie Entry Qauls, Initial Assessments, Course info ( for every course you are entered on) THIS SECTION IS AUTOMATICLY UPDATED AT THE BEGINING OF EVERY YEAR, WITH ATTENDANCE DATA UPDATED WEEKLY. 4 2) STUDENT INFORMATION This section is completed by the student (independently) during the induction week if possible but certainly by the end of the 3rd week. It is strongly encouraged that you as students are as honest as possible as this will help give your Course tutor/staff member an idea of what motivates you to study and any additional help you may need to do this. If you are unsure of your future plans you may want to set a target to have a one to one with Learner Services for some career advice. 5 3) TARGET SETTING This section is completed by both students & staff throughout the year. It is envisaged that this section is completed together with your tutor having agreed the targets to be set. Your Course Tutor should set targets at least 3 times per year, following your progress reviews (one to one tutorials). Target must be SMART: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound Good example: “To improve on your spelling in your next written assignment. Use a spell Check or dictionary to help. Let us target no more than 7 spelling mistakes in your next assignment due in April 11th 2011.” Bad Example: “Please sort out your spelling and it was poor in this last assignment. I expect no mistakes next time.” It will be necessary to also update targets with matters relating to PSD/Employability that have been highlighted by the self-assessment webs (see section 5). In addition any not academic matters may also need to be addressed with targets, these may include, attendance & lateness, behaviour and any disciplinary matters. 6 4) PROGRESS REVIEWS This section is completed by your course tutor throughout the year. It is envisaged that this section is completed together (If possible) with targets being agreed following your discussions. Each course you are undertaking that year must be reviewed at least 4 times. 3 times in one to one tutorials and one time during Achievement Week (Week 33) The course tutor should ensure other tutors have updated the progress reviews prior to each of the one to ones with you, so that they have a full picture of your progress on every course. 7 5) Personal Self Development (PSD) & EMPLOYABILITY SELF-ASSESSMENT WEBS This section is completed by YOU at least 4 times throughout the year. First one during induction week and the remainder just before each one to one. You should reads each of the statements and then selects a response to how you view your own level of development for each one. After you have completed the statements you submit the answers and a chart appears ( as below) mapping their scores. The first things you as a student should see is where you have strenghts and areas for improvement. You may then want to set targets to help improve any of the areas that you have highlighted needs work. It must be remembered this tool is to help RAISE AWARENESS of your behaviours by your own self reflection and for you to be encouraged to consider improving in some areas and receiving praise on others. It is NOT a tool to be use to encourage detailed and personal discussions on matters of a sensitive nature. 8 6) END OF TERM REPORTS These are completed by tutors during review weeks. A simple progress grade should be entered. Scores being: 1 – Excellent 2 – Good 3 – Satisfactory 4 – Area of concern. There is also a section for comments, covering all academic and PSD matters. 9