Eckert, 4:00 R02 HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS: ENDING THE DEPENDENCE ON FOSSIL FUELS Jonathan Antonich ( INTRODUCTION: “HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS”: WORKING TO END THE SEARCH FOR CLEAN FUEL Since the beginning of the Second Industrial Revolution in the 1860s, the nonrenewable resources, such as gasoline and coal, have been used for the operation of automobiles and machinery. As time has progressed, much controversy has risen with the use of coal and gasoline for running machines. One of the most prominent issues that came along with the use of coal and gasoline for fuel is that many people believe it is contributing to environmental problems such as the thickening of the ozone layer and the reduction of air quality throughout the world. Environmental Engineers have often worked towards finding a cleaner source of fuel to operate motor vehicles to counteract this problem. Although the production of electrical powered cars has been popularized over the past few years, they still rely on fossil fuels once the electrical charge runs out. One more promising method of eliminating the need for fossil fuels is the use of Hydrogen fuel cells. Simplistically, Hydrogen fuel cells are mechanisms that convert Hydrogen and Oxygen into water while producing electricity that the car uses as energy [1]. According to Rebecca Cheung, What makes this a remarkable source of energy is that, “no harmful emissions are released when hydrogen is burned; only water and energy are produced” [2]. Although it may seem that the solution for the war against the use of fossil fuels for energy has been conquered, many issues remain that hinder the practical use of Hydrogen fuel cells. The most detrimental issue that stops the progress of developing Hydrogen fuel cells is that, in recent years government funding towards the research and development of Hydrogen fuel cells has been diminished [3]. Without proper funding, Hydrogen fuel cells will never be able to be produced at an affordable cost in which they can become common place among most cars in The United States. Additionally, another issue that presents itself as a problem for the development of Hydrogen fuel cells is that there may be a breach in the National Society of Professional Engineer’s code of ethics, when it comes to the use of Hydrogen fuel cells. All engineers are legally obligated to obey codes of ethics such as the NSPE code of ethics when they participate in things such as developing new technologies or conduct research where the research may interfere with the wellbeing of a living organism or the environment. The significance in this rises in that, if all of the canons in these codes of ethics are not met, then University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 Oct. 9, 2012 development of these new technologies is not allowed to happen. Throughout the process of typing a paper such as this, there are many valuable resources that someone, such as a freshman engineer, can acquire. These resources are vital to any engineer hoping to gain a career in the field of engineering in which their paper is written about. From the gaining of knowledge about a specific engineering discipline, to learning about new technologies that are being developed and the issues surrounding them, there are many valuable attributes to be gained by a freshman engineer by typing a paper on a current engineering issue. WHAT SPECIFICALLY ARE HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS, AND WHY SHOULD AN ENGINEER CARE ABOUT THEIR DEVELOPMENT? How Hydrogen Fuel Cells Operate Hydrogen fuel cells are a specific model of a polymer exchanging membrane fuel cell, which is a system that takes a simple chemical reaction and converts the energy given off by the reaction into electricity. The way this technology works is that first, Hydrogen and Oxygen ions need to be obtained. [1] There are many different ways of doing so, but the primary way in which many companies do this is through water electrolysis. Water electrolysis is the process in which an electric current is ran through water. As long as the water is not deionized or highly distilled, the Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms of H2O will be ionized. The ionization of these ions means that they are separated from one another [1]. From here, the different Hydrogen and Oxygen ions can be gathered and stored. Once stored, the Hydrogen and Oxygen ions are placed into the Hydrogen fuel cell. This fuel cell is also known as a polymer exchange fuel cell, which converts the energy given off by a chemical reaction into electricity. This electricity is what actually powers the motor to run. To produce this electricity, several actions need to take place inside the fuel cell. First, the stored Hydrogen and Oxygen ions are released into a proton exchange membrane [1]. After the ions are released, the reaction is initiated by a catalyst (usually heat). This starts the reaction between the Hydrogen and Oxygen ions. Once this reaction has started, the Hydrogen and Oxygen ions go through the anode of the fuel cell. As the ions travel through the anode the synthesis reaction of H+ + O2- → H2O takes place. While this reaction is taking place, electricity is being produced and is being run Jonathan Antonich “When George W. Bush took office, he pushed a hydrogenpowered FreedomCAR” [5]. Although President Bush worked to increase upon funding for Hydrogen fuel cells, this process has taken a reverse in recent years. through the circuit that is wired to the motor. The only byproduct of this reaction is water [2]. Multiple amounts of these fuel cells are needed to create enough electricity to actually run the automobile. This is achieved by a process known as stacking [1]. Stacking is the process in which multiple Hydrogen fuel cells are wired together through multiple circuits so that they can effectively run an automobile. Once several of the fuel cells are stacked, they are able to generate enough electrical power to operate a vehicle. Energy/ Energy Departmen Efficiency t/ and Office Renewabl e Energy The Importance of Hydrogen Fuel Cells to Engineers Several aspects of engineering are utilized throughout the process of constructing and utilizing the power produced by Hydrogen fuel cells. First, mechanical engineers are needed to manufacture the cells and make sure they are able to operate correctly. Additionally, chemical engineers’ talents must be utilized to produce the catalysts necessary to make the chemical reaction among the Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms proceed. Furthermore, electrical and computer engineers are needed to wire the system so that the current can effectively run the electrical energy into the motor of the car [4]. Since many types of engineers are needed to efficiently produce Hydrogen fuel cells, there are several reasons why engineers should care if the federal funding towards producing these cells is cut. First, if all of the federal funding towards the production of these cells is cut, than the production and development of new Hydrogen fuel cells will be halted. This will cause most of the jobs that engineers have towards the production of Hydrogen Fuel cells to be lost. Also, since there will be no federal funding, research towards Hydrogen fuel cells will be diminished and this valuable source of energy will be rendered useless. As Hydrogen fuel cells are the closest form of practical renewable energy that can effectively run an automobile; this will also stop the progress towards eliminating the need for fossil fuels, which has been troubling environmental engineers for decades. In addition, the breaking of several ethical codes may also stop the manufacturing of Hydrogen fuel cells. Energy / Fossil Energy (Coal)a Energy / Energy Nuclea / Total r Science Energy 6,201 0.0b FY04 144,881 4,879 FY05 166,722 16,518 8,682 FY06 153,451 21,036 24,057 32,500 231,044 FY07 189,511 21,513 18,855 36,388 266,267 FY08 206,241 14,891 9,668 36,483 267,283 FY09 195,865 20,151 7,340 38,284 261,640 FY10 170,297 13,970 5,000 38,053 227,320 FY11 95,847 11,394 2,800 34,611 144,652 FY12 101,087 0 ˜34,611 0 155,961 29,183 221,155 ˜135,69 8 FY13 77,850 0 0 TBD TBD Request Figure 1, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Budget ($ in thousands) [6] From the chart presented above, the amount of funding towards renewable energy peaked in 2008; and it has slowly declined since, reaching an all-time low for the request of the fiscal year of 2013. This trend also shows no indication of changing, and is heading towards having the funding toward renewable energy research and development completely eliminated. ETHICAL ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH THE MANUFACTURING AND USE OF HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS A MORE DETAILED LOOK AT THE DECREASE IN FUNDING FOR HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS When it comes to producing and using Hydrogen fuel cells, many issues exist in the field of ethics that my halt the ability to produce these fuel cells. As stated before, all engineers need to follow certain codes of ethics when it comes to producing new technologies such as Hydrogen fuel cells. Codes of ethics that are included for the production of Hydrogen Fuel Cells include, but are not limited to, The National Society of Professional Engineers code of ethics and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers code of ethics. Along with all brand new technologies that are produced, come a set of issues that attempt to hinder their development. This also holds true with Hydrogen fuel cells. Since the first prototypes of Hydrogen fuel cells were introduced to the American public, a debate over whether the federal government should aid these machines has ensued. According to Chicago Tribune writer Greg Burns, 2 Jonathan Antonich The National Society of Professional Engineers code of ethics is the legally binding code of ethics that needs to be followed by all engineers regardless of what engineering discipline they are practicing. The six fundamental canons of this code of ethics that layout the groundwork for this code of ethics is: to “hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public, perform services only in areas of their competence, issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner, act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, avoid deceptive acts, and to conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession” [7]. All of these canons must be accounted for by all engineers while demonstrating their practice. Throughout this code of ethics though, there are certain rules that may be violated by violated by the development of Hydrogen fuel cells. A specific rule of practice in this code of ethics that has the possibility of being breached is, Section 2.1; that states that “Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public” [7]. This rule is breached in the fact that many skeptics of Hydrogen fuel cells believe that, “Escaped hydrogen could build up, depleting the ozone layer near the North and South poles and triggering an increase in global warming” [8]. If the use of Hydrogen fuel cells contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer, this breaks the rule in section 2.1, because the environment is being harmed with the use of this new technology. Another example of how this code of ethics may be broken is that Section 3.2 states, “Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest” [7]. This specific rule may be broken due to the decrease in the interest of Hydrogen fuel cells. If the development of Hydrogen Fuel Cells is no longer wanted by the general public, then producing them would be unethical according to the NSPE. Another code of ethics that may be infringed upon with the use of Hydrogen fuel cells is the American Institute of Chemical Engineers code of ethics. This code of ethics provides the guidelines that all Chemical Engineers in the United States must follow with their area of expertise [9]. A specific example of this code of ethics being broken is that this code of ethics states that Chemical Engineers must demonstrate their practice by, “Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare” [9]. Due to the environmental issues presented with the use of Hydrogen fuel cells, such as the ability of escaped Hydrogen to deplete the ozone layer, the production of Hydrogen fuel cells may cause more harm than good for the environment. This has not yet been proven, but if it does this specific rule in this code of ethics has been breached. Although there are some grey areas in the code of ethics for Engineers that may be broken by the manufacturing and practice of Hydrogen fuel cells, these issues can be fixed rather easily. These ethical issues are also not so severe that they cannot be fixed. With proper care in the use of Hydrogen fuel cells and a strengthening of public interest, the production and use of Hydrogen fuel cells can abide to all of the divisions in the NSPE and AIChE code of ethics. THE EDUCATIONAL VALUE OF THIS ASSIGNMENT Throughout typing this paper on the development of Hydrogen fuel cells and issues surrounding it, I have learned several things about this specific technology and engineering as a whole, which I would not have otherwise known. In example, I have learned about multiple codes of ethics in which all engineers in have to abide by, to develop new technologies such as Hydrogen fuel cells. Also, I have learned the specific process in producing Hydrogen fuel cells, and how many different disciplines have of engineering have to contribute for a Hydrogen fuel cell to be efficiently manufactured. Since I personally have learned a large deal of information that applies to my field of engineering, I believe that having to construct a paper like this is a very useful tool for freshman engineers. According to Dr. Janet de Wilde who is the head of STEM, an engineering curriculum development company, an engineering curriculum should “provide information and resources relating to pedagogic research as it relates to engineering and materials, and directly engage with pedagogical research activities” [10]. In my belief, a research paper such as this proves to be a valuable asset that teaches students about new research and other important aspects of engineering. I believe that other universities should develop an assignment similar to this one, so that their students can also be given an opportunity to learn this valuable information, just as I was presented with this opportunity. CONCLUSION: WHY HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS DESERVE TO BE MANFUCATURED AND USED Hydrogen fuel cells prove to be an important and versatile resource to helping eliminate the reliance on fossil fuels for the operation of automobiles. By using a reaction amongst Hydrogen and Oxygen ions to convert electricity into pure energy, with only water as a byproduct, Hydrogen fuel cells eliminate the release of harmful chemicals due to the running of automobiles. This new technology is a large step in the right direction to having a clean fuel source to run cars and other automobiles. Although Hydrogen fuel cells are readily able to be developed at a mass quantity, several issues exist that hinder their production. First, as an attempt to decrease government spending, the federal government is slowly diminishing the funding that is being allocated towards research for renewable energy sources such as Hydrogen fuel cells. Also, a large amount of people believe that several aspects of manufacturing Hydrogen fuel cells interrupt with the ethical 3 Jonathan Antonich boundaries that are set in engineering. For example, if Hydrogen were to leak from these cells, then this could contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer and aid global warming. Likewise, over the past several years the public interest in Hydrogen fuel cells has dropped. In accordance to the AIChe code of ethics, research should only be conducted on topics that interest the public as a whole. Finally, this paper has provided me with several new bits of information about engineering that I had not previously known. I have gained knowledge about the specific aspects of engineering used in making Hydrogen fuel cells, along with the ethical issues an engineer may encounter when conducting research and developing new technologies. I believe that all freshman engineers in the country should have to type a research paper such as this, so they too can acquire important information on topics such as this. Throughout the construction of this paper, several people have helped me along the way. I would first like to than my Engineering Analysis instructor, Chad Eckert, for helping me choose the topic for which I typed my paper. Also, I would like to thank Jake Fosatti for helping me decide what relevant information from my research I should include in my paper. REFERENCES [1] (2012). “Fuel Cell Vehicles” Energy U.S. Department of Energy, (Website). [2]R. Cheung. (April 21, 2012). “Better Hydrogen Storage Process Unveiled. ”Science News: Magazine of the Society for Science & The Public. (Online Article). tter_hydrogen_storage_process_unveiled [3] S. Levine. (May 17, 2012). “Giving Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Cars Another Chance.” Slate Magazine. (Online Article). 05/hydrogen_fuel_cell_vehicles_and_the_obama_administra tion_.html [4] Purdue University (2010, June 18). “New process is promising for hydrogen fuel cell cars.” ScienceDaily. (Online Article). [5] G. Burns. (June 03, 2010). “Hydrogen fuel cells give way to electric cars” Chicago Tribune. (Online Article). 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