REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CIVIL REGISTRATION FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DATABASE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Table of Contents Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................................1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................3 Current Situation ...............................................................................................................................3 Request for Proposal (RFP) .................................................................................................................4 Proposal Guidelines and Requirements ..............................................................................................4 Standard Proposal Format ..................................................................................................................6 Important Dates ................................................................................................................................6 General Functional Requirements ......................................................................................................8 1. Authentication and Authorisation .................................................................................................... 8 2. Database Management Tools ........................................................................................................... 8 3. Automatic Alert Trigger..................................................................................................................... 8 4. Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 9 5. Database Security ............................................................................................................................. 9 6. Audit Trail and Log ............................................................................................................................ 9 7. Certificates Production and Printing ............................................................................................... 10 8. Reports Generation......................................................................................................................... 10 9. Correspondence Generation........................................................................................................... 11 10. Data Validation............................................................................................................................ 11 11. Data Input Format Correction ..................................................................................................... 11 12. Search and Retrieve .................................................................................................................... 12 13. Modification of Key Life Events Records..................................................................................... 12 14. Deletion of Invalid Records ......................................................................................................... 13 Keystrokes Reduction and Data Entry .................................................................................................... 13 15. Future Technological Integration ................................................................................................ 13 16. Historical Birth Record Migration (HBRM) .................................................................................. 14 Birth Registration Module ................................................................................................................ 15 On Time Birth Registration ..................................................................................................................... 15 a. Parental Search and Link ............................................................................................................. 15 b. Incomplete Registrations ............................................................................................................ 16 c. Automatic Calculation ................................................................................................................. 16 1 d. Assignment of Birth Registration Numbers ................................................................................ 16 e. Data Fields Disablement and Data Sharing ................................................................................. 17 f. Late Birth Registration ................................................................................................................ 18 g. Birth Registration Data Requirements ........................................................................................ 20 h. Linking of Birth and Death Records............................................................................................. 21 i. Birth Certificates Production and Printing .................................................................................. 21 Change of Name Module .................................................................................................................. 22 a. Legal Change of Name ................................................................................................................ 22 b. LCN Registration Data Requirements ......................................................................................... 22 c. Assignment of LCN Registration Numbers .................................................................................. 23 d. LCN Certificate Production and Printing ..................................................................................... 23 Adoption Module............................................................................................................................. 24 a. Registering an Adoption.............................................................................................................. 24 b. Adoption Registration Data Requirements ................................................................................. 25 c. Data Fields Disablement ............................................................................................................. 26 d. Assignment of Adoption Registration Numbers ......................................................................... 26 Deaths Module ................................................................................................................................ 27 a. Data Matching ............................................................................................................................. 27 b. Incomplete Death Registration ................................................................................................... 27 c. Automatic Calculation ................................................................................................................. 28 d. Death Registration Data Requirements ...................................................................................... 28 e. Modifications and Updates ......................................................................................................... 29 f. Assignment of Death Registration Numbers .............................................................................. 29 g. Certificate Production and Printing ............................................................................................ 30 h. Statistical Reports Generation .................................................................................................... 30 i. Stillbirths ..................................................................................................................................... 30 j. Assignment of Stillbirth Registration Numbers .......................................................................... 30 k. Certificate Production and Printing ............................................................................................ 31 l. Stillbirth Registration Data Requirements .................................................................................. 31 2 Introduction Civil registration refers to universal, continuous, compulsory and permanent recording of key life events such as births, deaths and marriages. In the Solomon Islands, the Civil Registry Office is responsible for registering and maintaining records of births and deaths for all indigenous Solomon Islanders. The estimated population of Solomon Islands in the 2009 census was 515,087 and the projected average population growth is 2.3 per cent per annum. Current Situation The duties currently performed by the Civil Registry Office include receiving notifications of key life events (births, deaths and adoptions) from other stakeholders, registering these events, generating and issuing certificates, as well as correction and maintenance of records. Although the Civil Registry Office works collaboratively with other stakeholders and government agencies, the Ministry of Health has a direct involvement in the birth registration process because it provides virtually all birth notifications. The current system is largely paper-based and the Civil Registry Office does not have a database management system. The absence of a database management system affects organisational performance and effectiveness because of operational and productivity constraints associated with the current manual system. The current system suffers from inadequate security, limited file sharing, and lack of data integrity. The absence of a database management system also affects the collection, analysis, and generation of reports from aggregated data. In addition, there is no auditable electronic record of what was issued, to whom, by whom, and when. In order to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness, as well as resolve the issues identified above, the Civil Registry Office has decided to acquire a database management system. 3 Request for Proposal (RFP) The purpose of this RFP document is to invite qualified companies to submit proposals for designing, building, and installing an integrated, reliable, secure and easy to use database management system capable of supporting the functions of the Civil Registry Office. The proposal must include the costs of ancillary professional services such as software documentation, training, maintenance and support and all travel costs. Proposal Guidelines and Requirements a) By submitting a proposal, participants accept that this is an open and competitive process and they are solely responsible for all costs incurred in preparing and submitting a proposal. In addition, participants agree to indemnify the Civil Registry Office, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of Solomon Islands, and any other affiliated parties in relation to any costs, expenses or liability incurred in responding to this RFP. b) Participants agree that all submitted proposals and associated documentation will become the property of the Civil Registry Office and will not be returned to participants. c) Participants accept that all information obtained from the Civil Registry Office as a result of their participation in this RFP process is proprietary and confidential and shall not be disclosed or used in any other manner without prior written permission from the Civil Registry Office. d) The successful bidder will be required to work and coordinate development activities with an appointed consultant, as well as periodically meet with nominated staff, key stakeholders and sponsors, to discuss development progress. 4 e) The Civil Registry Office has sole discretion and reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP or withdraw this solicitation for any reason at any time. Participants agree that the Civil Registry Office is not bound to accept any proposal solely on the basis that it contains the lowest price. f) The Civil Registry Office reserves the right to make amendments to this RFP by issuing notice of amendments to all participants. g) Participants may be required to give an oral presentation to the Civil Registry Office concerning their proposal. h) Participants must understand the realities and limitations of working in an environment with very limited resources and agree to remain flexible and responsive at all times. i) The bid must contain the signature of a duly authorised officer or agent of the company submitting the proposal. j) It is acceptable for participants to submit alternate (functionally equivalent) solutions or “in production” software capable of meeting the Civil Registry Office’s operational needs. k) The software developed from the functional requirements document will be considered ‘work for hire’ and the Civil Registry Office will have sole and absolute ownership of the source codes and any other intellectual property rights. l) The laws of the Solomon Islands shall govern any contractual agreement resulting from this RFP. m) Participants are required to disclose any hypothecation of right, assignments or pledges to any entity that might affect their ability to execute the project. 5 n) Participants are required to disclose in their proposals any intention to subcontract all or any part of the project. While sub-contracting is acceptable under certain circumstances, the winning bidder shall not sub-contract any part of the project without the written permission of the Civil Registry Office. o) In relation to the sub-contracting matter, the Civil Registry Office retains the rights to veto or refuse the use of any sub-contractor appointed by the main contractor. p) For updated data fields, please refer to the Appendix. Standard Proposal Format Participants should prepare and submit their proposals in the following format: Title Page and Table of Contents Summary Organisational profile Experience with similar projects Project planning methodology Proposed project team members and their experiences Proposed development technologies and architecture Testing and quality assurance system Training, support and maintenance plan Value added Any other relevant information participants would like to add Important Dates Whilst the Civil Registry Office will endeavour to comply with this schedule of events, it reserves the right to change the dates. 6 By submitting a proposal, participants accept that these dates are tentative and the Civil Registry Office will not be liable for any losses incurred as a result of participants’ reliance on this schedule of events. Date Event 29 April 2013 Public notice of RFP 06 May 2013 Deadline for receipt of written questions 10 May 2013 Response to written questions 27 May 2013 Deadline for submission of proposal 14 June 2013 Notification of outcome to participants 21 June 2013 Contract negotiations 28 June 2013 Contract ratified and signed 7 General Functional Requirements 1. Authentication and Authorisation The proposed system must provide an authentication mechanism for ensuring that only registered users have access to the database system. Once a person has been authenticated, the system must apply access control mechanisms to ensure that a user’s access to system functions and data resources corresponds with their assigned level of authority or access rights and privileges. The system must also provide a means of separating roles and duties. For example, a rolebased access control might be used to limit access to data resources at folder and data levels. The proposed system must provide the ability to lockout a user’s account after three failed logon attempts as well as provide a means of recording and retaining both successful and failed logon attempts. The proposed system should also provide the ability to enforce minimum password length and strength as well as password expiration rules. 2. Database Management Tools The system must provide the administrative tools necessary for managing the database, including the creation and assignment of user rights and privileges; the deletion of users and modification of access rights; scheduling of events; reports generation; backup and recovery; database optimisation; and general database security management. In terms of backup mechanism, the system should also support dynamic backup. 3. Automatic Alert Trigger The proposed system must have the ability to create an alert to any life-event record, which is automatically activated if certain conditions are met. 8 4. Interface The database system must provide a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for data entry and associated activities. The interface must be user friendly, clear, predictable, consistent and efficient. 5. Database Security Due to the sensitive nature of the data elements that are intended to be held in the database, the proposed system must provide an encryption mechanism for securing the entire database (data at rest) as well as ensuring that transmitted data between two end points (externally and internally) are not compromised. As encryption affects data size and impacts on database performance, the system architecture should be designed to minimise any performance degradation. 6. Audit Trail and Log The proposed system must provide a secure and automated audit capability for recording activities in the system as well as changes made to data records. All suspicious activities must be logged and reported to the Administrator. The proposed system must record the following audit trail activities: Nature of the event (for example, access to records, insertion and deletion) Identity of the user or system component Point of origin of the event Date and time Identity of data or system resources affected The proposed system must record and keep information about unsuccessful attempts to access data and system resources. The log file must be secured and only authorised people should have access to the file. 9 In addition, the proposed system must provide a means of ensuring that the audit trails and log files cannot be altered or deleted. 7. Certificates Production and Printing The system must provide the ability to produce, view and print birth, death and change of name certificates. In so doing, the system must be able to produce individualised certificates by allowing automatic extraction of relevant data from the database. The proposed system should provide a text field for certificate numbers because the certificate will be printed on pre-numbered security paper. The certificate should have an electronic seal or stamp and a digital watermark. The certificate should also contain a bar-coded identification number of the operator as well as the computer identification number. Once printed, a copy of the certificate should be saved in a portable file format. In addition, the system should keep a log of all certificates produced, including the particulars of the operator, date and time of production, and paper number used for the production of the certificate. 8. Reports Generation The proposed system must provide the ability to generate, print, and/or save different types of reports including predefined routine reports as well as ad-hoc reports. The reporting capability must include the generation of reports using multiple categories as well as provide automatic calculation features. The system must also have the ability to generate, view, print, and/or save audit reports, including exception reports. 10 9. Correspondence Generation The proposed system must provide the ability to generate and print operational letters. For example, letters to parents or medical workers requesting additional information or documentation. In addition, the system must have the ability to store template letters and forms as well as keep electronic records of all outgoing correspondence. 10. Data Validation The proposed system must provide the ability to validate data inputs. Data validation functions are required to ensure data entry completion and to prevent the entry of invalid/incorrect information into the database. As input validation is crucial to the overall functioning of the database, the proposed system must ensure that illegal or invalid values are not passed to the database. The system must provide a means of ensuring that the user has completed all mandatory data entry fields before enabling the registration of a new record. The system must have the ability to display warning/alert messages as well as provide the ability for soft and hard edits. For example, if the date of birth entered is in the future, an instructive pop-up warning/message should inform the user of the data entry error as well as the reasons for the error (context sensitive help). 11. Data Input Format Correction The proposed system must provide the ability to change certain data inputs to conform to the desired format. For example, if the date of birth does not conform to the desired format, the system should automatically change it to conform rather than reject the input. The system must have the ability to capitalise (auto covert) all proper nouns. 11 For example, if the first letter of a name is not capitalised, the system should automatically capitalise it. The proposed system must ensure that the date text fields contain a pop-up calendar. 12. Search and Retrieve The proposed system must provide the functionality for searching and retrieving any potential duplicate record before enabling the creation of a new life event record in the database. If a duplication record is found, the system should provide a means of handling the duplicate record. The proposed system must provide the ability to search for records of births, deaths, legal change of names, stillbirths and adoptions using either a single criterion or multiple criteria. The system must also provide support for wild card searches. The proposed system must ensure that the search functionality is not case sensitive. The proposed system must provide the functionality for the user to sort search results in either ascending or descending order. 13. Modification of Key Life Events Records The proposed system must provide the ability to modify records (births, deaths, change of names, adoptions, stillbirths) of key life events. In so doing, it must also provide a means of ensuring that only authorised high-level users are allowed to modify or change completed records of key-life events. The history of the modification must be permanently retained. 12 14. Deletion of Invalid Records As there may be cases where completed records of life events are no longer valid for one reason or another (for example, an erroneously or fraudulently created record), the proposed system must provide a means of voiding such entries. However, the system must ensure that invalid records can only be voided, and not deleted from the database. The proposed system must also provide the ability to permanently archive voided records, as well as a means of retrieving and viewing these records. It must also provide a way of ensuring that only authorised high-level users have access to all voided or cancelled life events records. Keystrokes Reduction and Data Entry The system must provide mechanisms to enable data entry efficiency and keystroke reduction wherever practicable. For example, an auto-populate functionality can be used to populate certain text fields based on input selection from a drop down menu. For example, when a health facility is selected from a list of health facilities, the location and province text fields should be automatically populated. The system must provide the ability to dynamically suppress or disable text fields based on the data entered in the previous fields. For example, when creating a birth record, if the mother has not named the child’s father, the relevant data entry fields for the child’s father should be disabled. 15. Future Technological Integration It is anticipated that medical workers from provincial health facilities should be able to electronically transfer vital events data to the Registrar of Births and Deaths. 13 Accordingly, the proposed system must have the ability to securely interconnect with the Ministry of Health’s Health Information System (HIS) via a web-based interface. The web-based interface should support the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for data transmission. The proposed system must ensure that incoming data input are validated, evaluated for expected size, format and type before acceptance. Because of the sensitive nature of the information being transmitted, the system must have the ability to reject unencrypted data. 16. Historical Birth Record Migration (HBRM) It is anticipated that the existing electronic records of births and deaths will be migrated to the new database system. As such, the proposed system must provide data migration functionality. In addition, it must provide a means of backcapturing paper-based records (through scanning and manual data entry). The proposed system must have the ability to manually generate and assign registration numbers to historical birth records that are migrated from existing paper-based and electronic records. The proposed system should support the importation and exportation of electronic records using a number of formats including .txt, .xml, .csv and .xls. 14 Birth Registration Module The proposed system must provide the data entry and processing functionalities necessary for creating and recording two types of birth registration records: on time birth registrations and late birth registrations (OTBR and LBR). In the Solomon Islands, a birth that is registered after the child’s fifth birthday is deemed a late registration. Accordingly, the proposed system must provide a means of differentiating between the above-mentioned types of birth registrations because of the variation in information requirements for each type. When creating a new birth record, the proposed system must provide the ability for the user to select a ‘Registration Type’ as defined below: OTBR – On Time Birth Registration LBR – Late Birth Registration Depending on the ‘Registration Type’ chosen by the user, the system should be able to provide appropriate data entry fields as shown in the next section of this document. On Time Birth Registration The proposed system must provide the functionality for capturing, processing and adding a new birth record. a. Parental Search and Link The proposed system must have the ability to search for parents’ records in the database. The system should provide a means of linking parents to a child if the operator confirms a positive match. As there may be cases of erroneously linked records, the system should also have the ability to unlink records. 15 The system should provide a means of auto-filling the parents’ data fields if a match is confirmed. Finally, the system should provide the ability to update the parents’ records if required. b. Incomplete Registrations The proposed system must have the functionality to save incomplete registrations as well as provide the means to retrieve and complete a registration when the missing information becomes available. The system must also provide the ability to track and report on partial registrations. c. Automatic Calculation The system should automatically calculate the age of mother and father from the information entered in the relevant dates of birth fields. The system must also provide a means of dealing with cases where the date of birth of either parent is unknown. d. Assignment of Birth Registration Numbers The proposed system must provide the ability to automatically assign a unique birth registration number to every new birth record. The number assignment method should be in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY/001/XXXXXXXX for a male child and DD/MM/YYYY/100/XXXXXXXX for a female child. Items Representations DD Represents day of birth MM Represents month of birth YYYY Represents year of birth 001 and 100 Represents sex (male and female) XXXXXXXX Represents the assigned unique number 16 On 1 January each year, the numeric portion of the assigned number must reset to XXXXXXXX (for example, 0001) for the first registration of the year and continue from there. e. Data Fields Disablement and Data Sharing The proposed system should provide a means of suppressing the father’s text fields in cases where the mother either does not know the father or refuses to name the father. If the father and mother are living together, the system should auto-fill the father’s address fields. Accordingly, a checkbox (or an equivalent method) should be provided to enable this function. The default country of birth should be Solomon Islands. If the child was not born at one of the health facilities, then the system should have the ability to disable the health facility fields. If the birth occurred overseas, the system should suppress the ‘province’ and the ‘health facility’ text fields. In cases of multiple deliveries, the proposed system needs to generate a crossreference number. It should also provide a means of data sharing given the inherent presence of shared data such as parents’ details. If the child’s place of birth is in the ‘Facilities Lookup List’, the system must have the ability to auto-fill the facility data fields. Information used for recording a new birth is obtained from the ‘Notice of Live/Still Birth form’ (please see appendix). 17 For ‘OTBR’ registrations, the proposed system must be able to record the following information: Child’s Birth Details Health Facility Details Child’s Surname Child’s Given Name(s) Child’s Sex Child’s Date of Birth Child’s Place of Birth Child’s Country of Birth Number/Order of Birth Health Facility Name Facility Type (drop down) Location (Look up List) Province (drop down) Name of Attendant Attendant’s Qualification (drop down) Mother’s Details Father’s Details Mother’s Surname Father’s Surname Mother’s Maiden Name Father’s Given Name(s) Mother’s Given Name(s) Father’s Date of Birth Mother’s Date of Birth Father’s Country of Birth Mother’s Country of Birth Father’s Age Mother’s Age Nationality (Default Solomon Number of Live Born Children Islander) Marital Status Father’s Occupation Nationality (Default Solomon Father’s Address 1 Islander) Father’s Address 2 Mother’s Occupation Province (drop down) Mother’s Address 1 Country (Default Solomon Islands) Mother’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country (Default Solomon Islands) Registration Details Registration File Note Registration Officer’s Surname Registration Officer’s Given Name(s) Date of Registration f. Late Birth Registration The system must provide a means of identifying late registration of births. As mentioned earlier, a birth registered after the child’s fifth birthday is legally deemed a late registration. 18 Information used to record late birth registrations is obtained from a number of sources. In some cases (such as the registration of minors), the birth details are supplied by the child’s parents or by other adult family members. In the self-reported cases (such as the registration of adults), the birth details are usually provided by the applicant. However, evidential documents are still required to support the information supplied by the applicant or informant. For these reasons, the system must have the ability to handle proof of evidence before allowing a late registration. If the child is under the age of five and was not born in one of the health facilities, the parents will be required to complete an affidavit as well as provide other types of documentary evidence, such as a hospital record or a baptismal certificate. If the person being registered is over five years old and was born in one of the health facilities, an affidavit will be required from the person’s parents stating their reasons for delayed registration. In addition, the parents will also be required to provide other documentary evidence such as a hospital issued birth notification document. If the person being registered is 18 years old or over, he/she will be required to complete an affidavit as well as provide documentary evidence proving the date of birth. If the informants are the child’s parents, the system must be able to copy and transfer data from the parents’ data text fields to the informant’s data text fields. If the person being registered is over 18 years old and it is a self-reported birth, the system must have the ability to copy and transfer data from the child’s data fields to the informant’s data fields. 19 g. Birth Registration Data Requirements For late birth registrations, the proposed system must have the ability to record the following information: Child’s Birth Details Particulars of the Informant Child’s Surname Child’s Given Name(s) Child’s Sex Child’s Date of Birth Child’s Place of Birth Child’s Country of Birth Mother’s Details Mother’s Surname Mother’s Maiden Name Mother’s Given Name(s) Mother’s Date of Birth Mother’s Age Mother’s Country of Birth Nationality (Default Solomon Islander) Mother’s Occupation Mother’s Address 1 Mother’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country of Birth Registration Details Registration Officer’s Surname Registration Officer’s Given Name(s) Date of Registration Informant’s Surname Informant’s Given Name(s) Informant’s Occupation Informant’s Address 1 Informant’s Address 2 Self-Reported (yes/no radio button) Relationship to the Registrant Proof or Evidence of Relationship Type of Evidential Document Father’s Details Father’s Surname Father’s Given Name(s) Father’s Date of Birth Father’s Age Father’s Country of Birth Nationality (Default Solomon Islander) Father’s Occupation Father’s Address 1 Father’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country of Birth Registration File Note 20 h. Linking of Birth and Death Records The proposed system must provide the ability to create and maintain a link between a person’s birth record and death record. As such, the system must have the ability to search and compare death records against birth records in the database. If a match is found, the system must have the ability to mark the birth record as ‘deceased’. i. Birth Certificates Production and Printing The proposed system must provide the functionality to produce and print abridged and unabridged birth certificates. The user should be given the option of viewing and/or printing the certificate. The proposed system should provide a dialog box for the user to enter a unique paper number before enabling the print dialog box. The proposed system must have the ability to generate a time-specified batch of certificates in order to facilitate the distribution of complimentary birth certificates (for OTBR registrations). If a birth record is flagged as ‘deceased’, subsequent reprinted birth certificates must be stamped ‘deceased’. If a Legal Change of Name record exists, the system should have the ability to extract the person’s current legal name from LCN records and all subsequent reprinted birth certificate should contain the change of name details (see sample certificates). 21 Change of Name Module The proposed system must be able to accommodate a legal change of name as well as the inclusion of other additional names, such as baptismal names, to birth records. Changes can be made to the surname and/or given names of the child. a. Legal Change of Name The proposed database must have the ability to add a new Legal Change of Name (LCN) record to the database. Before a LCN can be completed, the system must provide the ability to search the existing change of name records, as well as the birth and adoption records. b. LCN Registration Data Requirements For ‘LCN’ registrations, the proposed system must be able to record the following information: Birth Details New Name Details Surname Given Name(s) Sex Date of Birth Place of Birth Country of Birth Registration Details Surname Given Names Change of Name History Registration Officer’s Surname Registration Officer’s Given Name(s) Date of Registration From: To: Date Registration File Note If the person was born in Solomon Islands but their birth was not registered, the system should provide the ability to register the person’s birth before enabling the completion of a change of name. The classification of the birth type will depend on whether the registration is an OTBR or a LBR. 22 If the change of name is completed before the child’s fifth birthday, the system should allow an overtype of the previous name, but should retain the history. When entering a change of name in this case, the system must ensure that other bio-data text fields (for example, date of birth, sex and place of birth) are not enabled. If the change of name is after the child’s fifth birthday, then the proposed system must activate the LCN procedure. c. Assignment of LCN Registration Numbers The proposed system must provide the ability to automatically assign a unique registration number to every new Legal Change of Name record. The registration number assignment should be in this format: LCN/DD/MM/YYYY/XXXXXXXX. Items Representations LCN Legal Change of Name DD Represents day MM Represents month YYYY Represents year XXXXXXXX Represents the assigned unique number On 1 January each year, the numeric portion of the assigned number should must reset to XXXXXXXX for the first registration of the year and continue from there. d. LCN Certificate Production and Printing The proposed system must provide the functionality to produce and print LCN certificates. The user should be given the option of viewing and/or printing the certificate. If the change of name is completed before the child’s fifth birthday, there should be no separate change of name certificate. If the change of name is 23 completed after the child’s fifth birthday, the system should enable the production and printing of a certificate. Adoption Module Legal adoptions differ from customary adoptions. Legal adoption refers to the process of transferring parental rights and duties from the child’s biological parents to the adoptive parents. Once the adoption order has been granted, the biological or natural parents’ rights and duties are extinguished. In the Solomon Islands, a legal adoption can only be registered through the presentation of a court issued ‘Adoption Order’. a. Registering an Adoption If the child was born and registered in the Solomon Islands, the proposed system must have the ability to record the adoption details. Once a new adoption event has been completed, the proposed system must be able to create a new birth record reflecting the details of the adoptive parents and the child’s new name. If the child’s birth was not registered, the system must have the ability to register the child, seal the old record of birth and then create a new post-adoptive birth record using the child’s adoptive parents’ details and the child’s new name(s) (if applicable). The proposed system must provide a means of reusing the original birth registration number, as well as being able to link the pre-adoptive birth record, the adoption record and the post-adoptive birth record. Once the adoption registration process is completed, the child’s pre-adoption birth certificate should be sealed and made inaccessible to an ordinary user. 24 The proposed system must ensure that subsequent birth certificates printed after the registration of the adoption do not contain name-related information from the sealed original birth record. b. Adoption Registration Data Requirements Child’s Pre-adoptive Birth Details Child’s Post-Adoptive Details Child’s Surname Child’s Given Name(s) Child’s Sex Child’s Date of Birth Child’s Place of Birth Child’s Country of Birth Biological Mother’s Details Mother’s Surname Mother’s Maiden Name Mother’s Given Name(s) Mother’s Date of Birth Mother’s Age Mother’s Marital Status Nationality Mother’s Occupation Mother’s Address 1 Mother’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country of Birth Child’s Post-Adoptive Surname Child’s Post-Adoptive Given Name(s) Date of Adoption Age at the Time of Adoption Court Adoption Reference Number (CARN) Adoption Type (local or foreign) Adoptive Mother’s Details Mother’s Surname Mother’s Maiden Name Mother’s Given Name(s) Mother’s Date of Birth Mother’s Age Mother’s Marital Status Nationality Mother’s Occupation Mother’s Address 1 Mother’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country of Birth Biological Father’s Details Father’s Surname Father’s Given Name(s) Father’s Date of Birth Father’s Age Nationality Father’s Occupation Father’s Address 1 Father’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country of Birth Adoptive Mother’s Details Father’s Surname Father’s Given Name(s) Father’s Date of Birth Father’s Age Nationality Father’s Occupation Father’s Address 1 Father’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country of Birth Adoption Registration Details Registration File Note 25 Registration Officer’s Surname Registration Officer’s Given Name(s) Date of Registration c. Data Fields Disablement For adoptions of persons not born in the Solomon Islands, the system should provide the ability to suppress irrelevant text fields such as the ‘province’ text field. d. Assignment of Adoption Registration Numbers The proposed system must have the ability to automatically assign a unique registration number to every new adoption record. The adoption registration number should be in the following format: A/DD/MM/YYYY/XXXXXXXX. Items Representations A Adoption DD Represents day of adoption order MM Represents month of adoption order YYYY Represents year of adoption order XXXXXXXX Represents the assigned unique number On 1 January each year, the numeric portion of the assigned number must reset to XXXXXXXX for the first registration of the year and continue from there. 26 Deaths Module The proposed database should have the ability to add a new death record. In the process of creating a new death record, the system should provide a means of searching the database for a potential matching birth record, as well as checking for a potential duplicate death record before accepting any new entry. If no matching birth record is located, the system must be able to add a new birth record to the system. Once completed, the system should flag the birth record as ‘deceased’ and allow the user to create a death record. a. Data Matching The system should have the ability to data-match birth records against death records as well as enable the flagging of birth records as ‘deceased’. The purpose of this functionality is to prevent fraudulent use of birth records. The system should provide a mechanism for the database administrator to ‘un-flag’ a record as ‘deceased’ in cases of erroneously flagged records. b. Incomplete Death Registration The proposed system must be able to save incomplete death registrations. The system should also have the ability to retrieve and complete a registration when the missing information becomes available. The system must have the ability to track and report on partial death registrations. 27 c. Automatic Calculation The system should automatically calculate the deceased’s age from the information entered in the date of birth field. The system must provide a means of dealing with cases where the date of birth of the deceased is unknown. d. Death Registration Data Requirements For death registrations, the proposed system must be able to record the following information: Deceased’s Details Death Details Surname Given Name(s) Sex Marital Status (if married, enable text fields for spouse details) Number of Surviving Children (if applicable, enable text fields ) Occupation Address 1 Address 2 Province Country Mother’s Details Mother’s Surname Mother’s Maiden Name Mother’s Given Name(s) Health Facility Details Facility Name Facility Type (drop down) Location Province (drop down) Certifier’s Details Surname Given Names Certifier’s Qualification (drop down) Registration Details Date of Death Place of Death Causes of Death Age Autopsy Required (yes/no) Father’s Details Father’s Surname Father’s Given Name(s) Father’s Date of Birth Registration File Note 28 Registration Officer’s Surname Registration Officer’s Given Name(s) Date of Registration e. Modifications and Updates The proposed system must allow for error corrections in relation to any data collected during the process of a death registration. The system must be able to update an existing death record if certain defined conditions are present. However, ordinary users must not have the rights to modify completed records. In performing these functions, the system must have the ability to capture and permanently keep records of previous, amended, or deleted data. f. Assignment of Death Registration Numbers The proposed system must have the ability to automatically assign a unique registration number to every new death record. The registration numbers for death records should be in the following format: D/DD/MM/YYYY/XXXXXXXX. Items Representations D Death DD Represents day of death MM Represents month of death YYYY Represents year of death XXXXXXXX Represents the assigned unique number On 1January each year, the numeric portion of the assigned number must reset to XXXXXXXX for the first registration of the year and continue from there. 29 g. Certificate Production and Printing The proposed system must provide the functionality to produce and print death certificates. The user should be given the option of viewing and/or printing the certificate. In some cases, the family of the deceased may not want the cause(s) of death to be printed on the death certificate. Accordingly, the system must be able to either print or supress the cause(s) of death data when printing a death certificate. h. Statistical Reports Generation The proposed system must provide a means of deriving statistical data from the database. For example, it should be able to generate reports regarding infant mortality and causes of death. i. Stillbirths A stillbirth refers to a situation where a baby is delivered without noticeable signs of life. Although there can be no death without birth, it is considered that stillbirth should be subsumed within the death module. The proposed system must provide the ability to add stillbirth records to the database without the need for a corresponding birth record because a stillbirth is not legally a birth. j. Assignment of Stillbirth Registration Numbers The proposed system must have the ability to automatically assign unique a registration number to every new stillbirth record. 30 The registration numbers for stillbirth records should be in the following format: SB/DD/MM/YYYY/XXXXXXXX. Items Representations SB Stillbirth DD Represents day of delivery MM Represents month of delivery YYYY Represents year of delivery XXXXXXXX Represents the assigned unique number On 1January each year, the numeric portion of the assigned number must reset to XXXXXXXX for the first registration of the year and continue from there. k. Certificate Production and Printing The proposed system must provide the ability to generate and print stillbirth certificates. l. Stillbirth Registration Data Requirements For new stillbirth registrations, the proposed system must have the ability to record the following information: Child’s Stillbirth Details Facility Details Child’s Surname (optional) Child’s Given Name(s) (optional) Child’s Sex Child’s Date of Delivery Child’s Place of Delivery Causes of stillbirth Mother’s Details Mother’s Surname Mother’s Maiden Name Mother’s Given Name(s) Health Facility Name Facility Type (drop down) Location (Look up List) Province (drop down) Name of Attendant Attendant’s Qualification (drop down) Father’s Details Father’s Surname Father’s Given Name(s) Father’s Date of Birth 31 Mother’s Date of Birth Father’s Country of Birth Mother’s Country of Birth Father’s Age Nationality (Default Solomon Mother’s Age Islander) Marital Status Father’s Occupation Nationality (Default Solomon Islander) Father’s Address 1 Mother’s Occupation Father’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Mother’s Address 1 Country (Default Solomon Islands) Mother’s Address 2 Province (drop down) Country (Default Solomon Islands) Registration Details Registration File Note Registration Officer’s Surname Registration Officer’s Given Name(s) Date of Registration 32