1 Table S1 Habitat types Acid grasslands EUNIS classification Level 1 Level 2 to 4 E : Grasslands and lands dominated by E1 (E1.7) forbs, mosses or lichens G : Woodland, forests and other G1 (G1.1,G1.2, G1.4, G1.5) wooded land Alluvial/riparian F : Heathlands, scrub and tundra F9 E : Grasslands and lands dominated by E1 (E1B) forbs, mosses or lichens Anthropogenic I : Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats Sub-atlantic semidry siliceous grasslands Riparian woods of the nemoral zones, with one or few dominant species, typically Alnus, Betula, Populus or Salix (G1.1), together with Acer, Fraxinus, Prunus or Ulmus in gallery woods (G1.2). Swamp woodlands on acid peat (G1.5) or not (G1.4) and Riversides, lakesides, fens and marshy floodplains dominated by woody vegetation less than 5 m high (F9). I1 (I1.1, I1.2) I : Intensive unmixed crops (I1.1), mixed crops of market gardens and horticulture (I1.2), constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats (J) and heavy-metal grasslands (E1B) C3 Aquatic to amphibious short perennial vegetation in unpolluted but fairly rich in nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and J : Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats Aquatic/amphibiou C : Inland surface s water Habitat definitions dissolved bases (pH often 6-7) Bogs/fens Calci grasslands D : Mires, bogs and fens Wetlands, with the water table at or above ground level for at least half of the year, dominated by herbaceous or ericoid vegetation E : Grasslands and lands dominated by E1 (E1.2) forbs, mosses or lichens Sub-atlantic semidry neutro-alkaline or calcareous grasslands A : Marine habitats Angiospermdominated stands of vegetation, occurring on littoral sediments (A2.6), sublittoral sediments (A5.5) or on the extreme upper shore of sheltered coasts and periodically covered by high tides (A2.5). Habitats occupying coastal features and characterised by their proximity to the sea, including coastal dunes (B1), beaches (B2), cliffs and saline or brackish waters (B3). A2 (A2.5, A2.6) A5 (A5.5) Coastal B : Coastal habitats B1, B2, B3 E : Grasslands and lands dominated by E2 (E2.1, E2.2, E2.6, E2.7) forbs, mosses or lichens Dry meadows H : Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats H2, H3 Regularly grazed mesotrophic pastures of Europe, fertilised and on well-drained soils (E2.1, E2.2), land occupied by heavily fertilised or reseeded permanent grasslands, sometimes treated by selective herbicides (E2.6), mesic grassland that is not currently mown or used for pasture (E2.7), screes (H2) and non coastal cliffs (H3) colonized by sparse herbs or shrubs Forests Fringes Heaths Hydro fringes Meso freshwater G : Woodland, forests and other wooded land Woodland, forest and plantations dominated by summer-green nonconiferous trees that lose their G1 (G1.6, G1.8, G1.9, G1A) leaves in winter such as beech Fagus sylvatica (G1.6), Quercus (G1.8), Betula (G1.9) and mixed canopies (G1A) E : Grasslands and lands dominated by E5 (E5.1, E5.2, E5.3, E5.43) forbs, mosses or lichens F : Heathlands, scrub and tundra F4 E : Grasslands and lands dominated by E5 (E5.4) forbs, mosses or lichens C : Inland surface water C1 (C1.2 to C1.3) Stands of tall herbs (E5.1, E5.2, E5.43) or ferns (E5.3), occuring on agricultural land, by watercourses, at the edge of woods, or invading pastures. Stands of shorter herbs forming a distinct zone (seam) at the edge of woods. Wet and dry Shrub communities of nemoral affinities, in which Ericaceae ar e dominant or at least prominent Tall-herb and fern vegetation of the nemoral zones, along watercourses, in wet meadows and in shade at the edge of woodlands. Euhydrophyte communities of C2 (C2.3, C2.4) C : Inland surface water C1 (C1.1) Oligo freshwater C2 (C2.1) Scrub G : Woodland, forests and other wooded land G5 (G5.6) F : Heathlands, scrub and tundra FA, F3.1 mesotrophic to eutrophic permanent ponds and pools (C1.2 to C1.3) and Euhydrophyte communities of Palaearctic smoothflowing watercourses rich to moderately rich in nutrients (C2.3, C2.4) Waterbodies with a low nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) content including calcareous and basic unpolluted nutrient-poor ponds (C1.1), Euhydrophyte communities of Palaearctic springs and spring brooks poor in nutrients (C2.1) Lines of trees, Hedgerows (FA), early-stage natural and semi-natural woodland and regrowth (G5.6, F3.1). segetal/lato I : Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats I1 (I1.5) Communities of arable weeds, pioneering, introduced or nitrophilous plants colonising fallow fields, disused farmland, vineyards, neglected flower beds and abandoned gardens. segetal/stricto I : Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, I1 (I1.3) Traditionally and extensively cultivated crops, in horticultural and domestic habitats wet meadows E : Grasslands and lands dominated by E3 (E3.4, E3.5) forbs, mosses or lichens particular, of cereals, harbouring a rich and threatened flora of field weeds. Wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslands (E3.4) and grasslands on wet, nutrient-poor, often peaty soils of the nemoral zones (E3.5)