Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Appendix A1 Locations of study area, and Northern and Southern Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Regions, and the locations and names of all ecological sections and divisions. The extent of our study area, the location of Northern and Southern FIA Regions, and the locations and names of the two ecological domains encompassing our study region are depicted in Fig. A1.1. The locations and names of the five ecological divisions within our study area are provided in Fig. A1.2. The locations and names of the 91 ecological sections within our study region are provided in Fig. A1.3 and Table A1.2, respectively. Our classification of each subregion follows that of Cleland et al. (1997). An ecological description of ecological sections is provided by McNab et al. (2007). References Cleland DT, Avers PE, McNab WH, Jensen ME, Bailey RG, King T, Russell WE (1997) National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units. In: Boyce MS, Haney A (eds), Ecosystem Management Applications for Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Resources. Yale University Press, New Haven, pp. 181-200 McNab WH, Cleland DT, Freeouf JA, Keys JE, Jr, Nowacki GJ, Carpenter CA (2007) Description of ecological subregions: sections of the conterminous United States [CDROM]. Gen. Tech. Report WO-76B. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, DC 1 Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Fig. A1.1 Study region, i.e. “Eastern USA”, the borders of the Southern and Northern FIA Regions, and the location and names of the two ecological domains within our study region. 2 Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Fig. A1.2 The locations and names of the five ecological divisions nested within our study area, including outlines (in black) of the ecological domains defined in Fig. A1.1. 3 Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Fig. A1.3 The locations of the 91 ecological sections nested within our study area, including outlines (in black) of the five ecological divisions defined in Fig. A1.2. The names of each ecological section are provided in Table A1.1. 4 Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Table A1.1 Names of the 91 ecological sections listed by numbers in Fig. A1.3. Section Number Section name Section ID 1 Northern Minnesota and Ontario 212M 2 Red River Valley 251A 3 Lake Agassiz-Aspen Parklands 222N 4 Aroostook Hills and Lowlands 211A 5 Minnesota and Northeast Iowa Morainal-Oak Savannah 222M 6 Northern Minnesota Drift and Lake Plains 212N 7 Northern Superior Uplands 212L 8 Maine - New Brunswick Foothills and Lowlands 211B 9 Northern Upper Peninsula 212S 10 Fundy Coastal and Interior 211C 11 Southwest Lake Superior Clay Plain 212Y 12 Southern Superior Uplands 212J 13 White Mountains M211A 14 Western Superior Uplands 212K 15 Northern Green Bay Lobe 212T 16 Northern Highlands 212X 17 St. Lawrence and Champlain Valley 211E 18 Eastern Upper Peninsula 212R 19 Central Maine Coastal and Embayment 211D 20 Adirondack Highlands M211D 21 New England Piedmont M211B 22 North Central U.S. Driftless and Escarpment 222L 23 Lower New England 221A 24 North Central Wisconsin Uplands 212Q 25 Northern Lower Peninsula 212H 26 Green-Taconic-Berkshire Mountains M211C 27 Hudson Valley 221B 28 Wisconsin Central Sands 222R 5 Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Table A1.1 Names of the 91 ecological sections listed by numbers in Fig. A1.3. Section Number Section name Section ID 29 Green Bay - Manitowac Upland 212Z 30 Tug Hill Plateau - Mohawk Valley 211J 31 Northern Glaciated Allegheny Plateau 211F 32 Catskill Mountains 211I 33 North Central Glaciated Plains 251B 34 Erie and Ontario Lake Plain 222I 35 Southwestern Great Lakes Morainal 222K 36 Lake Whittlesey Glaciolacustrine Plain 222U 37 Northern Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau 211G 38 South Central Great Lakes 222J 39 Central Till Plains and Grand Prairies 251D 40 Nebraska Rolling Hills 251H 41 Western Glaciated Allegheny Plateau 221F 42 Southern Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau 221E 43 Blue Ridge Mountains M221D 44 Central Till Plains-Beech-Maple 222H 45 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain 232A 46 Northern Ridge and Valley M221A 47 Northern Appalachian Piedmont 221D 48 Flint Hills 251F 49 Allegheny Mountains M221B 50 Interior Low Plateau-Transition Hills 223B 51 Central Dissected Till Plains 251C 52 Central Appalachian Piedmont 231I 53 Northern Cumberland Plateau 221H 54 Osage Plains 251E 55 Interior Low Plateau-Bluegrass 223F 56 Central Till Plains-Oak Hickory 223G 6 Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Table A1.1 Names of the 91 ecological sections listed by numbers in Fig. A1.3. Section Number Section name Section ID 57 Interior Low Plateau-Shawnee Hills 223D 58 Middle Atlantic Coastal Plains and Flatwoods 232H 59 Interior Low Plateau-Highland Rim 223E 60 White and Black River Alluvial Plains 234D 61 Coastal Plains-Loess 231H 62 Ozark Highlands 223A 63 Northern Cumberland Mountains M221C 64 Central Ridge and Valley 221J 65 Boston Mountains M223A 66 Coastal Plains-Middle 231B 67 Arkansas Valley 231G 68 Southern Appalachian Piedmont 231A 69 Ouachita Mountains M231A 70 Southern Cumberland Plateau 231C 71 Arkansas Alluvial Plains 234E 72 Cross Timbers and Prairie 255A 73 Northern Atlantic Coastal Flatwoods 232I 74 Mid Coastal Plains-Western 231E 75 Southern Ridge and Valley 231D 76 Texas Cross Timbers and Prairie 255E 77 Blackland Prairie 255B 78 Southern Atlantic Coastal Plains and Flatwoods 232J 79 Atlantic Coastal Flatwoods 232C 80 Southern Mississippi Alluvial Plain 234A 81 Coastal Plains and Flatwoods-Western Gulf 232F 82 Oak Woods and Prairie 255C 83 Gulf Coastal Plains and Flatwoods 232B 84 Atchafalaya and Red River Alluvial Plains 234C 7 Iannone et al 2015 Biotic resistance at macroscales Table A1.1 Names of the 91 ecological sections listed by numbers in Fig. A1.3. Section Number Section name Section ID 85 Gulf Coastal Lowlands 232L 86 Florida Coastal Plains Central Highlands 232K 87 Louisiana Coastal Prairie and Marshes 232E 88 Florida Coastal Lowlands-Gulf 232D 89 Central Gulf Prairie and Marshes 255D 90 Florida Coastal Lowlands-Atlantic 232G 91 Everglades 411A 8