IEP Plus Procedures – Assigning Case Managers Case Managers

IEP Plus Procedures – Assigning Case Managers
Case Managers are assigned in two locations in IEP Plus:
Associated Staff – maintained by the case manager
Placement Record – created by the case manager at the annual IEP development and
updated/maintained by the building administrator/compliance specialist at the beginning of the year
and as needed during the year through the Staff/Location Mass Replace Utility.
Associated Staff
This feature is located on the left side of the student summary screen and is intended to create a history of
case managers/staff that work with each individual student. This link is updated by the case manager upon
receiving word that the student has been assigned to him/her. You will notice as the year continues students
will develop a record of case managers and related service providers that work with them. No staff member
will be deleted from this record; rather an “end date” will be assigned when the student is no longer serviced
by the selected staff member.
Special education case managers are responsible for entering an “End Date” for the previous case manager,
and for adding themselves with a new “Start Date”. Case managers are NOT responsible for entering/editing
any information for related service providers. Related service providers are responsible for updating/editing
their own information within the associated staff link.
The “End Date” is defined as the last day that the student received services from the selected staff member.
For most students, this will be the last day of the school year (i.e. 6/18/10). The “Start Date” is the date that
the student is assigned a new case manager. This should coincide with the registration date for transfer
students, the eligibility date for initials, and the first day of school (i.e. 9/7/10) for returning students.
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Instructions for editing the Associated Staff Link:
When a new case manager is assigned to a student, this information must be entered into the Associated
Staff link. The IEP Wizard uses this information to populate the IEP document.
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When a student is assigned a new case manager, the associated staff link must be updated as follows:
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Placement Record
Case managers are typically assigned to the placement record in the LRE page of the IEP, which is done by the
case manager at the time the annual IEP is developed.
However, if the case manager is missing or if a new case manager is assigned, the administrator shall assign
the case manager using the Staff/Location Mass Replace Utility. Please note that only ONE case manager
should be assigned to a record at a time. If a student transfers from one Suffolk school to another, the
administrator will use the Staff/Location Mass Replace Utility to update the student’s placement record with
his/her new case manager.
Staff/Location Mass Replace Instructions:
1. Administrators can add or change special education case managers by selecting the link labeled
Staff/Location Mass Replace Utility located on the IEP Plus home page.
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2. Edit the yellow highlighted date box to reflect the start date of the new teacher assignment. (For a
new school year, this date should be the first day of school for all students.)
3. Enter the building location.
4. Select next.
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5. Search for and select each student that will be assigned to an individual teacher’s caseload. Multiple
students may be selected at this time.
6. When all students are selected, click next.
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7. Search for and select the case manager’s name in the Staff text box.
8. Select “Case Manager” as the staff position. (Do NOT change the radio button. Maintain the selection
of “replace the current Staff record”.)
9. Select the appropriate building location.
10. Select Replace.
11. Confirm that the list of students is accurate.
12. Select perform another replacement to continue assigning students to additional case managers.
When you are finished assigning caseloads, you may select done to exit.
**Once you have assigned all of your students, you may run the Caseload report in the reporting utility
to view your changes. Please see additional instructions for this report under “IEP Plus ProceduresRunning a Report” on the Special Education blog at
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