MCBA Handbook 2015 - Mid Cheshire Bowling Association

CCBA Brunner Cup winners
CCBA Norman Cup winners: CCBA De-Knoop winners: - Wharton Cons
Mid-Cheshire Association Champions
Castle Pte A
Federation of Crown Green Bowls
Tom Vickers, BCGBA Merit, CCBA Merit, Guardian Cup, Roberts Cup and Cowley Cup
President: Stewart Bailey
Ray Brandreth
Deputy Chairman:
Ken Moran
66 Shurlach Road, Rudheath
Past Presidents:
Ken Moran, Walter Cookson
Life Members: Stewart Bailey, Ken Moran
George Horwill
12 Beachfield Gardens, Hartford, Northwich Cheshire CW8 1LQ
Tel 01606 781299
Competition Secretary:
Peter Walton
2 Queens Drive, Middlewich, l
Tel:01606 837514/04461342230
Doug Stocking
19 Heathcote Gdns, Rudheath, Northwich Cheshire CW9 7JB
Tel 01606 350596
League Results Secretary:
Ray Plant,
8 Ashbank, Rudheath, Northwich, CW97HZ
Tel: 01606606010, Mobile: 07909076969
To be appointed
Chairman: Ray Brandreth
Deputy Chairman: Ken Moran
Derek Blackburn Winsford Cons 227405
Peter Kelly Wharton Cons (01270) 258828
Tommy Ratcliffe Meadowbank 556007
Vernon Slater Rudheath S&S C 79890
Walter Cookson Comberbach 782236
Mark Winnington Hazel Pear 77642
Denis Leather Comberbach BC
K Edwards Rudheath S&SC
David Wilding Rudheath S&SC
C.C.B.A. Representative:
Peter Kelly
Tel 01270 258828
Web Site Manager:
Ray Plant
Tel. No. 01606 606010 Mobile: 07909076969
Cheques and Money orders to be crossed and made payable to the
Station Road Garage
Cheshire CW7 3DQ
Tel. No. Fax No.
01606 592352 01606 861681
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1.1 The official Title of the Association will be Mid Cheshire Bowling Association but this title may be amended if a sponsor’s name is added.
Membership is open to all bona tide bowling organisations who are duly proposed and elected by a bare majority in a vote by ballot at the Annual
General Meeting. Application for affiliation must be forwarded to the Association Secretary by November 1 st. The objectives of the Association
shall be to promote organise and develop crown green bowling and any subsidiary activities. The Association will be non-profit making.
1.2 The annual subscriptions for all teams shall be £5.00. New teams shall also pay joining fee of £10.00 in their first year of membership.
Account must be settled by 1st October each year. Any club not complying will be required to apply for re-election the following season.
1.3 Any club wishing to withdraw from the Association must give notice to this effect on or before the General Meeting each year. Any Club not
giving notice on or before this date will be held liable for their subscription, match fees and handbook charges for the ensuing season.
1.4 First and second teams shall play in their league fixtures on a Friday (or Thursday at the discretion of the Special Council) except when the
final of a cup competition has been scheduled for that night in which case the fixture will be played on Thursday. This is to apply equal to third
and subsequent teams where a club has a sufficient number of greens. Where a club does not have a sufficient number of greens to meet this
requirement they shall decide which of their third or subsequent teams will play their fixtures on a Thursday (Tuesday in the week of the final of
cup competition). A club forced to play their home fixtures at another club shall be deemed to be 'subsequent team' for the purpose of this rule.
1.5 Two General Meetings to be held annually as follows:
One for the election of Officers and a representative to sit on County Committee, to consider changes to Rules and Bye-Laws and any other
business for the ensuing season. The other in October, to be held at the Council's discretion for the presentation of Cups, Medals and other prizes.
Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Secretary. At General Meetings each Club shall be entitled to one vote per delegate
attending up to a maximum of two votes; the Chairman when necessary, shall give a casting vote. A Special General Meeting may be convened at
any time by the Secretary on receiving a requisition to that effect signed by the Secretaries of not less than four member clubs of the association.
Any club failing to be represented at the January General Meeting shall be fined £5.00.
1.6 A Special Council shall be appointed annually at the January A.G.M. and shall consist of Chairman, Deputy Chairman, C.C.B.A.
Representative an up to eight others all of whom must be registered members of a M.C.B.A. club. They shall be assisted by the Secretary,
Treasurer, Competition Secretary and League Results Secretary who shall also be appointed annually. Nominations for these positions to be
received by the Secretary/ Treasurer before 1stNovember prior to the A.G.M. A President nominated by the Special Council shall be appointed at
the January A.G.M. The President may attend all meetings of the Association and of the Special Council. The Special Council shall conduct
primary business of the Association. Five members shall constitute a quorum.
1.7 Member clubs of the Association may propose additions/amendments or alterations of the Rules & Bye Laws of the Association by
submitting a Notice of Motion of the proposals together with the name of the member club willing to second motions, to the Association
Secretary not later than the l st. November prior to the General Meeting. The special Council may also submit notice of amendments. Copies of
all Notice of Motions will be circulated to all member clubs with the Agenda for the General Meeting.
1.8 The Accounts to be audited and a balance sheet made up to 31st October each year, sent to each Member club together with a Notice calling
the January General Meeting.
1.9 A list of players male or female for registration in alphabetical order to be sent to the Secretary not later than a date set by the Special Council
each year. No player shall be accepted for registration with a club if satisfactory proof is given that the player owes dues to any club he/she
previously played for.
1.10 Supplementary lists of registrations may be forwarded to the Secretary any time up to 1st July but no player on this list can take part in a
match until he/she has been registered for three clear days. Clubs may de register players, providing such players have not played in an
Association League or competition match, by notifying the Secretary before I st. July but these players cannot be
re-registered within the same season.
1.11 A player can only be registered with one club during the season unless prior to the 1 st July they obtain a transfer. The request for transfer
must be made on the official form which is to be signed by the secretary of each club involved in the transfer and forwarded to the League Result
Secretary The Special Council reserve the right to refuse transfer application.
1.12 All players registered with this Association and taking part in matches shall pay the playing fee of 40p per game towards the Association's
funds. All players registered with this Association shall also pay an annual registration fee of £1.00. These fees will be used to promote bowling
in the Association by funding the Senior and Junior representative teams and also to cover any
contingency expense which may arise.
1.13 The Challenge Trophies etc., are the property of the Association and cannot, under any circumstances, be won outright by any club. Clubs
who have been successful in winning an Association trophy shall take all reasonable care to ensure its security and well being.
1.14 Cash prizes will be awarded to teams finishing in the first four places in each Section. Cash prizes will be awarded to players finishing 1st
and 2nd in the averages in each Section. Where there are fewer than 12 teams in a Section the prize money will be pro rata. All prize monies are
at the discretion of the Special Council. All league prizes will be awarded by means of cheques for the total amount to the clubs concerned. Clubs
which have been successful in winning an award shall purchase a minimum of two tickets for the Prize Presentation Evening.
1.15 Each club must take a minimum of twelve handbooks for each team. No returns allowed and payment to be made within one month of
1.16 In the event of ungentlemanly conduct by any player or official in a League or Cup Match, the offending player or official will be required to
appear before the Council to give account of themselves and will be suitably dealt with by the Council.
1.17 Should any dispute arise that is not provided for in these Rules and Bye Laws, the Special Council shall consider the same and their decision
shall be final.
1.18 The Council reserves the right to take such actions as they consider appropriate against Clubs who have committed a proven breach of the
Association Rules and Bye Laws, Match or Cup Competition Rules irrespective of whether an official protest has been made.
1.19 Any report of a contravention of Rules and Bye Laws by a club or individual player must be submitted in writing to the Association
Secretary within seven days of the event accompanied by a deposit of £5.00 which will be refunded at the discretion of the Special Council. The
matter will be dealt with by the Association Disciplinary Sub-committee in accordance with the procedure laid down by the British Crown Green
Bowling Association Disciplinary Code of Practise. The Disciplinary Sub Committee will consist of Chairman, Secretary and three neutral
member of the Special Council and their deliberations will he reported to the Special Council.
1.20 In all M.C.B.A. matches, players are expected to dress in a manner which neither harms the image of the sport or gives offence to other
players or spectators. Players are not permitted to play bare chested or to wear singlet’s. If shorts are worn they should be of the tailored type and
must wear flat shoes. In addition, for all M.C.B.A. competition finals, players shall comply with the BCGBA dress code. If players contravene
this rule in team matches, the club shall be fined 21 points for each player offending. Any player not conforming to this rule in individual or pairs
competitions will not be allowed to play in the competition.
1.21 All clubs applying for affiliation to the Association must have green lighting to the standard approved by the Special Council. At the request
of the visiting captain a club shall ensure that the green lighting is switched on.
1.22 No smoking will be allowed on the green whilst a match is in progress. Penalty game awarded 21- 0 against offending player.
1.23 Should the Special Council, by a majority, decide on grounds of expediency to dissolve the Association, it shall call a meeting of all member
clubs giving 21 day’s notice. At this meeting, if a two thirds majority of those present eligible to vote decide to dissolve the Association, the
Special Council shall have the power to dispose of the assets of the Association after all liabilities and debts have been cleared. The beneficiaries
of such assets shall he the member clubs or such bodies as decided by the member clubs.
2.1 That home and away matches of 12 a side and games of 21 up to be played. The two top teams and two bottom teams in each Section to be
promoted and relegated each season (subject to amendment by the Special Council in the event of resignations and/or new applications).
Registration lists to be strictly adhered to.
2.2 The result of league matches shall be decided as follows: The team obtaining the highest aggregate score in each match shall he declared the
winner. The club in each Section finishing the season with the highest scores total from all matches to be declared Champion of the Section and
hold the Cup for 12 months. In the event of a tie in total scores, the Championship shall be awarded to the team with the highest number of
winning matches. Should these also be equal there shall be a play off on a neutral green. This also applies to promotion and relegation.
2.3 Players averages will be calculated by dividing the total number of points scored in the season by the number of games played. In the event of
a tie the best aggregate score will be judged the winner. No players to qualify unless they have played 17 matches of which 8 shall be played
away from home (these figures will be pro-rata for sections consisting of more or less than 12 teams) Awards will be made to the 1st and second
players in each section. On completion of the league programme, the Secretary of each club must furnish the Association Secretary with
complete records of the players holding the highest and second highest average within 7 days after the last match, failing which the awards will
be decided by the Special Council from the records which are to hand. Unfinished games due to abandonment to be eligible only if completed at a
later date. In the event of a player receiving a W.O. in any match their points shall be taken pro rata for all matches played during the season on a
basis of Home or Away records. If a player qualifies for 1st or 2nd tearn status under Rule 2.1 they will not be eligible for average awards in the
2nd or 3rd teams respectively provided they qualify for the lst. and 2nd team averages under Rule 2.2.
2.4 All matches must begin at 6.30 pm. with 4 games on the green and 4 games must be maintained throughout the match. A fine of £1.00 will be
imposed for each 15 minutes late and will apply to Home and Visiting teams. Players must be present when called to play in numerical order. If a
player is not present when called on to play a reserve must be substituted and the original player will take no further part in the match. In the
event of no reserve being present the game shall be awarded 21 0 to the opponent present. Four jacks on the green unless otherwise agreed by the
two Captains.
2.5. Matches must be played on the due fixtures dates with the following exceptions:a) Clubs mutually agreeing to play their match before the date shown in the fixture book.
b) In any League or Cup Competition a green may only be declared unfit at the outset as being unfit through inclement weather when both teams
are present and both Captains and/or Green Steward agree that no play will be possible by 7.00pm.
c) If for any reason a match is postponed or cannot be completed in any league/cup competition arrangements must be made there and then by the
two teams concerned for the match to be replayed/completed within 21 days (League Match) team cup match see Cup Comp Rule 12. Both clubs
must notify the League Result Secretary in writing as to the detailed reason for the postponement together with the new date for the completion of
the fixture. In the case of the last three scheduled League fixtures the 21 day rule will not apply. All fixtures must be completed not later than the
Friday following the last fixture.
d) If for any reason a match is abandoned the points scored shall count. For unfinished game the position of the jack noted and it will be from this
point that the game will be resumed when replayed. If one or both players in any game are unavailable on the re arranged date, substitutes will be
allowed but scores and the points of play will apply.
e) If the league fixture is not played on the due date, the Special Council will decide from the information provided as to whether one or both
clubs are in default and may impose a fine not exceeding £5 and/or deduction of points. If the league fixture is not replayed/completed on a date
within the 21 day period the Special Council will impose a fine on both clubs and/or deduction
of points up to a maximum of 252.
2.6 Any Club failing to play the full number of players shall be fined the sum of £1 for each player short. Any such game to be marked 21 AB S.
The offending Club shall pay the players fees concerned. On failing to play the full number of players in a match the club shall forfeit one game
for one player short and two games for two players short. If more than two players short the Club shall forfeit two games, but at the discretion of
the Special Council shall be allowed to play the remaining un-played games on a date to be mutually agreed by both Clubs.
2.7 Following completion of each match the Captain of the home team shall arrange for the result showing each individual score on the official
score sheet provided by the Association and signed by both Captains. All players must be listed on the official score sheet by their full Christian
name and surname. All results to be telephoned by 5.00pm Saturday and results sheets to reach the League Results Secretary not later than the
Wednesday following the match, failing which a fine of £5.00 will be imposed for each offence.
2.8 If the two players are unable to agree on the winning bowl/s the respective Captains or their deputies shall measure and give their decision
without favour, which decision shall be final.
2.9 a) When two Clubs are playing a match on a fixed date, players of the visiting team shall not be allowed to practice on their opponent's green
for FOUR clear days prior to the match. Penalty for contravention of this rule will incur a fine of £5 per player and a deduction of points scored
by that player. (Team Cup matches Cup Comp Rule 10 applies).
b) During the week in which an Association Cup Final is scheduled no player appearing on the relevant programme may play on the green
selected for FOUR clear days prior to the final. The penalty for contravention of this rule will be that the player concerned WILL NOT be
allowed to play in the final with forfeiture of prize money.
2.10 A Club shall not be allowed to play in any reserve league team more than two first team players and for the purpose of this rule first team
players will be:
a) Each team shall register a minimum of twelve players of which 8 shall be starred. Any starred player will not be allowed to play in the next
team down. There will be no restriction on un-starred or lower team players playing for a higher team. Any starred player who has a minus
average can be changed to un-starred status but a new starred player must be inserted (i.e. 8 players starred in each team subject to Council
approval). Any request for de starring of a player must be done on the official form and forwarded to the League result Secretary. The provision
of this rule will equally apply to all subsequent teams where a club has more than two league teams. No player may play for a team that the status
of which is more than two places below that for which he/she is registered or has qualified (an W team player may not play for a 'C' team and a
'B' team player may not play for a 'D' team, etc).
Any player who is found to be in contravention will be classed as ineligible.
b) Any club playing an ineligible player shall forfeit all points gained by such player, and possible exclusion from the Association.
c) The starred status of any player transferring to another club will be decided by the Special Council.
d) Review will take place after for (4) playing weeks and the weekly by the Results Secretary, all amendments to starred players the club will be
2.11 Any player who plays for a club which he/she is not registered will be liable to be suspended for the remainder of the season and the
following season.
2.12 No league matches to be arranged by any club to take place at the same time as the cup final competition. Any contravention of this rule will
result in a £25.00 fine.
2.13 All member Clubs entering any of the Association's Individual or team competitions shall make their green(s) available for the dates shown
on the fixture schedule, if and when required. The Clubs whose green(s) are selected, to ensure that jacks and footers are available on the green
for the commencement of the match, failing which a fine may be imposed at the discretion of the Council.
2.14 That the Laws of the Game as adopted by the BCGBA shall be the standard under which all matches and games shall be played.
2.15 MARKING SCORE CARDS: Markers shall check each other’s score card every third end. In the event of scores being in dispute by the
members concerned, play must be stopped and any discrepancy checked by the Referee appointed or Team Captains as appropriate. Where the
score cannot be agreed it shall revert to the end where both markers show the score to be agreed as correct.
3.1 The competition to be open to all member Clubs of the Mid Cheshire Bowling Association and all teams shall pay the entry fee whether or
not they take part.
3.2 The entry fee shall be £6.00 and each Club restricted to one entry for each League team.
3.3 These are 12 a side competitions. Notification of the number of entries to be sent not later than 10th March each year. Team status for each
player shall be in line with players registration for the current year. Any club playing a player not registered by the time of the first draw shall
forfeit all points obtained by the player and fined up to £5 at the Special Council's discretion.
3.4 Matches will be played on neutral greens with games 21 up.
3.5 The Special Council shall make the Preliminary and first draw and this will follow through until the final two teams are left. All awards to be
at the Council's discretion.
3.6 Match fees to be 40p. All Clubs receiving walkovers etc. or withdrawing from the competition shall pay all fees due.
3.7 Competing teams shall be annually handicapped in order of Sectional merit on a rising scale at the Council's discretion.
3.8 A competent referee to be appointed by the host club for each match and the referee's decision in all cases shall be final.
3.9 Alternative players of each team shall take the first lead of the jack.
3.10 Any member of a team engaged in a match shall not bowl on the green selected for FOUR clear days prior to the match except for matches
prearranged under the auspices of the C.C.B.A.
3.11 Any club entering more than one team may promote players from one team to another although such players may have already played in the
current competition for the lower team with which they were first registered, Under no circumstances can a player be relegated from a team with
which they were first registered even though they have not played in the competition with that team or from a team to which they have been
promoted. The penalty for default under this rule will be to have the player's score deleted and their opponent's score to read 21 0. The Club may
also be fined up to £5 at the Special Council's discretion.
3.12 In the event of a drawn game the match must be re arranged by both teams to be played on the same green. The match must be completed
prior to the next round. This also applies to abandoned games. Teams failing to comply will be disqualified from the competition.
3.13 All matches must commence promptly at 6.30 pm. Finals to be advised and League Match Rule 4 to be strictly adhered to.
C.C.B.A. Merit (3 Rounds)
4.1 All qualifying rounds to commence at 6.45pm. 6.45pm strike out time for all rounds to be strictly adhered to by all clubs. All rounds to be
completed on one evening. No practice allowed.
4.2 All qualifying rounds to commence at 6.45pm. 6.45pm strike out time for all rounds to be strictly adhered to by all clubs. All rounds to be
completed on one evening.
4.3 That any player(s) receiving a bye or walk over, whether by draw or non -appearance of their opponent(s), are allowed five (5) minutes
practice immediately at the end of opponent's previous game.
4.4 Entry fees must be submitted with entry forms before the time of the draw otherwise competitors will be excluded. All competitions open to
registered members only.
4.5 In all Handicapped competitions. Players will be handicapped at the discretion of the Special Council. In addition past winners will for five
years following their win concede two additional points and if a player shall win the competition whilst conceding two penalty points he/she shall
concede a further point for the next five years. Handicap guidelines will be as follows but these may be amended at the Special Councils
2 points start
Section 1 3 points
Section 2 4 points
Section 3 5 points
Section 4 6 points
Section 5 7 points
4.6 In the Pairs competition. Substitutes allowed only up to and including round 1 but restricted to players who have not previously entered. One
player is not permitted to play without his partner. During practice partners must play together. All rounds including the final to be 15 up.
4.7 The host club members to be responsible for the sale of programmes, raffle tickets, markers and if required P/A system. Refreshments after
the match will be arranged by negotiation between the Association secretary and the club concerned.
4.8 The Special Council will appoint qualified referee(s).
5.1 If a Mid-Cheshire fixture clashes with a Norley League Coronation Cup game the League fixture must be brought forward. Failure to do so
see Rules and Bye Laws 1.18
Senior Merit Final Day - Sunday
Venue – Frodsham area
Junior Merit Final Day Venue – Frodsham area
B.C.G.B.A. All England Senior Final Day - Saturday th July
Venue – Yorkshire area
B.C.G.B.A. All England Junior Final Day - Saturday th August
Venue – Potteries and District Area
Brunner Cup
Round One – 16th.. April
Round Two – 7th.. May
Round Three –4th. June
Round Four – 9th. July
Semi Final –23rd. July
FINAL – 20th. August
De Knoop Cup
Round One – 23rd. April
Round Two –7th. May
Round Three – 18th. June
Round Four Semi Final –2nd. July
FINAL – 6th. August
Norman Cup
Round One – 28th.May
Round Two – 11th June
Round Three _ 25th June
Round Four –16th July
Semi Final – 1st. Aug
FINAL – 13th. August
£590 in Awards
Tuesday 2nd. August. - Round One
Monday/Tuesday 8/9th. - Round Two
Friday 30th Augustt - Round Three
Friday 6th.Sept. Round Four
Friday 13th. Sept - Semi Finals
Friday 18th. Sept. - FINAL
£590 in Awards
Monday 11th April - Round One
Monday/Tuesday25/26th April - Round Two
Monday 16th May - Round Three
Monday 13th June - Round Four
Monday 11th.July - Semi Finals
Sunday 14th.August - FINAL
Mid Cheshire Merit
£1000 in Awards (Subject to Entries)
(Open to all Registered playing members)
Qualifying Rounds – Monday6th June
Intermediate Rounds - Monday 27rd June
FINAL – Friday 15th July
(Mid Cheshire Section)
Qualifying Rounds - Saturday 21st. May
£1000 in Awards (Subject to Entries)
£250 and Replica to Winner
Qualifying Rounds – Monday 9th.May
Intermediate Rounds – Monday 23rd. May
FINAL – Friday 17th.June
£500 in Awards (Subject to Entries)
Qualifying Rounds - Monday 6th.July
Intermediate Rounds – Monday 27th July
FINAL – Monday 23rd September
(Open to Registered Playing Members of same Club)
£500 in Awards
(Subject to Entries/Sponsorship)
Qualifying Rounds - Monday 18th.July
Intermediate Rounds - Monday 15th August
FINAL – Sunday 21st. August
(Open to Registered players who have attained 63 years on Ist January)
Qualifying Rounds - Thursday 26th May
FINAL - Thursday 21st. July
STAN FRITH TROPHY (Mid Cheshire Junior Merit)
Qualifying Rounds - Monday 17th June
Intermediate – Tuesday 22nd July
FINAL – Tuesday 19th August
SECTION 2, 3, 4 and 5
Qualifying Rounds Tuesday 7th June
Intermediate Rounds Tuesday 28th. June
Final Tuesday 26th. July
Friday at Owley Wood Rec Club
Weaverham, Northwich
Section Fixtures TBA
at TBA
Chris Koral
Sponsored by
Leighton Hospital Prostate Cancer Support Group
7.00 p.m. start
5.30 p.m. start
Come along and watch the best players in crown green bowling in action
Tel: 01606 592849
Secretaries - Team Captains
Organise your team’s results on your PC!
Fully featured Windows program, records all your matches, prints out team
summary, players' averages, etc. Requires Windows 95 or later
Price only £15
For details, contact Ross Kavannagh
Tel: 0161 748 9956
1904 Winnington Park
1934 Northwich BC
1905 Winnington Park
1935 Northwich BC
1906 Winnington Park
1936 Winsford Liberal
1907 Winnington Park
1937 Wharton Rec
1908 Winnington Park
1938 Winsford Liberal
1909 Winnington Park
1939 Davenham Rec
1910 Winnington Park
1940 Davenham Rec
1911 Sandbach Alkali
1941 Winsford Liberal
1912 Winnington Park
1942 Winsford Liberal
1913 Middlewich BC
1943 Davenham Rec
1914 Winnington Park
1944 Winsford Liberal
1915 Wharton Rec
1945 Winsford Liberal
1916 Winnington Park
1946 Winsford Liberal
1917 Verdin Park
1947 Winsford Liberal
1918 Verdin Park
1948 Winsford Liberal
1919 Winnington Park
1949 Davenham Rec
1920 Fodens Works
1950 Winsford Liberal
1921 Verdin Park
1951 Davenham Rec
1922 Winsfird Liberal
1952 Winsford Liberal
1923 Winnington Park
1953 Davenham Rec
1924 Winnington Park
1954 Davenham Rec
1925 Loock Alkali
1955 Davenham Rec
1926 Winnington Park
1956 Davenham Rec
1927 Northwich BC
1957 Davenham Rec
1928 Northwich BC
1958 Davenham Rec
1929 Winnington Park
1959 Davenham Rec
1930 Winnington Park
1960 Davenham Rec
1931 Winnington Park
1961 Winsford Liberal
1932 Winnington Park
1962 Winsford Liberal
1933 Northwich BC
1963 Davenham Rec
1934 Northwich BC
1964 Winsford Liberal
1965 Winnington Park
1997 Lostock SC
1966 Winnington Park
1998 Wharton Cons
1967 Winsford Liberal
1999 Wharton Cons
1968 Winnington Park
2000 Wharton Cons
1969 Winsford Liberal
2001 Wharton Cons
1970 Winsford Liberal
2002 Wharton Cons
1971 Winsford Liberal
2003 Wharton Cons
1972 Winsford Liberal
2004 Frodsham Red Lion A
1973 Winsford Liberal
2005 Frodsham Red Lion A
1974 Winsford Liberal
2006 Frodsham Red Lion A
1975 Winsford Liberal
2007 Castle Private A
1976 Winsford Liberal
2008 Wharton Cons
1977 Winsford Liberal
2009 Wharton Cons
1978 Winsford Liberal
2010 Wharton Cons A
1979 Farmers Arms
2011 Wharton Cons A
1980 Wharton Cons
2012 Wharton Cons A
1981 Winsford Liberal
1982 Wharton Cons
1983 Owley Wood
1984 Wharton Cons
1985 Wharton Cons
1986 Owley Wood
1987 Owley Wood
1988 Wharton Cons
1989 Wharton Cons
1990 Owley Wood
1991 Wharton Cons
1992 Wharton Cons
1993 Wharton Cons
1994 Wharton Cons
1995 Wharton Cons
1996 Wharton Cons
2013 Castle Pte A
2014 Wharton Cons A
2015 Castle Pte A
1913 Davenham Rec
1914 Winsford Liberal
1915 Winnington Park
1916 Winnington Park
1919 Elworth Rec
1922 Constitutional
1923 Winnington Park
1924 Gladstone Club
1925 Lostock Gralam
1926 Rudheath BC
1927 Winnington Park
1928 Winnington Park
1929 Moulton Liberal
1930 Davenham Rec
1931 Rudheath BC
1932 Crosstown
1933 Lostock Gralam
1934 Castle Private
1935 Moulton Liberal
1936 Comberbach
1937 Crosstown
1938 Rudheath BC
1939 Crosstown
1940 Moulton Liberal
1941 Winsford Liberal B
1942 Davenham Rec B
1943 Winsford Liberal B
1944 Winsford Liberal B
SECTION 2 (Cont)
1977 Comberbach
1978 Owley Wood
1979 Wharton Cons
1980 Comberbach
1981 Beech Tree
1982 Rolls Royce
1983 Owley Wood
1984 Comberbach
1985 Wharton Cons
1986 Coppenhall
1987 Kelsall
1988 Lostock SC
1989 Owley Wood B
1990 Winsford Libs
1991 Comberbach
1992 North Ward
1993 Pochins SC
1994 Wharton Cons B
1945 Rudheath BC
1946 Over Recreation
1947 Crosstown
1948 Wharton Cons
1949 Winsford Liberal B
1950 Castle Private
1951 Winnington Park
1952 Lostock Alkali
1953 Winnington Park
1954 Davenham Rec
1955 Owley Wood
1956 Winnington Park
1957 Castle Private
1958 Winnington Park B
1959 Winnington Park
1960 Wharton Cons
1961 Winnington Park
1962 Winnington Park
1963 Lostock Alkali
1964 Castle Private
1965 Meadow Bank
1966 Winnington Park
1967 Wharton Rec
1968 Wharton Cons
1969 Moulton BL
1970 Kelsall
1971 Delamere
1972 Rock Park
1973 Rolls Royce
1974 Meadow Bank
1975 Wharton Rec
1976 Delamere
2006 Winsford Cons A
2007 Victoria
2008 Frodsham Red Lion ‘B’
2009 Rudheath SC ‘A’
2010 Pochins
2011 Owleywood B
2012 Hop Pole
1995 Moulton RBL
1996 Crosstown
1997 Castle Private
1998 Crosstown
1999 Rolls Royce
2000 Meadowbank
2001 Crewe P.O.
2002 Beech Tree
2003 Kelsall
2004 Farmers Arms
2005 Bentley Motors
Section 1
2013 Castle Pte B
2014 Crewe PO
2015 Alsager Inst
1932 Winnington Park
1933 Winnington Park
1934 LostockAlkali
1935 LostockAlkaliB
1936 MiddlewichAlkali
1937 Lostock Alkali B
1938 Acton Bridge
1939 Winstord Lib B
1940 Barnton BL
1941 Yarwoods BC
1942 No Competition
1943 No Competition
1944 No Competition
1945 No Competition
1946 Barnton BL
1947 Owley Wood
1948 Winsford Lib B
1949 Constitutional Club
1950 Over Rec
1951 LostockAlkali
1952 Davenham Rec
1953 Farmers Arms
1954 LostockAlkali
1955 Farmers Arms
1956 Meadow Bank B
1957 Winnington Park
1958 Gladstone Club
1959 LostockAlkali
1960 FarmersArms
1961 Cuddington
1962 Owley Wood B
1963 Winnington Park
1996 Beech Tree
1997 Crewe PO
1998 Meadow Bank
1999 Wharton Rec
2000 Delamere
2001 Slow & Easy
2002 Farmers Arms
2003 Wharton Rec
2004 Moulton RBL
2005 Barnton CC
2006 Winnington Park A
2007 Winsford Cons ‘B’
1964 Moulton Bl.
1965 Owley Wood
1966 Castle Private
1967 Wharton Cons
1968 Rozalex BL
1969 Delamere
1970 Northwich NFU
1971 Farmers Arms
1972 Overton Mem Hall
1973 Owley Wood
1974 Runcorn
1975 Gladstone Club
1976 Middlewich
1977 Dehamere
1978 Castle Private
1979 Red Lion
1980 Wharton Cons
1981 Davenham Rec
1982 Middlewich Alk
1983 MiddlewichAlk
1984 Castle Private
1985 Slow & Easy
1986 Winnington Park
1987 Davenham Rec
1988 Delamere
1989 Middlewich RBL
1990 North Ward
1991 Rolls Royce B
1992 Bunbury
1993 Crosstown
1994 Riverside Club
1995 Comberbach B
2008 Slow & Easy
2009 Hop Pole BC
2010 Rudheath SC B
2011 Owleywood C
2012 Daveham A
Section 2
2013 Kelsall A
2014 Alsager Inst
2015 Wharton Cons C
1937 Winsford Liberal
1938 Davenham Rec
1939 Knutsford Cons
1946 Over Rec
1947 Winsford Liberal
1949 Gladstone Club
1950 Cuddington
1951 Meadow Bank
1952 Lostock Alkali
1953 Gladstone Club
1972 Kelsall
1973 Farmers Arms C
1974 Beech Tee
1975 Castle Private B
1976 Northwich NFU
1977 Ring O'Bells
1978 Cuddington A
1979 Davenham Rec
1980 Ring O'Bells
1981 Castle Private
1982 Slow & Easy A
1983 Castle Private C
1984 Coppenhall WMC
1985 Knutsford Private
1986 Bunbury
1987 Winsford Libs C
1988 Castle Private B
1989 North Ward
1990 Bunbury
1991 Nantwich Liberal
1992 Kelsall
1993 Meadow Bank
Section 3
2013 Cuddington A
2014 Coppenhall WMC
2015 Hazel Pear B
1947 Gladstone Club
1948 Coppenhall WMC
1984 Tattenhall
1985 Ring O'Bells
1986 Slow & Easy 'B'
1987 Winnington Park 'B'
1988 Crosstown
1989 Barnton CC
1990 Kelsall 'B'
1991 Davenham 'B'
1992 Winsford Cons
1993 Comberbach ‘C’
1994 Sandbach Park
1994 Comberbach B
1995 Beech Tree
1996 Farmers Arms
1997 Winsford Cons B
1998 Hartford
1999 Wharton Cons C
2000 Slow & Easy
2001 Winsford Cons
2002 Frodsham Red Lion B
2003 Helsby
2004 Over Park
2005 Kelsall B
2006 Owley Wood B
2007 Frodsham Red Lion ‘C’
2008 Davenham Rec
2009 Rudheath SC ‘B’
2010 Sandbach Park
2011 Castle Private C
2012 Hazel Pear B
1998 Castle Private C
1999 Slow & Easy
2000 Beech Tree B
2001 Frodsham Red Lion
2002 Over Park
2003 Winnington Park B
2004 Owleywood B
2005 Lostock B
2006 Frodsham Red Lion C
2007 Castle Private D
2008 Frodsham Red Lion D
2009 Crosstown B
2010 Rudheath S&SC C
1995 Lime 'B'
1996 Hartford Rec
1997 Lostock ‘C’
Section 4
2013 Tarporley RBL A
2014 Davenham B
2015 Barnton CC B
1988 Barnton CC
1987 Nantwich Liberal
1989 Tarporley
1990 Norley
1991 Delamere B
1992 Ring O'Bells B
1993 George & Dragon
1994 Moulton RBL B
1995 Winnington Park C
1996 Winsford Libs
1997 Crosstown B
1998 Beech Tree B
1999 Moulton RBL B
2000 Frod Red Lion B
2001 Winnington Park
Section 5
2013 Davenham C
2014 Beech Tree B
2015 Hop Pole B
1995 Crosstown B
1996 North Ward B
1997 Knutsford Private B
1998 Hartford B
1999 Knutsford Private B
2000 Farmers Arms B
2001 Winnington Park C
1946 S Hulse
1947 J Eyes
1948 E Dickens
1949 E C Hurst
1950 H Herreaman
1951 B Yardley
1952 L Blackburn
1953 H Herreaman
1954 J Eyes
1955 K Faulkner, T Illidge
1956 K M Winnington
1957 T Atkinson
1958 E Duncan
1959 PG Wilkes
1960 J Davies
1961 W S Lowe
K C Birtwistle
1962 W Rutter
1963 K C Birtwistle
1964 J Davies
2011 Bunbury BC
2012 Rudheath S&SC C
2002 Farmers Arms B
2003 Tarporley RBL
2004 Barnton CC B
2005 Wharton Rec B
2006 Winnington Park C
2007 Meadowbank C
2008 Barnton CC C
2009 Rudheath S&SC C
2010 Hazel Pear C
2011 Wharton Rec
2012 Barnton CC C
2002 Slow & Easy
2003 Knutsford Private
2004 Norley 'B'
2005 Lostock C
2006 Crowton
2007 N/A
Winsford Liberal
Davenham Rec
Davenham Rec
Davenham Rec
Davenham Rec
Over Recreation
Winsford Liberal
Davenham Rec
Davenham Rec
Lostock Alkali
Castle Private
Farmers Anns
Winnington Park
Davenham Rec
Winsford L iberal
Winsford Liberal
Davenham Rec
Winnington Park
Winnington Park
Winsford Liberal
1965 W R Hough
1966 F S Frith
1967 F S Frith
1968 G Vernon
1969 K B urrow s
1970 K C Birtwistle
1971 J Andrews
1972 K Birkett
1973 B Yardley
1974 J Andrews
1975 K M Winnington
1976 F S Frith
1977 KM Winnington
1978 B Cookson
1979 J Andrews
1980 F S Frith
1981 B Cookson
1982 F S Frith
1983 F S Frith
1984 B Cookson
1985 G Cookson
1986 G Cookson
1987 B Ellams
1988 F S Frith
1989 G Cookson
1990 G Cookson
1991 N Parsonage
1992 F S Frith
1993 G Cookson
1994 F S Frith
1995 K Burrows
1996 G Cookson
1997 F S Frith
1998 G Cookson
1999 M Winnington
2000 S Frith
2001 S Kellett
2002 J Cornes
2003 J Cornes
2004 G Donnelly
2005 S Kellett
2006 G Cookson
2007 G Cookson
2007 J Cornes
2008 G Davies
2009 T Vickers
2010 G Cookson
2011 J Cornes
2012 N Boulton
Joint D Nixon
2013 T Vickers
2014 Glynn Cookson
2015 Glynn Cookson
1946 H Deakin
1947 G Chapman
1948 A Carter
1949 H Jackson
1950 J Wilkinson
Wharton Rec
Farmers Arms
Farmers Arms
Wharton Rec
Wharton Rec
Winnington Park
Owley Wood
Farmers Arms
Winsford Li beral
Owley Wood
Owley Wood
Farmers Arms
Wharton Rec
Wharton Rec
Owley Wood
Farmers Arms
Wharton Cons
Owley Wood
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Red Lion
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Roll s Royce
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Owiey Wood
Wharton Cons
Lostock SC
Owley Wood
Castle Private
Caslte Private
Frodsham Red Lion
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Winsford Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Frodsham Red Lion
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Winsford Lib B
Wharton Cons
Winsford Lib B
1951 H Stagg
1952 K Faulkner
1953 N Brooks
1954 S Bebbington
1955 J Tomkinson
1956 L Dutton
1957 L Dutton
1958 PTickle
1959 L Dutton
1960 W R Hough
1961 W R Brookes
1962 T lllidge
1963 R Holland
1964 J Duncan
1965 I Foster
1966 R Hignett
1967 F Lowe
1968 P Smith
1969 G Thurlwell
1970 J Sheen
1971 H Brookes
1972 T Houghton
1973 P Kelly
1974 D Warburton
1975 A Bebbington
1976 J Gurney
1977 C Atherton
1978 J Gurney
1979 G Cookson
1980 D Hough
1981 R Cornes
1982 P Kelly
1983 M Griffiths
1984 C Ellams
1985 N Greatbanks
1986 C Garnett
1987 W H Nicholas
1988 E Holland
1989 PCatterall
1990 P Mottershead
1991 G Bettley
1992 L Godfrey
1993 W Carter
1994 S Burgess
1995 W Jennings
1996 J Gurney
1997 J Gurney
1998 S Sant
1999 D Morrey
2000 P Dobson
2001 S Beckett
2002 S Brittleton
2003 A Rose
2004 R Bonnett
2005 P Morrey
2006 G Walton
2007 P Farrington
2008 C Koral
2009 K Duncalf
2010 G Whalley
2011 A Faulkner
2012 S Allman
Winnington Park
Lostock Alkaii
Winsford Liberal
Moulton Liberal
Gladstone Club
Yarwoods BC
Yarwoods BC
Knutsford Cons
Yarwoods BC
Wharton Cons
Meadow Bank
Yarwoods BC
Castle Private
Farmers Arms
Wharton Rec
Winsford Liberal
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Winnington Park
Rolls Royce
Wharton Cons
Davenham Rec
Castle Private
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Beech Tree
Wharton Cons
Rolls Royce
Davenham Rec
Owley Wood
Farmers Arms
Lostock SC
Owley Wood
Knutsford Private
Moulton RBL
Moulton RBL
Wharton Cons
Middlewich RBL
Castle Private
Castle Private
Beech Tree
Rolls Royce
Wharton Rec
Meadow Bank
Bentley Motors
Owley Wood
Beech Tree BC
Crewe PO
Owleywood B
Section 1
2013 J Hazeldine
2014 Pat Kennedy
2015 Chris Jenkins
Meadowbank A
Alsager Inst
1946 W H Rowland
1947 J Hodgkinson
1948 H Jackson
1949 W Rogerson
1950 B Yardley
1951 F Bebbington
1952 J Goolding
1953 I Atkinson
1954 W Lee
1955 T Eaton
1956 E Oakes
1957 FKelsall
1958 R Yearsley
1959 L Hughes
1960 J Yoxall
1961 ASouthern
1962 J S imm
1963 A Southern
1964 F Cooper
1965 L Hughes
1966 P Owen
1967 A Clarke
1968 J Sheen
1969 J Sheen
1970 G Dudley
1971 J Astburv
1972 J Brassington
1973 W Beswick
1974 E Garner
1975 E Garner
1976 T Price
1977 F Eaton
M Carless
1978 M G Clarke
1979 N Parker
1980 J Booth
1981 R Jones
1982 R Jones
1983 M Buckley
1984 Reg Mainwaring
1985 S Brittleton
1986 D Bell
1987 S Brittleton
1988 G Donnelly
1989 R Shaw
1990 L Godfrey
1991 M Lloyd
1992 C Lloyd
1993 W Cartwright
1994 J Mills
1995 C Lloyd
1996 D Walker
1997 N Parsonage
1998 C Lloyd
1999 P Hatton
Owley Wood
Winsford Liberal
Over Recreation
Davenham Rec
Farmers Arms
Lostock Alkali
Meadow Bank
Meadow Bank
Gladstone Club
Owley Wood
Meadow Bank
Owley Wood
Winnington Park
Meadow Bank
Owley Wood
Davenham Rec
Wharton Cons
Meadow Bank
Winsford Libs
Overton Mem
Lostock Gralam
Helsby BICC
Helsby BICC
ERF Limes
ERF Limes
Ring O'Bells
Wharton Cons
Ring O'Bells
Ring O'Bells
Becch Tree
Ring O’Bells
Wharton Rec
Wharton Rec
Wharton Rec
Slow & Easy
Moultotl RBL
Winsford Cons
Meadow Bank
Crewe PO
Wharton Rec
2000 J Spruce
2001 L Godfrey
2002 D Johnson
2003 D Bersantie
2004 J Hazeldine
2005 A Gibson
2006 S Beckett
2007 P Sheehan
2008 P Illidge
2009 P Sheehan
2010 D Freeborough
2011 P Wainwright
2012 J Crowson
Section 2
2013 G Stubbs/D Thompson
2014 M Ball
2015 Ivan Wilkinson
1946 F Townhill
1947 G Brooke
1948 F Bebbington
P Dickens
J Minshull
1949 A Lamb
1950 S Mackie
1951 H Brookes
1952 J Yoxall
J Inglesfield
1953 A Broady
1972 J Rees
1973 F Turton
1974 A Dale
G Hodson
1975 D Thurwell
1976 P Lewis
1977 A Gibson
1978 A Dutton
1979 A Gibson
1980 R Jones
1981 K C Birtwistle
1982 D Fleet
1983 AWoodyatt
1984 M Hall
1985 P Hammon
1986 J Hitchen
1987 J Clarke
1988 J Heath
1989 J Hazeldine
1990 F Turton
1991 J Hubbard
1992 G Stubbs
1993 D Blackburn
1994 T Manson
1995 K Hewitt
1996 A Marshall
1997 A Pickering
1998 T Manton
1999 K Hewitt
2000 S Boffey
2001 P Wainwright
Moulton RBL
Wharton Cons
Over Park
Hop Pole
Slow & Easy
Hop Pole BC
Rudheath S&SC
Coppenhall WMC
Alsager Inst
Wharton Cons
Over Recreation
Winsford Liberal
Davenham Rec
Davenham Rec
Davenham Rec
Meadow Bank
Lostock Alkali
Gladstone Club
Beech Tree
Northwich RDC
Wharton Cons
Vale Royal
Vale Royal
Ring O'Bells
Hartford Rec
Rolls Royce
Slow & Easy
Coppenhall WMC
Knutsford Private
Middlewich RB L
Castle Private
Castle Private
North Ward
Vale Royal
Winsford Cons
Slow & Easy
Slow & Easy
Sandbach Park
2002 A Harvey
2003 L Savage
2004 R Nicholas
2005 C Hulme
2006 N Lovatt
2007 P Illidge
2008 E Gowen
2009 K Kenyon
2010 B Ellis
2011 James Gurney
2012 K Kenyon
Section 3
2013 G Mellish
2014 J Crowson
Frodsham Red Lion
Castle Private
Owley Wood
Slow & Easy
Castle Private
Cuddington BC
Frod Red Lion
Castle Private
2015 Dave McCoy
Davenham Rec
1947 A Hamlett
1983 C Potts
1984 B Jones
1985 C Marlin
1986 A Pickering
1987 R Beckett
1988 J Smith
1989 G Craven
1990 G Craven
1991 S Coodwin
1992 J Mills
1993 G Bonnell
1994 G Bebbington
1995 D Hulme
1996 M Godfrey
1997 P Hatton
1998 Stephen Morrey
1999 T Palin
2000 R Egerton
2001 M Hambleton
2002 A Gibson
2003 B Threadgold
2004 P Roberts
2005 D Cheshire
2006 J Brooker
2007 Diane Povall
2008 B Ellis
2009 B Spencer
2010 W Mack
2011 T Malisch
2012 P Scott
Section 4
2013 S Jones
2014 M Morris
Gladstone Club
Coppenhall WMC
George & Dragon
Farmers Arms
Lostock SC
Nantwich Libs
Winnington Park
Winsford Cons
Castle Private
Castle Private
Moulton RBL
Over Park
North Ward
Slow & Easy
Winsford Libs
Frodsham Red Lion
Over Park
Tarporley RBL
Frodsham Red Lion
Frodsham Red Lion
Bunbury BC
Winsford Cons
Lostock Graylams
Rudheath S&SC
2015 Kevin Edwards
Hop Pole
1987 M Ralph
1988 G Craven
1989 P Roberts
1990 B Parr
1991 B Frith
Nantwich Libs
Castle Private
Beech Tree
Coppenhall WMC
Tarporley RBL A
1992 S Barnard
1993 R Buckley
1994 R Crook
1995 S Hough
1996 A Southem
1997 A Edwards
1998 D Hulme
1999 R Egerton
2000 M Hambleton
2001 T Haddock
2002 D Blackburn
2003 P Roberts
2004 A Ford
2005 E Hart
2006 D Gallimore
2007 M Burder
2008 Mrs S Dyke
2009 D Buckley
2010 P Swindells
2011 J Wells
2012 Joe Haslehurst
Section 5
2013 W Whalley
2014 A Wilkinson
2015 K Edwards
George & Dragon
George & Dragon
Knutsford Private
Winnington Park
Owley Wood
Sandbach Park
Farmers Arms
Winsford Libs
Frodsham Red Lion
Winnington Park
Winsford Cons
Tarporley RBL
Owley Wood
Rudheath SC
Winnington Park
Wharton Rec
Winnington Park
1995 A Southern
1996 P Collins
1997 S Crellin
1998 P King
1999 J Hitchen
2000 B Gough
2001 M Twelvetrcees
2002 N Hardy
2003 K Plumb
2004 J Williams
2005 G Oakes
2006 P Stubbs
Owley Wood
Wharton Rec
Ring O'Bells
Knutsford Private
Farmers Arms
Winnington Park
Slow & Easy
Knutstord Private
1919 Verdin Park
1920 Winnington Park
1921 Verdin Park
1922 Wharton Rec
1923 B Shift Lostock
1924 Rudheath
1925 Northwich
1926 Northwich
1927 Northwich
1928 Constitutional Club
1929 Lostock Alkali
1930 Rudheath
1931 Northwich
1932 C Shift Win ton
1933 Barnton BL
1934 Winnington Park
1935 Castle Private
1936 Middlewich Alkali
1937 Lostock Alkali B
1938 Davenham Rec B
Winnington Park
Verdin Park
Wharton Cons
Verdin Park
Slow & Easy
Gladstone Club
Farmers Arms
Barnton BL
Lostock Gralam
Gladstone Club
British Legion
Verdin Park B
Harttord Rec
Moulton Liberal
Yarwoods BC
Verdin Park B
Northwich B
Moulton RBL B
Beech Tree B
Hop Pole
1939 Moulton Liberal
1940 Barnton BL
1941 Castle Private
1942 Wharton Cons
1943 Gladstone Club
1944 Barnton BL
1945 Cuddington B
1946 Knutsford Cons
1947 Davenham Rec
1948 Meadow Bank
1949 ICI Winsford
1950 Castle Private
1951 Davenham Rec B
1952 Farmers Arms
1953 Yarwoods BC
1954 Norley
1955 Owley Wood
1956 Winnington Park
1957 Research Private
1958 Meadow Bank B
1959 Davenham Rec
1960 LostockAlkali B
1961 Farmers Arms
1962 Yarwoods BC
1963 Owley Wood
1964 Winnington Park
1965 Owley Wood
1966 Meadow Bank
1967 Moulton BL
1968 Owley Wood
1969 Owley Wood C
1970 Moulton BL
1971 Meadow Bank
1972 Cranage Hall BC
1973 Winnington Park
1974 Owley Wood
1975 Delamere
1976 Owley Wood
1977 Wharton Rec
1978 Winsford Libs
1979 Winsford Libs
1980 Beech Tree B
1981 Ring O'Bells
1982 Beech Tree
1983 Owley Wood
1984 Slow & Easy
1985 Owley Wood
1986 Winnington Park C
1987 Owley Wood
1988 Owley Wood
1989 Castle Private
1990 Winnington Park
1991 Castle Private
1992 Wharton Cons
1993 Lostock SC
1994 Lostock SC
1995 Wharton Cons
1996 Owley Wood
1997 Wharton Cons
1998 Lostock SC
1999 Wharton Cons
2000 Wharton Cons
Lostock Alkali B
Moulton Liberal
Moulton Liberal
Yarwoods BC
Castle Private
Rudheath SC
Moulton Liberal B
Castle Private
Castle Private
Northwich Vics
Wharton Cons B
Meadow Bank
Winnington Park
Yarwoods BC
Lostock Alkali
North Western
Research Private
Constitutional Club
Castle Private
Farmers Arms
Owley Wood
Castle Private B
Cranage Hall Hosp
Castle Private
Farmers Arms B
Moulton BL B
Meadow Bank B
Overton Mem
Moulton BL
Beech Tree
Davenham Rec
Winnington Park
Farmers Arms
Farmers Arms
Helsby B ICC
Gladstone Club
Owley Wood
Slow & Easy
Beech Tree
Moulton RBL
Wharton Cons
Beech Tree
Owley Wood B
Wharton Cons
Lostock SC
Wharton Cons C
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Slow & Easy
Owley Wood B
2001 Comberbach
2002 Comberbach
2003 BeechTree
2004 Owley Wood 'B'
2005 Wharton Cons
2006 Frodsham Red Lion
2007 Frodsham Red Lion
2008 Wharton Cons
2009 Slow & Easy ‘A’
2010 Rudheath SC C
2011 Castle Private A
2012 Rudheath SC C
2013 Moulton RBL A
2014 Spinner & Bergamott
2015 Wharton Cons a
Hazel Pear
Wharton Cons
Moulton RBL
Owley Wood B
Castle Private
Barnton CC
Winnington Park
Frodsham Red Lion ‘A’
Wharton Cons A
Rudheath SC B
Frod Red Lion A
Comberbach A
Castle Pte A
1960 Winnington Park
1961 Castle Private
1962 Yarwoods BC
1963 Meadow Bank B
1964 Davenham Rec
1965 Cuddington
1966 Wharton Rec B
1967 Owley Wood B
1968 Owley Wood
1969 Winsford NALGO
1970 Owley Wood
1971 Fariners Arms B
1972 Winnington Park C
1973 Winsford Lihs C
1974 Owley Wood B
1975 Overton Mem Hall
1976 Wharton Rec
1977 Winnington Park
1978 Comberbach
1979 Castle Park
1980 Farmers Arms
1981 Farmers Arms
1982 Owley Wood
1983 Owley Wood
1984 Castle Privaie
1985 Bunbury
1986 Red Lion
1987 Tattenhall
1988 Wharton Cons
1989 Castle Private B
1990 Bunbury
1991 Comberbach B
1992 Bunbury
1993 Comberbach B
1994 Meadow Bank
1995 Pochins SSC
1996 Bunbury
1997 Castle Private
1998 Lostock SC
1999 Slow & Easy
2000 Slow & Easy
2001 Kelsall
2002 Kelsall
2003 Meadow Bank
Farmers Arms B
Winnington Park
Davenham Rec B
Owley Wood B
Winnington Park
Middlewich ICI B
Moulton BLA
Castle Private
Moulton BL
Wharton Rec
Castle Private
Gladstone Club
Lostock Alkali B
Beech Tree
Middlewich ICI B
Comberbach B
Winsford Libs B
Castle Park
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Knutsford Private
Moulton RBL C
Vale Royal
Owley Wood
Lostock SC
Davenham Rec B
Castle Private
Moulton RBL
Comberbach C
Beech Tree
Winsford Cons
Castle Private D
Wharton Cons
Slow & Easy
Frodsham Red Lion
Wharton Cons
2004 Moulton RBL
2005 Castle Private
2006 Ring o Bells
2007 Slow & Easy
2008 Norley
2009 Rudheath SC ‘A’
2010 Comberbach A
2011 Wharton Cons A
2012 Rudheath SC C
2013 Winnington Park A
2014 Hazel Pear A
2015 Comberbach A
Farmers Arms
Frodsham Red Lion
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Winsford Cons ‘B’
Kelsall ‘B’
Moulton RBL A
Comberbach B
Owleywood B
Castle Pte A
Wharton Cons C
Castle Pte A
1947 T Birch
Gladstone Libs
1948 J Davies
Winsford Libs
1949 F Greatbanks
Owley Wood
1950 A Bebbington
Davenham Rec
1951 J Ikin
Over Recreation
1952 W Dowling
1953 R Yearsley
Gladstone Libs
1954 W Lowe
Winsford Libs
1955 L Blackburn
Winsford Libs
1956 J Eyes
Davenham Rec
1957 P G Wilks
Davenham Rec
1958 E O Faulkner
1959 AA Riley
Northwich Cons
1960 K M Winnington
Winnington Park
1961 E Duncan
Winnington Park
1962 H Buckley
Farmers Arms
1963 H Herreaman
Davenham Rec
1964 W H Nicholas
1965 W Rutter
Owley Wood
1966 E Duncan
Winnington Park
1967 B Weedall
Winnington Park
1968 K M Winnington
Winnington Park
1969 E Duncan
Winnington Park
1970 K Burrows
Wharton Rec
1971 B Yardley
Winsford Libs
1972 B Cookson
Wharton Rec
1973 B Yardley
Winsford Libs
1974 JAndrews
Owley Wood
1975 K M Winnington
Owley Wood
1976 G Cookson
Wharton Rec
1977 K Burrows
Wharton Rec
1978 B Threadgold
Winsford Libs
1979 A Robinson
Winsford Libs
1980 F S Frith
Farmers Arms
1981 KBirkett
1982 F S Frith
Owley Wood
1983 K Birkett
Owley Wood
1984 J Wilkinson
Wharton Cons
1985 I Davies
1986 J Cornes
Owley Wood
1987 F S Frith
Owley Wood
1988 G Cookson
Wharton Cons
1989 F S Frith
Owley Wood
1990 G Merry
1991 J Wilkinson
Wharton Cons
1992 G Merry
1993 G Cookson
Wharton Cons
1994 G Cookson
1995 J Gurney
1996 F S Frith
1997 G Cookson
1998 A Vickers
1999 J Cornes
2000 G Cookson
2001 G Cookson
2002 J Cornes
2003 J Cornes
2004 G Cookson
2005 G Cookson
2006 R Winnington
2007 M/s N Dolby
2008 T Vickers
2009 G Cookson
2010 D O’Brien
2011 T Vickers
2012 T Vickers
2013 M Thurlwell
2014 J Cornes
2015 Tom Vickers
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Lostock SC
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Frodsham Red Lion
Frodsham Red Lion
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Pte
Wharton Cons
1976 K Burrows
1977 D Goulding
1978 C Woodward
1979 J Andrews
1980 K Burrows
1981 G Merry
1982 F S Frith
1983 K Burrows
1984 E Holland
1985 P Scot
1986 B Cookson
1987 K Birkett
1988 A Baskerville
1989 S Burgess
1990 B Cookson
1991 K Burrows
1992 B Ellams
1993 G Cookson
1994 J Cornes
1995 G Cookson
1996 PMackie
1997 M Cookson
1998 G Cookson
1999 A Chantler
2000 G Merry
2001 J Cornes
2002 G Cookson
2003 G Cookson
2004 G Cookson
2005 R Winnington
2006 T Malisch
2007 T Vickers
2008 M/s N Boulton
2009 T Vickers
2010 T Vickers
2011 G Cookson
2012 G Cookson
Wharton Rec
Castle Private
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Winsford Libs
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Farmers Arms
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Owley Wood
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Frod Red Lion
Wharton Cons
Lostock SC
Wharton Cons
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Hazel Pear
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Frodsham Red Lion
Slow & Easy
Wharton Cons
Frodsham Red Lion
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
2013 T Vickers
2014 D Nixon
2015 Tom Vickers
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
1963 W Rutter/Johnson
1964 E Duncan/K C Birtwistle
1965 N Buckley/C Harrop
1966 E Duncan/K C Birtwistle
1967 W Rutter/S Mackie
1968 S Frith/PHayes
1969 M Thomas/J Woodward
1970 G Mainwaring/E Hamman
1971 J Wilkinson/R Lewis
1972 K Birkett/S Frith
1973 K Birkett/S Frith
1974 B Yardley/J Hunt
1975 B Yardley/J Hunt
1976 J Hitchen/PWebb
1977 E Holland/R Holland
1978 TWhitey/DHough
1979 G Cookson/TAllman
1980 J Shaw/G Vernon
1981 C Koral/PThomason
1982 J Gurney/S Nixon
1983 K Birkett/S Frith
1984 A Robinson/G Cookson
1985 K Birkett/C Koral
1986 M Winnington/N Faulkner
1987 M & KM Winnington
1988 N Faulkner/D K Yearsley
1989 S Frith/K Birkett
1990 J S Bailey/Wilkinson
1991 G Donnelly/G Merry
1992 G & B Cookson
1993 G & B Cookson
1994 R Brearley/PCatterall
1995 S Walton/J Webb
1996 D Leather/W Jennings
1997 J Andrews/M Winnington
1998 G Evans/P Curzon
1999 J Cornes/M Griffiths
2000 G Cookson/S Cookson
2001 G Cookson/S Cookson
2002 J Large/F Worrall
2003 J Large/F Worrall
2004 D Leather/A Thompson
2005 C Peters/P Jones
2006 J Cornes/P Mackie
2007 Ms N Dolby/R Jamieson
2008 P Lappin/M Yearsley
2009 A & T Vickers
2010 A & T Vickers
2011 S Morrey/I Howells
2012 S & G Cookson
2013 A & T Vickers
2014 G Cookson/A Vickers
2015 P Mackie/J Cornes
Winnington Park
Winnington Park
Meadow Bank
Winnington Park
Owley Wood
Farmers Arms
Lostock Alkali
Winsford Libs
Farmers Arms
Farmers Arms
Winsford Libs
Winsford Libs
Winnington Park
Farmers Arms
Beech Tree
Wharton Cons
Winsford Libs
Owley Wood
Owley Wood
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Owley Wood
Castle Private
Castle Private
Castle Private
Owley Wood
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Owley Wood
Beech Tree
Moulton RBL
Owley Wood
Wharton Rec
Lostock SC
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Frodsham Red Lion
Frodsham Red Lion
Farmers Arms
Castle Private
Frodsham Red Lion
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Pte
1959 G Drinkwater
1960 F Sander
1961 J Garner
1962 K C Birtwistle
1963 D Mackie
1964 L Clare
1965 G A Nicholas
1966 K Birkett
1967 K M Winnington
1968 D Mackie
1969 J Andrews
1970 D M Dickens
1971 D Evans
1972 K Birkett
1973 G Cookson
1974 W Crank
1975 PWebb
1976 P J Scott
1977 A Robinson
1978 A Robinson
1979 F S Fnth
1980 K Birkett
1981 G Merry
1982 J Cornes
1983 K Burrows
1984 M Watson
1985 M K Winnington
1986 M K Winnington
1987 W Crank
1988 K C Birtwistle
1989 G E Merry
1990 G Cookson
1991 I Wilkinson
1992 I Wilkinson
1993 N Faulkner
1994 WCarter
1995 G Roberts
1996 J Cornes
1997 G E Merry
1998 G Cookson
1999 C Cookson
2000 S Frith
2001 J Cornes
2002 R Winnington
2003 T Vickers
2004 D Nixon
2005 J Cornes
2006 S Cookson
2007 G Cookson
2008 P Blackburn
2009 G Davies
2010 J Cornes
2011 G Cookson
2012 Matt Hamman
2013 D Leather
2014 T Vickers
2015 T Vickers
Castle Private
Lostock Alkali
Davenham Rec
Davenham Rec
Winnington Park
Northwich NFU
Lostock Alkali
Winnington Park
Davenham Rec
Owley Wood
Davenham Rec
Farmers Arms
Farmers Arms
Wharton Rec
Farmers Arms
Winnington Park
Castle Private
Winsford Liberals
Winsford Liberals
Farmers Arms
Farmers Arms
Winsford Liberals
Farmers Arms
Wharton Cons
Lostock Alkali
Castle Private
Castle Private
Farmers Arms
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Lostock SC
Lostock SC
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Owley Wood
Hazel Pear
Frodsham Red Lion
Wharton Rec
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
Winsford Cons
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Castle Private
Wharton Cons
Wharton Cons
1994 C Oswell
1995 P Kennedy
Harttord Rec
Wharton Rec
1996 G Mclvor
1997 D Hamlett
1998 AWoodyatt
1999 A Pickering
2000 K Winnington
2001 C Drinkwater
2002 G Stubbs
2006 B Ellis
2007 S Briscoe
2008 A Lowe
2009 B Ellis
2010 N Walton
2011 F Robinson
2012 J Malisch
2013 T Malisch
2014 N Walton
2015 S Jones
Winstord Cons
Wharton Rec
Slow & Easy
Winnington Park
Frodsham Red Lion
Middlewich RBL
Winnington Park Rec
Frodsham Red Lion BC
Moulton RBL
Castle Private
Lostock Gray;ams
Lostock Graylams
Moulton RBL
Tarporley RBL
1994 G Davies
Winsford Cons
1995 D Nixon
Wharton Rec
1996 G Davies
Winsford Cons
1997 A Faulkner
Castle Private
1998 Sean Morrey
North Ward
1999 R Winnington
2000 D Hamlett
Wharton Cons
2001 S Yould
2002 N Hamman
Castle Private
2003 S Baskerville
Castle Private
2004 A Blackburn
Winsford Cons
2005 T Vickers
Wharton Cons
2006 M Hamman
Castle Private
2007 Craig Shaw
Castle Private
2008 Chris Shaw
Moulton RBL
2009 M Hamman
Castle Private
2010 T Clare
Winnington Park
2011 J Lightfoot
Beech Tree BC
2012 J Hazeldine
Coppenhall WMC
1992 R Brearley
Owley Wood
1993 G Yates
Castle Private
1994 G Yates
Castle Private
1995 R Brearley
Owley Wood
1996 H Nicholas
1997 P Owen
1998 K Winnington
1999 R Brearley
Owley Wood
2000 E Pendleton
2001 L Bebbington
Ring O'Bells
2002 E Pendleton
2003 N Greatbanks
Owley Wood
2004 R Hitchen
Farmers Arms
2005 D Biddle
2006 A Bannister
2007 F Nicholas
2008 R Holding
2009 J Spruce
Kelsall BC
2010 F Nicholas
Kelsall BC
2011 G Merry
2012 A Mayne
2013 T Bebbington
2014 P Farrington
2015 B Ellis
1981 Winsford Liberal
1982 Castle Private
1983 Lostock Social Club
1984 Bunbury BC
1985 Comberbach
1986 Moulton RBL
1987 The Limes
1988 Slow & Easy
1989 Beech Tree
1990 Wharton Cons
1991 Meadowbank
1992 Davenham
1993 Cuddington
1994 Kelsall
1995 Meadowbank
2011 Wharton Cons
2012 Comberbach
2013 Owleywood BC
2014 Davenham
2015 Crosstown
Frod Red Lion
Wharton Cons
Middlewich CC
Frod Red Lion
1996 Kelsall
1997 Kelsall
1998 Farmers Arms
1999 Hartford
2000 Comberbach
2001 Davenham
2002 Frodsham Red Lion
2003 Farmers Arms
2004 Meadowbank
2005 Wharton Cons
2006 Shavington
2007 Middlewich RBL
2008 Rudheath Private S & SC
2009 Beech Tree BC
2010 Crewe PO
1986 Ring 'o'Bells
2003 Wharton Cons
1987 Ring o'Bells
2004 Wharton Cons
1988 Norley Bowling
2005 Wharton Cons
2006 Wharton Cons
1989 Wharton Cons
2007 Wharton Cons
1990 Wharton Cons
2008 Wharton Cons
1991 Wharton Cons
2009 Wharton Cons
1992 Wharton Cons
2010 Wharton Cons
1993 Beech Tree
2011 Helsby S&SC
1994 Castle Private
2012 Helsby S&SC
1995 Castle Private
2013 Helsby S&SC
1996 Castle Private
1997 Beech Tree
2015 Wharton Cons
1998 Wharton Cons
1999 Wharton Cons
2001 Wharton Cons
2002 Wharton Cons
2004 Castle Private
2005 Wharton Cons
2007 Wharton Cons
2006 Wharton Cons
2008 Wharton Cons
Alsager Institute
R Cowden 5 Bollin Close, Alsager ST7 2UW
Tel: 01270878370
Barnton C C
Mrs J Reeman, 19 Limewood Crescent. Barnton CW8 4NQ
Tel: 79295
Mrs M Wilson. 3 The Dale. Tiverton, nr Tarporley CW6 9ND
Tel: 01829 732781
Castle Private Club. David Street, Northwich, CW8 1HE
Mrs Pam Plant, 8 Ashbank, Rudheath, CW97HZ
Tel: 01606 606010/
C Thurlwell, Lobswood, Marbury Road, Comberbach. Northwich CW9 6AU
Tel: 01270 250622, 892137 (Club)
Coppenhall WMC
G Patrick 14 Cavendish Road, Crewe, CW2 8SW
Tel 01270 258514/07593332091
Crewe PO
S Parsonage. 1 Acer Avenue, Crewe CWI 4HS
Tel: 01270 585883
P Chadwick 4 Princess Road, Allostock WA16 9LP
Tel: 01565
P Bellis, 8 Ashley Drive, Hartford, CW83AQ, 01606 74993
D Blakesley, 9 Mere Lane, Sandiway, CW8 NRY
Tel: 882701
Davenham Rec
J Richards, Rose Cottage, 2 Vale Royal Courtyard, Whitegate, CW8 2BAK Griffiths Northwich
Tel: 889281
Mrs M Bradburne, 2 Godstow, Sandymoor, Runcorn, WA7 1UE
Tel: 01928 571674
Frodsham Red Lion
J Ellams, 6 Maori Drive, Frodsham, WA6 7PS
Tel: 01928 731923
Hartford Rec
G Symmons, 28 Fullerton Road, Hartford, Northwich, CW8 1SS
Tel: 74818
Helsby CSC
G White, 30 Sandringham Avenue, Helsby, Frodsham WA6 9QJ
Tel: 01928 723328
Hop Pole
J C Knapper, 36 Belgrave Road, Crewe CW2 7NH
Tel: 01270 663713
Hazel Pear
Yvette Gregory, 57 Moss Lane, Cuddington, Northwich CW8 2PT
Tel: 888081
A Nicholas, Rose Cottage, Gooseberry Lane, Willington, CX6 )PQ
Tel: 01829 752029
D Cooper, 16 Bennett Close, Crewe CWI 5HB
Tel: 01270 254107
Lostock Graylams
Mrs M Thompson, 8 Lamb Cottage Caravan Park, Dalefords Lane, Whitegate CW8 2BN
Tel: 881729
Lostock SC
Mrs S Dean, 17 Renshaw Street, Northwich CW9 7NF
Tel: 45383
Meadow Bank
T Ratcliffe, 3 Pipers Ash, Winsford CW7 2TN
Tel: 556007 (Home) 592208 (Club)
Moulton RBL
B Coglan, 7 The Spinney, Norley, Cheshire, CW6 8LS
Tel: 01928 787426
Owley Wood
M Gerrard, Weaverham, Northwich CW8 3JX
Pochins Sports & SC (Middlewich)
W Eaton, 3 New King Street, Middlewich CW10 9ED
Tel: 833857
Rudheath Pte S & SC
David Wilding Middlewich Road, Rudheath CW9 7
Sandbach Park
A Challinor, 42 Newfield Street, Sandbach CW11 0DE
Tel: 01270 760296
E Trevor, 73 Park Estate, Shavington, Crewe CW2 1HE
Tel: 01270 664707
Spinner & Bergamot
K Birkett, 20 Sycamore Crescent, Barnton CW84NS
Tel 07802554253
G Breeze 4 Brook Road Tarporley CW6 9HH
Tel 01829 732215
Wharton Cons
S Bailey, 22 Plover Avenue, Winsford CW7 1LA
Tel 593902
Wharton Rec
B Davies, 1 Caister Way Winsford CW7 1LT
Tel: 557757/07802761068
Winnington Park
Sue Dewison, 27 Chestnut Grove, Barnton, CW8 4ST
Tel: 77307
Winsford Cons
Martin Staley