Posters for IC-CAST 2015: Sl Date of Submitted submis By sion Title Email ids Subject area Accepted/ Rejected 1 150515 A. Sakthivel m Chemistry Accepted 2 240515 Accepted 280515 m aniruddha.v.babar@g Chemistry 3 Sriparna Chatterjee Aniruddha V. Babar Assembling of Faujasite Type Microporous SAPO37 into Mesoporous SAPO-37: A potential Catalysts for Organic Transformation Growth, optical and photo-catalytic properties of one-dimensional nano-arrayof copper oxide Transgression of suppressed sexuality-Liberating the consciousness of Indian women 4 230615 nsunilkumar123@yah 5 200615 6 070615 7 180615 8 090615 Sunil Kumar A NOVEL PHARMACEUTICAL CO-CRYSTAL OF N FLUFENAMIC ACIDWITH 2-CHLORO-4-NITRO BENZOIC ACID TO IMPROVE THEPHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUFENAMIC ACID Utpal Bora Highly efficient palladium catalyzed SuzukiMiyaura direct acylationofarylboronic acids to aromatic ketones SrinivasuluT A SINGLE LEVEL VLSI ARCHITECTURE FOR 2Dadisetty DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORMS Paras Nath Square planar Pd(II) complexes derived from 1ethyl-3-phenylthiourea, 3-mercapto-4-methyl-1,2,4triazole and 2-mercapto-5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole: Syntheses, spectral, structuralcharacterization and photoluminescence property DarshakR.Tri The salts of 2-Chloro-4-nitrobenzoic acid with vedi amines/ heterocyclic amines: validity of thumb rule Com ments HUMANITI Acceptanc ES e sent on 25th july Chemistry Accepted Chemistry Accepted m Chemistry Accepted Chemistry Accepted darshakrtrivedi@gmai Chemistry Accepted Accep tance sent on Regist ration paid or not 14th july 9 130615 T.P. Yadav Hydrogen Storage Materials: The Materials for Renewable energyand Sustainable Development Encapsulation of anticancer drug and magnetic particles in aptamerlabeled PLGA nanoparticles for targeted chemotherapy Screeing, Isolation and Molecular Identification of p-cresol degrading bacterium Serratiamarcescens ABHI 001 isolated from Mathura refinery Physics Accepted 10 170615 Athulya Aravind, athulya.aravind@gma Chemistry Accepted . 11 190615 P. K. Mishra pkmishra.che@itbhu.a Chemistry Revision (within one page)Remi nder sent on 17th july Accepted Revisi on neede d. 12 240615 Vivek Kumar Majoron accompanied neutrinoless double beta .in Nautiyal decay 13 260615 Anurag Jyoti Spot and read colorimetric detection of open reading frame of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat labile toxin using gold nanoparticle probes. Life Sciences Accepted 14 260615 Priyanka Pandey Temperature controlled 3d Metal-Azide supramolecular Assemblies for Magnetic Applications Chemistry Accepted 15 260615 Neh Satsangi m LS Accepted 16 260615 Momidi Bharath Kumar Microwave- Assisted Plant Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and their Larvicidal Activity against Mosquito Vector NEW COLORIMETRIC CHEMOSENSORS FOR COLORIMETRIC DETECTION OF METAL IONS USING PYRIDINE BASED SHIFF BASES IN AQUEOUS MEDIUM darshak_rtrivedi@yahoo Chemistry Accepted Physics 17 260615 Pramod Kumar Rajak COAL: SOURCE OF ENERGY AS WELL AS bhupramodgeo@gmail.c om POLLUTION Geography Accepted 18 270615 Sunil Kumar Study of ion- surface interaction relevant to fusion- plasma Physics Accepted 19 270615 Kashif Rahmani Ansari Polymeric Schiff Base as Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in 15% HCl at High Temperature Chemistry 20 280615 Sailaja Urpayil Role of stretching parameter in the stability of m amorphous pharmaceutical systems Accepted on 22nd july after revision Accepted 21 280615 Nagendra Nath Mondal Multidisciplinary Technology 22 290615 Ananya Mathur Bionic Arm: Changing the Face of Conventional mathur.ananya0308@g Prosthetics 23 290615 Rajkamal Shastri 24 290615 25 26 Research in Science maquraishi@rediffmail. com, maquraishi.apc@itbhu.a and nn.mondal2011@gmail. com Physics Basic Science Accepted & Humanities Biomedical Accepted engineering rajkamalbbau2011@gma Structural, Electronic and Vibrational Properties CdmSn (m+n=2–6) Clusters:A DFT Study Physics Accepted Abdus Sattar Metal-Insulator superconductor Transition in 2212 profabdussattar@gma Bismuth cuprate due to RE –ion substitution Physics Accepted 290615 A.K. Jouhari NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF LATERAL CONTROL JETS OF AN INTERCEPTOR MISSILE Physics Accepted 290615 S. P. Goutam Green Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles gautamfighter161991 byLeaf Extract of Coriandrum Sativum Physics Accepted Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-doped ZnO Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Nanocrystals: An EXAFS and XANES study 27 300615 Shiv Kumar 28 300615 29 300615 30 300615 Shiv Prakash DECOMPOSABILITY OF WELL’S CURVATURE Mishra TENSOR IN RECURRENT CONFORMAL FINSLER SPACE (𝑊𝑅𝐶 − 𝐹𝑛 ) Ashutosh North Almora Thrust vs. North Almora Fault Kumar Juhi Electrochemical-MIP sensor for Albendazole based Srivastav on chitosan nanoparticles 31 300615 32 300615 33 Physics m joshimallickarjun@gmai meenakshi_s4@rediff Upasana Yadav Anirudh Banerjee Antimicrobial Activity of Synthesized Zinc oxide Nanoparticles Design of a Thermally Tunable Optical Filter by using 1D Ternary Photonic Band Gap Material Nano-layered Structures 010715 N. Ram An approach to Control Tuning Range and Speed in 1D Ternary Photonic Band Gap Material Nanolayered Optical Filter Structures Electro-optically 34 010715 35 010715 Dhawal Pandey T. MOHANTY Organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) biological sensors RIVER STYLE® FRAMEWORK OF THE BETWA RIVER, CENTRAL INDIA USING REMOTESENSING AND GIS DATA 36 010715 37 010715 Accepted Accepted Geology Accepted Chemistry Accepted Accepted Accepted Physics Accepted and dhawalpandey1995@gm tanuja.mohanty@gmail. com Physics Accepted Geophysics Accepted Kanagaraj Palaniyandi1 TAMOXIFEN RESISTANCE INDUCED THE SELF- aimskanagaraj@yahoo RENEWAL OF BREAST CANCER STEM CELLS Life sciences Accepted Nimisha Mathematical Modeling of Air Pollution to Accepted Mishra Improve Urban Atmosphere 38 010715 Ananya Mishra Ocimumtenuiflorumand Catharanthusroseus: synergist or antagonist for human blood platelets ananya.mishra1@stud Chemistry Accepted 39 010715 K.CHAUBEY Land Use and Land Cover Classification of the kanchichaubey2011@gm Belan River basin, Central India Using Remote Sensing Data Geophysics Accepted 40 010715 Jai Prakash Developing PGPR based bioformulation Enhanced Production and Protection Agricultural Crops Environme ntal Sciences Accepted 41 010715 Rajeev Ranjan Sinha A current study of data acquisition and analysis technique for AMS radiocarbon dating Physics Accepted 42 010715 R.C. Gupta Possibility of Cold-Fusion (LENR) Occurring in Electric-Plasma: Investigation of Anomalous Excess-Heat Generation in Underwater Electric-Arcing and Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs Engineering Accepted 43 230615 Srikala P. DESIGN, SYNTHESIS AND darshak_rtrivedi@yahoo CHARACTERIZATION OF SIMPLE NAKED-EYE CHEMOSENSOR FOR BIOLOGICALLY IMPORTANT ANIONS Chemistry Accepted 44 220615 Sunjay Kaiser effect study in Geomechanics Geophysics Accepted 45 200615 Haresh Raval Physics Accepted for of Sunjay.sunjay@gmail. com Absence of the Gribov ambiguity in a quadratic gauge 46 200615 S. SINGH GEOMORPHIC CHANGES IN THE GANGA RIVER BETWEEN ALLAHABAD AND BUXAR DURING LAST 35 YEAR Geology Accepted 48 180615 Paras Nath Square planar Pd(II) complexes derived from 1- ethyl-3-phenylthiourea, 3-mercapto-4-methyl-1,2,4triazole and 2-mercapto-5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole: Syntheses, spectral, structural characterization and photoluminescence property Chemistry Accepted 49 120615 Subhanwita Sarkar Novel Cell Surface Marker for Pancreatic and subhanwitas@instem. Cholangio Carcinoma Accepted 50 080615 060615 Some mathematical models describing the effect of Mathematic m toxicants on biological populations s Big Data Analytics for Upstream Hydrocarbon sunjay.sunjay@gmail. Geophysics com Accepted 51 Alok Agrawal Sunjay 52 050615 Mohanan V. 53 010615 Indrani Thakur 54 030715 Shweta Sachan Already this is 2nd poster by the same author group Accepted P. Toxicity evaluation of PEGylated Nano Graphene on mesenchymal stem cells Application of array of Cu 2O nano-columns in photom assisted proton reduction reaction Biomedical technology Chemistry Accepted USE OF MUSTARD OIL CAKE FOR PRODUCTION OF ALPHA-AMYLASE BY Biotechnolog y Sent for Accep revision to tance SEMI SOLID STATE FEREMNTATION fit into one sent page on On 080715 14th july after revisi on Sent for Accep revision to ted fit into one revise page d On 080715 abstra ct on 9th july Accepted Mail sent on 8th july m Biotechnolog y Shafaque Asif Sunlight Driven Mentha arvensis Biofactories: Mediator for the Producer of Nickel Nanoparticles Biotechnolog y 030715 Priti Pal Eclipta alba Biofactories: A Promising and Sustainable Transformation Platform for the Synthesis of Zn Nanoparticles Biotechnolog y Accepted Mail sent on 8th july 58 030715 Shubhi Rastogi Anethum sowa Leaf cell Factories: A Viable and Sustainable Approach for Copper Nanoparticles Production Biotechnolog y Accepted Mail sent on 8th july 59 030715 Subhendu Sekhar Bag TriazoloAromatic Amino AcidScaffold for β-Turn Peptidomimetics and Its Effect on Cancer Cell Chemistry Accepted Mail sent on 8th july 55 030715 Chandni Tandon1 56 030715 57 Bioassay and Mass spectroscopy Analysis of Isolated Antibacterial compound from leaf of Datura inoxia Mill Morphometry Governs the Drainage Dynamics of Barakar River Basin, India: Analysis and Implications shyamkanhaiya44@gmai Geology 60 030715 SHYAM KANHAIYA 61 030715 V. K. Facies characteristics and depositional vsrivastava152@gmail.c Srivastava environments of the early Eocene Naredi om Formation (Nareda locality), Kutch, Gujarat Geology Sent for revision to fit into one page On 080715 62 030715 anil kumar Struggle of Water Resources for their Existence dwiwedi anil.k.dwiwedi@gmail.c om Botany 63 040715 Punita Mourya mouryapunita025@g Chemistry Sent for revision to highlight original work On 080715 Accepted Mail sent on 8th july 64 040715 Sonali Roy, m Chemistry 65 040715 Rakesh Arya Understanding of inhibitive properties of 1-(2-(1,3dioxoisoindolin-2-yl)ethyl)quinolinium bromide on mild steel corrosion – experimental and theoretical approach Triazolo Aromatic Amino Acid Scaffold for β-Turn Peptidomimetics and Its Effect on Cancer Cell K. ALARMING SYSTEM FOR SHIFTING WILD ANIMALS FROM FOREST DURING FLOOD Physics Accepted Mail sent on 8th july Accep ted revise d abstra ct on 9th july Sent for revision as title and content are the same as submitted by Bag on 8th july Sent for Accep revision to ted USING DTED METHODS AND FINITE NUMERICAL highlight original work On 080715 after revisi on on 9th july Sent for Accep revision to tance give sent affiliation on on 8th july 17th july Accepted. Mail sent on 8th july 66 050715 Navneet Yadav Ultrasonic Investigation in Oxide Nanofluids of navaneetyadav840@g Biomedical Materials Physics 67 060715 Sanjay Kumar Varshney Molecular Self-assembly of Triphenylene Central core: Effect of Functional Group Chemistry 68 060715 Akira Deguchi Birth Country as a Totem: transnational adoption in Scandinavia and structural anthropology Accepted. Mail sent on 8th july 69 060715 T.V. Chandrasekh ar Sarma Tethered Balloon Observation Platform for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurements Accepted. Mail sent on 8th july 70 060715 Shashanka R. Search for Earth like Planets and Habitable Zones Gurumath that might Harbor Life in the Universe shashankgurumath@yah astrophysic s Accepted. Mail sent on 8th july 71 060715 S.P Singh sprakashsingh@gmail. com biotechnolo gy Sent for revision to fit into 1 page Modeling of T cell epitope prediction using neural network and sequence weighting methods Accep tance sent on 17th july 72 060715 Sunil Kumar Synthesis, structural, in Vitro cytotoxicity and DNA Pandey damage studies of few N,N'-disubstituted thiocarbamides and their Cu( I) complexes Subhanaraya An Investigation Of Electro-Magnetic pulse n Sahoo welding 73 060715 74 070715 Rajesh Bansal Nanocrystallization of Titanium by Ultrasonic Shot Peening (SMAT) leading to improvement in corrosion behavior and osteoblast proliferation- a novel study 75 070715 Radha Chaube A comparative analysis of Thermophilic and chauberadha@rediffm Psychrophilic Metallopeptidases : Involvement of Bioinformatic Approach Bioinformat ics Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july 76 070715 Radha Chaube chauberadha@rediffm Bioinformat ics Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Selection of appropriate Inhibitors for Ovarian type Cytochrome P450 aromatase gene with the application of Homology Modeling, Molecular Docking and ADMET Analysis drseemapratap@gmail Chemistry .com subha933933@gmail.c Physics om ; subhanarayan@ipr.res.i n rajeshbansal97@rediff Biotechnolo gy Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july 77 070715 Akhilesh Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 7925 Kumar Singh Biofactories: Producer of Sustainable Novel SCL-LCL-PHA Co-polymer Thermoplastics from Non-edible Oils aksingh2@lko.amity.e du Biotechnolo gy Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july 78 070715 Somesh Vinayak Tewari somesh.tewari@ipr.res.i n;somesh_vinayak@yah Physics Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july RF Source for Radio Frequency Quadrupole at IPR 79 070715 Syed S. Razi An intramolecular charge transfer benzimidazole arvindmisra2003@yaho; (D––A) based probe to detect Chemistry Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july 80 070715 Brijesh Pandey Characterization of a thermostable peroxidase from Aegle marmelos (Linn) Correa. leaves Chemistry Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july 81 070715 Brijesh Pandey Antioxidants Profiling in Growth Development Stages of Nigella sativa L. Chemistry 82 070715 H Bharath kumar Probing of novel small molecules against novel bharathshr139@gmail. drug targets: ppar-γ and Estrogen Receptor α com Chemistry 83 070715 Omkant Jha Structural characteristics of Dopamine molecule by DFT calculation Physics 84 080715 Anupam Jyoti kskuldeep1995@gmail.c Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using waste om vegetable peel and its potential applications Chemistry 85 080715 Anupam Jyoti Antibacterial activity and waste water treatment of bhattdeepanshu9@gmail .com bacterial synthesized silver nanoparticles Chemistry 86 080715 Anupam Jyoti Green synthesis and characterization of silver nirmalkumar9001@gma nanoparticle using bacteria isolated from soil and their antimicrobial activity Chemistry Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july 87 080715 Anupam Jyoti Optimization and antibacterial properties of silver achauhan2571@gmail.c nanoparticles synthesized from Sclerotinia om sclerotiorum Chemistry and Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Synergistic effect of silver nanoparticles with four, different antibiotics against Klebsiella pneumonia m Molecular Docking and Dynamics Study of Some ramesh.luphy@gmail. DNA Minor Groove Binders com Chemistry Pranav Upadhyay Effect of electric field on the polarizability of bent core nematic liquid crystal molecules Physics 080715 samir dhurai GENETIC DIVERGENCE IN RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L.) GENOTYPES UNDER ORGANIC m CONDITION Agricultura l sciences 92 080715 swarnlata srivastava Zoology 93 080715 Saba Hasan Developmental toxicity of genistein in laboratory, mouse, Mus musculus swarnlatabhu12@gma Studies on heavy metal tolerance (Cobalt and Copper) in fungi isolated from sediments of River Gomti 94 080715 Saba Hasan Comparative analysis of Solid State Fermentation and Submerged Fermentation technology for mass production of Trichoderma harzianum Biotechnolo gy 95 080715 Bhagwan Kharediy Chemistry 96 080715 Temperature Influenced Formation of CuII Complexes with Symmetric Diamines and Azide: Synthesis and Structural Charecterization Fluorescence studies of Acridine Orange hemi (zinc 88 080715 Sanket Kaushik 89 080715 Ruchi Mishra 90 080715 91 Chemistry Biotechnolo gy Chemistry Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Sent for revision to fit into one page on 9th july Accep tance sent on 14th july Sent for Accep revision to tance fit into one sent page on 9th on july 14th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. chloride) salt Iranna Pattanashetti 97 080715 D. N. Singh Study of specific heat and Debye’s characteristic dnsingh5430@gmail.c temperature of potassium bromide crystal om Physics 98 080715 Sunjay Distributed Temperature Sensing Signal Analysis m by Wavelet Transform Geophysics 99 080715 Sudhakar Ganta From a Self-assembled Coordination Cage to Nanoscale Metallogel: Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Soft Materials Chemistry 100 080715 K. Yazaki Selective Recognition of Long Hydrocarbons by a Rigid Molecular Nanotube with AnthracenePanels jp Chemistry 101 080715 Ananya Mishra Ocimumsanctumand Catharanthusroseus: synergist or antagonist for human blood platelets Biotechnolo gy 102 090715 V. S. Rathore misteriousannie04@g A study of ionospheric response of intense X-class solar flare on the equatorial and low-latitude m ionosphere 103 090715 N. M. Muthu Automatic System for continuity checks of the RPC detector’s Pickup Panels Physics 104 090715 Dharmveer Singh Interaction of Aromatic Amino Acids with Carbon Nanostructures: A Quantum Mechanical Study Physics Physics Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Accepted. Mail sent on 9th july Sent for revision to clarify the intro and methodolo gy Acceptanc e sent on 9th july Accep tance sent on 17th july 105 090715 Asheesh Kumar Interaction of Nucleic Acids Nanostructures: A Quantum Mechanical Study with Carbon, asheesh.bbau2011@g Physics Acceptanc e sent on 9th july 106 090715 Suresh Kumar , Physics Long-Range Electron Transfer Triggers Mechanistic Differences between Iron(IV)-Oxo and Iron(IV)- sureshkumarverma789 Imido Oxidants Acceptanc e sent on 9th july 107 090715 Shravan Kumar Advanced detection techniques of toxigenic fungi and their management strategies Agricultura l sciences 108 090715 Manoj Kumar Singh Basic study on silicon fiber sheet for making the read out panel for RPC detector Physics 109 090715 Reena Kushwaha High efficiency dye-sensitized solar cell using reenakushwaha29@gmai petal-like TiO2 as photo-anode prepared by simple and newer route Chemistry Acceptanc e sent on 9th july Acceptanc e sent on 9th july Acceptanc e sent on 9th july 110 090715 Mala Trivedi Induction of polyploidy in Nigella sativa (L.) Biotechnolo gy 111 090715 Monika Bansal1 Mucoadhesive, biodegradable, thermoresponsive dr.monika97@rediffmail insitu gel for the treatment of periodontal pockets: .com preparation and characterization Pharmaceut ics 112 090715 V.M.Muruke shan Long Range Surface Plasmon Polariton (LRSPP) MMurukeshan@ntu.ed interference for sub-wavelength lithography and thin film solar cell applications Engineering 113 090715 Murukeshan Patterned nanoscale structures for next generation mmurukeshan@ntu.e Acceptanc e sent on 9th july Sent for revision to fit one page Accep ted on 14th july Sent for Accep revision to ted fit one on page 16th july Invited VadakkeMat ham thin film Si solar cells- Latest R & D and Challenges ahead Talk 114 090715 A Maya Microbiological SAFETY issues and regulations in amayanandkumar@gma Nandkumar TISSUE ENGINEERED MEDICAL PRODUCTS (TEMPS) development, manufacture & usage biotechnolo gy Sent for revision to fit one page 115 080715 Anupam Jyoti Green synthesis, optimization, characterization of, silver nanoparticle by Pseudomonas stutzeri isolated anupamjyoti@rediffm from textile soil and evaluation of its antimicrobial properties Biotechnolo gy Accepted. Mail sent on 14th july 116 100715 Abhilash A Blue light emitting Poly Phenylene Vinylene abhilashpallithara@g copolymer for polymer LED applications; Applied Chemistry Sent for revision to fit one page on th 14 july 117 100715 Anil singh 118 100715 119 100715 Devendra 120 100715 Ishwar Chandra Maurya Studying neutron diffraction and conduction mechanism in antiferromagnetic orthorhombic BiPbSr2MnO6 Anilkumar K Will Mg-ion cells serve as substitute for Li-ion; M cells? Sources and variation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban sites of Ahmedabad in India Dye-sensitized solar cell using extracts of Luffa Ishwar.chem@gmail.c Cylindrica flowers as natural photosensitizer om; pankaj_bhuin@rediff Physics and Acceptanc Astronomy e sent on 14th july Physics Accepted Chemistry Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Accep ted on 14th july Accep tance sent on 17th july 121 100715 Manasi Yadav 122 100715 Manoj Dwivedi Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline doped with H2SO4 for Humidity Sensing Application FMO method, on a target oriented anti-tumor nanodrug m Environment science Physics m; mdwivedi.bhu@gma 123 100715 Nabinkumar Roy 125 100715 Neha khan Synthesis, Characterization and NH3 sensing m Application of HCl doped Polyaniline. Synthesis and photophysical study of Triazine Shaziya.khan88@gmail. com; cored-dendrimers 126 100715 Padhi Heavy metals distribution in the marine sediments ranjibkumarpadhi@g of the East coast of India; of cysteine by piyush.sonkar37@gm adsorbed single wall; Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Environment Science Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Chemistry Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Environme Acceptanc nt and e sent on Safety 14th july Division Chemistry Acceptanc e sent on 14th july 127 100715 Piyush Kumar Sonkar Dual electrocatalysis oxovanadium(IV) salen carbon nanotubes 128 100715 Preeti Lahiri Optimization of Immobilization of α-Amylase in plahiri16@yahoomail. Alginate gel and its Characterization com Chemistry 129 100715 Priyanka Raj The Effect of Variations of Doping Density on the Quantum Efficiency of Silicon based Nanowire m Solar Cell Applied Physics Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Sent for revision to fit one page on 14th july. Reminder sent on Accep tance sent on 20th july 130 100715 Ranjit R. Borude Synthesis, Characterization and Ammonia Gas m Sensing Application of Sn-PANI Composite Environment Science 131 100715 Rashid Ali Schiff base containing Tetrasubstituted Imidazole; based ESIPT Probe for Selective Detection of arvindmisra2003@ya Cyanide through Chemodosimeter approach; Chemistry 132 100715 17th july Sent for revision to fit one page on 14th july Accep tance sent on 17th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Ravi 133 100715 Roshni Yadav 134 100715 Rupali Gupta Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Variability of O3, CO and NOx at an urban site of western India: Impact of long-range transport and meteorology SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF roshniyadav05@gmail NANOSTRUCTURED COPPER FERRITE AND .com; balchandra_yadav@red ITS APPLICATION AS LPG SENSOR Sensitive determination of vitamin B2 by methylene blue ion-exchanged mesoporous silica material ; Sent for revision to fit one page on th 14 july Chemistry Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Geoinformati cs Sent for revision to fit one page on 14th july Reminder sent on m; 135 100715 Sayali Nitin Disaster Management Services using GIS and Jadhav Remote Sensing Web Services Accep tance sent on 15th july 136 100715 Plant Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles: Biochemistry A Green Approach m; Saumya Khare oprakash01@yahoo.c 137 100715 Sanjay Chakane 138 100715 Sheikh Edrisi 139 100715 140 100715 141 100715 142 100715 Electrical Properties of Composites of Polyaniline; with Copper Phthalocyanine rohitlondhe5@gmail.c om 143 100715 Adil Sustainable Bioenergy Production from Degraded Lands: Opportunities and Challenges m Shilpam Sinha Shivani Rastogi Sneha Singh Impact of microbial inoculations on Andrographis nuttyshilpam17@gmai paniculata under water stress “Simulation of Quantum Photodetector through TCAD” Well Botany Infrared shivanirastogi127@gm Applied Physics Crosstalk Effect in InGaAs Based Infrared Photo snehasngh36@gmail.c Detector om Sujata A. A wasp answering the defense call from a Deshpande distressed plant Suman Study of seeding-gaseous molecular ion relevant to sumanprajapati603@g Prajapati thermonuclear fusion plasma facing surface Zoology Physics 17th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Sent for revision to fit one page on th 14 july Reminder sent on th 17 july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Accep tance sent on 22nd july after revisi on 144 100715 Vishal Tripathi Phytoremediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants vishalbiotechbhu@gm in Changing Climate Conditions 145 110715 Subir Ray Polarization Controlled tuning of Plasmonic Fano Resonance 146 110715 Manish Kumar Use of Machine Learning Techniques for manish.bhu14@gmail. forecasting the Students’ Performance in Computer com Science Computer Science 147 110715 Sandip Chatterjee Enhanced Optical and Photocatalytic properties of Mn-Li codoped ZnO nanocrystals as environmentally safe and facilely recyclable Photocatalyst Physics Sent for revision to fit one page on th 14 july 148 110715 Sunil kumar Sintering effect on mechanical properties of MgO doped Hydroxyapatite Physics Sent for revision to fit one page on 14th july 149 120715 Shweta Sachan USE OF MUSTARD OIL CAKE FOR PRODUCTION OF ALPHA-AMYLASE BY SEMI SOLID STATE FERMENTATION Biotechnolog y Acceptanc e sent on 14th july. Updated on m Sent for revision to report original work on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Sent for revision to fit one page on th 14 july Accep tance sent on 17th july Accep tance sent on 14th july Accep tance sent on 14th july Accep tance sent on 17th july 151 130715 Bindesh Shukla Theoretical explorations on the molecular structure and IR frequencies of 3-phenyl-1-tosyl-1Hpyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-4-amine in view of experimental results bindeshshukla@gmail .com; Physics m previous chart Acceptanc e sent on 14th july 152 130715 Chandni Bioassay and Mass spectroscopy Analysis of Chandni.tndn@gmail. Isolated Antibacterial compound from leaf of com Datura inoxia Mill. Biotechnolog y Sent for revision to fit one page on 14th july 153 130715 Darshak The salts of 2-Chloro-4-nitrobenzoic acid with darshakrtrivedi@gmai amines/ heterocyclic amines: validity of thumb rule. Chemistry 154 130715 Dawa Dolma Antifungal activity of plant extracts against dolmaassampa@gmail Assampa Colletotrichum musae, the post harvest anthracnose .com pathogen of banana cv. Martaman Updated in previous chart Acceptanc e sent on 14th july 155 130715 Dipendra Sharma Acceptanc e sent on 14th july 156 130715 Sunjay S Electronic Structure and Interaction Energy Studies d_11sharma@rediffma Physics of p-Methoxybenzylidine p-Ethylaniline (MBEA); sntiwari123@rediffmail. com Fiber Optical Sensing Signal Analysis by Wavelet sunjay.sunjay@gmail. Geophysics Transform com 157 130715 Khushaboo Application of Molecularly Imprinted Solid-Phase drkhushaboopandey Microextraction Technique in Clinical Analysis Biochemistry Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Sent for revision to fit one page on Accep tance sent on 17th july Accep tance sent on 14th july Chemistry 159 130715 Madhu Shukla Cation-Anion Interaction in Piperidinium based madhu1.shukla@gmai Ionic Liquids: Theoretical and Spectroscopic Approach 160 130715 Neha Gupta 161 130715 Dr.Rachana Singh; Chemistry, meenakshibhu70@gmai Microbial Synthesis of Silver nano Particle: New rsingh1@lko.amity.ed Biotechnolo Dimension to nanobiotechnology u; gy 162 130715 Ranjana Singh 4,6-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyridine-3singh.ranjana413@gm carbonitrile: Vibrational and Theoretical Study on Structural Elucidations Physics 163 130715 Ritesh Chourasia Analysis of optical properties in cylindrical riteshphyzics@gmail.c multilayer dielectric Bragg’s om; Waveguide using Transfer Matrix Method and Henkel Formalism Physics 164 130715 Sangita Kushwaha h-Boron Nitride Nanoplatelets: Tuning of Band- kushwahasangita@gm Gap Energy by Grafting of Ionic Liquids; 165 130715 Santanu Ghosh Ecological interpretation of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of bulk organic matter in sediments of Lake Loktak, Manipur, India 166 130715 Raghvendra Singh Superoxide Ion Dithiocarbamates Synthesis,characterization and application of a piezoelectric sensor for tripeptide Mediated Synthesis m of; rsr_itbhu@rediffmail. Geology Chemistry 17th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Sent for revision to fit one page on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on Accep tance sent on 17th july Raghuvanhi 14th july com 167 130715 Seema Pratap Solvent induced geometry transformation of drseemapratap@gmail Chemistry trigonal planer Cu(I) complexes of N-((2/4- .com methyoxy carbonyl) phenyl)-N′-(ethoxy/methoxy carbonyl) thiocarbamides to square planer Cu(II) complexes: Synthesis, spectral, single crystal and anticancer study Acceptanc e sent on 14th july 168 130715 Tripti Screeing, Isolation and Molecular Identification of Singh.tripti9@gmail.c p-cresol degrading bacterium Serratia marcescens om; ABHI 001 isolated from Mathura refinery Sent for revision to fit one page on 14th july Chemical Engineering and Technology, BHU 169 130715 Toru Maekawa 170 140715 A Maya Microbiological SAFETY issues and regulations in amayanandkumar@g Nandkumar TISSUE ENGINEERED MEDICAL PRODUCTS (TEMPS) Microbial Technology 172 140715 Dr. Saba Studies on heavy metal tolerance (Cobalt and shasan@lko.amity.ed Hasan Copper) in fungi isolated from sediments of River u Gomti Biotechnolo gy 173 140715 Mamta Chemistry Nano robotics: fundamentals and applications UV-VIS AND FLUROSECENCE STUDIES ON mamtapokharia@gma Invited Talk Revised version. Updated on previous list on 14th july Revised version. Updated on previous list on 14th july Acceptanc Accep tance sent on 17th july Pokharia SOME 1,2,4-TRIAZOLE AZOMETHINES. Mucoadhesive, Biodegradable, Thermoresponsive dr.monika97@rediffm insitu gel for the treatment of periodontal pockets: preparation and characterization 174 140715 Monika Bansal1 175 140715 Rachana Joshi e sent on 14th july DERIVED Pharmaceut ics Chemistry Revised version. Updated on previous list on 14th july Acceptanc e sent on 14th july Conceptual-Density Functional Theory based Analysis of Electronic Distribution in some 1,2,4Triazole Containing Schiff Bases “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of halfdoped nanocrystalline Ba0.50Sr0.50MnO3 and Nd0.50Sr0.50MnO3 manganites rachana.joshi832@g dineshiitbhu@gmail.c om, akhilesh_bhu@yahoo. com Acceptance Materials Science & sent on 15th Technology july Physics Acceptance sent on 15th july jaysingh.1001@rediff, m Chemistry Acceptance sent on 15th july Physics Acceptance sent on 15th july Updated in previous 176 140715 Dinesh Kumar 177 140715 Hirdyesh Mishra STUDY OF VIBRONIC STRUCTURE IN ELECTRONIC ABSORPTION SPECTRA AND PROTONATION OF QUINOLINE PHOTOPHYSICS OF 178 140715 Jay singh Solid-liquid phase behavior and computer simulation studies of the m-dinitrobenzene – vanillin organic system . 179 140715 Mayuri Srivastava Experimental and DFT investigation of vibrational and molecular structural characteristics of Thiamine m 140715 rosnhni yadav revised SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION roshniyadav05@gmail OF NANOSTRUCTURED COPPER FERRITE ITS APPLICATION AS LPG SENSOR list. (133) Acceptance sent on 15th july balchandra_yadav@r 181 140715 Sandip Agrahari Temporal Variation in the Sediment Discharge of das.supriyo.kumar@g the Large Indian Peninsular Rivers and the Influence of Human Activities Geology 183 140715 Shivaji Sadale Solar-thermal water heating system using non shivajisadale@yahoo imaging concentrator .com 184 150715 185 150715 Chandni Tandon Revised Nitesh Chouras ia 186 150715 Bioassay and Mass spectroscopy Analysis of Isolated Antibacterial compound from leaf of Datura inoxia Mill Synthesis and Characterization of MoS2 Layered Nanomaterial through ecofriendly Hydro -Thermal route for various applications 3D DEM DELINEATION OF CHAMBAL RIVER BASIN FROM SRTM DATA USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS TECHNOLOGY Acceptance sent on 15th july Microbiology Updated in previous list. (133) Acceptance Material sent on 15th Science july Geology Acceptance sent on 15th july Pradeepika Kaushik preitymathur@gmail.c om niteshphyzics@gmail. com partho_ghosh2 1@rediffmail.c om Acceptance sent on 15th july 187 150715 yeka zhimo Development of biocontrol yeast formulations for post harvest disease management of fruits. Plant Pathology Sent for revision on 15th july for formatting. 188 150715 Priyanka singh Synthesis and X-ray structural analysis of 7-(2- dikshakatiyar@gmail. hydroxy-3-piperidin-1-yl-propoxy)-4-methylcom benzopyran-2-one: a novel antimicrobial lead compound Chemistry Acceptance sent on 15th july Accep tance sent on 17th july 189 150715 Neelima Mishra 190 150715 Ananya Ghatak 191 150715 brijesh kumar PT phase transition in Graphene Mourya 192 150715 Dr. Divya SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of the sapphirine- dprakashbhu@yahoo. Prakash bearing granulites from Perumalmalai, Madurai com Block, Southern India: evidence for polyphase Neoproterozoic high grade metamorphism Geology 193 150715 Geeta Gautam Atretic changes in the oocytes of catfish m Heteropneustes fossilis after long term exposure to 4-Nonylphenol Zoology Acceptance sent on 17th july 194 150715 Kuldeep Prakash Morphometric Classification of Oxbow Ghaghara River Basin, North India Geology Sent for revision to fit into one page 195 150715 manjanna jayappa Removal of Molybdenum from simulated high level jmanjanna@rediffmail. Chemistry liquid waste using Mn- and Fe-oxide nanoparticles com as adsorbents Acceptance sent on 17th july 196 150715 Manoj Kumar A Superspace description of Chern-Simons theory manojdwivedi84@gm Acceptance Micro wave assisted synthesis of characterization and biological evaluation of Schiff base Ce(III) metal complexes Broadband perfect Aabsorption with complex potentials J. neelima2010.669@re Chemistry m, mohammadhasan786 , bhabani.mandal@gm brijeshkumarbhu@gm Physics lakes, kuldeep_prakash@ya Physics Physics Acceptance sent on 15th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Accep tance sent on 17th july Dwivedi in Batalin-Vilkovisky sent on 17th july Formulation 197 150715 Manoshi Hazra Geochemical studies of archaeological manoshi43hazra@gm potteries(fine ware) from coastal India Geology 198 150715 Navnita Srivastva Effect of rice cultivars on methanogenic archaea community structure and methane production potential of soil Botany 199 150715 Nitesh shukla Dielectric Properties of Se90Cd10-xSbx alloys Physics 200 150715 Rama Dubey 201 150715 Rashmi Singh Intranasal Curcumin Ameliorates Airway rashmirs98@rediffmai Remodeling in Ovalbumin-induced Mouse model of Acute and Chronic Asthma Zoology 202 150715 Sanjay Srivastava A Study of Graphene Based Surface Plasmon sanjay_itbhu@yahoo. Resonance Biosensor com Physics 203 150715 Santanu Ghosh Revised copy Ecological interpretation of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of bulk organic matter in sediments of Lake Loktak, Manipur, India 204 150715 Satyen Saha Importance of Weak Interactions on Physical Properties of Imidazolium picrate Ionic Liquids for Molecular Level Understanding m Kant Role of rhizospheric microbial community in ramakant.sls@gmail.c spatiotemporal variation of soil respiration om Enviornmen tal science Geology m Chemistry Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Updated in previous entry. Acceptance sent on 17th july Sent for revision on 17th july to fit into one 205 50715 Satyendra Gupta Computational Studies on Nitro (-NO2) Derivatives satyendgupta@gmail. of BN-indole as High Energetic Material com, m 206 150715 Sheikh Edrisi 207 150715 Suparna Tewari Inversion of metamorphic zones in the lesser suparnatewari87@gm Himalayas at Mangpu, Darjeeling, India; dprakashbhu@yahoo. com Geology 208 150715 Vinay Gupta Polymer-Polymer FRET for highly efficient solar drvinaygupta@netsca cells, guptavinay@mail.npli Physics 209 150715 Adil Sustainable Bioenergy Production from Degraded Lands: Opportunities and Challenges m Vineet Kumar Singh Neelabh Srivastava 210 160715 211 160715 Antra Chatterjee 212 160715 Ashutosh Gupta Chemistry Environmen tal science Chemistry Deciphering the Mechanism of Conversion of a Topical Drug Monosulfiram into Disulfiram In silico studies on epitopes and population srivastava.neelabh@g Zoology coverage in human pathogenic Candida sps. Adenosyl binding properties of hypothetical protein Alr0765 with CBS domain from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 endeavor energy sensing module under abiotic stress Computational Investigation on Ability of Noble Gases to Bind with Metal Cyanides and Halides antrabotanist@gmail.c Molecular om Biology Chemistry page Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july (Metal = Cu, Ag, Au, Pb, Sn) 213 160715 Devendra Kumar Sin gh Nonlinear Interaction of Counter-Propagating Plane Light Waves in a Slab of an Isotropic, Lossless, Nonlinear Kerr Medium m Physics Acceptance sent on 17th july Inorganic Nanosheets as Energy Storage Materials dineshrangappa@gm, dinesh.rangappa@vtu manneakhila.civil@g Nanotechno logy Acceptance sent on 17th july karunasingh5@gmail. com Zoology 214 160715 Dinesh Rangappa 215 160715 Akhila Manne 216 160715 Karuna Singh First report of dimorphism in Aspergillus Simulation of particle crushing under dynamic loading versicolor isolated from fresh water fish Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Heteropneustus fossilis sheebu.mishra@gmail Environmen .com tal science Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july 217 160715 Priya Mishra Physico-chemical Analysis of Mashi dam water from tonk division, Rajasthan 218 160715 Asha kumari Curcumin protects against LPS induced oxidative stress and lung fibrosis in murine model 219 160715 N R Kamini Production of natural pigment using chitinous waste mkgowthaman@gmail for textile dyeing .com Biotechnolo gy Acceptance sent on 17th july 220 160715 Namitosh Anti-inflammatory Role of Curcumin on Paraquat Induced Lung Injury in Mice Zoology Acceptance sent on 17th Asha.ku2012@gmail. com toshi_144@rediffmail. com Zoology 221 160715 222 160715 Praveen Kumar Preeti Singh 223 170715 Parul Tripathi 224 170715 Monika Das 225 180715 Reetika Singh Role of Tribulus terrestris against aluminium chloride–induced oxidative stress and biochemical alterations in mice praveenbhu08@gmail .com Zoology Immune response modulation by curcumin in murine model of chronic asthma m Zoology Agriculture In India: Trends & Analysis vipulverma11@gmail. com Synthesis and Conformational Stabilities, Spectroscopic, Computational Studies, HOMO-LUMO Analysis of m 4-phenyl-2-(Pyridinyl) quinazoline derivatives Ex-situ conservation of Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. reetikasingh.bhu@gm through Somatic embryogenesis and DNA- finger Biotechnolo gy Chemistry Botany july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 17th july Acceptance sent on 20th july Acceptance sent on 20th july printing of micropropagates using RAPD and ISSR markers praveen singh Surface Plasmon Biosensors for Label-free detection of Biotechnolo gy ; biomoelcules Acceptance sent on 20th july 227 MUNIYANDI singaravel 5-hydroxytryptophan Shifts the Phase of Free-running Circadian Rhythm in a Diurnal Mammal m_singaravel@yahoo.c om Zoology 228 MUNIYANDI singaravel Socio-sexual Interactions Activity Pattern in Mice Circadian m_singaravel@yahoo.c om Zoology 229 MUNIYANDI singaravel Non-invasive and Cost Effective Method for Permanent Marking of Small Animals m_singaravel@yahoo.c om Zoology Acceptance sent on 20th july Acceptance sent on 20th july Acceptance sent on 20th july 226 190715 Changes the 230 200715 Hiralal Pramanik1 ELECTROOXDATION STUDY OF METHANOL AND ETHANOL FUEL MIXTURE ON Pt-Ru/C hpramanik.che@iitbh Chemical Engineering Acceptance sent on 20th july ELECTRODE USING CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY 231 090715 Rajesh Yadav Potential algebra approach to rationally extended shape invariant potentials rajeshastrophysics@g Physics Acceptance sent on nd 22 july 232 090715 Nisha Kumari1 Scattering amplitudes for rationally extended PT symmetric complex Scarf-II potential nishaism0086@gmail. Physics com 233 070715 D. Sakthi Kumar Developing theragnostics materials against cancer Acceptance sent on 22nd july Accepted 234 210715 Kedar Singh Synthesis and characterization of diluted magnetic semiconductor nanocrystals 235 270715 AMIT K.Singh An altered variability and nutrient cycling in prospect of climate change m --- ----- ----------------- ---------------------------------- 236 230715 Amiya Shankar Naik Source Rock Characteristics of Mand-Raigarh coals, Mahanadi Gondwana basin, India. 237 210715 Sailas Benjamin Discovery of 25C prodigiosin produced by Achromobacter denitrificans strain SP1 upon feeding with hazardous di(2ethylhexyl)phthalate ------------------------ BioNanotechno logy Physics Accepted Botany Accepted -------------- ---------------- Geology Botany 238 250715 Venktesh Singh Direct Detection of WIMP Dark Matter Physics 239 270715 Arun S. Sonker In vitroscreening of antitumor, antibacterial and antifungal properties of silver nanoparticles from Nostoc sp. strain HKAR-2 r.p.sinha@gm 240 210715 Priya mishra EFFECT OF FLUORIDE IN THE ENVIRONMENT sheebu.mishra@gmail.c om Bio and env. science 241 270715 Talat Afreen An altered variability and nutrient cycling in prospect of climate change 242 270715 Farhan Durrani The most frequently encountered problem with fixed detachable dental prostheses docfarhan@rediffmail .com Botany, BHU GODOWLI A,varanasi Botany