Course Title: Advanced Placement Chemistry Instructor: C. Mizak School Year: 2014-2015 Textbook (primary): Chemistry by Zumdahl and Zumdahl, 8th ed., Houghton Mifflin Company, 2012 Textbook(supplemental): AP Chemistry, 6th ed. Barron, 2011 Goals of the course -Students are prepared to be critical and independent thinkers who are able to function effectively in a scientific and global society. -Students will be able to analyze scientific and societal issues using scientific problem solving. -Students will be able to pass the AP Chemistry examination in May of 2014. - In each laboratory experiment, students will physically manipulate equipment and materials in order to make relevant observations and collect data; use the collected data to form conclusions and verify hypothesis; and communicate and compare results and procedures (formally in written lab reports as well as informally with peers). Course Overview: * This course is designed to comply with the curricular requirements described in the AP Chemistry course description. *The prerequisites for this course are successful completion of an introductory high school chemistry course and at least two years of algebra. * Evaluation of course content is completed through the following assessments: - Formal written lab reports on the assigned 28 lab experiences - Frequent collaborative peer evaluation of collected lab data -Test include both assessments on singe chapters and multiple chapters -Formal completion of problem sets for each chapter *All lab reports must be maintained in a binder, which will remain in the classroom at all times. The binder will contain lab handouts, original data and notes, and lab reports for all lab activities. An up-todate table of contents is also required. * Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and will require an average of one hour per day to complete. 1 Introductory and review concepts (1 1/2 weeks) Chapters 1-3 (Primarily completed during the summer) I. Measurement topics II. Atomic Theory III. Symbols and Formulas IV. Periodic Table V. Ionic and Covalent bonds VI. Nomenclature VII. Reactions-Types VIII. Stoichiometry a. Percent composition b. Empirical Formulas c. Solutions d. Mole relationships e. Percent yield d. Limiting and excess reagents e. Titrations The student will: 1. Work with the metric system and use dimensional analysis to solve problems. 2. Properly work with values using significant figures during laboratory work. 3. Correctly use an analytical balance. 4. Properly name and use common laboratory equipment. 5. Work problems involving calories and specific heat. 6. Name polyatomic ions given formula, and vice versa. 7. Name inorganic compounds using stock and classical naming systems 8. Work problems involving mole concepts, molarity, percent composition, empirical formulas and molecular formulas. 9. Predict products and balance equations given reactants 10. Solve stoichiometric problems to determine limiting and excess reagents and percent yield. Laboratory experiences: * Measuring a book (DeCoste) * Counting pennies without counting (DeCoste) * Density: A Characteristic Property (Little/Hall) * The nuts and bolts of Stoichiometry (DeCoste) 2 Organic Chemistry (2 weeks) Chapter 22 I. Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons II. Nomenclature, and isomers III. Functional groups IV. Reactions of alkenes V. Reactions of alcohols VI. Substitution reactions VII. Structure determination VIII. Polymerization The student will: 1. Recognize the important structural feature of saturated hydrocarbons and alkanes. 2. Be able to name and write structural formulas for alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. 3. Explain how their structures relate to their properties. 4. Define functional groups and their importance. 5. Identify alcohols, alkyl halides, and ethers. 6. Relate structures of alcohols, halides and ethers to their properties. Laboratory experiences 1. Organic and biological molecules- Inquiry based ( DeCoste) 2. Preparation of Esters (Flinn) Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry (2 weeks) Chapter 4 I. Reaction types A. Acid base reactions - Concepts of Arrhenius, Lowry-Bronsted/Lewis B. Precipitations reactions C. Oxidation reduction reactions-Oxidation number, Electron transport, Electrochemistry II. Stoichiometry III. Net Ionic equations IV. Balancing redox reactions 3 V. Mass-volume relationships and the mole The student will: 1. Apply periodic law to chemical reactivity in predicting reaction products. 2. Discuss the activity series of the elements 3.Distinguish between metals and nonmetals. 4. Use properties of metals and nonmetals to predict reaction products. 5. Write chemical equations for synthesis, decomposition, single and double replacement, redox, combustion and acid/base reactions. 6. Use the periodic table to predict common oxidation states. Laboratory experiences: *The Formula of a Hydrate (Little/Hall) *The Concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar * Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide by Redox Titration (Flinn) The Kinetic-Molecular Theory and States of Matter (2 weeks) Chapters 5,10 I. Gas Laws- Ideal, Boyle's. Charles', Dalton's law of partial pressure, Graham's, Henry's, Van der Waal's equation of state II. Kinetic-Molecular Theory-Avogadro's hypothesis, Kinetic energy of molecules, Deviations III. Liquids and Solids- Phase diagrams, Changes of state, structure of solids (lattice energies) The student will: 1. State and discuss the major concepts of the kinetic-molecular theory. 2. Apply the kinetic-molecular theory to liquids, solids as well as gases. 3. Discuss intermolecular forces and relate them to physical properties. 4. Discuss the methods and units for measuring pressure. 5. Complete all gas law problems- making proper unit conversions. 6. Interpret heating curves 7. Interpret phase diagrams to distinguish between triple point, critical temperature and critical pressure. 8. Describe the concept of boiling and relate it to pressure. 9. Carry out a distillation. 10. Distinguish between crystalline and amorphous solids. Laboratory experiences *Molar Mass by Vapor Density: The Dumas Method (Little/Hall) *Gas Laws and Drinking Straws (DeCoste) * Rising Water (DeCoste) 4 Thermochemistry ( 2 weeks) Chapter 6 I. Thermal energy, heat and temperature II. Calorimetry III. Enthalpy changes IV. Hess's Law The student will: 1. Learn the meaning of the following terms: enthalpy, exothermic, endothermic, system, heat of formation, heat of reaction, calorimetry, heat, calorie, joule, molar heat of combustion. 2. Solve calorimetry problems. 3. Use Hess's Law to solve for heat of reaction. 4. Use stoichiometric principles to solve heat problems. Laboratory experiences *Heats of Reaction (Flinn) *Analysis by Calorimetry (Little/Hall) Atomic and Nuclear structure (3 weeks) Chapters 7,21 I. Electronic Structure- atomic masses, atomic number, mass number, orbitals, periodic trends II. Nuclear Structure- nuclear equations, half-lives, radioactivity The student will: 1. name the major subatomic particles. 2. List the types of radioactive emissions. 3.Discuss the Bohr model of the atom. 4. Discuss the quantum mechanical model. 5. Work problems involving quantum numbers and energies. 6.Define the following terms or concepts: Heisenberg principle, Pauli's exclusion principle, Wave function of electrons, aufbau process and Hund's rule. 7. Draw and name the s, p, and d orbitals. 8. Understand and predict periodic trends including: atomic radii, ionization energy, affinity density and electronegativity. 9. Work problems involving nuclear binding energy. 10. Work problems involving half-life. 11. Balance nuclear equations. Laboratory experiences * Quatum Leap (Flinn) *Atomic Target Practice (Flinn) 5 Bonding and Molecular Structure (3 weeks) Chapters 8,9 I. Binding forces- ionic, covalent, metallic, hydrogen and Van der Waal's II. Relationships to states, structure, and properties of matter III. Polarity of bonds, electronegativites IV. Molecular models- Lewis, Valence bond, hybridization, resonance, sigma and pi bonds V. VSEPR- Geometry of molecules and ions, isomerism of organic molecules, complexes VI. Polarity of molecules VII. Relation of molecular structure to physical properties The student will: 1. Draw Lewis structures. 2. Use periodic trends to predict bond type. 3. Distinguish between polar and nonpolar molecules. 4. Use electronegativity values to determine oxidation states on atoms. 5. Draw resonance structures. Assign charges. 6. Name and draw the molecular orbitals resulting from both positive and negative overlap of s and p orbitals. 7. Use the VSEPR theory to predict molecular geometry. 8. Relate VSEPR to hybridization. Laboratory experiences *Geometric Balloons (DeCoste) * Hybridization (DeCoste) * Molecular Geometry and VSEPR (Little/Hall) Solutions and Colloids (2-3 weeks) Chapter 11 I. Types of Solutions II. Factors affecting solubility III. Concentrations IV. Raoult's law and colligative properties 6 The student will: 1. Define solution terminology. 2. Discuss the effect that physical conditions have on solubility. 3. Discuss what is meant by an azeotrope. 4. Use the concepts of intermolecular forces in discussing the dissolving process. 5. Separate compounds into electrolytes and nonelectrolytes- ionic salts, acids, bases, acid anhydrides and basic anhydrides. 6. Understand and apply solubility rules when predicting products. 7. Solve problems involving molarity, molality, percent compositions, mole fraction and normality making necessary unit conversions. 8. List colligative properties and solve problems involving freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, lowering of vapor pressure, and increasing osmotic pressure. 9. Distinguish between an ideal and nonideal solution. Discuss teh Degye-Huckel theory. 10. Explain Brownian movement. Laboratory experiences *Factors that affect diffusion (student designed lab) * Factors that affect boiling point (student designed lab) * Heat of Fusion and Freezing Point Depression Chemical Kinetics (2 weeks) Chapter 12 I. Rate of reaction II. Order of reaction III. Factors that change rate of reaction- temperature, concentration, nature, catalysts. IV. Rate-determining step and reaction mechanism The student will: 1. List the factors that influence the rate of reaction. 2.use experimental data to determine the rate law. 3. Compare and contrast zero, first and second order reactions. 4. Use experimental data to postulate a reaction mechanism. 5. Interpret how changing the conditions of a reaction affects both the rate and the rate constant of a reaction. 6. Discuss the role of a catalyst. 7. Interpret data from a first order reaction to determine half-life. 8. Solve problems involving activation energy and the Arrhenius equation. 7 Laboratory experiences *Factors that affect the rate of reaction of Magnesium with an acid (student designed) * Reaction Rates and Rate Laws- Inquiry based (DeCoste) *Hydrolysis of t-Butyl Chloride ( Little/Hall) Equilibrium (2 weeks) Chapter 13 I. Concept of dynamic equilibrium including Le Chatelier's Principle II. Equilibrium constants and the law of mass action The student will: 1. Describe the meaning of physical and chemical equilibrium and give real life examples. 2. Write the law of mass action for any system at equilibrium. 3.Understand the meaning of equilibrium constant and reaction quotient. 4.Interpret the position of equilibrium from the size of the equilibrium constant. 5. Use Le Chatelier's principle to predict the direction of a system in equilibrium will shift in order to re-establish equilibrium. 6. Know how temperature, pressure, and concentrations will shift the position of equilibrium. Laboratory experiences *Equilibrium Beads (DeCoste) * Le Chatelier's Principle in two systems (Flinn) Acids and Bases ( 2 weeks) Chapter 14 I . Arrhenius Theory- Properties of acids and bases, neutralization reactions II. Lowry-Bronsted Theory- Amphiprotic species, strengths of acids/bases, polyprotic acids The student will: 1. Distinguish between the various modern theories of acids and bases. 2. Name and write the formulas for normal salts, hydrogen salts, hydroxy salts, oxysalts, and acids. 3. Write balanced equations involving acids, bases and salts. 4. Perform a titration and solve for the appropriate concentration. 5.Use the concept of conjugate acid-base pairs to predict reaction products. 6. Define and give examples of amphiprotic acids. 7. List the six strong acids. 8. Recognize Lewis acid-base reactions. 8 Laboratory experiences * Investigating Acid-Base Equilibria (Little/Hall) * Determination of an Ionization Constant (Flinn) Weak Ionic Equilibrium ( 2-3 weeks) Chapter 15 I. Weak acids and bases- pH, pOH, Buffer systems, Hydrolysis II. Solubility Product- factors of dissolution, molar solubility The student will: 1. Identify weak electrolytes. 2. Write a law of mass action of any reaction at equilibrium. 3.Know and use the water constant. 4. Define pH, pOH, pK, Ka, Kb, ionization constant percent ionization. 5. Convert from {H3O+}, or {OH-} to pH or pOH. 6. Use a pH meter to determine a titration curve and an ionization constant. 7. Pick a suitable indicator for a titration. 8. Given the concentration and amount of weak acids or bases and an appropriate titrant, calculate data to produce a titration curve. 9. Write solubility product expressions for slightly soluble compounds. 10. Solve problems involving: (a) solubility product constants from solubility; (b) molar solubility from Ksp; (c) concentrations of substances necessary to produce a precipitate; (d) concentrations of ions involved in simultaneous equilibrium. Laboratory experiences *Acids, Bases and Buffers ( Little/Hall) *The solubility product of silver acetate (Hall) Chemical Thermodynamics (2 weeks) Chapter 16 I. State functions II. Laws of Thermodynamics III. Relationship of change of free energy to equilibrium constants 9 The student will: 1. List and define the meanings and common units for thermodynamic symbols. 2.Distinguish between a state function and a path function. 3.Define internal energy, PV work, enthalpy, entropy and free energy. 4. Use Hess's Law to solve problems. 5. Define the terms exothermic, endothermic, exergonic and endogonic. 6. Determine the spontaneity of a reaction. 7. Discuss the laws of thermodynamics. 8. Understand the relationship between free energy change and equilibrium constants. Laboratory experiences *Determination of an Equilibrium Constant (Little/Hall) *Spontaneous Processes and Entropy- Inquiry based ( DeCoste) Electrochemistry (2 weeks) Chapter 17 I. Galvanic cells and cell potentials II. Electrolyic cells III. Redox equations The student will: 1. Use the half-reaction method to balance redox reactions. 2. Define electochemical terms: redox, anode, anion, cathode, cation, oxidizing agent, reducing agent, etc. 3. Distinguish between an electrolytic cell and a voltaic cell. 4. Solve problems using Faraday's Law. 5. Predict reaction products for both types of cells. 6. Discuss the importance of and draw a diagram of a standard hydrogen electrode. 7. Use a table of Standard Reduction Potentials to compute cell voltages. 8. Solve problems using Nernst's equation. 9. Establish the relationship between the free energy change, the cell potential, and the equilibrium constant. Laboratory experiences * Metal Activity and Reactivity (Flinn) * Electrochemical Cells (Little/Hall) 10 . Transition Metals and Coordination chemistry ( 1-2 weeks) Chapter 20 I. Names and structures of complexions II. Bonding in coordination systems III. Formation of complex ions IV. Practical applications The student will: 1. Define the following: central ion or atom, coordination sphere, coordination number, polydentate ligand, ligand, chelating agent, cis and trans isomers, Beer's Law, spectrometer. 2. Name coordination complexes. 3. Draw geometric and optical isomers. 4. Use crystal field theory to predict colors and magnetic properties of complexes. 5. Write net ionic equations involving complex ions. Laboratory resources: AP Experimental Chemistry by Little/Hall, 8th ed., Houghton Mifflin Company, 2010. Inquiry Based Learning in Chemistry by DeCoste, 8th ed., Houghton Mifflin Company, 2010. Chem Topic Labs, Flinn Scientific, Inc., 2002. 11 12