XXX ACADEMY VEHICLES POLICY Summer Term 2013 Version and Date Action/Notes 1.0 June 2013 Draft reviewed by XXX (current regulations), etc. 2.0 14.06.13 Amended by XX and XX following review at Resources Cttee meeting. Approved by FGB 01.07.13 Responsibilities The Governing Body of the school is responsible for ensuring any vehicles operated on behalf of the school fully comply in every respect, with all legal transport and health and safety requirements. This responsibility is delegated to the Headteacher to ensure its appropriate implementation. The policy covers all vehicles owned by the school and hired by the school. Legal Requirements The law requires that a minibus must: - Be adequately insured. Be well maintained. Have a valid MOT certificate (if more than one year old). Display a valid tax disc. Have the correct seating with correctly fitted seat belts. Management System The Headteacher will ensure the following: - All staff use the proper procedures for use of the school minibus and other vehicles. All drivers are familiar with, and adhere to, this policy. Insurance cover, MOT and tax are up to date. Vehicle registration documents are held securely. All minibus drivers undergo MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme) training and refresher assessments. Permitted Drivers - All minibus drivers must have undergone training and assessment to the Midas standard. - Regular refresher training is a significant element of MiDAS and in order to retain their MiDAS Certificate, drivers must attend refresher training every four years. - A register of permitted drivers will be kept in the School Vehicle & Drivers file. Each entry in the register must be completed every 12 months. - The Licences of all drivers must be checked to ensure that they are permitted to drive a minibus. This should be recorded and the check repeated every 12 months. Copies of the licenses will be kept on file. - The legal requirements are that any person who is aged 21 or over, and obtained a car licence prior to 1 January 1997, may drive a minibus, provided the vehicle is not being operated for hire or reward. Anyone who passed a car driving test after 1 January V2.0 14June2013 1997 will be licensed to drive category B vehicles only, which will cover vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes with not more than 8 passengers. An additional test and medical report will be required to gain a D1 licence, which covers minibuses. Drivers who passed the test before 1 January 1997 are automatically granted the right to drive Category D1 vehicles and will not need to take the new test. - Drivers must have no more than 6 penalty points. Drivers must inform the school if they receive any further penalty points. This information will be recorded. - Drivers must notify DVLA Swansea and the school about any medical condition or defect that might affect their driving and restrictions applied by DVLA, including courses of prescribed medicine and eyesight. - The Headteacher should monitor the performance and safety record of all who drive minibuses. If there is any doubt about a driver’s competence, regardless of the type of licence they hold and their previous record, steps must be taken to investigate. The driver should not be allowed to drive school vehicles until any doubts have been satisfactorily resolved. Drivers must inform their line manager immediately if charged with any motoring offence, regardless of whether the offence was committed in their own vehicle, a School vehicle or any other vehicle. Similarly, any previous convictions should be made known to the Headteacher before a new/prospective minibus driver is allowed to drive a minibus. If a driver is convicted, with the licence endorsed and penalty points imposed, the Headteacher must consider whether the nature and severity of the offence pose any risk to minibus passengers. It may be appropriate to reconsider that individual’s position, and at the very least arrange for their minibus driving skills to be reassessed. The Governing Body must be consulted before a decision is made about allowing a convicted driver to continue driving a minibus. If, on conviction, a driver is disqualified from driving then clearly they must desist from all driving with immediate effect. On disqualification of up to six months duration, drivers will be banned from driving a School vehicle for a period of two years from the end of the disqualification period. They must undergo minibus driver training and assessment before driving a School minibus again. Where a disqualification is for a period of more than six months, the driver will be banned from driving a School vehicle for a period of five years from the end of the disqualification. They must undergo minibus driver training and assessment before driving a School minibus again. Before a disqualified driver is allowed to drive a minibus again, take care to ensure that there are not restrictions on the category of vehicle they are allowed to drive subsequent to the offence. The imposition of these bans over and above the disqualification period is not arbitrary, but conforms to the potential pattern of re-offending for serious driving offences. Given the enormous responsibility of conveying passengers in a minibus, the School’s prime concern must be passenger safety. Conviction for a serious driving offence must give cause to doubt an individual’s judgement and driving ability. Such doubt can only be dispelled after a reasonable period of time has elapsed in which the driver has demonstrated that they are not likely to re-offend. Supervisors/Second Driver - On all minibus journeys, the driver must be accompanied by a supervisor. On journeys outside of Calderdale, where possible this supervisor will be a permitted driver. Driver’s Hours & Breaks V2.0 14June2013 - Drivers must take at least a 15 minute break from driving after 2 hours. - Longer journeys must be considered as they arise, a risk assessment should be completed taking into account the length and time of the journey, the number of drivers on longer trips, safe driving hours, and regular breaks for passenger and driver comfort. - If the trip takes place after the usual working day, special attention must be given to the issue of driver fatigue. - Where journeys are likely to last longer than 2 hours, or the working day including driving time exceeds 8 hours, a second driver must be taken to share the work and reduce the risk of driver fatigue. Alcohol Everyone driving School vehicles will adhere to the following: - No alcohol to be consumed during the working day. - No alcohol to be present in your system when driving. Be careful about alcohol consumed during the previous evening. If in doubt, don’t drive. Daily Safety Checks - All School vehicles will carry a vehicle information file containing safety checklist forms. These forms must be completed by the driver prior to any journey being undertaken. Completed forms should be transferred to the School Vehicle and Drivers folder weekly and retained for at least 15 months. In the event of a hire vehicle being used, the same safety checks must be carried out and recorded. - All School vehicles will carry a First Aid Box and a Fire Extinguisher at all times. The fire extinguisher must be a British Standard fire extinguisher. Contents of the First Aid Box are listed in Appendix 1. - The vehicle information file will also contain emergency contact phone numbers for the school, along with details of breakdown and accident procedures and phone numbers. Copies of current insurance certificates should also be kept in this file. Size/capacity of minibuses - The capacities of vehicles must not be exceeded. - The height and passenger capacity of each vehicle should be clearly stated in the vehicle. - The “3 for 2” concession, which allowed three children under the age of 14 to share a double seat in a minibus or coach, no longer applies where seats are fitted with belts. Where seatbelts are fitted, each child must occupy one seat. Seatbelts - Seatbelts must be worn at all times. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that all passengers are wearing seatbelts properly before a journey commences. Boarding and Alighting - The driver and supervisor must wear Hi-Visibility vests when supervising the boarding and alighting of children in public locations. Reversing - The reversing of vehicles is an important part of driving a vehicle and is potentially the most hazardous. In order to protect the driver from unnecessary accidents and for the protection of any person in the vicinity of the vehicle the following procedures must be adopted: - Ensure that the vehicle is fitted with reversing bleepers. V2.0 14June2013 - The supervisor must always act as a reversing assistant. When reversing, ensure that the supervisor stands outside the vehicle at the rear and in view of the driver. A Hi-visibility vest should be worn. Section 19 Permits All school minibuses must clearly display a valid Section 19 Permit. Section 19 permits allow certain organisations to operate minibuses and make a charge without having to comply with the full passenger carrying vehicle entitlement (PCV) operator licensing requirements and without the need for their drivers to have PCV entitlement. An example of such organisations would be volunteer groups concerned with education, religion, social welfare, recreations and other activities that are beneficial to the community. The minibus permit is for a vehicle that can carry between nine and sixteen passengers and can be obtained from the Traffic Commissioners or designated bodies such as a local authority and various national charities or church organisations. The service provided must be for their own members or for groups of people whom the organisation serves. The service must not be provided to members of the general public and the charges made must be on a non-profit basis. Permits are issued under the Transport Act 1985 Section 19. This Act must be strictly adhered to, the disc displayed and the vehicle equipped with a fire extinguisher and first aid kit marked as to comply with the Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations 1986. Vehicle Security - Drivers should ensure that school vehicles securely parked and the keys held securely. Under no circumstances should a vehicle be left unlocked whilst unattended. Maintenance of Vehicles - Staff members must not attempt any repair and maintenance which needs specialist equipment or where there is a risk of physical harm (eg., changing tyres and wheels). - The School Business Manager is responsible for ensuring that all vehicle documents are kept and stored for a period of 15 months. - The School Business Manager will ensure that the school vehicles are booked in for MOTs in a timely manner and that insurance and tax discs are kept up to date. - All repairs and maintenance will be carried out by a professional garage. - If a staff member becomes aware of a defect or fault, they must inform the School Business Manager as soon as possible, who must ensure that the fault or defect is repaired. The vehicle must not be used until the repair has been completed satisfactorily. - Copies of invoices relating to repairs will be kept in the Vehicle File. - All vehicles will receive a full service by a professional contractor in the autumn term and at the beginning of the summer term. - Oil and other consumables must be kept on the school premises. Children in the front seats - Children are permitted to sit in the front seats if they are over 135cm high. - Children under 135cm high will require booster seats to travel in the front seats of a minibus. V2.0 14June2013 Booster Seats - Booster seats must be used in all vehicles for children under 135cm in height. The driver or supervisor must ensure that booster seats are available for all children who require them. Overseas trips - The Governing Body has decreed that the School Vehicles must not be taken abroad. Driving and navigating abroad can prove stressful, so in the interests of safety, a professional coach company must be hired for all trips overseas. This Policy was reviewed by the Resources Cttee, adopted by the Full Governing Body and signed by the Chair of Governors and Headteacher. The next review will take place in Summer Term 2015 or when new regulations regarding transport or health and safety come into effect. Policy Reviewed: Summer Term 2013 V2.0 Next Review: Summer Term 2015 Signature of Chair of Governors: Signature of Headteacher: V2.0 14June2013 SCHOOL MINIBUS PRE-DRIVE SAFETY CHECKLIST Driver: Registration: Date: Supervisor: Journey Details (destination): Start Mileage: End Mileage: This form must be completed before every journey. Please check the items listed below: Walk around the vehicle to check for visible defects Oil level Coolant level Windscreen washer fluid level Brake fluid level Windscreen & windows clean and undamaged Lights including brake lights and indicators are clean and working. Tyre pressures, including spares (and inner tyres and tyres on trailer if applicable) Tyre tread, including spares (and inner tyres as above). At least 3 mm across centre ¾ is recommended. Any cuts and bulges? Doors open and close properly Mirrors correctly adjusted, clean and unobstructed Position & function of all dashboard controls Position of driving seat so all pedals can be operated comfortably Pressure on brake pedal Lights & indicators are working Wipers & washers working properly Fuel level (and type of fuel) Seat belts are undamaged and working properly Location and contents of first aid kit & fire extinguisher(s) Location of relevant paperwork (permit, MOT, Tax disc,etc) Change for parking Luggage securely stowed; aisles & exits clear Hi visibility jackets/vests (2) present Location of emergency warning triangle OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK OK NOT OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK NOT OK Brake Checks - Check brakes before loading passengers. With engine running, check handbrake is working properly and brake pedal is firm when pushed. - Conduct a moving brake test, off the road, if possible. Reach a speed of not more than 15 mph check mirrors and, if safe, apply brakes fairly firmly. Brakes should work efficiently; vehicle should not pull to one side; luggage should remain secure. If faults that might affect the vehicle’s or passengers’ safety are found, the vehicle must not be used until they are all remedied. V2.0 14June2013 XXX Academy Driver Record To be completed for all School vehicle drivers by the SLT and kept in the School Vehicle & Drivers File. Driver’s Name: Date: Licence Number: Copy of Driving Licence attached (both parts, photo card and paper? Name and address on licence correct? Number of points on licence (0-12) Are there 6 points or less? Details of offences/endorsements. If none, state none. Does the driver have D1 entitlement to drive minibuses? Has the driver declared they have no health problems that affect their driving? Has the driver completed Midas training? Date of Midas training or last Midas refresher course. Is this date within the last 4 years? Midas card number: Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Has the driver read and understood the School Vehicle Policy? Yes No If the answer to any of the above questions is no, then this driver is not permitted to drive School Minibuses. If the driver does not have D1 entitlement but the answer to all of the other questions is yes, they are permitted drive the School people carrier but not the minibuses. If any of the following offences/endorsement codes are on the licence, this should be referred to the manager as per the School Vehicles Policy. DD - Dangerous Driving, DR Drink Driving and Drugs, CD - Driving without due care and attention (also causing death), TT99 - Disqualification under “totting up” procedure, & Code 01 (eyesight restriction). Details of the decision made following this referral should be noted below. Notes: Completed by: Signature: V2.0 14June2013 Appendix 1. FIRST AID BOX CONTENTS 10 antiseptic wipes, foil packed; 1 conforming disposable bandage (not less than 7.5cm wide); 2 triangular bandages; 1 packet of assorted adhesive dressings; 3 large sterile unmedicated ambulance dressings (not less than 15cmx20cm); 2 sterile eye pads with attachments; 12 assorted safety pins; 1 pair rustless blunt-ended scissors. V2.0 14June2013