Visual Display Beginner Novice *Represents biome with less than 7 biotic/abiotic factors *Uses few pictures or figures *Represents biome with 7 - 9 biotic/abiotic factors *Uses some pictures or figures Practitioner *Neatly done *Represents biome with more than 10 biotic/abiotic factors *Creative Expert *Exceptional quality *Very creative *Represents biome with geography,climate & organisms *More than 10 biotic/abiotic factors *All of practitioner plus: *Explain a relationship between one biotic factor to an abiotic factor Bullet Form Information (Parts of your ecosystem) *Less than 7 *7 - 9 biotic/abiotic biotic/abiotic factors factors *Either community *1 community or population 1 population *10 biotic/abiotic factors *1 community 1 population Diagram & paragraph (Major cycle) *Diagram contains many errors *Cycle not related accurately to biome *Paragraph missing both the topic sentence and the concluding sentence *diagram contains a few errors *Cycle is somewhat related to biome *Paragraph missing a topic sentence or a conclusion sentence *Diagram of cycle is correct & labeled *Clearly relates cycle to biome *well written w/topic sentence & concluding sentence *All of practitioner plus: *explanation relating cycle to biome is done very well with examples and details Flow Chart (food chain) *Little of the flow chart is included or flow chart has errors *Few of the parts are labeled *Part of the flow chart is included *Some of the parts are labeled *Flow chart clearly marked *Labels for each part of the food chain *All of practitioner plus: *Explain what would happen if one piece of the chain disappeared. *Paragraph missing both the topic sentence and the concluding sentence *Few details and/or contains incorrect information *Paragraph missing a topic sentence or a conclusion sentence *Gives some detail in the paragraph *Well written with topic sentence and concluding sentence * Clearly explains 1 adaptation of a biotic factor in the biome *All of practitioner plus: *Explains more than one adaptation for an organism in biome *Paragraph missing both the topic sentence and the concluding sentence *Few details are included in the paragraph *Paragraph missing a topic sentence or a conclusion sentence *Gives some detail in the paragraph *Well written with topic sentence and concluding sentence * Clearly summarizes an environmental issue affecting the biome *All of practitioner plus: *Explain what can be done to reverse environmental issue or protect the biome Paragraph (adaptation) Paragraph (Env. issue) Written Information Mechanics ▪ 1 out of 4 from expert ▪ Resources no sources included ▪ ▪ 2 out of 4 from expert 1 source included ▪ ▪ 3 out of 4 from expert 2 sources included ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ no errors in grammar no errors in spelling all writing is in own words typed or neatly written more than 2 valid sources included