Bob Jones Dreams Part 1

Bob Jones Dreams Part 1
1. Bob Jones death – Valentines Day - February 14th, 2014.
2. 1982-1983 – beginning of Bob Hartley’s relationship with Bob Jones
a. Metro Christian Fellowship
b. Solemn assembly – first time meeting Mike Bickle
i. Bob Jones was Bob’s “new coach”
c. Mike Bickle asked Bob to become the Youth Pastor
3. Bob Jones taught people how to understand, discern and decode prophetic
4. Bob questioned God’s goodness over the horrific death of a baby.
a. Bob Jones told him that “Heinous, horrible murders are gonna happen in
the days to come. Don’t let it hurt you. God see’s and God cares”.
5. Hartley had a major demonic encounter surrounding his grandmother’s failing
a. Bob Jones gave him perspective and led him through understanding.
b. From that point on, it became a daily mentoring.
c. Lasted 17 years.
6. Bob Jones was always excited about kids.
a. He was excited to pass on his mantel and see people go farther then he
b. Young people were his “Bank Accounts”. His investment.
7. 1975 – Bob came back from an experience with death.
8. First Dream – Night of February 13th:
a. Bob Hartley had this dream the night that Bob Jones passed away.
b. Reminiscent of Snickers commercial: when you’re hungry, you’re not in
your right mind.
c. Football playing field: The Game of Life
d. Bob Jones walked up as Ishmael, one who was passing on.
e. Handed Bob Hartley a candy bar.
i. It is full of love, hope and power.
ii. In it was encoded with the power for reformation.
iii. Handed it to Bob and other sons and daughters of his.
iv. Be yourselves and go to the next level.
f. Go preach Psalm 67
i. Mandate for a Hope Reformation
ii. Beyond the spirit of revival into reformation.
iii. God wants His wisdom, ways and presence to invade all aspects
of life and culture.
g. Bob Jones was on the sidelines.
i. Go play and have fun in the game of life.
h. Massive healing between movements and relationships.
i. “Now it’s time for me to go on to the next level.” Bob Jones
i. Walked away.