Standard Electrode Potentials and Corrosion

Standard Electrode Potentials and Corrosion
Corrosion of metals
When metals corrode they are oxidised i.e. they gain oxygen and/or lose electrons:
Fe2+(aq) + 2e-
The more easily this process happens to a metal the more negative the electrode
potential for that metal is, and the more reactive the metal is.
If two metals are connected, in an environment which ill cause corrosion, the metal
with the lowest electrode potential will corrode, whilst the other metal will be
Sacrificial anodes are often used on the bottom of boats. The theory is that by
attaching a piece of metal to the hull that is more reactive than the hull itself then this
piece of metal will corrode first. For inland waters sacrificial magnesium anodes are
often used for protection. Aluminium is used in brackish water and zinc in seawater.
Predicting the feasibility of a possible redox reaction
Standard electrode potentials (redox potentials) are one way of measuring how
easily a substance loses electrons. In particular, they give a measure of relative
positions of equilibrium in reactions such as:
The more negative the E° value, the further the position of equilibrium lies to the left.
Remember that this is always relative to the hydrogen equilibrium - and not in
absolute terms.
The negative sign of the zinc E° value shows that it releases electrons more readily
than hydrogen does. The positive sign of the copper E° value shows that it releases
electrons less readily than hydrogen.
Whenever you link two of these equilibria together (either via a bit of wire, or by
allowing one of the substances to give electrons directly to another one in a test
tube) electrons flow from one equilibrium to the other. That upsets the equilibria, and
Le Chatelier's Principle applies. The positions of equilibrium move - and keep on
moving if the electrons continue to be transferred.
The two equilibria essentially turn into two one-way reactions:
The equilibrium with the more negative (or less positive) E° value will move to the
The equilibrium with the more positive (or less negative) E° value will move to the
Will magnesium react with dilute sulphuric acid?
Of course it does! I'm choosing this as an introductory example because everybody
will know the right answer before we start.
The E° values are:
You are starting with magnesium metal and hydrogen ions in the acid. The sulphate
ions are spectator ions and play no part in the reaction.
Think of it like this. There is no need to write anything down unless you want to. With
a small amount of practice, all you need to do is just look at the numbers.
Now for a reaction which turns out not to be feasible . . .
Will copper react with dilute sulphuric acid?
You know that the answer is that it won't. How do the E° values predict this?
Doing the same sort of thinking as before:
The diagram shows the way that the E° values are telling us that the equilibria will
tend to move. Is this possible? No!
If we start from copper metal, the copper equilibrium is already completely to the
right. If it were to react at all, the equilibrium will have to move to the left - directly
opposite to what the E° values are saying.
Similarly, if we start from hydrogen ions (from the dilute acid), the hydrogen
equilibrium is already as far to the left as possible. For it to react, it would have to
move to the right - against what the E° values demand.
There is no possibility of a reaction.