Self-Evaluation Essay Rubric Ask for Help Good Start Well Done

Self-Evaluation Essay Rubric
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Has written a limited opening
statement, but no thesis was
Good Start
Has both an opening statement
and a thesis, but has not
completely developed the
sentences. It may be too short.
Well Done
Has a clear opening statement
and thesis, and has met the
criteria for both. It should be
about five sentences.
Development of
Reports some examples from
the descriptor evidence. May
need to work on creating three
distinct body sections with
additional evidence.
Develops claim(s) and gives
ample evidence for each body
paragraph. The claims support
the thesis, and is well thought
Transitions and
Uses some transition words or
phrases to link sections of the
Uses some effective examples,
reasons and details to support
evidence. Has three distinct
body sections for academic,
special interests and future
plans. May need more
evidence to be given.
Uses some transition words and
phrases to link sections of the
text and to make connections
between areas.
Conventions of
Standard English
There are fragments or runons. Sentences are choppy.
There are many errors.
Restates opening paragraph
Punctuation is almost perfect
but some sentences are
awkward or there is little
sentence variety. There are
some errors; some of these
distract the reader.
Student attempted to answer
some reflective questions, as
well as made a closing
statement .
Has a clear opening statement
and thesis, and creates an
organization that establishes
clear relationships among
claim(s), counterclaims,
reasons, and evidence.
Convincingly develops claim(s)
and gives exemplary evidence
for each clearly defined body
paragraph. The claims support
the thesis statement, and prove
they are ready to graduate.
Uses words, phrases, and
clauses to link the major
sections of the text, create
cohesion, and clarify the
relationships between claim(s)
and reasons, between reasons
and evidence, and between
Punctuation is almost perfect
and there is some sentence
variety. Most sentences read
Writes a cohesive essay that
makes a powerful case in favor
of graduation readiness.
Provides a concluding
statement or section that
follows from and supports the
argument presented.
Writes a compelling and
memorable final statement.
Sentences are varied, well
worded, and punctuated
correctly. The language is
strong and convincing.