RSDSS Minutes 11-28

RSDSS Region V Notes
November 28, 2011
9:00 to 12:00
1. PI CDE Updates – Martha
a. Letters to PI Districts: Corrective Action
i. Have been mailed. Liz has a copy of one. Districts will have to do the entire LEA plan rather
than just the addendum.
ii. Cohorts 1-5 will have to do a mid-year and end of year summary description and document
progress toward meeting achievement goals.
iii. Cohorts 1-5 will have to report to the board at least annually
iv. Must include in the plan how moving to the CC (see iv below).
b. Complete LEA Revision & Prepare for Common Core
i. Direction is to provide PD in CCSS “as materials are available”
ii. Most COE though are providing general planning support and awareness for the Common
Core. Some are doing model lessons and presenting those. MCOE is developing model
lessons in ELA and Math for CISC. See COE websites for details.
iii. Districts are asking, “Why should PI districts risk taking on the Common Core when they are
held accountable for implementing state adopted materials to approve student
iv. Regionally we could approach CCSS through the LEA plan development: 1) recommend that
expository writing and high expectations embedded in the Common Core, 2) take advantage
of PD building awareness of CCSS and how that impacts lesson development, 3) question
how districts will increase leadership support and what expectations they have for
administrators to support staff.
v. We all have something on CCSS on our COE websites. We’ll put the links on our RSDSS
website. Post the Academic Optimism article on RSDSS5.
c. Charter Schools in PI
i. Charters are accountable to NCLB targets and PI requirements.
ii. The district is responsible for holding charters accountable and providing support (e.g.
corrective action, alternative governance)
iii. Charters are eligible for RSDSS services. Read their petition to formulate questions for the
needs assessment.
d. CAIS Pilot
i. Way of supporting districts in PI Years 1, 2 and 3 already doing Title III plan and our priority
ii. To use CAIS with districts, the district needs to request access for the COE rep(s)
iii. Have districts contact Janice Morrison at CDE ( directly to see if they
can pilot. Martha will send the letter to the districts inviting them to pilot on CAIS.
iv. Jordan has Venn diagram to send us showing the overlap between Title I and Title III.
2. Practice Profile Goal 2 – Martha
a. Share activities presented at Regional Consortium Meeting
i. See the handouts Martha provided.
b. Presentation to RSDSS Consortium
Goal 3 January 24 – 25
o Santa Clara COE - PBIS
Goal 4 March 20 – 21
o All attend, (LVH attend for MCOE)
3. Other
a. End of Year Report – Martha
b. SES Letter to District - Liz
c. Retreat Date – May 24-25 in “Santa Cruz”.
To Do List:
Jordan sends out the Venn Diagram showing the relationship between Title I and Title III (see below)
Martha sends out the invitation to districts to pilot CAIS with the requirements
Martha sends out the SCCOE training and 3-year plan for districts on CCSS
Jordan sends an article on the impact of high expectations “academic optimism”.
Lori gets COE website URLs and posts those links on RSDSS 5. Post the “Academic Optimism” article as a
What’s New
Martha sends out administrator snapshots and Lori posts on RSDSS5.
Martha sends out the end of year report and Lori posts on the Admin section of RSDSS5.
RSDSS 2011-12 Meeting Dates
November 28, 2011
January 30, 2012
March 26, 2012
April 23, 2012
May 21, 2012
Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect
Santa Cruz
TBD 2012 Retreat – May
Santa Cruz