Interactive Reading Support to Promote Language and Vocabulary FG

Introduction to CKLA for PreK: Session 6 – Interactive
Reading Supports
Sequence of Sessions
Overarching Objectives of this February 2013 Network Team Institute
This session is the first training for CKLA-PreK. At the conclusion of this session,
All participants will be able to accurately identify the instructional and support materials (e.g., cards, posters) required for
implementation of Preschool CKLA.
Participants will be able to identify areas of the daily routine employed by CKLA-PreK.
a. Preschool educators will be able to identify adjustments / shifts that can be made to their current practices, routines, and
schedules to support Preschool CKLA.
b. Administrators will consider additional program level shift that will support classroom educators as they make
adjustments / shifts at the classroom level.
All participants will learn and practice language stimulation and support strategies to support high-quality adult-child
interactions within implementation of Preschool CKLA.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
The purpose of this session is to orient partcipants to the CKLA-PreK materials, portions of the day, and best practices for implementation.
Related Learning Experiences
This is the first PD for the CKLA-PreK program. Participants can prepare for this session by viewing the CKLA-PreK Overview Webinar.
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session?
Session Objective(s): Teachers
1. Participants will gain familiarity with read-aloud Interactive Reading Supports (IRS) that facilitate
language and vocabulary development.
2. Participants will gain skill in writing their own Guided Listening Supports for CKLA-PreKreadalouds.
How will we know that they
are able to do this?
In-session activities
Session Description: Participants will gain familiarity with read-aloud Interactive Reading Supports that facilitate
language and vocabulary development and will practice writing their own read-aloud Guided Listening Supports
that leverage the techniques. Note: In the first CKLA-PreK domain, lessons before the pausing point have IRSs
included. Lessons after the pausing point will require teachers to create their own GLSs. For remaining domains, IRSs
are provided for the first two read-alouds only.
Session Overview
Reading Supports
75 m
Prepared Resources
Facilitator Preparation
In this section, you will present
some framing on how to create
Interactive Reading Supports Session6_InteractiveREadingSupports.ppt
and participants will work
together to create the supports
for one read-aloud.
Session Roadmap
[minutes] In this section, you will present some framing on how to
create Interactive Reading Supports and participants will work
together to create the supports for one read-aloud.
Materials used include:
Slide #/ Pic of Slide
Script/ Activity directions
Key Points:
1. Have you ever heard the saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a
man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”?
2. In designing CKLA-PreK, we wanted to provide you with some “fish” but also provide
opportunities for you to learn to “fish.”
3. To that end, the Interactive Reading Supports in CKLA-PreK are completed for only
some of the Read-Alouds.
4. In the first domain, All About Me, the Interactive Reading Supports have been completed
for all of the Read-Alouds prior to the first pausing point – midway through the domain.
5. For subsequent domains, the Interactive Reading Supports are provided for the first two
lessons of each domain.
6. For the remainder of the Read-Alouds, you will need to craft your own Interactive
Reading Supports.
Key Points:
1. We looked at examples of how these Interactive Reading Supports were used to introduce
and reinforce vocabulary.
2. The example on p. 54 demonstrates a picture-to-word connection for “mom” and “dad.”
3. Interactive Reading Supports are also used to introduce and reinforce content related
4. For example, on page 54, the second Interactive Reading Support helps students connect
the concept of “boy,” “girl,” “brother,” or “sister” to themselves and their classmates.
DAP 167: “Every day, teachers read aloud to children, in both small and large groups when
Key Points:
1. When creating Interactive Reading Supports, we are particularly interested in focusing
children’s attention, and our text and picture based conversation around the content
objectives and big ideas we are trying to convey with the text.
2. Identifying where these occur in the text will make it easier to write Interactive Reading
Supports that target these things.
3. Before you begin, review the Core Content Objectives and the Big Idea discussion
supports before you read the entire text once through.
DAP 160: “The curriculum is designed to help children explore and acquire the key concepts (the
"big ideas") and tools of inquiry of each discipline in ways that are effective for preschool
Key Points:
1. It is helpful to use the core content objectives, core vocabulary, and big ideas to annotate
the reading and identify the best “fodder” for writing the Interactive Reading Supports.
2. For instance, look at the content objectives handout. One objective is for students to
identify body parts corresponding to each sense.
3. On page 62, the image at the top, and the last stanza of text associated with the image
reinforce this objective.
4. Also, the core vocabulary words ‘alive’ and ‘touch’ appear in this passage. So, we should
focus on these things when writing the first Interactive Reading Supports for this page.
5. Does anyone have any ideas for what we might add here as an Interactive Reading
6. <click> to share one idea. This is a picture-to-text connection.
DAP 157: “Teachers use wide-ranging vocabulary in their talk to and with preschoolers,
including many words that are unfamiliar to children. When teachers use words unfamiliar to a
child, they give sufficient information for the child to grasp the meaning. With an English
language learner, teachers provide nonverbal cues to enable the child to learn what the new words
mean (e.g., using gestures, pointing to objects or pictured items).
Key Points:
1. Similarly, the big ideas will also help identify areas of the text on which to focus.
2. For instance, one big idea is that students will name the 5 senses.
3. The first passage names four of the five senses.
Key Points:
1. For the next 30 minutes, we will work on creating some of our own Interactive Reading
2. You may work individually, in pairs or table groups to complete all if the Interactive
Reading Supports for the read-aloud that begins on page 161.
3. Read the entire story first.
4. Reference the flip books as necessary to see image details.
5. Create Interactive Reading Supports for the 10 spaces provided.
6. After I call time, we will share around the room so everyone leaves with a variety of
ideas for each Interactive Reading Support.
DAP 161: "The curriculum, which is in written form, provides teachers with a useful and flexible
framework for planning learning experiences and materials and for seeing how those experiences
can fit together to accomplish the program's stated goals."
Key Points:
1. There are other supports introduced as children progress through the program and have
had exposure to multiple domains.
2. For instance, connection to prior knowledge, integration of knowledge, and drawing
knowledge from the text or the picture.
3. As you progress through the program, note the kinds of things that the provided
Interactive Reading Supports do, so you can emulate them in creating your own
Interactive Reading Supports.
Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes.
Reflect on a prompt
Turnkey Materials Provided
See handouts
Additional Suggested Resources
Active learning
Turn and talk