LGPRF Reporting Template Manual (DOCX 169.0 KB)

Local Government
Better Practice Guide
Performance Reporting Template Manual - Version 1.0
Table of contents
About this Manual...................................................................................................................................... 2
How to use the Template........................................................................................................................... 2
Data submission ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Further resources ....................................................................................................................................... 3
For more information ................................................................................................................................ 3
Input sheets ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Input 1: Service control ....................................................................................................................... 4
Input 2: Service Indicators .................................................................................................................. 4
Input 3: Finance Indicators ................................................................................................................. 4
Input 4: Sustainability Indicators ....................................................................................................... 4
Input 5: Material Variations ................................................................................................................ 4
Input 6: Governance and Management Checklist .............................................................................. 5
Input 7: Workforce Data ..................................................................................................................... 5
Output sheets ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Output 1: Report of Operations .......................................................................................................... 5
Output 2: Performance Statement ..................................................................................................... 5
Upload sheets ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Upload 1: Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 6
Upload 2: Governance and Management Checklist ........................................................................... 6
Upload 3: Workforce........................................................................................................................... 6
Interim reporting ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Document change control
Date of Issue
Amelia Chapman
Document created and issued as first draft
1. About this Manual
This Manual has been created to assist with the completion of the Performance Reporting Template
for 2014-15.xlsm (the Template).
The Template is an excel macro document that has been developed to assist councils to:
calculate and report the results for the performance indicators and measures in the Report
of Operations and Performance Statement in the 2014-15 annual report; and
Upload data onto the Know Your Council Website.
Please note that a revised version of this Manual will be issued to provide guidance on the data
submission process for the Know Your Council website.
Use of the Template will assist councils to meet the statutory reporting requirements in accordance
with the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) and Local Government (Planning and Reporting)
Regulations 2014 (the Regulations).
2. How to use the Template
Open and save – the Template contains macros. Please follow these instructions to enable the
Open the Template
A security warning will appear on the top banner > select ‘enable content’
You may get an additional security warning > select ‘Yes’
Save the Template on your desktop in a new folder. Please note some document
management systems (e.g. TRIM) are not compatible with macro enabled spreadsheets and
it will be necessary to work with the Template from your desktop.
Locked areas - the spreadsheets have been locked to avoid any column or row inserts/deletes and to
ensure that all data provided by Councils are picked up for analysis and calculations. Please do not
add, remove or move text as this affects our analysis. If you wish to modify any of the locked
content, you will need to copy and paste the entire sheet into a new document.
Performance Reporting Template Manual - Version 1.0
Colours are used to indicate where information should be entered
Cells requiring information from Council
Totals, sub-totals or headings
3. Data submission
The following table details the key dates for submission of data to the Know Your Council website
and submission of the annual report to the Minister for Local Government. See LGPRF Practice Note
4: Timeline for Reporting for more information.
Council submits draft report to Local Government Victoria (LGV) for review via the
Know Your Council website
LGV reviews and provides feedback to Councils (system unlocks submission)
4 September
Council reviews LGV feedback and reloads file (if applicable)
21-29 September
Council signs off final submission
30 September
Annual report due to the Minister for Local Government
30 September
7-18 September
4. Further resources
Councils should refer to the following publications for more information and assistance:
Performance Reporting Framework Indicator Workbook (the Workbook)
Report of Operations Better Practice Guide
Performance Statement Better Practice Guide
These guides can be downloaded from LGV’s website at: http://www.dtpli.vic.gov.au/localgovernment/publications-and-research/planning-and-reporting
5. For more information
Amelia Chapman
Manager Sector Performance
Local Government Victoria
03 9948 8533
6. Input sheets
The Template contains seven (7) input sheets.
Performance Reporting Template Manual - Version 1.0
Input 1: Service control
This sheet is where councils identify the services they fund and over which they have operational
control. For a definition of operational control, refer to the Report of Operations Better Practice
Guide. Data is to be provided in this template for all services marked as YES. The default position for
all mandatory services is YES. If council intends to report any of the optional indicators, those
services should also be marked as YES, otherwise, leave as NO. This data populates the Upload 1
(Indicators) sheet.
Input 2: Service Indicators
This sheet is where the data is entered for the Service Performance indicators and measures. The
data entered in this sheet will then be calculated in the output sheets. The results will populate the
sheets Output 1 (Report of Operations), Output 2 (Performance Statement) and Upload 1
(Indicators) sheet which will be uploaded onto the Know Your Council website.
Councils have the option to report data for the optional indicators and measures in this sheet.
Councils who wish to voluntarily report against these measures in the Report of Operations and
Performance Statement should complete the applicable fields. Note optional results will be
uploaded, but not published, on the Know Your Council website.
Input 3: Finance Indicators
This sheet is where the data is entered for the Financial Performance indicators and measures. It
requires Council’s to enter the actual year’s data and four forecast years. The data entered in this
sheet will then be calculated in the output sheet Output 2 (Performance Statement) and Upload 1
(Indicators) sheet which will be uploaded onto the Know Your Council website.
Input 4: Sustainability Indicators
This sheet is where the data is entered for Sustainable Capacity indicators. Most data is entered in
the Input 3 (Finance) sheet. The results will populate the Output 2 (Performance Statement) sheet
and the Upload 1 (Indicators) sheet which will be uploaded onto the Know Your Council website.
Input 5: Material Variations
This sheet is where statement of material variation are entered for the results of the performance
indicators. Guidance on materiality can be found in the Performance Statement and Report of
Operations Better Practice Guides. The material variations entered in this sheet will populate the
Output 1 (Report of Operations) and Output 2 (Performance Statement) sheets and Upload 1
(Indicators) sheet which will be uploaded onto the Know Your Council website.
Note Council comments are not required to refer to the permissible range. Please also note that
councils are not required to produce material variation analysis in the 2014-2015 annual report but
may choose to do so voluntarily. The exception to this is the Financial Performance indicators where
there is forecast data.
It is a mandatory requirement that any material variations be explained in the Report of Operations
(unaudited) and Performance Statement (audited) from 2015-2016 annual reports onwards.
Performance Reporting Template Manual - Version 1.0
Input 6: Governance and Management Checklist
This sheet is where the responses to the Governance and Management Checklist are to be entered.
Councils should select from the YES/NO pick list in column ‘D’ for each item and enter the applicable
date in column ‘E’ in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY.
For some items (e.g. GC5 Asset Management Plans, GC17 Council Plan reporting, GC18 Financial
Reporting, GC19 Risk Reporting and GC20 Performance Reporting) there may be multiple dates of
operation. Where this is the case, Council should enter the name of the items and applicable date in
column ‘F’ in the following format: [name of item]: DD/MM/YYYY, [name of item]: DD/MM/YYYY. An
example is provided below.
Example: items with multiple dates
Road Management Plan: 24/07/2013, Building Management Plan: 22/04/2010, Bridge
Management Plan: 06/05/2013
The data entered here will populate the Upload 2 (Governance and Management Checklist) sheet
and will be uploaded onto the Know Your Council website.
Please note the format of the Governance and Management Checklist reported in the annual report
must be in the format prescribed by Schedule 2 to the Local Government (Planning and Reporting)
Regulations 2014. Refer to the Report of Operations Better Practice Guide for more information.
Input 7: Workforce Data
This sheet is where the Workforce data from the Report of Operations prepared in accordance with
Regulation 14(2)(h) and (i) is to be entered. This data is being collected by LGV for comparative
purposes. The data entered here will populate the Upload 3 (Workforce) sheet.
7. Output sheets
The Template contains two (2) output sheets.
Output 1: Report of Operations
This output sheet is where the service indicator results and the explanation of material variations is
reported for the Report of Operations in the annual report. The results and material variations have
been populated from the Input 1 (Service Indicators) and Input 4 (Material Variations) sheets.
Output 2: Performance Statement
This output sheet is where the results for the service , financial and sustainability indicators and the
material variations are reported for the Performance Statement in the annual report. The results
and material variations have been populated from the Input 1 (Service Indicators) and Input 4
(Material Variations) sheets.
Performance Reporting Template Manual - Version 1.0
8. Upload sheets
The Template contains three (3) upload sheets.
Upload 1: Indicators
This upload sheet is where the numerator, denominator, results and material variations for the
service, financial and sustainability indicators are reported (inputs 1-5). There is a macro in this sheet
which converts the file to comma delimited (.CSV) format which is the format required to upload
your data onto the Know Your Council website. To operate the macro:
1. Click on the button ‘export to CSV’.
2. A prompt will appear asking you to save the changes >select ‘yes’
3. The CSV file will appear in the folder on your desktop where the Template was originally
saved (see section 2).
The next version of this manual will provide further guidance on the data submission process for the
Know Your Council website.
Upload 2: Governance and Management Checklist
This upload sheet is where the results of the Governance and Management checklist (input 6) are
reported. There is a macro in this sheet which converts the file to comma delimited (.CSV) format
which is the format required to upload your data onto the Know Your Council website. Use the
instructions at Upload 1 (Indicators) to operate the macro noting it will save as a separate CSV file.
Upload 3: Workforce
This upload sheet is where the results of the Input 7 (Workforce Data) sheet are reported. This data
is being collected by LGV for comparative purposes.
9. Interim reporting
Councils may use this template to calculate the performance measures throughout the year for
monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Care should be taken when doing this, as some measures (numerators and denominators) will need
to be annualised and this template does not undertake this function.
Annualised measures should be interpreted with caution as uneven reporting will occur due to
seasonal variations and availability of some data elements. Therefore, results will not be uniform
throughout the year. For more information, refer to Practice Note 1: Indicator Annualisation
Performance Reporting Template Manual - Version 1.0