Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD)

Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Meetings
Competency 007
Student A: 1/9/2014
This is a review ARD for Student A. The ARD committee is requesting formal
bilingual testing to determine if student meets eligibility for additional special services.
Members present are: Assistant Principal (AP), Speech and Language Pathologist
(SLP), Bilingual Classroom Teacher 1 (Math/Science), Bilingual Classroom Teacher 2
(Reading, Language Arts/Social Studies), and Language Proficiency Assessment
Committee (LPAC) representative, and myself.
Student’s mother called SLP on 1/8/14 to inform her that she will not be able to
attend the ARD meeting; however, she gave consent to proceed with the ARD without
her presence. Procedural safeguards will be sent home with the student.
Previous speech evaluation was completed on 3/25/13 and continues to be current.
Student A continues to qualify as a student with Speech Impairment (SI).
Mother reports that she is happy that Student A is speaking more at home, but still
concerned because she still cannot read and is having difficulty understanding what is
said to her and has problems following directions. Mother reported that she recently took
Student A to the doctor and that the Pediatrician recommended she get some sort of
testing to address her concerns with Student A.
Bilingual Classroom Teacher 1 reports that Student A has 40’s and 50’s on her
report card. She continues to struggle academically. Her behavior has improved some
over the 9 weeks. She also reports that Student A loses homework (book bag) and does
not return it. Classwork is not being completed independently and is left blank. Bilingual
Classroom Teacher 2 reports that on her Spelling Inventory, she received a 0 and has not
improved. Student A now understands how to copy off of the board with assistance and
guidance; however, it still takes her a long time to complete.
LPAC representative reports that Student A is a TELPAS Beginner; Oral IPT was
level A-8, which is equivalent to Non-English Speaker (NES).
SLP reports that Student A’s progress is minimal and very inconsistent. She uses
short phrases with grammatical errors to express basic wants and needs. SLP further
reports that Student A is making progress in small group sessions.
One-40 minute session of bilingual speech language services will be provided on
the 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 weeks of the 9 weeks school calendar. Extended School Year
(ESY) is recommended at this time.
All IEPs will remain the same. Student A will participate in all district and
campus assessments. She receives pull out services due to needing a Bilingual translator
for Speech.
The ARD Committee is requesting a formal Bilingual FIE for Student A. All
documentations will be sent home to parent. Deadline for testing will be 3/7/14.
Assurances were read. Prior written notice was not received; therefore, ARD will
be in effect as of 1/17/14. Minutes were read. SHARS permission is current. ARD
committee signatures were received.
Student B: 2/13/2014
This is an annual ARD for Student B, which was translated in and recorded in
Members present are: Assistant Principal, Educational Diagnostician, Speech
Language Pathologist, Student’s father, Interpreter/translator, Special Education Teacher,
General Education, Teacher, Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)
representative, and myself.
The purpose of the ARD was explained; introductions were made; student’s father
was given five days notice of the ARD; student’s father was offered a copy of the Notice
of Procedural Safeguards.
Review of assessment: Date of last FIE is 5/27/2013; speech testing is dated
3/8/12. Student B continues to meet eligibility for a Learning Disability (LD) and a
Speech Impairment (SI).
Parent reports that Student B does better every year. Her Speech is still an issue;
she can’t pronounce certain words. She has trouble remembering things like her spelling
words. She will struggle to recognize the words. Student’s father can see her doing better
this year than last year. Her grades reported on her report card are getting better, with the
exception of spelling. Student’s father reports that she struggles in her Speech in
Vietnamese as well. Student’s father reports that Student B attends tutorial services per
General Education Teacher reports that she tries very hard yet she struggles
academically. General Education Teacher reports that Student B has difficulty expressing
herself but she can understand her.
LPAC representative reports that Student B has achieved a Non-English Speaker
level on the listening and speaking domains. On the second test, she scored a Beginner. In
order to exit the ESL program, she will have to make it to a Level C in the listening and
speaking domains wherein she is currently a level A. On the reading and writing
domains, she will need to make it to Advanced High; she is currently a Beginner. She
will need to meet the expected exit criteria in order to exit the ESL program. The ARD
committee recommends changing the Advanced High to the Intermediate level for both
reading and writing in order for her to exit the ESL program.
Speech Language Pathologist reports that she is making good progress in speech.
They have been working on the /f/, /k/, and /g/ sounds in the initial positions. Student B
has mastered these sounds independently; therefore, they are now working on the sounds
carrying over to conversational speech. They will now work on the /s/ sound, retelling,
and answering why and when questions. Overall Student B is making good progress.
Special Education Teacher reports that she sees Student B doing a better job in
Math with the new Math program. Math is strength for Student B. Special Education
Teacher reviews Student B’s progress in Math.
Special Education Teacher reviewed the IEP goals for reading and math, based on
Student B’s needs for the remainder of the current academic year and the following
academic year as well. Accommodations were also reviewed.
Schedule of services were reviewed as follows:
 Reading: 4 days/week/45 minute session
 Math: 4 days/week/45 minute session
 Speech services: two 10 minute sessions of Speech-Articulation services
will be provided weekly; one 40 minute session of Speech-Language
services will be provided on the 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 week of the 9 week
academic calendar. No Extended School Year (ESY) is recommended at
this time.
Student B did not meet the participation requirements for STAAR-Alternative.
Therefore, next year in Third Grade, Student B will take STAAR in both Math and
Reading with all appropriate and allowable accommodations. In 2015, f TEA provides an
online version of STAAR (which provides additional accommodations built into the
assessment); she may take the online version.
Student B will take all district and campus assessments for her grade level with
On the TELPAS assessment, she will take all parts of the assessment.
The least restrictive environment is in the general education classroom with inclass support and speech services. Student B is pulled out for the Speech-Articulation
Assurances were made; minutes were read and approved.
Prior written notice was reviewed with parent; parent signature was received.
SHARS permission was reviewed with parent; parent signature was received.
ARD committee signatures were received.
Critique: (in compliance with the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 19, Chapter
89. Adaptations for Special Populations, Subchapter AA: Commissioner’s Rules
Concerning Special Education Services)
Division 1: General Provision: Scope and Applicability
Both ARD meetings were in compliance with this provision due to the fact that
Special Education services are provided to both eligible students in accordance with all
applicable federal law and regulations, state statutes, rules of the State Board of
Education (SBOE) and commissioner of education, and the state pan under Part B of the
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).
Division 2: Clarification of Provisions in Federal Regulations and State Law
Both ARD meetings were in compliance with this provision, although the
following rules don’t apply because of their age:
 Parental Rights Regarding Adult Students
 Graduation Requirements
 Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
 Referral for thee Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and
the Texas School for Deaf Services
 Transportation of Students Placed in Residential Setting, including the
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Texas School
for Deaf Services
Division 3: Memoranda of Understanding Affecting Special Education of Students
The rules in this Division do not apply to the students in both ARDS due to the
fact that their needs don’t have to be met in residential facilities.
Division 4: Special Education Funding
Both ARD meetings were in compliance with this provision. Based on Average
Daily Attendance (ADA) of the students, which is documented by the school’s
attendance clerk, the school receives Special Education Funding accordingly.
Division 5: Special Education and Related Service Personnel
Both ARD meetings were in compliance with this provision. All of the teachers
involved in the education of the students are certified and licensed in the areas of their
assignments and are considered highly qualified teachers.
Division 6: Regional Education Service Center Special Education Programs
Both ARD meetings were in compliance with this provision. All of the teachers
involved in the education of the students have received and continue to receive
professional development trainings on a yearly basis from the district level as well as the
regional level (Region IV).
Division 7: Dispute and Resolution
Both ARD meetings were in compliance with this provision. The evidence of
which is presented to the parents in the form of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards