Transition Checklist for Special Education - Parker County Co-op

in Parker County-Co
Special Education Teacher
 Review the student’s information on ESPED
 Send home:
Parent Transition Cover Letter, Parent
Transition Questionnaire, and Consent for
Outside Agency Communication at least 1
month in advance of the ARD
 Meet with the student, administer the
Student Transition Questionnaire, use the
completed HS Parent Transition
Questionnaire (if available) and complete
the Transition IEP Pages on ESPED (Draft)
 Administer student transition assessments
as designed by grade level
 Complete the ARD Transition IEP Pages in
ESPED prior to ARD meeting
 Remember the Post Secondary goal must be
measureable and include functional skills
 Be prepared to discuss the students post
secondary goal at the ARD meeting
 Share any current transition assessment
 Give the Diagnostician the completed
Transition Questionnaires and Transition
 Provide copies of any General Education
Transition assessments completed by the
school counselor
 Review and complete any incomplete
sections of the ARD Transition IEP Pages in
 Document in the ARD deliberations that
transition was discussed, this should include
the discussion regarding the post secondary
goal(s) as well as the annual IEP goal which
will facilitate movement toward that post
secondary goal or goals
 Document that a Transition Resource Guide
was given to parent/student; or sent home
to parent with the ARD paperwork
 File in Eligibility folder any Transition
Questionnaires , Transition Assessments, or
General Education Transition Assessments
completed by the school counselor