At a meeting of the South Boston Town Council held on October 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers on Yancey Street, the following were present: Mayor Carroll Thackston Council Member D. Coleman Speece Council Member Robert B. Hughes Vice-Mayor Edward Owens Council Member Morris Bryant Council Member Tina Wyatt-Younger Absent: Council Member W. R. Snead, Jr. Staff: Town Manager Ted Daniel; Police Capt. B. K. Lovelace; Finance Director Erle Scott; Town Clerk Jane Jones On motion of Mr. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Wyatt-Younger, Council approved the minutes of the September 10, 2012 meeting. Mayor Thackston welcomed Councilman Bryant back to Council and thanked him for filling the Council vacancy [term to expire November 2013]. *JEFFERSON AVENUE LOT CONVEYED TO HABITAT FOR HUMANITY The meeting having been duly advertised constituted a public hearing on a proposal to convey Lot A-2, fronting Jefferson Avenue, to Tri-River Habitat for Humanity. Lot A-2 [PRN#333444, Deed Book 1084, Page 564] was a portion of the North Main Street water tank parcel which had been conveyed to the Halifax County Service Authority. The parcel had been subdivided with Lot A-2 transferred back to the Town. Col. Mike Koch, President of Tri-River Habitat, spoke in favor of the transfer. He updated Council on recent Habitat projects. On motion of Mr. Speece, seconded by Mr. Owens, Council voted 4-0 to convey Lot A-2 fronting Jefferson Avenue to Tri-River Habitat for Humanity at no cost other than legal fees. Voting Aye: Speece, Owens, Wyatt-Younger and Bryant. Voting Nay: none. Abstained: Hughes. Absent and not voting: Snead. *TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION - REAPPOINTMENTS On motion of Mr. Owens, seconded by Mr. Speece, Council voted unanimously to reappoint Mr. Curtis Waskey and Mr. Larry Harris to new four-year terms on the Halifax County South Boston Transportation Safety Commission, to run November 1, 2012 through October 31, 2016. - 364 - *COMPLAINT - POLICE VEHICLES SPEEDING ON NORTH MAIN ST. Ms. Gloria Moore, 1806 N. Main Street, expressed concern about law enforcement vehicles going a high rate of speed on North Main Street. Captain Lovelace advised that if a police officer were speeding they were responding to an emergency call. He suggested Ms. Moore contact the Police Department when it happens. *CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS ACQUISITION OF REAL ESTATE On motion of Mr. Owens, seconded by Mr. Bryant, Council voted unanimously to go into a closed meeting to discuss the acquisition of real estate for a public purpose as allowed by the Code of Virginia §2.2-3711.A.3. Voting Aye: Bryant, Owens, Speece, Hughes, and Wyatt-Younger. Nays: none. Absent: Snead. On motion of Mr. Speece, seconded by Mrs. Wyatt-Younger, Council voted unanimously to return to open session. Voting Aye: Bryant, Owens, Speece, Hughes, and Wyatt-Younger. Nays: none. Absent: Snead. On motion of Mr. Speece, seconded by Mr. Owens, Council unanimously certified that to the best of each member’s knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the town council. Voting Aye: Bryant, Owens, Speece, Hughes, and Wyatt-Younger. Nays: none. Absent: Snead. *IDA GRANT APPLICATION TO VDHCD INDUSTRIAL REVITALIZATION FUND ENDORSED On motion of Mr. Speece, seconded by Mr. Hughes, Council voted 4-0 to endorse the South Boston Industrial Development Authority’s application to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development’s Industrial Revitalization Fund for a matching $100,000 grant to purchase a deteriorating commercial property in the downtown area. Voting Aye: Speece, Hughes, Bryant, Wyatt-Younger. Voting Nay: none. Absent and not voting: Snead. Abstained: Owens. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ______________________________ Carroll Thackston, Mayor ATTEST:_______________________________ Jane P. Jones, Town Clerk, CMC - 365 - At a special joint meeting of the South Boston Town Council, the Halifax County Board of Supervisors, and the Halifax Town Council, held on October 15, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Mary Bethune Office Complex in Halifax, Virginia the following were present: Vice-Mayor Edward Owens, Presiding Councilwoman Coleman Speece Councilman W. R. Snead Councilman Robert Hughes Councilwoman Tina Wyatt-Younger Absent: Mayor Carroll Thackston and Councilman Morris Bryant Staff Present: Town Manager Ted Daniel and Town Clerk Jane Jones Members of the Halifax County Board of Supervisors and Staff Members of the Halifax Town Council and Staff *EARTHQUAKE SHAKEOUT DAY PROCLAMATION Halifax County Emergency Services Coordinator Kirby Saunders advised that the County would be participating in the October 18th state-wide “Great SouthEast ShakeOut”, a community drill promoting earthquake preparedness. All three localities adopted a proclamation recognizing October 18 as Earthquake Shakeout Day. *BANISTER RIVER DESIGNATED AS A SCENIC RIVER The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation has determined that specific areas of the Banister River meet the requirements to be certified as a “scenic river”. The Town Council of Halifax and the Halifax County Board of Supervisors have previously gone on record supporting the designation of the Banister River as a state scenic river. Final designation is granted by the Virginia General Assembly. Halifax Town Manager Carl Espy and VDCR representative Lynn Crump gave a presentation on “Banister – A Potential Scenic River” after which all three localities adopted the following resolution. On motion of Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Wyatt-Younger, Town Council voted unanimously to adopt the following resolution supporting the designation of the Banister River as a scenic river. Voting Aye: Hughes, Wyatt-Younger, Speece and Snead. Voting Nay: none. Absent and not voting: Bryant. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DESIGNATION OF THE BANISTER RIVER AS A VIRGINIA STATE SCENIC RIVER WHEREAS, the Virginia State Scenic Rivers Program was enacted by the Virginia General Assembly in 1970 to identify, recognize and provide a level of protection to rivers with significant scenic beauty, historic importance, recreational value and natural characteristics - 366 - pursuant to the Code of Virginia Title 10.1, Sections 10.1-400 through 10.1-418, “Scenic Rivers Act”; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), has been charged with administering the Scenic Rivers Program and developing an objective evaluation process to determine the suitability of river segments; and WHEREAS, the 2004 Halifax County Trails, Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors and Councils of the Towns of Halifax and South Boston, recognized the potential blueway system along the area’s major waterways including the Banister River prompting the inclusion of the scenic river designation for the Banister as a goal in the Town of Halifax Comprehensive Plan and the 2007 Virginia Outdoors Plan; and WHEREAS, under authorization of the Halifax County Board of Supervisors and the Halifax Town Council on October 18, 2011 by letter to Lynn M. Crump, DCR Environmental Programs Planner, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation was requested to conduct a study of the Banister River beginning at the Pittsylvania-Halifax County line and ending at its confluence with the Dan River to determine its potential as a State Scenic River; and WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors similarly authorized a request for DCR to conduct a study of the Banister River from its headwaters at Bearskin Creek and Strawberry Creek to the Halifax County line by letter on May 3, 2012; and WHEREAS, on July 7, 2012 and July 8, 2012 DCR staff along with consultants from the Community Development Assistance Center (CDAC) and several residents from Pittsylvania and Halifax including Halifax County and Town of Halifax staff paddled the river study corridor to make field evaluations; and WHEREAS, on August 13, 2012 by letter to the Town of Halifax, Halifax County and Pittsylvania County, the localities were informed that DCR completed its evaluation determining a 38.4 mile stretch of the Banister from the Anderson Bridge on Route 640 in Pittsylvania County to the confluence with the Dan River in Halifax County qualifies as a Virginia State Scenic River with the Board of Conservation and Recreation unanimously supporting its endorsement for designation of the Banister at the July 27, 2012 meeting; and WHEREAS, on September 18, 2012 the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors passed unanimously a resolution supporting the State Scenic River designation of the Banister River from the Anderson Bridge at Route 640 to the Pittsylvania/Halifax County line. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, on this 15th day of October, 2012 that by way of this resolution, the Councils of the Towns of Halifax and South Boston, as well as the Board of Supervisors of Halifax County, Virginia, do hereby support the designation of the Banister River beginning at the Pittsylvania-Halifax County line and ending at its confluence with the Dan River as a Virginia State Scenic River pursuant to the Scenic Rivers Act, Virginia Code Section 10.1400 et seq. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Councils of the Towns of Halifax and South Boston, as well as the Board of Supervisors of Halifax County, Virginia do hereby respectfully request that the members of the Halifax County and Pittsylvania County legislative delegation introduce legislation to the Virginia General Assembly for approval and designation of the Banister River’s eligible 38.4 mile section in the 2013 Session. - 367 - BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Councils of the Towns of Halifax and South Boston, as well as the Board of Supervisors of Halifax County, Virginia express support for DCR staff to conduct a field evaluation of the Banister River in the spring of 2013 from its headwaters at Bearskin Creek and Strawberry Creek to the Anderson Bridge at Route 640 thus completing the entire river study as requested by the Pittsylvania Board of Supervisors so that upon that upper segment qualifying as a Virginia Scenic River, it may become an extension of the above mentioned 38.4 mile section through legislative action during the Virginia General Assembly 2014 Session. *JOINT LIBRARY COMMITTEE RE-ESTABLISHED Mr. Daniel updated the group on the recent funding reductions to the Halifax County – South Boston Library System which had led the South Boston Town Council to deliberate on the long range financial needs of the libraries. Town Council has suggested the Joint Library Committee be re-established to discuss the problem. Halifax Town Mayor Dick Moore advised that Halifax would participate in a study but that they were opposed to any solution that included closing the Halifax Library. On motion of Mr. Snead, seconded by Mrs. Wyatt-Younger, Council voted unanimously to establish a Joint Library Committee with the Halifax County Board of Supervisors and the Halifax Town Council to discuss and research matters of service and funding to the library system. Voting Aye: Snead, Speece, Hughes, Wyatt-Younger. Voting Nay: none. Absent and not voting: Bryant. Halifax Town Council and the Halifax County Board of Supervisors adopted the same motion. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. __________________________________ Vice-Mayor Ed Owens ATTEST: ___________________________ Jane P. Jones, Town Clerk, CMC - 368 - At a work session meeting of the South Boston Town Council held on October 29, 2012 at 5:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers on Yancey Street, the following were present: Mayor Carroll Thackston Vice-Mayor Edward Owens Council Member D. Coleman Speece Council Member W. R. Snead, Jr. Council Member Robert Hughes Council Member Morris L. Bryant Council Member Tina Wyatt-Younger Staff Present: Town Manager Ted Daniel, Police Chief Jim Binner, Finance Director Erle Scott, Director of Public Works Alan Auld, Town Clerk Jane Jones Mayor Thackston called the meeting to order and turned it over to the Current Issues Committee Chairman. *Recommendation to Amendment Town Code to Require Pawnbrokers to Submit Electronic Reports Chief Binner explained that the recommended amendment, which mirrors state code, would require pawnbrokers to submit their daily report electronically rather than by paper. The Department has installed software on local pawnshop computers to allow them to do this. The Town Attorney has reviewed the language and recommended approval. The new section would read: Sec. 82-32. – Reports of Pawnbrokers. (a) Every pawnbroker shall prepare a daily report of all goods, articles or things pawned or pledged with him or sold to him that day and shall file such report by noon of the following day with the Chief of the Town’s Police Department. The report shall include the pledgor's or seller's name, residence, and driver's license number or other form of identification, and a description of the goods, articles or other things pledged or sold. The report shall be maintained in electronic format and shall be filed electronically with the Chief of Police through use of a disk, electronic transmission, or any other electronic means of reporting approved by the Chief of Police. (b )Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. The Committee recommended the item be placed on the November 5th Council agenda for approval. *New Taxi Service License Sought - Jackie Bowey, Jackie’s Cab As required by Chapter 110 Vehicles for Hire, Ms. Jackie Bowey has applied for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate a taxi service at 210 Factory Street. The Police Department has investigated Ms. Bowey and found her to be of good moral character, fit and able to perform such public transportation. Council is required to conduct public hearing on the application before approval. A public hearing has been - 369 - advertised for the November 5th Council meeting. The Committee recommended the item be placed on the November 5th Council agenda for approval. *Term Limits for Planning Commission and BZA Members Considered The Planning Commission has two members whose terms expire in December: Fields Thomas and Harriett Claiborne. Both have served three, full four- year terms and are ineligible for reappointment. Mr. Daniel recommended Council consider eliminating term limits for Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals members. He cited the extensive training required for both boards and the importance of having experienced members. Mr. Bryant was opposed to eliminating term limits saying that the limits were established to ensure more citizen participation. Mr. Owens agreed stating he felt 12 years was long enough for any appointed member to serve on the same board. Mrs. Wyatt-Younger agreed. Mr. Snead suggested term limits be deleted from the Town Code, but instead Council adopt a “policy” not to reappoint a member to a fourth term unless there are extenuating circumstances. Mr. Owens suggested language be added to the Code allowing a member to serve until his successor is appointed. The Chairman directed staff rework the ordinance and bring back for further discussion. There being no further business the Current Issues Committee adjourned and the Finance Committee convened. *Financial Report Mr. Scott gave the monthly financial status report. He advised that personal property tax bills had been mailed and that real estate tax bills would go out on October 31st. *Washington Coleman Community Center – Phase II Construction Cost Funding Mr. Daniel advised that the low bidder on Phase II of the Washington Coleman Community Center was McDannald Construction Company at $944,397. Total funding available was $714,139. He recommended funds be transferred from Parks and Recreation Contingency, Reserve for Contingencies and the $150,000 targeted for technology expenditures be transferred to Washington Coleman Construction Capital - 370 - Outlay to pay for Phase II. Mr. Daniel noted that Town’s engineers were considering changes to the roof design which could reduce the cost of the project. Mr. Daniel advised that grants and donations would be sought for the computer center and that Southern Virginia Higher Education Center may be able to manage the computer center for the Town. He recommended financing the total project estimated at $2,200,000 thru a Virginia Resource Authority bond in FY2013-14. The Committee recommended the issue be placed on the November 5th agenda for Council action to transfer funds as recommended to cover the $80,258 shortfall. *Hamilton Blvd. Road Improvements Discussed Mr. Auld advised that there was $500,000 in VDOT Urban Sharing money earmarked Hamilton Blvd. road improvements. Since the $500,000 was not sufficient to widen Hamilton Blvd. east to Rt. 360, VDOT has suggested the Town consider alternatives such as installing roundabouts at the intersections to improve traffic flow. Mr. Snead endorsed roundabouts as a good method of moving traffic. Mr. Speece and Mr. Owen voiced concerns. Mayor Thackston favored extending the west bound right turn lane from Hamilton to North Main Street. No action was taken. *Downtown Christmas Decorative Lighting Costs Mr. Daniel advised that the Town is currently paying approximately $10,000 in labor costs to install Christmas lights in the trees downtown. To save costs the Town is considering wrapping the tree trunks rather than placing the lighting in the canopies. Wayne Fuller, Destination Downtown South Boston Chairman, advised that DDSB felt the proposal was acceptable, but suggested the real problem was that the trees had gotten too big and should be replaced. Council Members Speece and Snead felt the lights enhanced the Town during the holiday season, but recommended giving the cheaper alternative a try. There being no further business for the Finance Committee it adjourned. After a brief recess Mayor Thackston convened the full Council to order with all members present. *CLOSED MEETING TO DISCUSS REAL ESTATE MATTERS On motion of Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Owens, Council voted unanimously to go into a closed meeting to discuss the disposition and/or acquisition of real property for - 371 - a public purpose as allowed by the Code of Virginia §2.2-3711A.3. Voting Aye: Bryant, Hughes, Owens, Snead, Speece, Wyatt-Younger. Nays: none. On motion of Mr. Owen, seconded by Mr. Speece, Council voted unanimously to return to open session. Voting Aye: Bryant, Hughes, Owens, Snead, Speece, WyattYounger. Nays: none. On motion of Mr. Speece, seconded by Mr. Snead, Council unanimously certified that to the best of each member’s knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the town council. Voting Aye: Bryant, Hughes, Owens, Snead, Speece, Wyatt-Younger. Nays: none. *JOINT LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENTS On motion of Mr. Speece, seconded by Mrs. Wyatt-Younger, Council voted unanimously to appoint Vice-Mayor Owens and Councilman Snead to the Joint Library Committee. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ______________________________ Mayor Carroll Thackston ATTEST: ______________________________ Jane P. Jones, Town Clerk, CMC - 372 -