‘Helping Young People Achieve More’ AIMS: To increase the number of students attaining 5 GCSE’s at Grade A*-C including English and Maths To increase the average capped points score To provide flexible curriculum solutions to support students attainment To remove ALL barriers to learning to enable more students to succeed SHUTTLEWORTH ACHIEVEMENT PROJECT CALENDAR 2011/12 DATE WED 14th Dec PERIOD P4 Library WED 11th Jan P4/P5 (10 mins) P4 Library WED 18th Jan WED 25th Jan WED 1st Feb WED 8th Feb WED 22nd Feb WED 29th Feb P4/P5 (10mins) P5 Faith Rm P4/P5 (10 mins) P4 WED 7th Feb P4/P5 (10mins) P4 WED 14th March WED 21st March WED 28th March WED 28th April P4/P5 (10 mins) P4/P5 (10 mins) P4/P5 (10 mins) P4/P5 (10 mins) ACTIVITY North Apprenticeship Group Applying for apprenticeships online Jobs available the North West Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets Are you ready? How to stand out from other applicants Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets GIRLS How to session – Dressing for success. Bodyshop and M&S BOYS Army Training afternoon Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets How to session Revision Technique Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets How to session Getting Organised Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets Mentoring Session Discuss and follow up targets DETAILS Sarah Turner suggests apprenticeships in the area. Success stories. Where to look for job vacancies Passed to SLT Ranstad Recrument, Mik Whitehead Looking at employability and interviewing skills Passed to SLT M&S and BODYSHOP Passed to SLT How to revise effectively with various staff involved Passed to SLT Revision and Exam Timetables Equipment Packs Passed to SLT Passed to SLT Passed to SLT. Pep talk before Easter Holidays Final predictions WHAT DO I NEED TO DO ABOUT IT?? If you teach any of the students in the achievement groups you will be identified as a key teacher. The achievement group mentors will be in regular contact with you about these students. They will be asking you about their progress, attitude, behaviour, engagement and attendance. There is no substitute for quality first teaching and learning but ask yourself; ‘Do I need to do anything extra with this child, have I differentiated and personalised the learning, have I met their needs, have I gone the extra mile to break through with this child? Having spoken to you about every individual child’s needs the mentors will set up an action plan for each child. The mentors will work with you to ensure that these students work through the actions you have set. You will need to complete a student care sheet to show how you are making a difference with these students in your classroom. Your line mangers will review the student care sheet and together you will assess the success of your strategies through observations, book scrutinies and student voice activities. The mentors will also be monitoring how successful these strategies are. They will be able to provide you with valuable feedback on student’s learning so you can personalise and differentiate further i.e. you can break the barriers! Each student’s performance will be reviewed at the Achievement meetings. The mentors will provide a detailed report on underperforming students to the SLT. We will be able to pin point which subjects students are underachieving in, why are they underachieving, what have we already done about it and what further action do we need to take. We will make our decisions on the evidence we have. Progress in lessons (observations), progress in work books, staff feedback, student feedback, performance in GCSE units/modules/coursework/mocks. As well as your teacher assessments we will be looking in detail at ALL the evidence we have. We can leave no stone un turned with these students. Every child WILL succeed no matter what the circumstances. It is our job to make sure we break every barrier to learning and ensure we have done ALL we can to raise aspirations and achievements for our young people. It is a challenge , but it is a challenge we WILL achieve. WHY IS THE ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAMME ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS? Raising attainment is the main priority at Shuttleworth College. We are all working extremely hard in each subject area to ensure that our young people receive the highest standard of education and achieve the highest outcomes. Currently we are still well below the National averages in many subject areas and our key performance indicators are all well below the National Average. The Average Capped Points Score for Shuttleworth (ACPS)currently stands at 257. This puts us in the 100th percentile Nationally i.e. we are one of the worst schools in the country for this measure of achievement. ACPS takes the best 8 GCSE results from each student. If some of our students are not taking 8 GCSE’s we are instantly putting our students and our school at a disadvantage. We should strive to achieve the very best for every child no matter what their background or circumstances and this is why ACPS is a good measure of achievement. It assesses whether we give every child the best opportunities to be successful in every subject that they choose to study and are we willing to change and adapt our curriculum to ensure that this happens? GCSE GRADE POINTS A* 58 A 52 B 46 C 40 D 34 E 28 F 22 G 16 U 0 These are the points students are awarded for the different grades they can achieve. Note: the difference between a U and a G is 16 points!! In 2011 Shuttleworth College’s Average Capped Points Score was 257. This takes into account a student’s top 8 GCSE results. For Shuttleworth this equates to every child achieving 32 points in each subject or the equivalent of achieving 8 Grade E’s!!!! THIS HAS TO IMPROVE!!! Students should not be withdrawn from a course in Year 11 unless another course that will guarantee significantly improved outcomes is put in place. We must enter ALL students (where possible). Even if students achieve a Grade G this will have a huge implication on the ACPS than if we choose not to enter them or they achieve a Grade U. If there are concerns regarding student entries they must be discussed with your line manager. Your line manager will then discuss the issues with SLT and a swift decision will be made. The achievement programme will be in operation every Wednesday during period 4 and period 5. There are no other times when students should be let out of your lesson for the Achievement programme. The programme is designed to work with you. It seems ludicrous to think we will raise attainment by taking students out of lessons they need to be in! Not every student will be involved every Wednesday! What is the procedure? All staff informed of the achievement programme week by week (please see attached) Staff with any students who they need to be in their lesson during certain weeks need to inform Cherry Bryant (Girls Achievement Group), Tom Baimonte (Boys Achievement Group) and Jane Smedley (Mixed Achievement Group) at least 24 hours in advance. Sessions highlighted in BLUE on the Achievement programme will involve ALL the Girls and Boys achievement groups. Sessions highlighted in RED are mentoring sessions. Mentoring sessions will last no longer than 15mins Students will be collected from your classroom by a member of staff. Do not let students leave your lesson without a member of staff. Students will be collected only when your register has been completed NOTE: This will only effect PE, RE, ICT and PSHE.