Scotland Elementary School Office of the Superintendent of Schools 68 Brook Road, Scotland, CT 06264 APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Employment Application Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Complete all applicable sections of the application Type or print in ink all requested information Sign and date the application Attach a letter of interest, resume, and three letters of reference. Attach copies of certifications (if applicable) Submit all materials to: Scotland Elementary School P.O. Box 97 68 Brook Road Scotland, CT 06264 LAST NAME: PERSONAL INFORMATION FIRST NAME: Preferred Prefix: (circle one) None Mr. Mrs. Street Address: Ms. Miss Town or City: Home Phone Number: Cell MIDDLE INITIAL: Social Security Number: Dr. State: Zip: Work/Alternate Phone Number: E-mail address: Best time of day to contact you? Scotland Elementary School’s Non-Discrimination Statement: Scotland Elementary School is committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all qualified persons and does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut state and/or federal nondiscrimination laws. Each student is encouraged to develop and achieve individual educational goals. SES will provide every student with equal educational opportunities. No student will be excluded on such basis from participating in or having access to any course offerings, student athletics, counseling services, employment assistance, extracurricular activities or other school resources. Inquiries regarding Scotland School’s nondiscrimination policies should be directed to the Building Title IX coordinator, Jennifer Ridolfo, Scotland Elementary School, PO Box 97, Scotland, CT 06264, (860) 423-0064, the District Coordinator, Dr. Packman, or the Office for Civil Rights. 1 EMPLOYMENT DESIRED Position applying for: Teacher Paraprofessional Nurse Specials (Art, Music, Gym) Cafeteria Custodian *If applying for substitute service, please indicate which days of the week you are available: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Preferred Grades: (check all that apply) PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Are there any assignments/grade levels you are unwilling or uncomfortable working with? Certificates and Diplomas High School Associates Degree 2 year Certificate Paraprofessional Certificate EDUCATION Name of Institution Year awarded Bachelor’s Degree: Master’s Degree: Doctorate: Other Degrees/Graduate Work: REFERENCES Please list three individuals, other than relatives, who can provide information concerning your work ability. 1.Name: Address: Telephone (between 9am-5pm) Occupation: 2.Name: Address: Telephone (between 9am-5pm) Occupation: 3.Name: Address: Telephone (between 9am-5pm) Occupation: EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE 2 Current or most recently help position must be listed first. It is important to complete each section below. Current Employer: From (month/year) To (Month/Year Name of Supervisor: Annual Salary: Address: Or Hourly Rate: Telephone #: Reason(s) for leaving: Former Employer: From (month/year) To (Month/Year Name of Supervisor: Annual Salary: Or Hourly Rate: Address: Telephone #: Reason(s) for leaving: Former Employer: From (month/year) To (Month/Year Name of Supervisor: Annual Salary: Or Hourly Rate: Address: Telephone #: Reason(s) for leaving: Former Employer: From (month/year) To (Month/Year Name of Supervisor: Annual Salary: Or Hourly Rate: Address: Telephone #: Reason(s) for leaving: MILITARY SERVICE Branch: Rank: Dates of Service: If you need additional space regarding previous employment experience, please continue on another sheet. 3 ADDITONAL INFORMATION: Summarize special job-related skills, qualifications, or training required Personal Computer Use: WINDOWS MAC Software Applications: TABLETS Special Skills: Machinery/Equipment Operated: Occupational Licenses or Certificates Held?(please attach copies) VOLUNTARY INFORMATION This information is requested on a voluntary basis, and will be used solely in connection with Affirmative Action obligations and reporting requirements. Refusal to provide this information will not subject the applicant to any adverse treatment. All information regarding a disability in accordance with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) will be kept confidential Gender: Ethnicity: Race: (check all that apply) White Asian Black or African American Male Hispanic Pacific Islander YES Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Female NO Native American Alaska Native Person with Disability: Type: YES NO APPLICANT’S STATEMENT: PLEASE SIGN I certify that answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for employment as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision. I understand that this application is not intended to be a contract of employment. In the vent of employment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge or rescission of an offer of employment. I understand, also, that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the Boards of Education that may employ me. Signature of Applicant: Date: This application will be kept in the Superintendent of School’s Office for 3 years from the initial date of application. 4