Prepared by:
The National Roads Administration (ANE)
Av. De Moçambique Nº 1225, CP. 1439
January, 2011
Description of the project
The Government of Mozambique through Administração Nacional de Estradas is rehabilitating the N1 from Jardim to Benfica, the works include the construction of 2 footbridges.
The bridges are proposed for N1 at two selected locations. These locations, one at Bairro 25
Junho A and B (Choupal) and the other at Bairro Jorge Dimitrov (Benfica) have high volumes of pedestrian traffic. A single design has been adopted for the two bridges. The design consists of the following salient features.
Length of 50m (measured along the road)
Length of 50m (measured across the road)
Walkway width of 2.5m
1.2m double staircase on both sides of the bridge
1.8m ramp gently sloped to allow ease of use by disabled pedestrians. A flared entry apron is also provided.
Vertical clearance of 5.5m above carriageway
Safety features like polycrete hand rails and new jersey barriers
Lighting provisions
Potential Impacts
Footbridge at Choupal
The bridge will be located at 4+160 just after the junction of N1 with Rua de Sao Pedro. The bridge is expected to benefit the adjacent school on the LHS. It is located next to a bus bay on the LHS and near another one on the RHS (4+080). The bridge will serve the pedestrian commuters alighting or boarding at these bus bays. The bridge will also serve the pedestrians using the junction at 4+100 since the signalized system will only allow limited pedestrian crossing. There exists considerable commercial activity on the RHS. This includes small shops and a vegetable market. The bridge will provide safe crossing for those using the market.
Additional land will need to be acquired to give space for the bridge construction. In additional to space that has already been acquired to widen N1 an extra 9 more meters will be required. The
RHS is heavily built with mostly semi permanent and temporary structures. The LHS has only the school compound. Inside the school compound, no structures are located in the bridge area; only the boundary wall will need to be relocated.
Footbridge at Benfica
The bridge will be located in Benfica shopping center at 6+500 just before the junction with R
5.578. There is heavy pedestrian movement through the town all the way from 6+200 to 7+200.
The heaviest pedestrian crossing volumes are at this location. Commercial activity is heavy commercial activity on both sides of the road. This includes a fuel station and banking on the
LHS as well as a wholesale, groceries and vegetable market on the RHS. Schools are also located nearby. Bus bays for through traffic have been proposed, one on each side of the road. The new bridge is expected to serve passengers commuting to and from these bus bays. The bridge will also serve the pedestrians using the junction at 5+530 since the signalized system will only allow limited pedestrian crossing.
Additional land will need to be acquired to give space for the bridge construction. In additional to space that has already been acquired to widen N1 about 9 more meters will be required. The
RHS is heavily built with mostly permanent buildings. The RHS is densely built with mainly temporary structures.
An abbreviated resettlement action plan is required for this project. This area is densely populated and built up. The zone of impact of the land taking activities will be within the 30 meter wide strip of land, from the centre of the road, on each side of the road. Within this strip of land there are school at 25 de Junho A where the wall will be affected and two public markets at
25 de Junho B and Jorge Dimitrov with temporary and permanent building structures most of which are used for trade in various domestic products such as food, vegetables, grocery items, building materials and spare parts for motor vehicles. These two markets will be partially affected, approximately up to 9 meters.
Socio Economic Study
Consultations were conducted with key stakeholders such as:
Primary stakeholders who are directly or indirectly affected within the project impact area. These included people whose property will be demolished and therefore will require compensation and those who are renting property and will need compensation for loss of income, and those whose structures will require reconstruction and repositioning within the present premises.
Secondary stakeholders are those who are involved in the delivery of the project outputs, such as
Government Ministries, the Local administration, Municipality Council, the project implementing agency (ANE), the executing agency (e.g Contractors and Consultants).
Stakeholder consultations included informal discussions with the primary stakeholders in their place of work (‘barraca’, ‘banca’); formal meetings with local administration, Consultant, affected people, marked leaders (Appendix 1).
According to the third national population census of 2007 ( www.ine.gov.mz/censo07 ) for population and housing, Maputo city has a population of 221,428 people distributed in 5 urban districts. The affected district area has 58,618 people.
Preliminary estimation indicates that a total of 63 structures (Appendix 5) may be affected at
Choupal and Benfica. In addition, the PAPs whose structures are affected, there are 22 renters of properties that will be affected. For these renters their income will be affected during the time that the structures are demolished. See the details in Appendix 2
Compensation to be paid to renters and renters workers has been estimated at an average of one and half times their monthly income. The total amount for renters is US$ 44,365.72 including the workers renters.
3.1 Characteristics of affected structure
The affected structures are mainly small commercial shops locally known as ‘barracas’ constructed in bricks, timber, zinc sheet, where the following are provided: small-scale trading in foodstuff and domestic items, such as, oil, sugar, rice, soaps, drinks, construction material, electrical material and spare parts for motor vehicles and school wall fence.
Valuation of the compensation losses
Losses of assets are determined from the replacement cost of building similar or better structures.
The replacement cost will include the cost of materials, labour and transport to the site of
construction of new replacement structure. During the process of shifting and relocation the affected people will temporary lose income, so this loss is to be compensated for as a transitional allowance for up to one and half month’s average income in the affected business, which will be added to the replacement cost. The compensation will be in cash due to their temporary nature.
Permanent commercial building and wall fence will be compensated for by construction of new and better structure.
Organizational responsibilities
ANE will bear the overall responsibility of the compensation process and will make sure that there are adequate funds to fairly compensate the affected people. ANE will coordinate the land acquisition and compensation process in close liaison with the Municipal Council, the Local leaders, the Civil works Contractor and he Civil works Consultant.
The payments will be responsibility of ANE in coordination with the Local Administration (Ka mubukwana), to ensure that the correct people are paid through the confirmation of the Markets and Local leaders. The details of the payments and PAPs records will be retained at the Local
Administration and ANE.
The Complains from PAPs and needs of assistance will be directed to the Local Administration through the Market and Local leaders. ANE will receive complains for record and further assistance where necessary. ANE as well will ensure that PAPs are well informed, through the
Local Administration in all stages of the process.
The Civil works Consultant will ensure that only those structures that have been recorded as affected structures will be demolished and as well as to ensure that no properties are demolished before the compensation has been received by the PAPs and any necessary additional assistance.
He will closely liaise with ANE, PAPs and Local leaders to ensure that implementation of the civil works do not adversely affect PAPs. The PAPs will be allowed to take away the salvage materials after the demolition of their structures.
The schedules
According to the ANE Resettlement Policy Framework and World Bank Involuntary
Resettlement Policy, the physical works commence only after full compensation has been paid to the affected people.
The preparation of this document involved the following stapes:
Preliminary Consultation meetings were held during the period of 13 to 23 December,
2010 with staff of ANE, the Civil works Consultant, representatives of the District
Administration and affected people. The preliminary census was done on 22 sd
After that was establish the cut off date, which was 23 December 2010. The final census was done on 25 th
of January to generate information about the PAPs and details of compensation. The preparation of an Abbreviation Resettlement Action Plan started after preliminary census on 22 sd
of December.
The Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan shall be submitted to World Bank, Local
Administration and PAPs for comments and approval.
Costs and Budget
Funds for compensation will be provided by Mozambique Government through the Road Funds and the executive agency, ANE.
The total estimate of the overall cost of compensation is US$ 1,954,117.85
based on the census and socio-economic study and the expropriation survey. This total cost is comprised of:
Compensation for loss of physical assets amounting to 48,719,853.00 Mt or US$
Compensation for loss of income by 22 Renters, at an average of US$ 2,772.86
(Appendix 2) for a period of one month, giving a total amount of US$ 44,365.72.
This income includes that for renters workers, on an average, earn US$ 95.05
monthly (Appendix 2).
Compensation for loss of income by the owners of assets, at an average of US$
1,811.57 ( Appendix 4) , giving a total of US$ 75,893.72.
Compensation for loss of physical assets and relocation of walls
Compensation for loss of income by 22 Renters
Compensation for loss of income by workers renters
Compensation for loss of income by the owners of assets
Contingence (15%)
Monitoring and evaluation costs
7 Total
US$ 1 = 32.32 Mt
Amount (US$)
Chopal Site
Picture 1: The School wall to be affected: LHS
Picture 2: ‘Barracas’ in the market to be affected: RHS
Benfica Site
Picture 3: The Shops to be affected: LHS
Picture 4:
‘Barracas’ and ‘bancas’in the market : RHS
Reabilitação da Estrada N1 entre Jardim e Benfica – Colocação de duas pontes aéreas nos
Bairros 25 Junho A e B e Jorge Dimitrov.
Encontro de informação sobre o projecto de construção das Pontes
No prosseguimento da reabilitação da N1 no troço supracitado, teve lugar na sede do distrito
Kamubukwana, um encontro com os donos das Benfeitorias que serão abrangidas pelo projecto de construção das duas pontes aéreas. O encontro teve início as 10:15 horas, Eng. Emília falou dos objectivos do encontro e agradeceu a presença de todos. Em seguida o vereador em representação do administrador, enalteceu a presença dos donos das benfeitorias e pediu para que todos participassem em prol do desenvolvimento da cidade de Maputo, cedendo espaços para a colocação das pontes. O
Concelho Municipal da Cidade de Maputo frisou que tudo fará para que ninguém saia lesado e trabalhará em paralelo com a ANE, os empreiteiros e o fiscal.
Eng. Carlos Lourenço, (Consultor), deu a explicação do projecto, sua importância para o desenvolvimento. Explicou as distâncias que serão abrangidas e fluxo de transportes que se espera depois da obra. Explicou ainda que a obra terá delineadores que serviram de separadores e isso impedirá a circulação de pedestres como está a acontecer neste momento.
Em seguida, foram levantadas algumas questões que têm a ver com o destino das benfeitorias e as compensações e sobre se haverá ou não transferências das pessoas.
Em respostas, foi lhes explicado que de momento, o encontro tinha carácter informativo, que ao longo do processo, ser-lhes iam contactados pelos consultores para as medições das Mercearias, Bancas e
Barracas. Era prematura naquele momento afirmar o destinatário das benfeitorias e nem sabe-se o valor das compensações de cada um. O mais importante é que tudo será feito dentro dos parâmetros exigidos por lei.
Em seguida foi passada a lista para a certificação dos beneficiários incluído seus endereços e contactos
(Ver anexo).
The meeting was holding at Local Administration on 23 rd
of December 2010.
ANE staff, Consultant, representatives of Local Administration, Markets Leaders and affected people.
Mrs. Emília Tembe (ET) chaired the meeting and welcomed all present in this public
Consultation meeting. She introduced the ANE team, the Consultant CPG and requested the members representing the Local Leaders, to introduce themselves.
Mrs. ET proceeded by highlighting that the objective of the meeting was to inform the stakeholders about the construction of the footbridges and that will affect some structures.
ET asked the Consultant to give some explanation about the project, where are they going to be constructed, type of footbridges.
During the meeting questions and concerns were raised such as:
When the project will start? As soon as the space will be available.
Where are they moving to? They will fill up the empty spaces within the markets.
Are they being compensated? Yes, the Government will compensate the affected people.
How much will be the compensation?
ANE do not know yet. Calculations need to be done then each one will be informed about the compensation amount.
With no further issues to discuss, ET thanked all present for participating and for the contributions and declared the meeting closed.