NZQA Assessment Support Material
Unit standard
Participate in a group or team which has an objective
Vocational pathways
Primary Industries; Social and Community Services
Assessor guidelines
The following guidelines are supplied to enable assessors to carry out valid and consistent
assessment using this internal assessment resource.
As with all assessment resources, education providers will need to follow their own quality control
processes. Assessors must manage authenticity for any assessment from a public source,
because learners may have access to the assessment schedule or exemplar material. Using this
assessment resource without modification may mean that learners' work is not authentic. The
assessor/educator may need to change figures, measurements or data sources or set a different
context or topic. Assessors need to consider the local context in which learning is taking place and
its relevance for learners.
Assessors need to be very familiar with the outcome being assessed by the unit standard. The
evidence requirements and the explanatory notes contain information, definitions, and
requirements that are crucial when interpreting the standard and assessing learners against it.
This activity requires learners to show they can participate in a team or group which has an
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 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
Level of expected performance
This is a level 2 standard. This means learners should be:
Using factual and/or operational knowledge of a field of work or study.
Applying known solutions to familiar problems.
Applying standard processes relevant to the field of work or study.
Working under general supervision, taking some responsibility for their own learning and
performance and collaborating with others.
Conditions of Assessment
The scenarios in the assessment provide a guide about the sorts of team / group objectives
appropriate for assessment of this unit standard.
Ideally, people will be assessed in a real-life context using naturally occurring evidence.
Where a real-life context is not available, assessment can take place in a simulated situation.
However, the conditions of this simulation must demand performance equivalent to that required in
a real-life context.
Required evidence
Verification checklist
A verification checklist is included to record learner performance against the standard
requirements. This standard is about working with other people in a team or group. The
verification must confirm the contribution of the learner that is being assessed.
Supporting evidence
In addition to supporting comments, any naturally occurring evidence from the workplace may be
attached to the verification sheet. For example, meeting minutes, completed workplace
documentation could be included with the verification.
Group / team contributions
Evidence is required for each learner in the group / team that is being assessed. Supporting
comments should be relevant and specific to the learner that is being assessed i.e. not about
group performance.
Level of supervision allowed while working towards the achievement of the objective
As this is a Level 2 standard, the achievement of the objective should take place under direction
and supervision.
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Assessment Schedule
Unit standard
Participate in a group or team which has an objective
Evidence requirements
Outcome 1
Evidence for achieved
Judgements for achieved
Participate in a team or group which has an objective.
Team or group objective is identified.
Part 1
Part 1
Own role in the team or group is identified.
Worksheet shows:
Contributions made are relevant to
achievement of the objective.
Range contributions include – ideas,
Questions are used to clarify and obtain
information from other team or group
Respect is shown for the contributions of
Actions relevant to achievement of the
objective are carried out in accordance
with the requirements and expectations of
the team or group.
Worksheet: Participation in a group/team
towards an objective
See sample answers for assessment carried
out in an Early Childhood Centre and a
garden nursery.
Learner identification of the group’s
objective and own role in the group/team.
At least one idea, and one piece of
information contributed by the learner to the
group that was relevant to achieving the
At least one relevant question used by the
learner to clarify information from other
group or team members.
At least one relevant question used by the
learner to obtain information from other
group or team members.
Two relevant actions taken by the learner
that contributed to the achievement of the
group’s objective.
At least one example to support how the
learner showed respect for the contributions
made by others.
Part 2
Verification statement
Learner demonstrates commitment to the
team or group through attendance and
completion of allocated tasks.
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Verification section on each page of worksheet
is signed and dated.
Part 2
All sections of the Verification statement are
Verification is signed and dated by someone in
a supervisory role with appropriate level of
responsibility to confirm contributions and
overall performance of the learner.
Judgements should be holistic, rather than based on a checklist approach.
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Sample answers for unit standard 9677
Participate in a group or team which has an objective
Part 1 answers for someone working in a garden nursery preparing
for a sale at Easter weekend
1. The group’s objective
What is the group’s objective?
Getting the nursery organised for the Easter sale.
2. Your role in the group
What is your role in the group / team?
I have to start checking for stock that is becoming root bound and put to one side to be
reduced for the sale.
I have to make sure all areas are clean and tidy, paths swept, rubbish like broken branches
put away and all the herbs and small pots are watered.
I have to make labels for sale stock.
Putting up banners two days before the sale.
3. Your contributions to the group
You must contribute ideas and information as your group works towards achieving its objective.
Give at least one example of an idea you contributed relevant towards achieving the group’s
I suggested we put a bargain bin by the counter to try and get rid of some of the special stock
in the shed left over from Christmas that didn’t sell.
Give at least one example of information you contributed relevant towards achieving the group’s
I said that I had notice that the rhododendron are not selling well and suggested these could be
included in the sale.
I mentioned the weather forecast for Saturday is really good so we may be even busier than
last year. Also it means that we will have to check the small pots like herbs etc more often for
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4. Asking questions to clarify and obtain information
You must ask questions to clarify and obtain information from other team members.
Give at least one example of a question you asked to clarify information from other team or group
I was asked to put the banners out before the sale but I wasn’t sure if “a couple of days before”
meant it had to be exactly two days or could be two or three days depending on how busy we
Give at least one example of a question you asked to obtain information from other team or group
I asked if the banners and flags will need cleaning before they go up as they have been in the
shed since the New Year sale.
5. Actions taken towards achieving the group’s objective
Give two examples of relevant actions taken by you that contributed to achieving your group’s
Put to one side all the root bound stock for two weeks before the sale.
Moved the large pots to the back of the nursery to make more space in the main area for the
reduced stock.
Made labels for the sale stock.
Cleaned the banners and flags.
Kept all the herbs and small pots watered during the days of the sale.
6. Showing respect towards other group members
Give at least one example that demonstrates how you showed respect towards the
contributions made by other members of the group.
The boss talked about how important it is to keep the place clean and tidy during the sale as it
can get very untidy very quickly – so I made a special effort to keep clearing rubbish such as
broken branches, dropped leaves etc.
My supervisor said that people are likely to come before opening time so I turned up to work
earlier than normal in case we opened early.
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Part 1 answers for someone working in an Early Childhood Centre
preparing for an end-of-year party
1. The group’s objective
What is the group’s objective?
Getting organised for the end of year party.
2. Your role in the group
What is your role in the group / team?
I am responsible for making sure my own room is decorated by the time of the party
I have to help the Centre cook with food for the children and families in my room.
I am going to monitor the Facebook page every up until the party.
3. Your contributions to the group
You must contribute ideas and information as your group works towards achieving its objective.
Give at least one example of an idea you contributed relevant towards achieving the group’s
That we invite the parent/volunteer group to help out earlier in the planning than we did last
I suggested doing a special invite in the first week of December, as well as a note in the
December newsletter, so that people can put the invite on their fridge or noticeboard as a
reminder of the date.
Give at least one example of information you contributed relevant towards achieving the group’s
Answers may include but are not limited to:
I provided numbers of children and family members that did / did not attend the Last party.
I provided collated feedback on what worked and did not work at the last party.
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4. Asking questions to clarify and obtain information
You must ask questions to clarify and obtain information from other team members.
Give at least one example of a question you asked to clarify information from other team or group
At the weekly team meeting I asked for a description of plans that would be in place for children
whose caregivers couldn’t attend, as this was a problem last year with some children feeling
left out.
I asked for clarification of the key learning outcomes in the curriculum that might be covered in
preparing for the party.
Give at least one example of a question you asked to obtain information from other team or group
I asked what food there would be for gluten intolerant children.
I asked if local businesses had been approached for sponsorship of the party so that we could
raise some money towards the presents for the Santa sack.
5. Actions taken towards achieving the group’s objective
Give two examples of relevant actions taken by you that contributed to achieving your group’s
I reviewed the curriculum documents for the whanau module and made suggestions for learning
activities associated with the party that could be incorporated into the module.
I provided some gluten free recipes for easy to make biscuits and cakes.
I called three local businesses to ask about sponsorship.
6. Showing respect towards other group members
Give at least one example that demonstrates how you showed respect towards the
contributions made by other members of the group.
I attended all the planning meetings, including coming in for a meeting on one of my days off.
I contributed positive ideas without criticising how some of the things that didn’t go well with the
Halloween party.
I got my room decorated a week before the party.
I Helped cook with the food for my room
I checked the Facebook page every day as I had said I would.
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Assessor guidelines
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 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016