Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Lake County Trail Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 3-5 PM DNR Headquarters, Two Harbors, MN In Attendance: Rick Goutermont, Lake County Commissioner; Ryan Stovern, Lake County GIS; Joe Russell, DNR; Clinton Little, DNR – Coastal Program; Larry Killien, DNR, Grand Rapids; Bob Risch, Gitchi Gami Trail Association; Swede Larson, City of Silver Bay; Bill Ylatupa, Silver Trail Riders; Nate Eide, Lake County Forestry; Ted Czaplicki, North Shore Adventure Riders; Eric Beck, Wild Country ATV Club; Judy Ness, Superior National Forest; Gayle Coyer, Superior Hiking Trail Association; Scott Larson, Lake County Trails Committee;; Carey Johnson, Lake County Sheriff; Sara Haavisto, Two Harbors Schools; Honor Schauland, Clair Nelson Center - Finland, Dean Thompson, Voyageur Snowmobile Club, Duane Lula, ARDC. 1. Welcome and Purpose of Meeting 2. Update on where we are in the process 3. Work Sessions – Split into three groups: Motorized (ATV, Snowmobile & Off-Highway Motorcycle) Hiking, Cross-County Skiing, and Two Harbors School Road biking, Mountain Biking, and Gitchi Gami Trail Maps of the existing trails for each trail type were provided to the groups. Each group to answer the following: What is the condition of the existing trails? Do they offer a quality experience? Are connectors to other trails, or to population centers needed? Are new trails needed? If so, where? It should be noted that the results in these notes are by the interest groups. For example, suggestions by the motorized group are related to motorized trails. They did not participate nor take a position on the hiking/skiing or biking proposals. And vice-versa. Overall Discussion of Need Connecting Two Harbors to the County Trail System. A key item that was recognized and discussed, regardless of the trail user group, is the need to better connect the City of Two Harbors (the largest population in the County) with the trail system in the rest of the County. The City is actively implementing their trail plan and continues to expand the trail system within the City limits. But connecting the City to the many trail resources that lie beyond the City limits is problematic because of the difficulty of crossing the private lands that surrounding the city. Most other population centers (Beaver Bay, Silver Bay, Finland, Isabella) are closely bordered by County, DNR or USFS lands where trails already exist, or are planned. Page 1 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Motorized group. Condition of existing designated trails: Red Dot, Moose Walk, Moose Run, and Stony Spur II – all in relatively good condition and providing a quality experience to users. Maintenance of the trails will be needed after the spring, but this will be done through regular GIA funding. Biffies at trailheads/shelters need to be handicapped accessible. All designated GIA snowmobile trails – good condition. Providing quality experience to users. ATV Connectors to other trails and population centers Extend CJ Ramstad Trail ATV use to Cook County Line. Currently only scheduled to have ATV use on CJ Ramstad Trail from Lake County Demo Forest to Moose Walk/Run trail. Much of the section between Moose Run and would cross DNR (State Forest) and USFS (Superior National Forest) lands. Connect Two Harbors and Shore to the CJ Ramstad trail and on to DNR and USFS travel routes to the north. Option 1 - Establish designated trails – best solution if it can be done. Option 2 - Allow Class 1 ATV use on right shoulder of certain County Roads (County Ordinance). Cook County has sent letter to Lake County requesting this. CR 6 would provide access from Little Marais up to Finland and intersection with CR 7. CR 7 would provide ATV access to CJ Ramstad/Moose Walk/Moose Run Trails as well as the entire northeast portion of County and to all the USFS and DNR ATV travelroutes. It would allow riders to patronize the Trestle Inn and businesses in Finland. In addition, it would provide ATV connections to Cook County’s system. Cook County 3 (Perent Lake Road) connects unto the northerly end of Lake County Road 7 CR 8 – allowing ATV use on the approximately 3 miles of CR 8 would provide an ATV connection to Cook County 1 (Cramer Road). This section ties into CR 7 and provides a system of routes to businesses, designated ATV trails and ATV routes between the two counties. CR 3 – would provide access to the CJ Ramstad Trail – but not as high a priority as CRs 7&8. ATV Connector along White Road (through private land near Phantom Lake) Distance of just over 1 mile. White Road connects with Stony River Road and provides good ATV access, but this missing section would tie in additional miles of use to the west of Phantom Lake. ATV Connector to Shore near Castle Danger – Connect Nestor Grade (existing ATV use) with West Castle Danger Road/Rustic Inn by using existing Snowmobile trail behind Rustic Inn. ATV and Snowmobile Connector between CJ Ramstad Trail and Two Harbors – Access CJ Ramstad trail from Two Harbors by constructing a trail through County lands between Dufresne Road and Reeves Road. Then use Gas line through County land south of Reeves Road to Waldo Page 2 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Road, and then follow the West Corridor Snowmobile Trail down the Minnesota Power line to Hwy 61 west of Two Harbors. Additional Trailheads ATV Trailhead Needed in the Isabella Area. With the extensive ATV travelroutes in the area, a trailhead is needed that is large enough for parking with ATV trailers, but close to gas and food (the Knotty Pine in Isabella) Potential Options 1. Trailhead east of Knotted Pine. The land immediately west of Knotted Pine is privately owned. Land to the east of Knotted Pine is Forest Service. Class 1 & 2 ATVs are allowed to run on the Little Isabella Road just north of Little Isabella River. The Yukon Snowmobile Trail crosses the Little Isabella River and intersects the Little Isabella Road. It also intersects with MN Hwy 1 just east of the Knotted Pine. If the river crossing can be strengthened or made suitable for ATV crossing and the approx. ½ mile of Yukon Trail can be made suitable for ATV use, a trailhead could be established adjacent to Highway 1, the Knotted Pine, and along a route that would provide access to the larger ATV travelroute system in this part of the county. A trailhead in this location could tie in well with a proposal for the nearby Little Isabella River Campground. The USFS maintains a campground approximately 1 mile from the Knotted Pine, and is considering adding an ATV trail to the campground, and allowing ATV use within the campground. 2. Trailhead at Intersection of Hwy 1 & Stony River Grade. A second alternative for a Trailhead is at the intersection of the Stony River Grade (DM&IR grade) and Highway 1. An area either on the north or south side of Highway 1 could be used as a Trailhead. The Stony River Grade provides access for Class 1 & 2 ATVs throughout the area. The trailhead would be located approximately 2 miles from the Knotted Pine, and about an equal distance from downtown Isabella. Potential Multi-use Trailhead at Fairgrounds The idea of a trailhead at the Fairgrounds was raised. It could provide parking for Snowmobiles (trails go nearby), the Two Harbors Agate paved trail, the Errki Harju Ski Trail, and the Two Harbors High School Hiking and ski trail. Off Highway and Dual Use Motorcycles For county pits that are coming close to retirement, consider using these as areas for Dirt bike use, or also mountain bike use. The pits would need to be located away from residential areas. Need to get information from County Engineer on locations of potential pits for this use. Page 3 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Investigate whether ATV trails near County Demo Forest can be used for Off-Highway motorcycles, as they are currently marked as “ATVs Only”. This may be a restriction with the Grant-in-Aid permit. Page 4 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Biking Group Road Biking Opportunities Existing Sections of Gitchi Gami State Trail – Trail is in good condition and provides a quality riding experience. However, at this time it is not a huge draw for the County because it is incomplete. The section from Gooseberry Falls State Park to Beaver Bay is a quality section that will be improved when the connector between Beaver Bay and Silver Bay is completed (scheduled for 2014). Completion of the rest of the trail in Lake County is probably many years away and will be very expensive. A group made up of Cook Co, Lake Co., DNR, DOT, and trail groups will be meeting over the next several months to update plans and priorities for Gitchi Gami Trail. Routes on Existing Roads – The group identified several routes along existing roads that could be mapped and promoted as various lengths of loop routes for road biking. Some were along roads with existing wide paved shoulders. Others along roads where wider paved shoulders would be beneficial when the County re-surfaces the roads. Silver Bay (CR 5) – Lax Lake Road – State Highway 1 – this is the route of an existing annual ride event. Each of these roads would benefit riders by having wider shoulders. Beaver Bay (CR 4) – CR 5 – Gitchi Gami Trail Loop – this would be a short loop from Beaver Bay up CR 4 (to get wider shoulders with 2014 paving) then to CR 5 (needs wider shoulders) and then on to the Gitchi Gami Trail to return to CR 4. The Gitchi Gami connector between Beaver Bay and Silver Bay is scheduled to be built in 2014. Also, the trailhead at the Beaver River and Hwy 61 is planned to be constructed in 2014 and could serve as the starting point for this and other bike routes. Beaver Bay (CR 4) – FH 11 – CR 2 – Gun Club Rd – Hwy 61 – Gitchi Gami Trail Loop – this would be a long riding loop that would include a large section of FH 11 (the Superior National Forest Scenic Byway), as well as using nearly all the completed portion of the Gitchi Gami Trail. CR 4 is expected to get wide shoulders when resurfaced in 2014. FH 11 has wide shoulders, as does CR 2 from Sullivan Lake south. Parts of Gun Club Road and West Castle Danger Road are gravel. The relatively short (approx. 1 mile section of Hwy 61 has a 10 foot shoulder to ride on. From there, the remainder of the trail is on the paved Gitchi Gami Trail. This route takes riders through 2 state parks and along the Superior National Forest Scenic Byway. Trailheads can be at any of several locations – The state park lots, waysides along Hwy 61, the parking lot along CR 2, and the future trailhead at Beaver River (2014) Northern County Loop – Hwy 1 (Ilgen City) – Finland- Isabella – Hwy 2 (near Camper Lake) –Hwy 11 –CR 4- Hwy 1 This routes takes riders through the more northern part of the County and can return them to their start, or finish in Two Harbors, depending upon the route they take. New State Wayside at Tettagouche State Park can be one of the trailheads for this route. The Clair Nelson Center in Finland is another trailhead. County Wayside at intersection of State Hwy 1 and CR 2 is another trailhead, as is the Page 5 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 parking area on CR 2 east of the Dufresne Road. The shoulders on SH 1, and CR 2 (north of FH 11) would benefit from widening of the shoulders. Timber Frear-Cross River-Ringer Loop – This is a 21.6 loop that was identified many years ago as a bike route. It is on gravel roads that surround the Timber-Frear area on the border of Lake and Cook County. Being on gravel, it is somewhat a hybrid between road biking and mountain biking route. Forest Service commented that they have not publicized the route for many years, and that it is probably not a very desirable bike route. Mountain Biking Opportunities While there are several trails current identified as mountain biking routes, all of these trails have another primary trail designation and were not built with mountain biking in mind. They provide a fair mountain bike experience, but not the challenge or experience sought by more avid or experienced mountain bikers. Existing Trails Co-Designated as Mountain Bike Trails Gooseberry Falls State Park (DNR) – Most of the hiking trails in the park are codesignated as mountain bike trails. Split Rock Lighthouse State Park (DNR) – 6 miles of hiking trails co-designated as mountain bike trails. Red Dot ATV Trail (GIA) – Much of this ATV trails is co-designated as a mountain bike trail (primarily the two eastern loops) Flathorn Gegoka Ski Trail (USFS) - All 16.7 miles of this Cross Country Ski Trail is codesignated as mountain bike trail. Other trails/roads identified as mountain bike routes – Several roads and trails are identified in the databases of their managers as mountain bike routes. However, they are either on paved or gravel roads, or paved trails and would not provide a quality mountain bike experience. Cross River Road (USFS)– short section of gravel road by Timber-Frear area. Gitchi Gami Trail (DNR)– 1 mile section at Silver Cliff tunnel. Gitchi Gami Trail (DNR)– from Split Rock State Park to Beaver River. Tettagouche Camp Road (DNR)– from CR 4 to Tettagouche lake. Opportunities for new Mountain Bike Trails Lake County and the North Shore of Lake Superior are ideally suited for mountain biking, and according to several bikers, including members of IMBA, the area has the potential to be a national destination for mountain biking. There is a huge population of bike riders in the Twin Cities metro area. Minneapolis was recently named the #1 bike city in the country. There is an active Mountain Biking Community in the northland, with mountain bike trails existing and Page 6 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 expanding in Duluth and also in Cook County. Recent club-built and maintained trails in Cook County include Sugarbush and Pincusion trails, built specifically as single-track trails for mountain bikes. Buck Mountain Area – a lot of good topography, a large area of County Lands adjacent to State Park (DNR) land, good views, Access primarily from the south via Split Rock State Park and their mountain bike trails. Alger Grade – near London Crossing – good topography, huge area of County land, access to area along CR 3, the Alger Grade, and also via the CJ Ramstad trail. Alger Grade – near Hwy 2 - good topography, sufficient County land (but not as extensive as the other two locations), easy access via Hwy 2, CJ Ramstad trail and can use existing large trailhead lot for CJ Ramstad trail. Both Alger Grade locations have the benefit of being close to Two Harbors for use by locals as well as hotels, restaurants, etc for visitors. Lake County Demo Forest trails – The trails at the Lake County Demonstration Forest could be co-designated as mountain bike trails. As with the other co-designated trails, these would be pseudo-mountain bike trails that would provide only fair mountain biking opportunities. Page 7 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Hiking and Cross-Country Skiing Group Hiking Trails The group felt that Lake County has a nice mix of paved and single-track hiking trails, as well as a good mix of both loop and long-distance trails. Condition of Existing Hiking Trails Superior Hiking Trail – Perhaps the area’s premier attraction. Ranked by Reader’s Digest, National Geographic, and Backpacker Magazine as among the best in the nation. Well maintained and can serve as a model of how to develop, organize and maintain a long hiking trail. State Park Trails – Many heavily used (Especially Gooseberry and Split Rock), generally well maintained. Promoted through DNR state park website and park maps. Gitchi Gami Trail – paved trail, co-designated as bike trail. Connects Gooseberry, Split Rock and Beaver Bay. Good condition. CJ Ramstad/North Shore Trail – multi-use trail co-designated as hiking trail. Not significant use as hiking trail, as SHT traverses County in parallel direction and offers better hiking and more scenic views. Some areas wet. Two Harbors City Trails – Well maintained walking trail system within the City, with additional trails being added. Sonju Trail, along the lakeshore is the best-kept secret and should be promoted to residents and vistors alike. Silver Bay Overlook Trail – generally good condition. Great views. Should be promoted. Lake County Demonstration Forest Trails – generally good condition. Need signage to direct trailer parking (ATV and Snowmobile) to parking on Briton Pit road, and hiker/biker parking to other area near kiosk and toilets. Sullivan Lake Trail – 2 mile trail around lake by Sullivan State Forest Campground. Need to locate on the map. Condition unknown. White Pine Interpretive Trail – at White Pine Picnic Area along CR 2. Short interp trail through area of large, old growth white pine. A unique experience. Good trail condition. Forest Service Short Trails – various short (generally < 2 miles) trails located adjacent to USFS campgrounds or other features. Could market these to visitors who like to do a lot of driving roads through the forest, and then get out and do short hikes. Trails are in good condition. Forest Service Wilderness Trails Kekekabic Trail – long distance linear trail. Need to be experienced to hike. No signage, trail sometimes difficult to follow. Pow Wow Trail – Long distance loop trail. Challenging. Difficult to follow due to recent fire. Snowbank Lake Trail – approx.. 2/3 within wilderness, 1/3 outside wilderness. Gets more use by public and in better condition than Kek or Pow Wow. No signage due to being in Wilderness. Page 8 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Hunter Walking Trails – these are not hiking trails per se, but rather trails to walk for hunting, usually grouse. There are three trails managed by the DNR (Glipi and Greenstone along the Fernberg and Split Rock – two parallel trails off of the CJ Ramstad trail). One trail is managed by the USFS – Kane Lake off the Kane Lake Road. All are in OK, but not good shape. Wolf Ridge Trails – what to say here – check with Gail. Connectors and Additional Hiking Trails The group generally felt that there were adequate hiking trails in the County, and many (except the short, area-specific trails) were well connected. The Superior Hiking Trail, CJ Ramstad/North Shore Trail, and the completed portions of the Gitchi Gami Trail do a good job of providing connections between attractions (such as State Parks), communities, and trailheads. The one exception to this is a connection to Two Harbors, the largest population center in the county, and on the north shore. While the City of Two Harbors has a good trail system, and is continuing to expand that system, connections beyond the city limits to existing trail resources are limited. This is in part due to the lack of public lands surrounding the city for several miles. Superior Hiking Trail connector to Two Harbors At present, the Superior Hiking Trail intersects CR 2 approximately 5 miles north of Two Harbors. The location of the new High School, and the recent construction of the paved Agate trail from Two Harbors to the school may provide an opportunity for tying the Superior Hiking trail in with any new School trails built in the area. Currently there is a linear gap of approximately 2 miles between the School’s existing trail and the closest location of the Superior Hiking Trail. Using County land, that gap could be shortened to approximately 1 linear mile. However, the remaining 1 mile gap is private lands, where acquiring ROW may be difficult. Opportunities for making this connection should continue to be explored, especially if tied into any future school trails that are established in the area. Two Harbors High School – There is interest in additional trails in the vicinity of the High School and the nearby County Fairgrounds. Much of this interest is in additional ski trails, but some could possibly be co-designated as hiking trails for summer use. Page 9 of 10 Lake Co. Trails Comp. Plan Meeting Notes April 24, 2013 Cross Country Ski Trails The group thought that Lake County had a pretty good set of Cross Country ski trails located throughout the County. They also believed that people looking for a much more extensive cross-country ski experience would head up the shore to Cook County which claims to have the largest cross country ski trail system in North America. Condition of Existing Cross Country Ski Trails State Park Ski Trails – Ski Trail systems at Gooseberry Falls, Split Rock Lighthouse, Tettagouce provide a good experience and are attractive to visitors (skiing in a state park). Errki Harju Trail – Good condition and easily accessible to residents of Two Harbors as well as visitors. Two Harbors High School Trail – short, ½ mile trail in decent shape. Potential for expansion. Northwoods Ski Trail – Silver Bay. Good experience, but better parking/parking lot, better signage and some trail widening needed. Gitchi Gami Trail – co-designated as cross-country ski trails. Probably serve more as a ski connector between parks. CJ Ramstad/North Shore Trail – co-designated as a cross-country ski trail, but also serves as a snowmobile trail, so probably not very good quality skiing. Lake County Demo Forest – hiking trails are co-designated as cross country ski trails. Limited distance and not currently groomed. Fair experience. Flathorn-Gekoga Trail – Good quality trail, located off Highway 1 in Isabella area. Trails in or near Fernberg Corridor Flash Lake Jasper Hills Triangle Lake – not groomed Hidden Valley, Deer Trail – small portion in Lake County, mostly in St. Louis County. South Farm Lake – mostly inside the Wilderness. Potential for New or Expanded Cross Country Ski Trails Lake County Demo Forest – grooming of existing trails (would need GIA funded), and possible expansion of trails systems. Two Harbors High School - Additional Trails near the school and the nearby County Fairgrounds. Northwoods Ski Trail – Silver Bay – need better parking, better signage along trail, and some widening of trail in specific areas. Page 10 of 10