
Seed Storage Project in Choluteca, Honduras
Pre-Trip Documentation
Trip: May 4 – May 18, 2013
Submitted May 01, 2013
Matt McCracken
Anthony Re
Emmy Schroder
Kevin Zeng
Trip Resident Directors:
Dr. Roger Dzwonczyk (Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology)
Miriam Cater (M.S. in Mechanical Engineering)
Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Participants ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Problem statement/Needs Assessment ....................................................................................................... 5
Scope of work (SOW)/specific objectives ..................................................................................................... 6
Deliverables................................................................................................................................................... 6
Statement of sustainability & ownership ..................................................................................................... 6
Research/Design/Build.................................................................................................................................. 7
Seed Conditions ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Initial Ideas .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Refrigerator with Solar Panel Attachment ................................................................................................ 8
Vacuum Sealed Plastic Bags .................................................................................................................. 9
Vacuum Sealed Jars............................................................................................................................... 9
Jar .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
DIY Dehumidifier ................................................................................................................................... 9
Underground crawl space ....................................................................................................................... 10
Final Design ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Pre-Trip Project Materials/Costs................................................................................................................. 13
Project Schedule ......................................................................................................................................... 14
............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Estimated Trip Schedule: (1~10days).......................................................................................................... 14
In-Country Implementation ........................................................................................................................ 14
Implementation/Installation ................................................................................................................... 14
Issues Encountered ................................................................................................................................. 15
Testing Results ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Test1 : Humidity/Temperature ............................................................................................................... 16
Test 2 : Power Usage............................................................................................................................... 17
List of Supplies ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Post-Trip Results ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Objectives achieved/Deliverables ........................................................................................................... 17
Issues encountered ................................................................................................................................. 18
Final Cost Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Conclusions Regarding the project and the Technology ............................................................................ 19
Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................................... 20
References .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Appendix I: Project Proposal ....................................................................................................................... 22
Appendix II: Team Agreement .................................................................................................................... 25
The purpose of this project is to design and build a fully functioning long-term seed
storage system for World Gospel Missions in Choluteca, Honduras. There is currently no
method of preserving garden seeds used in the local communities. World Gospel Missions itself
will have complete ownership of the system. To achieve storage for one year, seeds must be
maintained at low temperatures in low humidity environments. The ultimate goal is for the
system implemented in Choluteca to be used as a seed bank for local communities.
Team Members
Kevin Zeng
Anthony Re
Matt McCracken
Emmy Schroder
Trip Directors
o Roger Dzwonczyk, Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology
o Miriam Cater, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Beginning in 2010, ECOS, Dr. John Merrill, and the Office of International Affairs have
pursued an interest in coordinating and implementing humanitarian engineering projects in
Choluteca, Honduras. Based on a recent interest by Larry and Angie Overholt, a four member
team has been created with the intention of constructing a means to store seeds for the
community. As it is the first year that this particular project will be pursued, we will be starting
with a used refrigerator that is currently available to us. The ultimate goal of the project is the
hope that the seed storage unit becomes instrumental in Larry’s hopes to promote both
community and individual home gardens.
Problem statement/Needs Assessment
There is a current need for a means to store seeds for the community in Choluteca,
Honduras for up to a year at a time, or until they are needed for the next planting season. There
are a wide variety of seeds that need to be stored including, but not limited to melons, beans,
squash, peppers, papaya, okra, spices, onion, radish and lettuce. Many of these seeds will
degrade or otherwise not survive during the hot dry season with temperatures over 100 degrees
Fahrenheit and the rainy season with heavy amounts of precipitation and high humidity. The
unit will serve to protect the seeds from high temperatures, humid conditions, insects, seedeating small animals, mold, mildew, etc. until planting them is viable.
Based on our conversation with our partner Larry Overholt, we will be storing the seeds
inside a conventional refrigerator with dimensions around 24"x36"x70". The temperature will be
controlled at around 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit. The main problem will be maintaining humidity
because the humidity of a refrigerator can fluctuate greatly. High humidity will lead to poor seed
germination. The seeds must also be placed inside a container within the refrigerator; container
dimensions and materials must be optimized to minimize contamination and humidity while
maximizing storage space.
Another component of this project is to create a method of seed dehydration to preserve
seeds collected after the initial batch.
Scope of work (SOW)/specific objectives
Our partner is creating a collection of seeds in hopes of distributing them to the people of
Choluteca; the people can then culture their own gardens with flora for food and decoration. Our
work is to create an easy to use, and effective storage unit for the seeds until the growing
season. The objective is to provide a method of drying the seeds and storing them in an existing
refrigerator as well as the necessary equipment while using as many locally available items as
possible. We will be assessing the status and options for the storage containers as well as means
to regulate the temperature and humidity of the system. This storage system will be able to serve
as a seed bank for the mission. The owner of the mission house will also be trained to use the
equipment necessary for the seed storage.
We plan to deliver equipment capable of storing seeds in a refrigerator for one year in an
existing refrigerator. This includes modifications to the conventional refrigerator that we obtain,
a dehumidifying device, and a set of seed containers. In addition we plan to deliver equipment
capable of drying the seeds for storage. Finally, we will deliver sets of instructions concerning
constructing, using, and maintaining the seed storage system for our partners in Choluteca so that
the system will last several years and could even be potentially duplicated.
Statement of sustainability & ownership
The ownership of the seed storage system will begin with Larry and Angie Overholt and
will expand henceforth to the surrounding community. The mission house along with the
surrounding community will develop ownership of the system through the seeds they contribute
from their own harvesting and usage. The community will also develop an understanding of the
best way to utilize the system and to maintain the equipment necessary if needed. This, along
with the use of as many locally available items as possible, will enable the system to be
sustainable. While the main source of power for the refrigerator will be the power grid in
Honduras, the dehumidifier and any other related devices will be powered by greener
methods. However, eventually alternative energy sources could be incorporated to power the
Seed Conditions
There are a number of factors that must be considered when storing seeds. Most seeds
can be kept in storage for around one year without a significant decrease in germination. If
placed in the right conditions, the seed’s lifetime can be expanded to over 10 years. The most
important conditions for quality seed storage is temperature and seed moisture, which is related
to the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. For most seed types, lower temperature
and lower relative humidity will lead to longer storage ability. The general relationship between
storage temperature and environment relative humidity is shown in the equation below [1].
Eq. 1 𝐹° + 𝑅𝐻 ≤ 100
Thus, at a temperature of 40°F, the surroundings of the seeds must be below 60% humidity. A
table of the relative humidity required for various vegetable seeds at 40°F is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. RH humidity requirements for various seed types at 40°F.
Sweet Corn
Another factor important to long-term seed storage is how the seeds are dried. The best
method is slow drying under the sun. Faster methods like microwaving and oven baking should
be avoided because it can reduce the germination ability of the seeds.
Initial Ideas
Refrigerator with Solar Panel Attachment
One method of reducing temperature and humidity is the place the seeds inside a
Temperature is easily regulated and most refrigerators contain built-in
desiccators. This combination makes refrigeration a very attractive choice, but it has one major
drawback. Refrigerators require electricity, which is not always available in the low-income,
rural parts of Honduras that we are serving. One possible solution is to connect the refrigerator
to a solar panel, but panels are expensive and affordable ones will not provide the necessary
400+ W for continuous function. Another possible problem is that the humidity inside a
refrigerator fluctuates when the door is opened.
If we are to use a refrigerator, it must be used in conjunction to a seed container, of which
there are many choices each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Vacuum Sealed Plastic Bags
Advantage: Cheaper, Lighter
Disadvantage: Porous surface (allows moisture penetration over time), can be ripped,
must vacuum seal (relatively cheap)
Vacuum Sealed Jars
Advantage: Durable, prevents moisture penetration
Disadvantage: More expensive, more difficult to withdraw and deposit seeds, must
vacuum seal (relatively cheap)
Advantage: cheap, no need for vacuum sealing
Disadvantage: allow moisture to seep in over time
DIY Dehumidifier
If the humidity of the refrigerator is still not low enough, or if it increases too much from
opening the door, a homemade dehumidifier can be implemented. The mechanism is a two
tiered system. The top layer contains desiccants, water absorbing materials like calcium
chloride, charcoal, or rock salt. Water will be taken from the air by the desiccant material and it
will collect on the bottom of the top tray. The bottom layer is just an empty tray. A hole will be
punched through the top tray so that the water will fall into the bottom tray, which should be
dumped every few weeks when it becomes full. This device will lower the relative humidity of
the environment by around 10% [2]. A schematic of the device is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. DIY Dehumidifier schematic.
Underground crawl space
One method of reducing temperature is to dig a small crawl space, which would create a
passive cooling system. Minimizing or removing energy costs is very important for low income
area of Honduras that do not have access to electrical supplies. Temperature drops with
decreasing elevation for warm climates like that of Honduras. Ground temperature is much more
constant than air temperature and it generally floats at around 45-55°F [3]. An image showing
this effect is displayed in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Temperature relative to depth in ground.
The depth necessary will depend on the location of the build. Some locations only require 4 ft,
while others might require 10-15 ft. This method will not lower temperature as effectively as a
refrigerator but there are no energy costs, which is very important for places without power
sources. This technique does not reduce humidity, which will make vacuum sealed jars
necessary. Structures will also need to be put in place to prevent rain from entering the crevice.
Final Design
It was a few weeks into our research when we were notified that a power source and
refrigerator was available, which made the design decision much easier. Pictures of the
refrigerator that will be used are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Pictures of the refrigerator we will be using.
The temperature will be set at 38°F. We were able to send hygrometers to our contact’s location,
and the humidity measurements were read at 12%. This is much lower than the below 50% that
is necessary, so additional measures do not need to be taken against humidity.
We were also told that jars are available. Because jars are more durable than plastic bags,
we will be using glass jars. Glass jars also have the property of being relatively chemically inert.
Because the refrigerator is so dry, it is not necessary to vacuum seal these jars. One measure
than can be taken is to wrap the opening of the jar with a layer of duct tape. We found that this
technique greatly improves the seal between the cap and jar opening. Different seeds will be
placed in separately labeled jars, after which the jars will be placed in the refrigerator for longterm storage.
A DIY dehumidifier was built as a precaution, and it is shown in Figure 4. This will be
taken to Choluteca and placed inside the refrigerator.
Figure 4. DIY dehumidifier trays.
Pre-Trip Project Materials/Costs
Plastic Trays
Obtained In
Cost (USD)
Duct Tape
Project Schedule
Seed Storage - Project Schedule
Team Agreement
Project Proposal
Cost Analysis
Pre-Trip Presentation
Pre-Trip Documentation
Final Presentation
Final Docomentation
Estimated Trip Schedule: (1~10days)
Day 1: Gather remaining materials needed
Day 2: Check placement of grain system
Days 3-6: Construction of dehydrator
Days 7-8: Complete whole system (adding all steps together)
Days 9-10: Troubleshooting, problems that come about while in Honduras
In-Country Implementation
The implementation portion of the project consisted mainly of building the desiccator and
placing it inside a refrigerator that was readily available and testing it for the conditions
necessary for proper seed storage. We then had to put jars into the refrigerator. Unfortunately,
our contact has not yet obtained the seeds that need to be stored so instead we gave them the
instructions necessary for proper seed storage for when the seeds are obtained.
Issues Encountered
We encountered several issues when Larry told us to use a different refrigerator than the
one that was previously agreed upon (happened 1 week into the trip). This was because the
initial refrigerator was relatively large and they wanted to use it for other purposes. One problem
with the new refrigerator, which was much smaller than the older fridge, was that the desiccator
might not have fit inside. However, we found that the desiccator was 12.5”x12.5” so it just
barely fit in the new fridge.
Original Refrigerator Dimensions
Freezer compartment-H-14", W-25", D-14"
Refrigerator compartment H-42", W-26", D-20"
New Refrigerator Dimensions
Freezer compartment-H-12", W-13", D-13"
Refrigerator compartment-H-30", W-13", D-13"
We tried using the new refrigerator as Larry asked, but it failed to meet the standards
required for us to use it as an effective seed storing unit. Unfortunately, we found that the new
refrigerator was not as effective as the initial refrigerator. While the temperature in the new
refrigerator was fine, the humidity could not be set at levels necessary to keep moisture out of the
jars. In the end, we asked Larry to return to the old refrigerator and he agreed that it was
necessary. Additionally, there were no seeds for us to actually test the storing system with.
Instead, we left Larry with the instructions for storing the seeds when he obtains them.
Testing Results
Test1 : Humidity/Temperature
The data collected for the original refrigerator is shown in Table 2, while the data
collected for the new refrigerator is shown in Table 3. An extra test was performed for the new
refrigerator where a jar is placed in the refrigerator. A hygrometer is then placed inside that jar.
Table 2. Initial refrigerator temperature and humidity.
Temperature (°F)
Humidity (%)
Total Fridge
Table 3. New refrigerator temperature and humidity.
Temperature (°F)
Humidity (%)
Humidity in Jar (%)
Total Fridge
Total Jar
The temperature and humidity of the original refrigerator were both within the required
range for long term seed storage; however, the new refrigerator cannot fulfill these requirements.
The total fridge value for the small refrigerator was over 100 both days it was measured; the
humidity inside the jar is lower than that of the refrigerator environment. The problem is that
without vacuum sealing moisture can easily seep in from the refrigerator air into the jar, spoiling
the stored seeds. These results caused us to request for the original refrigerator. Unfortunately,
we could not perform a test to quantify the efficacy of the desiccator.
Test 2 : Power Usage
The power usage of the new refrigerator was measured using an all-in-one outlet meter.
The values measured by the meter are shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Power usage measurements.
Voltage Power Factor VA Power (W)
The voltage is normal. The power factor is the ratio of Power to VA, which is the
apparent power. 0.63 Power factor is a normal value for household appliances so it is neither
efficient nor inefficient. The financial cost of the electricity used comes to about $60 each year.
This is a pretty high cost, but buying solar panels for alternative energy is much more expensive.
The average refrigerator uses around 400 W. A 150 W solar panel is $500 USD, so we will need
3 of those. Buying electricity is still the most efficient method. The cost of the old refrigerator
should be slightly greater, but still affordable.
List of Supplies
The refrigerator, jars, and duct tape were provided by Larry Overholt. We provided the
desiccators made of 2 plastic containers with the one filled with charcoal as well as 2
hygrometers and a hygrometer/thermometer combination device. All three of those measuring
tools were used to determine the humidity and temperature of the new refrigerator and were left
with Larry for his use.
Post-Trip Results
Objectives achieved/Deliverables
The main objective of this project was to design a system in which WGM could store a
somewhat large amount of seeds for about the length of a year for planting in the local
community. The seeds had to be stored in cooler and drier conditions than what the climate of
Honduras typically offers. However, because we found out that Larry’s refrigerator and its builtin desiccator more than fulfilled the requirements necessary, for seed storage most of our work
was completed even before we arrived in Choluteca.
The project was a success because the desiccator was correctly built and the original
refrigerator provided by Larry will not allow a large amount of moisture to enter the jars which
would cause the seeds to rot. Though the second refrigerator Larry provided us could not meet
the required specifications, the original was still able to provide the conditions necessary for
proper seed storage. In the future, Larry will be able to store 26,740 in3 worth of seeds in his
refrigerator by simply adding seeds to a jar, lightly duct taping around the lid of the jar, and
popping the jar into the refrigerator.
Issues encountered
The final design was to use the original refrigerator with an additional desiccator. An
ambient temperature/hygrometer gauge is placed inside the refrigerator to allow for constant
monitoring. The temperature and humidity measurements were in the acceptable range so there
were not too many issues. Unfortunately, we could not test the difference that real seeds make.
Final Cost Analysis
The final cost of the project is the same as projected before the trip. This is shown again in
Table 5.
Table 5. Final cost analysis.
Obtained In
Cost (USD)
Plastic Trays (2)
Duct Tape
The parts themselves were very affordable because our contact, Larry, already had a
refrigerator in hand. Otherwise, it would have been very expensive. The upkeep price of the
system is fairly high though at $60 USD a year. Depending on the amount of seed that is
needed, this can be worth the cost.
Conclusions Regarding the project and the Technology
In conclusion, the project was a great success. What started off as a very difficult
problem with extremely complex solutions was stripped down to the essentials and the result was
a very basic and inexpensive method to store the seeds. The seeds will be able to be simply
stored in a standard refrigerator inside taped jars to prevent moisture from leaking in.
process, while simple in nature, is very inexpensive and eliminates preventatives such as silica
gels and vacuum sealing devices which are not necessary for maintaining proper seed storage
conditions. The jars will be reusable and the size of the storage space in the refrigerator will
allow Larry to store more than he needs to in seeds. The purpose of this project was to find a
way for Larry to be able to store seeds for a full year so that he can begin introducing private
gardening in the community; with the combined refrigerator/desiccators system, we completed
our task in one of the most inexpensive ways possible.
In the future, it might be prudent to add a means of powering the refrigerator by
alternative means such as solar or wind. As it stands, the refrigerator uses relatively expensive
electrical power from the Honduran power grid. Weeding the refrigerator off of that system
would help alleviate the cost on Larry and be more environmentally sustainable. Additionally, it
might be beneficial to substitute the larger refrigerator with a smaller one if Larry finds that he
has too much room for storing seeds and can find a better use for the larger refrigerator.
Naturally, this new refrigerator will have to be able to keep the seeds below a temperature of 40
degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity unlike the other fridge we tested in Honduras. Finally,
once Larry obtains seeds and stores them in the unit, it may be a good idea to analyze the
efficiency of the refrigerator as a seed storage unit to make sure it is keeping the seeds from
rotting. Since Larry did not have seeds readily available and we did not have several months to
spend in Honduras, we were not able to actually make sure the seeds will be able to survive a
whole year. We are quite positive that they will based on our research, but it would be nice to
make absolute sure that the seed storage unit will be as effective as we believe it will be.
We would like to thank the following people for their contributions to our project.
Roger Dzwonczyk (daily support)
 Miriam Cater (daily support)
Larry Overholt (created opportunity for this project, guidance and foreign liaison)
Angie Overholt (created opportunity for this project, guidance and foreign liaison)
 Dr. John Merrill (created opportunity for this project)
1. “Effect of Storage Conditions on Seed Shelf Life,”
http://www.seedquest.com/id/r/rogers/pdf/seedstorage.pdf, Rogers. May 2006. Last visited
2. “An Easy DIY Dehumidifier,” http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/522049-easy-diydehumidifier.html, Grasscity. December 12, 2009. Last visited 4/15/13.
3. “Temperature Below Ground,” http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/747431.html,
Google. July 18, 2006. Last visited 4/16/13.
Appendix I: Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Seed Storage
Team Members
Kevin Zeng
Anthony Re
Matt McCracken
Emmy Schroder
Beginning in 2010, ECOS, Dr. John Merrill, and the Office of International Affairs have
pursued an interest in coordinating and implementing humanitarian engineering projects in
Choluteca, Honduras. Based on a recent interest by Larry and Angie Overholt, a four member
team, lead by Dr. Dzwoncyzk has been created with the intention of constructing a means to
store seeds for the community. As it is the first year that this particular project will be pursued,
we will be starting with a used refrigerator that is currently available to us. The ultimate goal
being that the seed storage unit becomes instrumental in Larry’s hopes to promote both
community and individual home gardens.
Problem statement/needs assessment
There is a current need for a means to store seeds for the community in Choluteca,
Honduras for up to a year at a time, or until they are needed for the next planting season. There
are a wide variety of seeds that need to be stored including, but not limited to melons, beans,
squash, peppers, papaya, okra, and spices. We will also purchase some seeds such as onion,
radish and lettuce to redistribute for community gardens. Many of these seeds will degrade or
otherwise not survive during the hot dry season with temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit
and the rainy season with heavy amounts of precipitation. The unit will serve to protect the
seeds until planting them is viable.
Based on our conversation with our partner Larry Overholt, we will be storing the seeds
inside a conventional refrigerator with dimensions around 24"x36"x70". The temperature will be
controlled at around 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit. The main problem will be maintaining humidity
because the humidity of a refrigerator can fluctuate greatly. High humidity will lead to poor seed
germination. The seeds must also be placed inside a container within the refrigerator; container
dimensions and materials must be optimized to minimize contamination and humidity while
maximizing storage space.
Once the seed storage component of this project is complete, the next step will be to
create a method of seed dehydration to preserve seeds collected after the initial batch.
Scope of work (SOW)/specific objectives
Our partner is creating a collection of seeds in hopes of distributing them to the people of
Choluteca; the people can then culture their own gardens with flora for food and decoration. Our
work is to create an easy to use, but effective storage unit for the seeds until the growing season.
The objective is to provide a method of drying the seeds and storing them in an existing
refrigerator as well as the necessary equipment while using as many locally available items as
possible. We will be assessing the status and options for the storage containers as well as means
to regulate the temperature and pressure of the system. This storage system will be able to serve
as a seed bank for the mission. The owner of the mission house will also be trained to use the
equipment necessary for the seed storage.
We plan to deliver equipment capable of storing seeds in a refrigerator for one year in an
existing refrigerator. This includes modifications to the conventional refrigerator that we obtain,
a dehumidifying device, and a set of seed containers. In addition we plan to deliver equipment
capable of drying the seeds for storage.
Statement of sustainability & ownership
The ownership of the seed storage system will begin with Larry and Angie Overholt and
will expand henceforth to the outer community. The mission house along with the outer
community will develop ownership of the system through the seeds they contribute from their
own harvesting and usage. The community will also develop an understanding of the best way
to utilize the system and to maintain the equipment necessary if needed. This, along with the use
of as many locally available items as possible, will enable the system to be sustainable. While
the main source of power for the refrigerator will be the power grid in Honduras, the
dehumidifier and any other related devices will be powered by greener methods. However,
eventually alternative energy sources could be incorporated to power the refrigerator.
Appendix II: Team Agreement
Team Agreement
Project: Seed Storage
Date: Spring & May Semester 2013
Kevin Zeng
Anthony Re
The purpose of this team agreement is to standardize the expectations for the Seed
Storage team concerning the work relations, team structure, and expectations associated with the
preparation for our trip to Choluteca, Honduras. All team members are expected to contribute
equal time and effort to the team mission. The contents of our agreement will include:
1. Responsibilities
2. Communications
3. Meetings
4. Conflict Resolution / Decision Making
5. Problem Solving
The responsibilities of the team members are designated partially by our roles on the
team and partially by assigned tasks as they arise. Members will be responsible for delivering
what is expected on time and collaboration will be utilized as much as needed. The individual
responsibilities of the team members will be as follows:
Kevin Zeng- Give general direction and assistance with a focus on humidity and temperature
Anthony Re- Schedule events and research containment and temperature/humidity regulation
Emmy Schroder- Assist in final formatting for documents and aid in research and
Matthew McCracken- Deals with budget and cost concerns and aids in general research
Communication will be a major aspect of the success of the Seed Storage team. Team
members will communicate mainly by email and if necessary phone as well as in class twice per
week. Google drive/docs will be used as a mutual document editing platform, as well as for
group discussions. A dropbox will be used for file transfer purposes.
Biweekly group meetings are to take place during ENG4692s class time. Extra meetings
will be setup as necessary. All team members are expected to be present at all designated
Conflict Resolution / Decision Making
The opinions of group members are considered to be of equal importance, and in the case
of any disputes, a vote will take place with a majority rules style. Major decisions will be made
with the approval of other team members and discussions will be welcome to backtrack if
Consequences will be based on judgement by the team. Should a team member not
complete their given assignments, the group will decide necessary measures to ensure project
completion and decide the status of the member at fault. If a team member believes ahead of time
that they will not be able to complete an assignment on time, they should let the group know at
least a day in advance.
Status may come into question when:
1. Member misses meetings without communication 24 hours prior or a legitimate conflict.
2. Failure to abide by the rules presented in this working agreement.
3. Low commitment and substandard work presented in assigned tasks.
Problem Solving
Problem solving will begin with individual research. Team members will then
collaborate with the group in team brainstorming sessions to refine and combine their ideas.
This combination of individual research and team brainstorming sessions will continue until a
quality solution is established.