types of power fpa

Relational Power
Structural Power
Soft Power
1. Always within a relationship
e.g. island: inherently related to two
more actors
2. there has to be an acknowledged
vulnerability in the relationship; the
actors have to understand it =>all
sorts of “weapons”, dimensions, not
physical force only= maldistribution
of resources (toy gun thought to be a
real gun=still vulnerability
acknowledged, but it doesn’t exist).
Sex example: refuse to acknowledge.
“I’m dead but I did not succumb to
3. issue difference b/n the actors= if
they both agree there’s no power
relationship, coming to an
independent decision is not a result
of power= just a coincidence.
Sometimes as third actors we see
power relationships when in fact
there are no such, we have to see
what are the decisions made.
4. Linkage of issue difference of
vulnerability: ur vulnerability to my
gun. I have to make the linkage what
is going to happen. Unintentional
power? Having the gun, not saying
anything but you still give me the
5. Successful communication with
acknowledgment of linkage: “give me
your money or I use the gun” =
successful feedback of what is going
to happen.
States sometimes do not understand
vulnerability or acknowledge
vulnerability that does not exist.
2. What issues must be decided?
New things coming on the agenda:
-State bureaucracy
-Foreign assistance/ humanitarian aid
-European elections
3.Acceptable options for action = “appropriate
e.g. rules/regulations that need to be put into
place (indirect) + discrimination LGBT + authority
of EU court of justice + supremacy of EU law =>
penalties if we don’t do X =>sanctions (relational
power brought in)
e.g. telephone market
4. Entrapment: once we enter relationships, it is
difficult to escape. States are structures, act on
citizens as such. E.g Greece could leave the
Eurozone, they have an euro sanction, why
doesn’t it? Costs? Afraid they would lose even
more= hyper inflation. Drachma printing= they
don’t have any real goods to background the
currency. A situation in which u r forced to do
things although no one is forcing you.
5. Transformation of interests: important values.
E.g. BG care about the value of the euro. 20yrs
ago they cared about the deutschemark and USD.
6. Symbolic/ identity: belonging to the structure
changes who we think we are. Happens within a
larger society: ppl begin to think they are part of
sth different: the flags of the EU= being here is of
value to us. Leva= stable thanks to its link to EUR.
Montenegro has it= source of “we are somebody”.
E.g. “you cannot do this to me, I’m a European”
7. Creates vulnerabilities: Greece vulnerable to
the exchange rates the European central bank
You wanting to be power
= “ability to attract others”
You power yourself because you
want to be power.
e.g. relationships, charisma. Also
attraction between the states.
Sweden has soft power in the
international system, because
Sweden is Sweden. Gvt says sth,
other states pay attention. Why?
Stability, economic power, herring
ha-ha, consistent, they have
developed a moral voice. PM says
sth, ppl don’t automatically think its
getting sth out of it. Neutrality,
prosperity, democracy.
Canada: who doesn’t like them?
Some states have soft power with
some other states, but not amongst
others. Russia in the Balkans.
France with francophone Africa.
USA: the concept of Am. Dream +
movie industry: ppl begin to see am
life as typical, creates attractiveness.
Vs. India: although it produces more,
it doesn’t create it, based on the
distribution and political economy +
cultural differences. E.g Turkish soap
opera closer to bg audience than the
Vatican’s ability to influence: ppl
obeying the church: not an example
of soft power.
This is not used for personal
State have it, NGO’s do, non-state
actors as well.
Ideation: wanting to go the USA
because I’m gonna be better-off BUT
not in economic terms.
Can be enjoyed bilaterally or globally.
ALL are pressures on DU.
Monitor/ evaluate: are you binding to what you promised to bide by: ex. OECD = check to see if you do what you’re
supposed to be doing
Judicial Report, Fight against corruption, organized crime
Highest level: enforce sanctions/rewards
Creating a structure: you can do it more easily or better = Locke