BAYSHORE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL PATHOLOGY DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS I. INTRODUCTION Pursuant to the bylaws of the medical and dental staff of Bayshore Community Hospital, the Department of Pathology has adopted the following rules and regulations in order to implement, more specifically, the general principles set forth in said bylaws. II. PURPOSE OF DEPARTMENT: The Department of Pathology is committed to: 1. Providing the best possible patient care in Pathology at Bayshore Community Hospital. 2. Achieving and maintaining a high level of knowledge and skill by the members of the Department. 3. Providing a scholarly environment in the department, including the encouragement of teaching and education. 4. Promoting and supporting the reputation of Bayshore Community Hospital in general and of this Department in particular. TO FULFILL THESE OBJECTIVES, THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THIS DEPARTMENT ARE HEREBY DECLARED. III. DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION: The Pathology Department is comprised of physicians with specialty training in the field of Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology. Other subspecialties of Pathology are encouraged but not required for membership. IV. GENERAL RULES FOR MEMBERSHIP (APPOINTMENT): 1. An applicant for membership must hold a current license to practice medicine and pathology in the State of New Jersey. 2. A new applicant for appointment to the department must have completed, prior to the date of application, a Residency program approved by the American Board of Pathology. 3. A new applicant must have completed education and training required to take the Boards and must be Board Certified/Board Eligible, as defined by the American Board of Pathology. 3.1 Board Certification must be attained within five (5) years completion of residency or fellowship training program. 4. In order to insure that an applicant for membership shall be able to provide continuous and timely service to the department, the personal residence must be located thirty (30) minutes driving time from the Medical Center. V. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES: The members of the Department shall be designated in their appointments as Provisional Attending, Assistant Attending, Associate Attending, Full Attending and Senior Attending. The privileges, prerogatives, duties and responsibilities of these various categories follow: 1. 2. 3. ACTIVE STAFF All members of the Active Staff shall hold rank. The ranks of the Active Staff shall be Provisional Attending, Assistant Attending, Associate Attending, Full Attending and Senior Attending. With the exception of Provisional Attendings, appointments to the Active Staff shall be for a term of two (2) years. With the exception of Provisional Attendings, Active Staff members shall be responsible for Department of Pathology Rules & Regulationspg. 2 of 5 4. 5. 6. the conduct of the affairs of the department and shall have the privilege to vote in all department deliberations except department elections. Voting by proxy will not be permitted. Departmental affairs include but are not limited to: diagnostic, administrative, quality assessment, and educational. The Chair shall make all assignments for On-Call coverage. Senior Attendings may be exempted from on-call coverage at their written request. Active Staff members shall arrange for an alternate to scheduled coverage when they are not available. Active Staff members shall attend not less than 50% of all regular and special meetings of the department. Unexcused absence from more than 50% of such meetings will be cause for corrective action as set forth in the Medical Staff Bylaws. A. FULL ATTENDING: Shall confine his/her hospital practice to the Department of Pathology. This applies to all cases. The duties of the Attending shall be assigned by the Chair, such as Committee meetings or other assignments. B. ASSOCIATE ATTENDING: The Associate Attending is Junior to the Full Attending. The duties of the Associate Attending shall be assigned by the Chair after consultation with the Attendings. 7. Associate Attendings may be promoted to Full Attending status after a two-year period of serving as an Associate Attending provided they have fulfilled their obligations to the Department in a satisfactory manner. A. ASSISTANT ATTENDING: The Assistant Attending is Junior to the Associate Attending. The duties of the Assistant Attending shall be assigned by the Chair after consultation with the Attendings. 8. Assistant Attendings will be promoted to Associate Attending status after two years provided that all responsibilities have been carried out to Department standards. REGIONAL STAFF 1. Regional Staff shall be composed of members of the Departments of Pathology of the Ocean Medical Center and Jersey Shore University Medical Center divisions who will provide services at the Bayshore Community Hospital division on an as-needed basis. VI. OFFICERS: The Officers of the Department shall be: 1. Chair 2. Vice Chair REQUIREMENTS OF OFFICERS: Officers must be members of the Active Staff. The Chair must also hold the rank of Full Attending and be Board Certified by the American Board of Pathology. The Vice-Chair must hold the rank of Full Attending and be Board Certified. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: 1. Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year and shall take office on January 1st following the election at the October Department meeting. Department of Pathology Rules & Regulationspg. 3 of 5 2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Rules and Regulations, all members (except Provisional status) in good standing shall be eligible to make nominations and to vote. Only Full Attendings can hold office. Officers shall be elected as follows: At an October meeting of the Department, Full Attendings, Associate Attendings, Assistant Attendings shall make nominations for Officers from the floor. A quorum of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of members eligible to vote in elections for department officers must be present. If only one individual is nominated for an elected office, said individual shall be deemed elected to that office by acclamation of the Staff members eligible to vote. If more than one Full Attending individual is nominated for an elected office then the Staff members eligible to vote shall elect one individual to fill such office by closed ballot. The nominee for an office shall be deemed elected upon receiving a majority of votes cast by eligible members at the election. Such election shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Board of Trustees. Proxy votes will not be allowed. 3. An elected Officer may resign by giving written notice to the President of the Medical Staff and to the President of the Medical Center. Resignation shall be effective only when accepted by the Board of Trustees. 4. The Full-Attending members of the Department may, for cause, recommend to the Medical Executive Committee removal, suspension or regulation of the activities of an Officer(s). Cause shall include failure to perform adequately the duties and responsibilities assigned to said Officer. Prior to such removal, suspension or regulation, said Officer shall be entitled to make an appearance that shall not constitute a formal hearing and the Officer shall not be entitled to be represented by Counsel. 5. Any Leave of Absence of ninety (90) days or more involving a Chair of Assistant Chair will necessitate the appointment of a new Chair or Assistant Chair. 6. In the event of a vacancy in the Office of Chair, the Assistant Chair shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chair of the unexpired portion of the term. In the event of a vacancy in the Office of Assistant Chair, the Chair shall appoint a member to fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS CHAIR: Pursuant to Bayshore Medical Staff Bylaws, the Chair shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. Be responsible for the supervision of the Administrative and Medical affairs of the Department including a continuing review of the privileges of each member of the Department. Where appropriate, records should be maintained. 2. Serve on the Executive Committee and represent the Department at the meetings of same. In addition, communicate at departmental meetings, the activities of the Medical Executive Committee. 3. Recommend to the Medical Staff the criteria for privileges in the Department. 4. Recommend privileges for each member in the Department. 5. Assure that the quality and appropriateness of patient care provided in the Department are monitored and evaluated. A record should be maintained that includes the resultant conclusions, recommendations and actions taken. 6. In accordance with the Medical Staff Bylaws, the Chair may temporarily suspend privileges of an individual who is found to be unable to perform his or her duties in a professional manner. 7. Investigate complaints brought against members of the Department and have ultimate Department of Pathology Rules & Regulationspg. 4 of 5 8. 9. 10. 11. responsibility for written reports and recommendations submitted to the Medical Executive Committee. Impose the requirement of proctoring upon any Department member provided such action is necessary for the purpose of insuring the delivery of quality health care to patients of the supervised member. Call special meetings of the Department and appoint the Department Committees. Appoint Department members to special committees. Perform such other functions as are set forth in the Medical Staff Bylaws and in these Rules and Regulations. VICE CHAIR: The VICE Chair shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. In the absence of the chair, perform the duties and responsibilities of the Chair. This includes, but is not limited to, attendance at the meetings of the Medical Executive Committee meetings and the right to vote on all Medical Executive Committee matters. 2. Act as the QA coordinator for the Department regularly reporting to the Chair. 3. Perform such duties and responsibilities as the Chair may from time to time assign to the Assistant Chair and as are commonly assigned to such office. VII. MEETINGS: In accordance with the Bayshore Medical Staff Bylaws, the following Rules and Regulations will apply: 1. The Chair or his/her designee shall preside at all Department meetings. 2. Meetings will be held on such day of the month and at such time and place, as the Chair shall appoint but no less than quarterly. a. The Meeting held in the month of October shall also be the Annual Meeting of the Department, at which time elections shall take place. b. Ordinary meetings will include: i. Business matters. ii. Quality Improvement/Quality Control matters. 3. Case presentations, didactic lectures or other continuing education (optional) will be presented. 4. Fifty percent (50%) of the Active members constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Department. 5. Each Active member present at a duly convened meeting of the Department shall be entitled to cast one vote on each matter submitted to a vote at said meeting. Each matter submitted to a vote at a duly convened meeting of the Department shall be decided by majority vote of the Active Staff members present at said meeting and eligible to vote. 6. The Agenda of regular monthly meetings, as well as the Agenda for any special meetings, will be under the direction of the Chair of the Department. 7. The Chair may invite individuals to attend meetings, but these individuals shall not vote or be counted in determining the existence of a quorum and may be excluded from any Executive Session by a majority vote of the Active Staff members present. VIII. PROCTORING: 1. Provisional members shall be subject to proctoring by a member of the Active Staff for a period of one year. This period may be extended for an additional year at the discretion of the Chair according to the experience and qualifications of the newly appointed member. Department of Pathology Rules & Regulationspg. 5 of 5 3. 2. Active Staff members shall have the duty and responsibility of serving as proctors of the Provisional members. Each proctor must submit a completed evaluation form to the Department Chair. 4. Provisional members under proctoring can finalize Surgical Pathology reports and clinical consults only with the knowledge and consent of their proctor. 5. The Chair of the Department will formally notify the affected members of the termination, extension or change of the period or type of proctoring. IX. PRIVILEGES: 1. Staff status shall be reviewed biannually and recommendations made by the Chair for reappointment or advancement. 2. Reappointment and promotion shall be in accordance with the Medical Staff Bylaws and will include: A. Turn around time of surgical pathology specimens and cytology (GYN and NON-GYN* B. Accuracy of correlation with frozen section diagnosis and permanent section slide evaluation* C. Accurate correlation of the pathologists’ diagnosis and those rendered by outside consultants* D. Evidence of specialty specific CME activity E. Review of any complaints, QA referrals, litigation F. Attendance at assigned committees and departmental meetings G. Appropriate communication with colleagues, house staff, laboratory staff and patients (where appropriate). * Thresholds as documented in the Department Performance Improvement Program 3. In addition to the satisfactory of the general criteria listed above, an Active Staff member may be advanced in rank according to the Medical Staff Bylaws. 4. The Chair shall make recommendations regarding promotions and changes in accordance to Medical Staff Bylaws. X. ADOPTION: These Rules and Regulations shall be adopted at a Regular or Special meeting of the Department in accordance with the requirements of the existing Rules and Regulations. These Rules and Regulations shall become effective when endorsed by the Medical Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. They will then replace all previous Pathology Department rules. XI. REVISIONS: These Rules and Regulations may be amended, altered or repealed or new Rules and Regulations may be adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of the Active Staff members present at any duly convened meeting of the Department announced by Agenda. They will be reviewed annually and any amendment(s) shall become effective when approved by the Board of Trustees. XII. CONFLICTS WITH MEDICAL STAFF BYLAWS: In any cases where the Rules and Regulations of the Department conflict with the Medical Staff Bylaws, the Medical Staff Bylaws will prevail. Approved by Department of Pathology 9/2013 Approved by Medical Executive Committee 10/2013 Revised by Department of Pathology 4/2014 Revised 7/2014