
Chapter 8: Securing Information
System Vulnerability and Abuse
Security: policies, procedures, and technical measures used to prevent unauthorized access,
alteration, theft or physical damage to information systems
Controls: methods, policies and organizational procedures that ensure the safety of the
organization’s assets, accuracy & reliability of records, and operational adherence to management
Why Systems are Vulnerable
Large amounts of data in electronic form are more vulnerable to threats
In a client/server environment, users at the client level may introduce errors or by accessing
systems without authorization while data is being transferred
Radiation (i.e. accessible)
Denial-of-service attacks or malicious software
Systems malfunction
Domestic or offshore partnering  information resides in places outside the firm’s control
Internet Vulnerabilities
Internet is more susceptible to hackers because it is connected to the computer via a cable model
or DSL which means you have a fixed Internet address where they can be easily identified
Emails & file sharing  attachments of harmful viruses
Wireless Security Challenges
Radio frequency bands are easy to scan
Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are susceptible to cracking by eavesdroppers
Poor wireless security has enabled criminals to break into corporate systems to steal major
retailers’ credit card numbers and personal data
Service set identifiers (SSID) identifying Wi-Fi access points are broadcast multiple times and can
be picked up fairly easily by intruders through a sniffer program
Sniffer program will obtain an address to access the network resources with authorization
War driving: eavesdroppers drive by buildings or park outside and try to intercept wireless
network traffic
An intruder that has identified the correct SSID is able to access other resources on the network
Intruders can access computer with Windows OS through rogue access point
Malicious Software: Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, and Spyware
Malware: malicious software programs
Viruses, worms, Trojan horses
Computer virus: rogue software program that attaches itself to other software programs or data
files in order to be executed, usually without user knowledge or permission
Viruses deliver a “payload” which may be benign (picture or message) to being highly
destructive (destroying programs, clogging computer memory, programs run improperly)
Usually transferred when humans take action such as sending out an email attachment
Worms: independent computer programs that copy themselves from one computer to another
over a network
Unlike viruses, can operate on their own without attaching to files and also need less
human interaction to spread from computer to computer
Worms destroy data and programs and disrupt the operation of computer networks
Email worms are currently the most problematic
Mobile device users pose threat to enterprise computing because so many wireless devices are
linked to corporate information systems
Web 2.0 has emerged as new challenges for malware or spyware
Trojan horse: software program that appears to be benign but then does something unexpected
Not a virus because it doesn’t duplicate but is often a way for other viruses to introduce
itself onto the computer
E.g. using electronic greeting cards in emails and tricks Windows users to launch a
program that will deliver malware programs to infect their machine
Spyware: programs that install themselves repeatedly on computers to monitor user web surfing
activity and serve up advertisements
Slow computer performance by taking up too much memory
92% of companies have spyware on their networks
Keyloggers record every keystroke to obtain serial numbers for software, passwords, personal
information, etc.
Hackers and Computer Crime
Hacker: individual that intends on gaining unauthorized access to a computer system
Cracker: hacker with criminal intent
Both gain access by finding weaknesses in the security protection employed by websites and
computer systems
Cybervandalism: intentional disruption, defacement, or even destruction of a website or
corporate information system
Spoofing and Sniffing
Spoofing: misrepresentation of the hacker’s true identity and may involve redirecting a web link
to an address different from the intended one and collecting sensitive customer information
Sniffer: eavesdropping program that monitors information travelling over a network
When used legitimately it can identify potential trouble but when used for criminal
purposes it can be difficult to detect
Sniffers enable hackers to steal information from networks
Denial-of-Service Attacks
Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks: when hackers flood a network server with many thousands of
false communications or requests for services to crash the network
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack: uses numerous computers to inundate and
overwhelm the network from numerous launch points
Goal is to shut down the website so it is impossible for legitimate users to access the site
Botnet: group of computers that have been infected with bot malware without users’ knowledge,
enabling a hacker to use the amassed resources of the computers to launch DDoS attacks,
phishing campaigns or spam (“zombie PCs”)
Computer Crimes
Computer crime: any criminal activity involving the copy of, use of, removal of, interference with,
access to, manipulation of computer systems, and/or their related functions, data or programs
Many go unreported because employees involved or companies don’t want to hurt reputation
Identity Theft
Identity theft: crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information (SIN,
license, credit card) to impersonate someone else
E-commerce sites are sources of customer personal information and criminals are able to assume
new identities and establish new credit for their own purposes
Phishing: setting up fake websites or sending email messages to look like legitimate businesses
to ask users for confidential information
Evil twins: wireless networks that pretend to offer trustworthy Wi-Fi connections to the Internet
to capture passwords
Pharming: phishing technique that redirects users to a bogus web page which is done when
criminals gain access to the IP address information stored by the ISP
Click Fraud
Click fraud: when an individual or company program fraudulently clicks on an online ad without
any intent of learning more about the advertiser (usually the competitor)
Goal is to weaken the company by driving up advertising costs
Global Threats: Cyberterrorism and Cyberwarfare
Concern about digital attacks by terrorists, foreign intelligence services, or other groups seeking
to create widespread disruption and harm
Internal Threats: Employees
Lack of user knowledge is the single greatest cause of network security breaches
Social engineering: when intruders trick employees into revealing their passwords by pretending
to be legitimate members of the company in need of information
Software Vulnerability
Software vulnerabilities revolve around hidden bugs = program code defects
Complexity of decision-making code and zero defects cannot be achieved in large programs
Flaws in commercial software impede performance and create security vulnerabilities
Patches: small pieces of software that repairs flaws in software without disturbing the proper
operation of the software
Business Value of Security and Control
When the security of a firm is compromised, the company loses around 2.1% of its market value
within 2 days of the security breach (avg. $1.65billion in stock market value)
Inadequate security and control may result in serious legal liability
E.g. businesses must protect the information of their suppliers and customers and failure
to do so could result in litigation
Strong security and control also increase employee productivity and lower operational costs
C-SOX: Act passed by Parliament that imposes responsibility on companies and their
managements to safeguard the accuracy and integrity of financial information that is used
internally and released externally
In response to Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Computer forensics: scientific collection, examination, authentication, preservation, and analysis
of data held on or retrieved from computer storage media in such a way that the information can
be used as evidence in a court of law
Establishing a Framework for Security and Control
Information Systems Control
General controls: controls that govern the design, security, and use of computer programs and
the security of data files throughout the organization’s IT infrastructure
Apply to all computerized applications and consist of a combination of hardware,
software and manual procedures that create an overall control environment
Application controls: controls that are unique to each computerized application (e.g. payroll or
order processing)
Input controls  check data for accuracy and completeness when entered in to the
Process controls  establish that data are complete and accurate during updating
Output controls  ensure that the results of computer processing are accurate, compete
and properly distributed
Risk Assessment
Risk assessment: determination of the level of risk to the firm if a specific activity or process is
not properly controlled
Once the risks have been assessed, system developers will concentrate on the control points for
the greatest vulnerability for potential loss
Security Policy
Security policy: includes statements ranking information risks, identifying acceptable security
goals, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these goals
Acceptable-use policy (AUP)
Authorization policies: different levels of access to information assets for different levels of users
Authorization management systems: systems that establish where and when a user is
permitted to access certain parts of a website or corporate website
Disaster Recovery Planning
Disaster recovery planning: planning for the restoration of computing and communications
services after they have been disrupted
Which files to back up and the maintenance of backup computer systems or disaster
recovery services
Business continuity planning: how the company can restore business operations after a disaster
Identifies critical business processes and action plans for mission-critical functions
Plans must be tested to make sure they work
The Role of Auditing
MIS audit: examination of the firm’s overall security environment as well as controls governing
individual information systems
Security audits review technologies, procedures, documentation, training and personnel
Audit will simulate an attack to test the response of the technology, staff and business
8.4 Technologies and Tools for Safeguarding Information
Access Control
Access control: all the policies and procedures a company uses to prevent improper access to
systems by authorized insiders and outsiders
Authorization: ability to know that a person is who they claim they are (use of passwords)
Token: physical device, similar to an identification card, that is designed to prove the
identity of a single user
Smart card: device about the size of a credit card that contains a chip formatted with
access permission (a reader will interpret the data and allow or deny the card)
Biometric authentication: uses systems that read and interpret individual human traits
(i.e. fingerprints, irises, voices)
Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Antivirus Software
Firewall: combination of hardware and software that controls the flow of incoming and outgoing
network traffic
Prevents unauthorized users from accessing private networks by examining each user’s
credentials before access is granted to a network
Packet filtering  examines selected fields in the headers of data packets flowing back and forth
between the trusted network and the Internet
Stateful inspection  provides additional security by determining whether packets are part of an
ongoing dialogue between sender and receiver
Network Address Translation (NAT)  conceals the IP addresses of the organization’s internal host
computer(s) to prevent sniffer programs outside the firewall from ascertaining them and using
that information to penetrate internal systems
Application proxy filtering  a proxy server stops data packets originating outside the
organization, inspects them, and passes a proxy to the other side of the firewall
Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion detection systems: tools to monitor the most vulnerable points in a network to detect
and deter unauthorized intruders
Antivirus and Antispyware Software
Antivirus software: software designed to detect, and often eliminate, computer viruses from an
information system
Unified Threat Management Systems
Unified threat management (UTM): comprehensive security management tool that combines
multiple security tools, including firewalls, virtual private networks (VPNs), intrusion detection
systems, and Web content filtering and anti-spam software
Securing Wireless Networks
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
Assign a unique name to network’s SSID and instruct router not to broadcast it
Use Wi-Fi in conjunction with VPNs
June 2004  Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
Encryption and Public Key Infrastructure
Encryption: process of transforming plan text or data into cipher text that cannot be read by
anyone other than the sender and the intended receiver
Two methods for encrypting network traffic on the Web
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): encryption enabling client and server computers to manage
encryption and decryption activities as they communicate with each other during a secure
Web session
Successor  Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP): another protocol used for encrypting
data flowing over the Internet, but limited to individual messages
SSL and TLS are designed to establish a secure connection between 2 computers
Two alternative methods of encryption:
Symmetric key encryption  single encryption key and sending to the receiver so both
sender & receiver share the same key
But this means the key has to be shared somehow between sender and receiver
which exposes the key to outsiders who may to able to intercept and decrypt it
Public key encryption: uses two keys  one shared (or public) and one private
Public key is used to encrypt the message (sender)
Private key is used to decrypt the data (receiver)
Digital certificates: data files used to establish the identity of users and electronic assets for
protection of online transactions
Trusted third party = certificate authority (CA)
Ensuring System Availability
Minimize downtime
Fault-tolerant computer systems
Redundant hardware, software and power supply
High-availability computing
Backup servers, distribution of processing across multiple services, high-capacity
storage, good disaster recovery and business continuity plans
Recovery-oriented computing: includes designing systems that recover quickly and pinpoint
sources of fault in multi-component systems and easily correct their mistakes
Deep-packet inspection (DPI): examines data files and sorts out low-priority online material
while assigning higher priority to business-critical files
Managed security service providers (MSSPs): outsourced companies that monitor network
activity and perform vulnerability testing and intrusion detection
Ensuring Software Quality
Software metrics
Rigorous testing