Introducing the 2011-2012 CSCA Governing Board Candidates By Rhonda Williams, Executive Director The following school counselors are stepping forward to support the school counseling profession in Colorado. We applaud their willingness to serve on CSCA’s Governing Board. Please read their nomination statements and vote on the election form provided through Google Docs. Please return your ballot by April 30th, 2011. If you have any questions please contact Rhonda Williams: CSCA Ex-Director, 719-660-4726. The positions of President-Elect, Elementary Level Vice-President, Secondary VicePresident and Representatives for Regions 2,4,6,8,10, 12 will be filled in this year’s election (See separate Official Ballot). You will need your CSCA Membership number to vote. To vote please use this link: Validate ballot with your CSCA membership number. President-Elect Matthew McClain: Baker Central School, Morgan County Position statement of interest for serving on the CSCA Board. If you have an opportunity to spend time around me, you will quickly understand my passion for CSCA and the CSCA Board. Having spent the last three years on this board has been beneficial for me personally and professionally. I believe that my experience on the board will help me continue the efforts of those before me in keeping up the momentum to have CSCA be one of the best school counselor associations that ASCA backs. Serving on the conference committee has given me the opportunity to interact with many CSCA members and I will continue to work to make sure that the membership is at the forefront of decisions being made. I like to surround myself with people that not only encourage me, but also people that I want to strive to be like. The board and CSCA members are those types of people! Vision for Goals for CSCA My vision for CSCA is to continue to ensure that the board is running efficiently and that it is a representation of counselors across the state. I want to continue the efforts of the board running through Policy Governance. This allows the Board to make decisions, but committees to carry out those decisions. During my terms I want to see the Emerging Leaders program researched, developed and implemented. Having this type of program will be training the leaders of tomorrow with intention and precision. With tomorrow’s leaders already having information about CSCA, the learning curve in an elected or appointed position will not be as steep as it would with someone not familiar with Board policies and procedures. I have a vision that our annual conference continues to rival the ASCA conference in the quality of keynote speakers and breakout sessions and presenters. Elementary School Vice President Rachel Brown-Newton: Chamberlin Elementary School, Harrison School District Vision for Goals for CSCA: My vision for CSCA is to assist school counselors within our regions and state as advocates. With the new budget crisis it is going to be difficult to show our stakeholders that counselors do matter and have important work to be done in our schools. It will be important to show them through data and results that we are in need despite budget cuts. High School Vice President Angie Jacobs: Cheyenne Mtn. High School, Cheyenne District Position statement of interest for serving on the CSCA Board. I have served on the board the past two years as the Newsletter/Newsbrief editor. Last year, when the region needed a representative, I volunteered to step in that position. I think our region has amazing professionals, and it will be great to start getting connected through CSCA and advocate for professional development and listen to the needs of the region. Vision for Goals for CSCA A collective vision on the board for this past year has been to speak with one voice. Professional school counselors are incredible people who truly care about their schools and all of the details, which allow others to know we care. My vision is to continue to provide networking opportunities and professional development to promote a cohesive environment for our region. Let’s all speak with one voice! Region Representatives Region 2: No Nomination Region 4: Katrina Ruggles: Center Schools, Center CO Vision for Goals for CSCA My goal is to ensure that the needs of counselors and students in the San Luis Valley are heard and that counselors in our area have access to professional development and resources in order to implement best practices on behalf of our students. Region 6: No Nomination Region 8 Julie McMurry: Lake County High School, Leadville CO Vision for Goals for CSCA CSCA is on an upward trend, improving and growing each year. It is very worthwhile to be a member of CSCA; the leadership is very professional and the knowledge being shared and passed down is invaluable. My goal would be to help this trend continue, to grow professionally as a counselor, become more knowledgeable and involved in the political movement of our profession and to reach out to new counselors to provide needed support. Region 10: Kelly Wright: Lincoln High School, Denver Public Schools Vision for Goals for CSCA My vision for CSCA is to support school counselors throughout the state in being the best school counselors that they can be by being involved with CSCA and using the organization as an important tool to help them with this. Region 12: No Nominations