Use of GEM Germplasm for Evaluation and Development of Drought Tolerance, Corn Ear Worm (CEW) Resistance, and Low Aflatoxin Level Grain Wenwei Xu*, Thomas Marek, Gary Odvody, and Paul Williams *Texas A&M Agric. Res. and Ext. Center, Lubbock, Texas, E-mail: Objectives:. This report serves to document research conducted under a specific cooperative agreement between ARS and Texas A&M University. It covers progress from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010. Specific objectives of this project include: (1) Select, advance, and release stress-tolerant inbred lines from GEM germplasm; (2) Evaluate GEM breeding crosses for drought and heat tolerance, corn ear worm resistance, and agronomic performance in Texas. Testcrosses of the lines from AR03056:N0902, BR52051:N04, CUBA117:S15, DK888:N11, and SCROGP3:N1411a have been widely tested. New inbred lines ANTIGO01:N16, DK888:Na08f, DKXL380:S08a and GUAT209:N19 have been developed. This reports highlights the results of the new lines. 1. Testcrosses of GEM Lines: About 100 testcrosses between GEM lines (developed in Lubbock) with public and licensed proprietary lines were evalauted for grain yield, CEW resistance, and drought tolerance in the Texas High Plains (Lubbock, Halfway, and Dumas) under well-watered and drought conditions and in the south-central Texas (College Station, Corpus Christi, Ganado, Uvalde, and Wharton). Eight GEM testcrosses were evaluated for silage yield. Four GEM hybrids were entered in the Texas state silage performance tests. New test crosses are made for 2011 research. Tables 1 to 3 shows the yield, days to pollen shedding and stay green rating foor the testcroosses of the lines developed from DK888:Na08f and DKXL380:S08a. These testcrosses had lower grain yield, similar maturity, and better stay green rating as compared to the commercial checks. Inbred lines from ANTIG01:N16 have nice looking plants and excellent grain quality with low grain molds, however, these lines have a high ear placement. Their testcrosses shed pollens close to the hybrids with a relative muarity of 117 day and yield slightly lower than commercial checks (Table 4). 2. Inbred line development and characterization: Inbred lines developed from the breeding. crosses ANTIGO01:N16AR03056:N0902, BR52051:N04, CH05012:N12, CUBA164:S20, CUBA117:S15, DK888:N11, FS8A(T):N11a, FS8A(T):N1801, SCROGP3:N2017, and SCROPG3:N1411a have been characterized as line per se and in the testcross combinations for agronomic traits and stress tolerance under well watered and drought conditions in Lubbock and Halfway for a second year. 3. Aflatoxin analysis: Aflatoxin resistance of the GEM-line hybids were tested for a second year in 2010. This 34-entry test included five hybrids made with Tx205 and three hybrids made with the DKXL370:N11a20 lines. The test were conducted in multiple locations in Texas and Mississippi. Three hybrids of DKXL370:N11a20 and two hybrids of Tx205 had low aflatoxin in 2009. In addition, three hybrids containing one parent lined derived from DK888:N11, 1 CUBA117:S15, and BR5251:N04 were included in the SERAT tests. SERAT is a muti-state afaltoxin testing network. Garin samples from 2010 tests are being analyzed for aflatoxin. 4. Biomass and silage quality: Nine test crosses of GEM-lines were included in a 36 entry silage yield trial at Dumas and Halfway, Texas. The GEM-lines are the inbred lines developed by our project from AR01150:N04, BR52051:N04, CUBA117:S15, DKXL370:N11a20, and GUAT209:N19. The testcrosses were chosen for their height and good grain yield in previous trials. The average biomass yield at both locations was 31.7 and 31.6 tons per acre (adjusted to 65% moisture) for the testcrosses of the inbred lines developed from BR52051:N04 and GUAT209:N19, respetively. The biomass yield was comparable to the best commercial silage hybrids (Table 5). These GEM-lines may be a good source for biofuel and silage corn production. Five testcrosses of GEM lines were included in the 2010 Texas State Silage Corn Performance Test in the High Plains. The test crosses are listed under the name AgriLife (XU) which is the same as Texas A&M University. These five testcrooses have a line WXY10A is the testcross of a line from BR52051:N04; WXY10B is the testcross of a line from SCROGP3:N2017; WXC10C is the testcross of a line from CUBA117:S15; WXY10D is the testcross of Tx205, a GEM line released in 2004; and WXY10F is the testcross of a line developed from a breeding cross involving GUAT209:N19. Yield, agronomic data, and silage quality of these testcrosses and other commercial hybrids are shown in Tables 6-8. Germplasm distribution: We have distributed seeds of Tx204, Tx205, and four inbred lines (to be released) to 14 seed companies. Breeders, agronomists, and sales reps toured yield trial plots involving GEM top crosses with seed company lines during the growing season. Communications on GEM project: The GEM project and use of the GEM germplasm in our breeding program were specifically mentioned in the following publications and presentation. Presentations and publication covering GEM project and germplasm: Wenwei Xu, Gary Odvody, Paul Willaims, and Mike Blanco. Use of tropcal germplasm to improve stress tolerance and aflatoxin acculumlation in corn. NCC167 North Central Corn Breeding Committee Meeting in Chicago on April 6-7, 2010. Wenwei Xu, Thomas Marek, Andy Cranmer, Bruce Carlson, Jonny Beck, Brent Bean, and Dennis Pietsch. 2010. 2010 State Silage Corn Performance Test on the Texas High Plains. Texas AgriLife Research and Extension-Lubbock Center Technical Report No.10-3. pp.12. Wenwei Xu, Junping Chen, and Zhanguo Xin. Exploring native genetic variation for improving drought tolerance and water use efficiency in corn. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting in Long Beach, CA, October 31 – November 4. Wenwe Xu. Developing drought and heat tolerant crops to mitigate the effects of climate change. An invited plenary talk at the Symposium 'Plants meeting future challenges - food and energy for the society in a changing environment”. University of Zurich, Switzerland. 2 September 10, 2010. Wenwei Xu. Genetic resources for corn breeding, part of the Moelcular Corn Breeding Training Course (invited). National Maize Research Institute, Hanois, Vietnam, May 10-14, 2010. Wenwei Xu. Breeding drought tolerant corn (invited talk). Maize Research Institute, Agricultural Academy of Jilin Province, Changchun, China, November 11, 2010. Wenwei Xu. Genetic improvement of maize water use efficiency (invited talk). Crop Research Institute, Chinesew Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China, November 12, 2010. Field days and presentations: Corn breeding field day. College Station, Texas, June 29, 2010. Texas High Plains limited irrigation corn field day. Etter, Texas, August 25, 2010. These field days were held for corn producers, seed companies, policy makers, consultants, agriculture professionals, and underground water conservation districts. GEM lines and hybrids were grown in the field plots and discussed. 3 Table 1. Grain yield (bu/a, adjusted to 15.5% moisture) of testcrosses of the lines develpped from DK888:N11a08f (entries 1 to 15) and DKXL370:N11a20 (entries 16 to 26) under well-watered (WW) and drought (DRT) conditions in Halfway (HF), Dumas (DS), and Lubbock (LB), Texas in 2009 and 2010. ENO Pedigree HF-WW 2010 DS-WW 2010 DS-WW 2009 LB 2009 HF-DT 2009 Mean 1 2 3 4 5 DK8F1 x B110 DK8F1 x SS1 DK8F2 x B110 DK8F3 x B110 DK8F3 x SS2 185.3 163.7 173.2 193.9 204.1 182.7 139.7 142.9 219.5 225.5 218.1 172.8 184.8 218.1 207.5 117.8 114.6 91.5 120.5 116.2 40.7 47.7 66.1 75.0 89.1 148.9 127.7 131.7 165.4 168.5 6 7 8 9 10 DK8F3 x SS1 DK8F4 x SS3 DK8F6 x SS3 DK8F6 x SS1 DK8F6 x B110 199.6 202.3 193.3 196.4 184.4 208.0 199.7 202.3 208.0 217.9 213.5 232.1 239.7 235.4 252.5 124.5 122.0 142.9 133.2 109.4 78.9 72.5 85.3 66.1 64.2 164.9 165.7 172.7 167.8 165.7 11 12 13 14 15 DK8F8 x SS3 DK8F10 x SS3 DK8F10 x SS1 DK8F10 x B110 DK8F12 x SS3 186.7 205.7 207.8 188.4 179.8 185.3 227.5 186.5 156.4 171.3 190.9 230.0 216.6 206.8 218.2 125.3 126.0 116.8 124.6 124.9 78.9 64.8 84.5 80.2 80.0 153.4 170.8 162.4 151.3 154.8 16 17 18 19 20 DKXL1 x SS3 DKXL1x B110 DKXL2 x SS3 DKXL2 x CUBA1 DKXL3 x SS3 217.2 165.9 179.4 . 197.6 190.9 138.9 210.5 246.6 173.2 216.6 204.3 235.7 215.9 271.4 118.7 79.0 81.2 137.1 121.5 63.9 38.0 66.0 100.4 64.6 161.5 125.2 154.6 175.0 165.7 21 22 23 24 25 26 DKXL4 x SS3 DKXL5 x B110 DKXL6 x B110 DKXL8 x B110 DKXL8 x SS2 DKXL10 x B110 215.4 191.9 209.1 205.6 160.6 166.3 219.1 200.1 179.1 216.1 168.3 213.0 242.4 227.6 209.3 172.2 212.3 207.8 109.1 118.9 100.3 90.1 95.3 92.2 35.3 53.2 60.7 35.7 74.3 66.1 164.3 158.3 151.7 143.9 142.2 149.1 27 28 29 30 DKC66-23 DKC67-87 82H80GT/CB/LL Pioneer 34F96 221.5 250.2 241.7 227.6 221.8 254.9 221.2 211.7 286.1 285.7 263.3 300.2 137.6 132.2 132.2 120.4 89.8 86.6 90.3 85.1 191.3 201.9 189.7 189.0 Test mean CK mean CV% LSD 0.05 197.1 235.2 8.9 36.0 197.9 227.4 9.8 39.7 226.3 283.8 8.5 39.2 115.9 130.6 14.7 34.9 69.5 87.9 22.6 32.2 161.2 193.0 SS1, SS2, and SS3 are two propriatary stiff stalk testers. 4 Table 2. Days to pollen shed for testcrosses of the lines develpped from DK888:N11a08f (entries 1 to 15) and DKXL370:N11a20 (entries 16 to 26) under well-watered (WW) and drought (DRT) conditions in Halfway (HF), Dumas (DS), and Lubbock (LB), Texas in 2009 and 2010. ENO Pedigree HF-WW DS-WW DS-WW HF-DRT LB-WW 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 Mean 1 DK8F1 x B110 69.5 70.0 74.0 74.0 73.0 72.1 2 DK8F1 x SS1 68.5 70.0 73.0 75.0 76.0 72.5 3 DK8F2 x B110 69.5 70.0 75.0 73.0 74.0 72.3 4 DK8F3 x B110 68.5 69.0 73.0 72.0 74.0 71.3 5 DK8F3 x SS2 68.5 69.0 74.0 73.0 73.0 71.5 6 DK8F3 x SS1 69.0 71.0 74.0 74.0 75.0 72.6 7 DK8F4 x SS3 69.0 71.0 76.0 75.0 76.0 73.4 8 DK8F6 x SS3 70.0 70.0 76.0 75.0 76.0 73.4 9 DK8F6 x SS1 69.0 70.0 75.0 74.0 76.0 72.8 10 DK8F6 x B110 69.0 69.0 73.0 74.0 73.0 71.6 11 DK8F8 x SS3 69.5 71.0 75.0 74.0 76.0 73.1 12 DK8F10 x SS3 69.5 71.0 77.0 75.0 76.0 73.7 13 DK8F10 x SS1 69.5 69.0 75.0 74.0 74.0 72.3 14 DK8F10 x B110 68.5 71.0 73.0 73.0 73.0 71.7 15 DK8F12 x SS3 69.5 71.0 75.0 74.0 75.0 72.9 16 DKXL1 x SS3 68.0 69.0 74.0 75.0 75.0 72.2 17 DKXL1x B110 68.0 69.0 72.0 75.0 74.0 71.6 18 DKXL2 x SS3 67.0 69.0 74.0 74.0 76.0 72.0 19 DKXK2 x CUBA1 . 70.0 73.0 72.0 73.0 72.0 20 DKXL3 x SS3 68.0 69.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 72.4 21 DKXL4 x SS3 69.5 71.0 75.0 74.0 76.0 73.1 22 DKXL5 x B110 69.0 69.0 73.0 72.0 74.0 71.4 23 DKXL6 x B110 69.0 70.0 73.0 74.0 74.0 72.0 24 DKXL8 x B110 66.0 67.5 75.0 76.0 75.0 71.9 25 DKXL8 x SS2 65.0 69.0 73.0 71.0 73.0 70.2 26 DKXL10 x B110 66.5 69.0 72.0 70.0 73.0 70.1 27 DKC66-23 67.0 67.5 72.0 70.0 72.0 69.7 28 DKC67-87 66.0 70.0 73.0 73.0 73.0 71.0 29 82H80GT/CB/LL 66.0 69.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 70.2 30 Pioneer 34F96 66.0 69.0 73.0 69.0 72.0 69.8 Test mean 68.2 69.6 73.9 73.4 74.2 71.9 CK mean 66.3 68.9 72.5 71.0 72.3 70.2 CV% 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.0 0.9 LSD 0.05 1.7 1.9 2.5 1.5 1.3 5 Table 3. Stay green ratings for testcrosses of the lines develpped from DK888:N11a08f (entries 1 to 15) and DKXL370:N11a20 (entries 16 to 26) under well-watered (WW) and drought (DRT) conditions in Halfway (HF), Dumas (DS), and Lubbock (LB), Texas in 2009 and 2010. ENO Pedigree 1 DK8F1 x B110 2 DK8F1 x SS1 3 DK8F2 x B110 4 DK8F3 x B110 5 DK8F3 x SS2 6 DK8F3 x SS1 7 DK8F4 x SS3 8 DK8F6 x SS3 9 DK8F6 x SS1 10 DK8F6 x B110 11 DK8F8 x SS3 12 DK8F10 x SS3 13 DK8F10 x SS1 14 DK8F10 x B110 15 DK8F12 x SS3 16 DKXL1 x SS3 17 DKXL1x B110 18 DKXL2 x SS3 19 DKXK2 x CUBA1 20 DKXL3 x SS3 21 DKXL4 x SS3 22 DKXL5 x B110 23 DKXL6 x B110 24 DKXL8 x B110 25 DKXL8 x SS2 26 DKXL10 x B110 27 DKC66-23 28 DKC67-87 29 82H80GT/CB/LL 30 Pioneer 34F96 Test mean CK mean CV% LSD 0.05 HF-WW 2010 1.4 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.5 . 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.5 2.3 2.7 2.0 2.0 1.4 1.4 1.8 DS-WW 2010 2.8 3.3 2.8 3.4 2.5 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.3 3.3 2.9 3.0 3.3 2.9 3.0 2.5 2.9 2.3 2.5 3.4 2.0 2.3 3.2 2.5 3.5 2.9 2.9 1.8 2.5 2.4 HF-DRT 2009 2.9 2.9 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.7 3.0 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.0 2.8 3.2 2.3 2.8 2.9 2.7 3.0 4.3 3.0 3.8 3.3 HF-DRT 2009 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.8 4.0 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.8 4.0 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 3.8 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.5 3.8 4.8 4.3 LB-WW 2009 3.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 2.3 2.3 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.3 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.3 3.3 3.8 3.3 3.3 2.3 3.5 2.5 Mean 1.7 1.6 15.4 0.5 2.8 2.4 16.4 ns 3.0 3.6 8.9 0.5 3.8 4.3 9.4 0.7 2.7 2.9 10.1 0.6 2.8 3.0 6 2.7 2.7 2.6 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.8 2.8 3.2 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.9 2.9 3.3 3.0 3.4 2.4 3.2 2.8 Table 4. Days to pollen shed, plant and ear height, and grain yield of testcrosses of the lines develpped from ANTIG01:N16 in Dumas (DS) and Halfway (HF), Texas in 2010. Pedigree ANTIGO1/2 x SS3 ANTIGO3 x SS3 ANTIGO4 x SS3 ANTIGO5 x SS3 ANTIGO6 x SS3 Days to pollen Plant ht., cm Ear ht., cm Grain yield (bu/a) DS HF DS HF DS HF DS HF Mean 72 71 290 308 125 138 163.8 205.9 184.9 72 69 304 301 136 150 186.2 219.3 202.8 73 69 305 306 122 138 192.4 214.5 203.5 73 70 303 303 137 144 226.1 207.2 216.6 73 70 305 306 141 150 198.1 206.6 202.3 ANTIGO7 x SS3 ANTIGO8 x SS3 ANTIGO9 x SS3 ANTIGO11/12 x SS3 ANTIGO13 x SS3 71 71 72 71 71 69 71 67 68 70 293 299 288 297 292 299 283 253 282 279 142 132 120 122 127 151 157 93 129 92 157.7 185.6 179.0 182.0 155.3 215.9 237.9 228.6 234.6 227.4 186.8 211.8 203.8 208.3 191.4 ANTIGO14 x SS3 ANTIGO15/16 x SS3 ANTIGO17/18 x SS3 ANTIGO19/20 x SS3 71 71 73 73 70 70 70 71 288 295 257 293 299 292 301 294 131 135 131 118 164 135 144 128 171.2 187.2 179.3 186.6 227.4 222.6 225.1 212.6 199.3 204.9 202.2 199.6 DKC66-23 (RM116) DKC67-87 (RM117) Pioneer 34F96 (RM110) 82H80GT/CB/LL 66 70 69 69 65 67 64 68 266 286 260 291 288 289 272 310 95 108 88 93 114 134 87 152 250.6 245.8 229.4 249.0 249.0 249.6 215.3 243.6 249.8 247.7 222.3 246.3 Testcross mean Test mean CK Mean CV% LSD 0.05 72 71 69 1 1 69 69 66 2 4 293 289 276 4 26 293 292 289 4 25 130 122 96 10 27 136 133 122 8 23 182.2 195.9 243.7 11.1 49.5 220.4 224.6 239.4 5.1 24.4 201.3 210.2 241.5 SS3 is a proprietary stiff stalk tester line. 7 Table 5. Days to pollens shed (DTP), plant and ear height, and total biomass of GEM-line testcrosses at Dumas (DS) and Halfway (HF), Texas in 2010. The test had 36 entries. The table only shows the yield of the GEM-line-testcrosses and three commercial check hybrids. Yield was adjusted to 65% moisture. Pedigrees of the lines are abbreviated due to space limitation. ENO Pedigrees DS 19 AR1150N04-D x SS3 20 AR1150N04-F x SS3 21 AR1150N04-G x SS3 22 AR1150N04-G x CUBA1 23 BR1 x SS1 24 DKXL1 x SS3 25 DKXL2 x SS3 26 DKXL3 x SS3 28 C3W64-4 x CUBA1 30 GUAT10/13 x SS3 34 TMF2N804 35 DKC67-87 36 P31G96 Test Mean CK mean CV% LSD 0.05 Plant ht. cm DTP HF Ear ht. cm Forage yield tons/a Yield rank DS HF DS HF DS HF Mean DS HF 69 69 69 69 71 68 69 68 69 73 75 69 71 77 77 79 78 78 78 77 77 79 80 80 76 78 286 295 303 273 293 279 275 292 288 306 305 287 297 286 296 294 283 293 270 284 281 288 297 300 285 309 116 130 115 110 116 97 112 80 117 141 96 115 126 114 115 112 128 122 115 115 100 121 125 114 122 120 21.2 24.8 25.7 24.8 31.9 28.0 28.5 27.2 31.5 32.3 30.8 32.1 34.0 31.3 26.9 30.5 28.6 31.4 26.5 27.3 24.9 26.6 30.8 30.0 31.9 31.5 26.2 25.8 28.1 26.7 31.7 27.3 27.9 26.1 29.1 31.6 30.4 32.0 32.8 34 20 15 18 5 9 8 11 6 3 7 4 2 4 30 6 21 3 34 25 36 33 5 8 1 2 70 72 2 3 78 78 1 21 291 286 296 298 3 4 16 21 113 114 112 119 14 8 32 19 25.8 32.3 8.2 4.9 28.7 31.1 6.2 3.6 27.2 31.7 Note: AR1150N4-D, AR1150N04-F, and AR1150N04-G are the lines developed from GEM breeding cross AR01150:N04; BR1 is a line developed from BR52051:N04; CUBA1 is a line developed from CUBA117:S15; DKXL1, DKXL2, and DKXL3 are lines developed from DKXL370:N11a20; and GUAT10/13 are two sister lines developed from GUAT209:N19. SS1 and SS3 are two propriatary stiff stalk testers. 8 Table 6. Means of forage yield adjusted to 65% moisture and agronomic traits of the State Silage Corn Performance Test at Halfway, Texas in 2010. ENO Hybrid Company BH 8895VTTP BH9018VTTP X9150G X9151G 70R50 B-H Genetics B-H Genetics B-H Genetics B-H Genetics Blue River Hybrids 118-120 118-120 116-118 115-117 114 6 7 8 9 10 73B33 58VP30 56VP69 CX10617 CX10115 Blue River Hybrids CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro 11 12 13 14 15 DKC67-88 FZF622 TMF2W727 TMF2N804 TMF2L844 16 17 18 19 20 1825V 8539R 2288H Integra EXP 952115GT Integra 9701VT3 21 22 23 24 25 Integra 9676VTPRO Integra 9651VT3 WXY10A WXY10B WXY10C 1 2 3 4 5 RM Stand % Traits Days to pollen shed Plant ht, in. Ear ht, in Moist., % Yield, tons/a Yield rank VT Triple Pro VT Triple Pro GT GT Non-GMO 96.6 93.9 90.9 96.2 98.1 69.0 67.0 67.0 67.0 66.0 109.1 112.5 112.7 117.7 112.9 41.9 49.9 45.5 50.7 44.2 65.8 63.8 64.3 65.7 61.5 31.09 30.27 28.98 30.74 27.61 9 16 21 12 27 114 118 116 117 115 Non-GMO VT Pro VT Pro VT3 GT 96.2 96.6 86.0 94.3 91.7 67.0 66.0 67.0 66.0 66.0 116.3 112.5 108.1 109.4 97.8 46.1 47.4 47.9 39.4 33.6 66.4 62.5 61.8 64.7 63.9 29.09 28.70 29.21 28.51 26.90 20 23 19 24 28 Monsanto Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen 117 109 113 116 118 GENVT3P RR2, bm3 None None RR2 98.1 97.0 98.9 96.6 95.5 68.0 67.0 68.0 70.0 69.0 115.7 114.8 117.7 124.3 125.3 50.4 45.1 47.4 39.6 50.5 63.7 60.3 66.6 68.3 67.6 32.58 29.99 30.45 30.83 33.35 4 17 14 11 2 Triumph Seed Triumph Seed Triumph Seed 118 118 122 VT3 RR HX1/RR 95.5 88.3 93.9 69.0 70.0 70.0 121.3 125.2 122.4 45.7 45.8 52.2 64.4 68.9 66.8 31.66 32.32 31.34 7 5 8 Wilbur-Ellis Wilbur-Ellis 115 120 GT VT3 93.2 91.7 68.0 68.0 120.9 116.4 51.2 49.5 67.2 62.8 32.12 33.42 6 1 Wilbur-Ellis Wilbur-Ellis AgriLife (XU)* AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) 117 115 118 118 117 VT3PRO VT3 None None None 98.9 98.1 98.9 96.2 97.0 66.0 67.0 69.0 69.0 68.0 111.4 99.7 113.9 117.3 111.0 46.1 33.9 52.6 50.8 45.8 63.1 61.4 62.5 62.8 62.6 28.93 30.90 30.56 32.91 29.52 22 10 13 3 18 9 ENO 26 27 28 Hybrid WXY10D WXY10E WXY10F Company AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) RM 118 117 119 Traits None None None Test mean CV% LSD 0.05 Stand % 97.0 94.3 90.9 Days to pollen shed 69.0 68.0 70.0 Plant ht, in. 110.5 113.6 118.0 Ear ht, in 44.1 43.4 47.1 Moist., % 69.5 66.8 65.8 Yield, tons/a 27.92 30.38 28.26 95.0 5.0 ns 67.9 1.4 1.6 114.6 3.2 6.1 46.0 7.9 6.0 64.7 2.6 2.7 30.30 7.63 3.79 Yield rank 26 15 25 Note*: AgriLife is same as Texas A&M University. WXY10A is the testcross of a line from BR52051:N04; WXY10B is the testcross of a line from SCROGP3:N2017; WXC10C is the testcross of a line from CUBA117:S15; WXY10D is the testcross of Tx205, a GEM line released in 2004; and WXY10F is the testcross of a line developed from a breeding cross involving GUAT209:N19. 10 Table 7. Forage quality of the State Silage Corn Performance Test at Halfway, Texas in 2010. ENO Hybrid Company CP ADF NDF Lignin NFC Starch TDN BH 8895VTTP BH9018VTTP X9150G X9151G 70R50 B-H Genetics B-H Genetics B-H Genetics B-H Genetics Blue River Hybrids 6 7 8 9 10 73B33 58VP30 56VP69 CX10617 CX10115 Blue River Hybrids CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro 11 12 13 14 15 DKC67-88 FZF622 TMF2W727 TMF2N804 TMF2L844 Monsanto Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen 16 17 18 Triumph Seed Triumph Seed Triumph Seed 19.7 17.3 19.2 22.6 17.6 19.5 19.2 20.6 19.7 17.3 22.3 26.1 22.6 22.8 29.7 18.8 24.4 26.7 20.0 24.8 21.2 34.4 30.6 34.2 39.0 31.6 33.9 33.1 35.9 34.8 30.8 38.6 44.2 38.1 38.7 48.6 33.3 41.2 45.3 34.5 41.9 36.4 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.8 3.4 3.2 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.8 4.3 3.4 3.6 4.0 3.3 3.5 3.4 52.1 54.6 51.7 47.7 53.9 51.6 52.5 49.4 50.5 54.7 47.4 42.7 47.5 46.7 37.8 52.4 44.4 41.1 51.5 44.3 50.0 45.0 47.0 42.6 40.0 46.6 42.8 45.4 41.0 42.7 47.0 38.5 36.4 38.8 38.5 28.7 44.3 36.9 32.0 44.5 36.7 41.8 19 20 1825V 8539R 2288H Integra EXP 952115GT Integra 9701VT3 8.3 9.3 9.4 8.4 9.1 9.3 9.1 9.4 9.4 9.1 9.1 8.5 9.0 9.0 7.9 9.2 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.3 8.7 Wilbur-Ellis Wilbur-Ellis 9.2 8.6 9.5 17.1 20.2 16.8 29.7 36.0 29.9 3.1 3.3 3.1 56.1 50.8 55.5 21 22 23 24 25 Integra 9676VTPRO Integra 9651VT3 WXY10A WXY10B WXY10C Wilbur-Ellis Wilbur-Ellis AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) 9.3 8.3 9.3 9.4 8.4 23.7 19.7 17.3 19.2 22.6 41.0 34.4 30.6 34.2 39.0 3.9 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.5 44.6 52.1 54.6 51.7 47.7 1 2 3 4 5 11 IVTD24 NDFD24 MILK1 MILK2 Ash 77.0 77.0 76.0 73.0 79.0 75.0 77.0 74.0 77.0 77.0 72.0 74.0 74.0 74.0 68.0 77.0 72.0 71.0 75.0 74.0 73.0 81.0 82.3 80.0 76.3 82.7 79.7 81.0 78.0 80.3 82.0 76.3 79.3 78.0 77.3 70.7 80.7 75.3 73.0 78.7 76.7 77.7 43.7 41.7 42.0 39.0 45.0 40.0 43.0 39.3 43.7 41.7 38.3 53.3 42.3 42.0 39.7 42.3 40.7 39.7 39.3 44.0 39.0 3065.3 3052.7 3025.0 2885.7 3193.7 3001.0 3058.7 2966.3 3087.0 3079.0 2886.3 3102.3 2977.3 2952.3 2697.7 3068.7 2858.3 2853.3 2909.0 2965.3 2875.7 3430.3 3433.0 3370.0 3209.3 3571.0 3348.0 3426.3 3298.7 3433.3 3459.3 3198.3 3397.0 3291.7 3264.0 2930.0 3427.7 3158.0 3113.3 3269.7 3263.0 3215.0 4.02 4.20 3.80 3.70 3.72 3.90 4.00 3.89 4.04 3.95 3.89 4.08 4.44 4.52 4.97 3.94 4.59 4.02 4.32 4.54 4.00 48.5 43.1 47.8 78.0 76.0 79.0 83.0 80.0 82.7 42.7 43.3 41.7 3110.0 3066.0 3160.0 3502.7 3416.0 3548.0 3.75 3.43 3.42 33.5 45.0 47.0 42.6 40.0 74.0 77.0 77.0 76.0 73.0 76.3 81.0 82.3 80.0 76.3 42.0 43.7 41.7 42.0 39.0 3053.3 3065.3 3052.7 3025.0 2885.7 3325.0 3430.3 3433.0 3370.0 3209.3 4.03 4.02 4.20 3.80 3.70 ENO Hybrid 26 27 28 WXY10D WXY10E WXY10F Test mean CV% LSD 0.05 Company CP ADF NDF Lignin NFC Starch TDN IVTD24 NDFD24 AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) 9.6 9.8 9.2 23.1 19.5 22.6 38.5 32.9 38.3 4.0 3.7 3.9 46.1 51.7 47.0 35.7 42.4 37.6 74.0 76.0 74.0 77.3 81.0 77.0 41.7 41.7 39.7 MILK1 MILK2 2977.3 3040.0 2989.7 3266.0 3383.0 3294.3 Ash 4.87 4.58 4.09 9.0 5.4 0.8 21.3 14.7 5.1 36.6 13.3 ns 3.6 10.9 0.6 49.2 9.0 7.2 40.9 12.0 8.1 74.9 3.6 4.4 78.7 3.9 5.0 41.9 6.1 4.2 2998.5 3.7 179.3 3330.1 4.2 228.6 4.10 10.80 0.73 1. IVTD24: In vitro true digestibility (IVTD) after 24 hours of incubation in rumen fluid. It measures digestibility and can be used to estimate energy. A higher value of IVTD 24 hr presents a better forage quality. 2. Forage nutritional values based on NIR analysis. ADF: Acid detergent fiber, a measure of cellulose and lignin. ADF is negatively correlated with overall digestibility. CP: Crude protein, the total protein in the sample including true protein and non-protein nitrogen. Lignin: undigestible plant component and has a negative impact on cellulose digestibility. NDF: Neutral detergent fiber, a measure of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin representing the fibrous bulk of the forage. NDF is negatively correlated with intake NFC: Percentage of non-fibrous carbohydrates; estimates the amount of rapidly digestible carbohydrates in a forage. NDFD24: Percentage of NDF that is digestible by in vitro incubation. MILK 1: Estimated lbs. of milk produced per ton of dry matter. MILK 2: Estimated lbs. of milk produced per ton of processed dry matter. Starch: primarily in the grain, later maturing hybrids have lower starch since all hybrids were harvested at the same time. TDN: Total digestible nutrients. It represents the sum of the digestible protein, digestible nitrogen-free extract, digestible crude fiber and 2.25X the digestible fat. Milk lbs./ton of DM: an estimated potential milk yield per ton of forage dry matter based on digestibility and energy content of the forage. 12 Table 8. Means of forage yield adjusted to 65% moisture and agronomic traits of the State Silage Corn Performance Test at Etter, Texas in 2010. ENO Hybrid 1 2 3 4 Company BH 8895VTTP BH9018VTTP X9150G X9151G B-H Genetics B-H Genetics B-H Genetics B-H Genetics 5 6 7 8 9 10 70R50 73B33 71K36 74A60 58VP30 56VP69 Blue River Hybrids Blue River Hybrids Blue River Hybrids Blue River Hybrids CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro 11 12 CX10617 CX10115 13 GA 28V71 14 GA X6515 15 RM Plant ht, in. Ear ht, in Moist% Yield tons/a Yield rank VT Triple Pro VT Triple Pro GT GT 69.0 70.0 69.0 70.0 109.8 112.3 109.7 118.2 41.3 42.8 37.4 49.0 59.2 55.7 58.5 56.5 32.34 33.62 28.80 33.18 12 5 31 7 114 114 114 115 118 116 None GMO None GMO None GMO None GMO VT Pro VT Pro 66.0 71.0 69.0 66.0 69.0 69.0 113.4 113.9 113.8 108.3 114.7 109.6 45.8 45.1 48.6 44.5 50.0 42.8 53.9 60.9 59.2 58.0 56.1 57.4 27.01 30.46 32.56 29.85 32.64 32.12 32 23 10 26 9 14 117 115 VT3 GT 69.0 66.0 112.2 104.9 41.9 40.8 58.8 59.8 29.57 31.73 28 17 118 VT3 Pro 69.0 116.8 46.1 59.3 33.79 4 119 VT3 70.0 120.1 52.4 60.2 34.38 2 GA X6022 CPS DynaGro CPS DynaGro Golden Acres Genetics Golden Acres Genetics Golden Acres Genetics 117 GTCBLL 69.0 114.3 47.9 55.9 30.79 20 16 17 18 19 20 DKC67-88 FZF622 TMF2W727 TMF2N804 TMF2L844 Monsanto Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen Mycogen 117 109 113 116 118 GENVT3P RR2, bm3 None None RR2 71.0 69.0 69.0 73.0 73.0 113.4 115.1 117.8 123.0 120.7 49.1 45.9 43.2 39.1 47.9 59.0 57.8 60.0 60.0 58.7 31.61 29.18 31.74 30.40 32.15 18 29 16 24 13 21 22 23 24 25 1825V 8539R 2288H Integra EXP 952115GT Integra 9701VT3 Triumph Seed Triumph Seed Triumph Seed Wilbur-Ellis Wilbur-Ellis 118 118 122 115 120 VT3 RR HX1/RR GT VT3 71.0 72.0 73.0 71.0 72.0 115.5 127.0 123.8 117.7 113.3 44.4 52.6 59.8 42.4 46.3 57.8 58.4 63.3 58.4 56.1 34.94 30.57 31.57 33.25 33.88 1 21 19 6 3 Company RM Traits Ear ht, in Moist% ENO Hybrid 118-120 118-120 116-118 115-117 Traits Days to pollen shed 13 Days to pollen Plant ht, in. Yield tons/a Yield rank shed 26 27 28 29 30 Integra 9676VTPRO Integra 9651VT3 WXY10A WXY10B WXY10C Wilbur-Ellis Wilbur-Ellis AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) 117 115 117 118 116 VT3PRO VT3 None None None 69.0 69.0 71.0 70.0 69.0 112.3 104.7 119.3 116.0 108.9 45.8 36.1 50.9 45.1 37.7 56.3 58.7 56.9 61.9 60.0 32.82 30.53 29.88 28.89 31.93 8 22 25 30 15 31 32 33 WXY10D WXY10E WXY10F AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) AgriLife (XU) 118 117 118 None None None 71.0 70.0 71.0 113.4 114.4 115.1 57.0 43.4 45.7 65.1 58.6 61.9 32.44 26.42 29.78 11 33 27 69.8 0.8 0.9 114.7 3.4 6.3 45.7 10.0 7.5 58.7 3.5 3.3 31.36 5.88 3.01 Test mean CV% LSD 0.05 14