
Environmental Chemistry
Jinghua Shi
Course Description
This course is a study of select topics of chemistry accessible to sophomores in the
areas of matter and its changes, atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, molecular
geometry, intra- and inter-molecular forces, energy in chemical processes, chemical
composition, nomenclature, reactions, gases and solutions. Algebra skills taught in
Algebra I Survey are used with an emphasis on the conceptual aspect. Laboratory
exercises and experiences accompany all areas of study.
Pre-requisite: Algebra I Survey and Conceptual Physics
Class materials
1. Pencil and eraser
2. Calculator
3. Notebook for problem solving
4. Your laptop and charger
5. Three ring binder
Course Outline
Introduction to class
Define chemistry
Scientific method
Lab safety
Lab activity
Lab reports
Utilizing chemcom book
Prediction and observation of physical and chemical properties
Chemical and physical properties
Chemical and physical changes
Periodic table- symbols
Metals, non-metals-metalloids
Periodic trends
Chemical formulas-Elements and compounds
Ionic bonds compounds
Metallic bonds
Percent composition
Molar mass
Balancing equations
Environmental Chemistry
Jinghua Shi
Chemical formula of petroleum
Covalent bonding
Use of distillation
Alkanes formula
Intermolecular forces
Polymers and monomers
Molecular structures
Kinetic and potential energy
Endothermic and exothermic reactions
Chemical properties of water
Mixtures-solutions-colloids- suspensions
Polarity and water solubility
Hydrologic cycle
Water purification
Environmental Chemistry
Jinghua Shi
Class Policy
 Demonstrate Respect for yourself, your classmates, and your teachers.
 Be proud of what other people think of you
 Come to class on time. If you are late, you will be marked as tardiness. Being 3 times
tardiness will effect participation.
 To be prepared for each class. Bring pencils, calculator, notebook, and your laptop with
 Work well with classmates especially during Lab activity. Follow all safety guidelines.
Make sure you clean up after yourselves.
 Participation will be monitored. It is an important factor in performing well in the
course. Every Student will start with 100 as participation grade and have deduction for
tardiness, misconduct, and not having required supplies for the class, etc.
 Class participation grades will be reduced for inappropriate behaviors, and misconduct.
 NOT receive or make phone calls or text messages during class time. MUST TURN OFF
all cell phones and other electronic devices (iPods, MP3s, etc.) before entering the
classroom. Being 3 times violation will effect participation.
 Please check at the white board or overhead projector for Do Now assignment after
entering the classroom and start on it promptly.
 NEVER leave class room without permission. Make sure to sign in and out of the
 You are responsible for any work missed. The number of days to make up missing work
is equal to the number of your absent days. But if you are absent for one day, all work is
to be made up on the day you return to school.
Grading policy
Homework and quizzes: 25%
Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. It may or may not be
checked. Homework is designed to give you opportunities to practice and review
class content. If you find you are having difficulties completing your homework, it
may be an indication you need extra help.
Frequent quizzes will be given. For problem solving questions, all work must be
shown for full credit.
Lab and Activities Work: 25%
Lab work will be any assignment associated with a lab exercise; however,
Environmental Chemistry
Jinghua Shi
worksheets, projects or oral presentations may also be part of the lab grade.
Instructions for each lab assignment will be given at the time of the lab. Some
students may need extra time to complete assignments beyond the time provided in
class. You may choose to finish work, if needed, at home or during extra help.
Tests: 50%
Written tests will be given every three or four weeks (approximately). They may be
composed of true/false, multiple choice, fill-ins, matching, essay questions or word
Late Work
I expect all work to be submitted on time; however, the following policy will apply to
all work turned in after the due date: If the work is reviewed during class or returned
graded, late work will not be accepted. If work is not reviewed, assignments such as
papers, labs, projects that are turned in late will receive a 10 point per day deduction
up to a maximum of 4 days
Copying, Cheating, Plagiarism
Students found copying, cheating, plagiarizing or working with other
students without permission will be reported to the Principal and/or
Assistant Principal. Giving your work to another student to look at is
considered cheating. Working in groups without permission is considered
cheating. (Helping a friend with their work means that you explain the
concepts to them and “teach” them how to arrive at answers.) In all cases
of cheating, parents will be notified immediately.
Extra help
I am available during lunch and after school 2:35pm-3:05pm by appointment in
science office.
Please check school wire for homework information and students grade report,
and send me email for any questions and concerns.