Mustermodulbeschreibung (konkret) - Friedrich

Referat L 1
Module description template
1 Module name
2 Courses/lectures
WS – Lecture: XXX (4 SWS)
SS – Seminar: XXX (2 SWS)
if applicable, provide details of compulsory
Prof. Dr. Doe
PD Placeholder
3 Lecturers
Total number of
ECTS credits
10 ECTS credits
Module coordinator Prof. Dr. Doe
Learning objectives Describe the skills to be acquired by the students in this module and, if
and skills
applicable, provide details of compulsory attendance required in order to
gain these skills (see Merkblatt zur Anwesenheitspflicht / information
sheet on compulsory attendance). Please ensure that the skills
correspond to the overall goals of the degree programme.
Please also ensure that the skills to be acquired are at an appropriate
level (Bachelor's or Master's level; see Leitfaden zur Formulierung
kompetenzorientierter Lernziele auf Modulebene / Guidelines for
formulating skill-orientated learning objectives for modules).
The skills described in the module handbook are subject to skillorientated examinations at the end of the modules.
List any modules that are required for successful participation in the
module at hand because
a) they are compulsory prerequisites for this module according to
the examination regulations
b) they are recommended by the lecturer(s).
Integration in
From semester X onwards
Last updated: 13th July 2015
Please describe the contents of the module here. The degree of
abstraction in the description depends on whether the module always
consists of the same courses and lectures with clearly defined contents
or whether the topics of the individual courses and lectures vary from
semester to semester.
Example: The contents of a module called 'Regions in the International
System' should be described abstractly since the individual
courses/lectures within the module cover different regions:
Examination of economics, society and politics in the respective region;
their interaction with the international environment; comparison of
different developmental paths; effects of globalisation and
regionalisation processes.
10 Method of
List degree programmes for which the module is intended, for example:
- MA Political Science
- MA Area Studies
List all course and examination achievements here. They should be
based on the skill orientation and on the students' workload.
Modules are completed with one module examination. This examination
usually consists of one examination achievement or one course
achievement. In exceptional cases (e.g. in order to gain several different
skills), this examination can also consist of several parts (portfolio
examination) if the subject warrants it.
Please specify the type and scope of the course or examination
achievement as exactly as possible (e.g. written examination 60–90
min., oral examination 30 min., written assignment 20–30 pages).
It must be ensured that the information is in accordance with the
examination regulations.
11 Grading procedure
Usually: module examination 100%
12 Module frequency
WS and SS / WS or SS
13 Resit examinations
This section is optional. If the module is part of the preliminary
examination (GOP) information may be included here stating that this
examination may only be resat once.
14 Workload
Contact hours: XX h (contact hours in SWS x 15 per semester)
Independent study: XX h (ECTS credits x 30 - contact hours)
In order to not inhibit students' mobility, the duration of a given module
should not exceed two semesters.
State the languages used in the module (e.g. German and English) and,
if applicable, whether a different language is used in the examination
(e.g. the teaching language is English and the examination language is
15 Module duration
16 Teaching and
17 Recommended
Last updated: 13th July 2015
Provide an up-to-date list of preparatory reading here.