Write a program to store and list the grades of the students in BİL

Homework 3
Write a program to store and list the grades of the students in BİL 255 class.
The program will include STUDENT class with the following properties,
Name, Surname, Midterm1, Midterm2, Final, and Homework.
The program will include four different functions.
First Function will print Name and Surname of a student.
Second Function will list Name, Surname and the Grades for each Exam.
Third Function will calculate and list the average of each exam.
Forth Function will calculate and list the final grades. Final grades will be
calculated with the following rules.
Mid1 20%, Mid2 20%, Homework 20%, Final 40%
Final Grade = FF for > 60 and < 0
FD for > 65 and < 60
DD for > 70 and < 65
DC for > 75 and < 70
CC for > 80 and < 75
CB for > 85 and < 80
BB for > 90 and < 85
BA for > 95 and < 90
AA for > 100 and < 95
In the main function, you must fırst get the number of the student ın the class
and then, you must store the required data for each student.
Deadline: 05/01/2015 – 05.00
How to send homework
1. Find your project directory.
2. Copy it to another location (create a copy of it).
3.Delete bin and obj directories in the new project directory
4. Compress your project with zip format.
5. Rename the zip file with TTTTT_NNNN_SSSSS_AdcompHw2.zip
T is your student (TC) id
N is your name
S is your surname
6. Send your homework as an attachment to ecimen@anadolu.edu.tr with
indicating your TC ID, name, surname and purpose of the mail (state that
you are sending your homework). Subject of the mail should be 05012015255
Good Luck.
Do not use Turkish letters in the file names of your project and zip file since
this may cause some malfunctions.
Cheating will be severely punished. All homework that is considered as
cheating will get zero mark (without regarding it is original or not).
Do not forget that if you copy a piece of code from the Internet, then
anybody else may also do the same. This situation will also be considered as
cheating too.