FHS Local Scholarship Application 2014

FHS Local Scholarship Application 2014-2015
Last Name
First Name
Student ID
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The information you provide in this application helps the Local Scholarship Committee determine eligibility for
the numerous scholarship we offer. Please answer each of the following questions to the best of your ability.
Did you attend A Child’s Place pre-school?
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Did you attend Delta Vista Middle School?
Did you attend Knightsen Elementary School?
Did you attend Laurel Elementary 4+ years?
Do you plan on majoring in Business or a business-related field of study?
Do you plan on majoring in Communications (Speech & Debate or Public Speaking)?
Do you plan on majoring in Criminal Justice or pursuing a career in law enforcement?
Do you plan on majoring in Visual or Performing Arts (Fine Art, Theatre, Music)?
Do you plan on majoring in a subject that will lead to a career working as a teacher?
Do you plan on majoring in a subject that will lead to a career working with children?
Are you an active member of the California Scholarship Federation for the past 2 years?
Are you an active member of the National Honor Society for the past 2 years?
Were you awarded the opportunity to Boys’ State or Girls’ State?
Were you awarded the Rotary Student of the Quarter at FHS?
What is the total number of community service hours you’ve complete 9th through 12th?
Are you an active member of the Aloha Club for the past 2 years?
What is your TOTAL GPA?
Are you an active member of the Aloha Club for the past 2 years?
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Are you an active member of the Power of Unity club for the past 2 years?
Are you an active member of the Latinos Unidos Club?
Are you an active member of the French Club?
Are you an active member of the German Club?
Are you a member of the Falcon Wrestling Club?
Are you a member of the FHS Wrestling Team?
Are you a member of the varsity Boys or Girls Tennis Team?
Are you a member of the varsity Football Team (2 years) and the football program (4 years)?
Is your parent a member of the Freedom High School Athletic Boosters Club?
Is your parent a teacher for the Liberty Union High School District?
Is your parent an employee for the Liberty Union High School District?
If your parent works for LUHSD what is their name and work title?
Do you live on Bethel Island, Sandmound Blvd, Jersey Island or Dutch Slough Road?
Separate Applications
Delta Realtors Community Service
Foundation Scholarship
Separate application required. Applicant must have 2.75+ GPA and be a
student in good standing.
East County NAACP
Criteria not available at this time.
East Diablo Youth Soccer League
Separate application required. Applicant must have participated in the
East Diablo Youth Soccer League.
Applicant must have a parent/guardian who is a current member of our
Freedom Band Boosters Club
Separate application required. Applicant must be an active member of
the FHS Band.
St. Anthony's Guadalupana Society
Separate application required. Applicant or parent must be a member of
St. Anthony's Church and participate in the Guadalupana Society.
Michael Lee Foreman Jr. Memorial
Separate application required. Applicant must be a senior who has
participated in athletics and maintained a 2.5+ GPA.
Oakley Chamber of Commerce
Separate application required. Applicant must be a well-rounded student
who shows academic promise.
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Please review the criteria for each scholarship carefully in order to determine if you qualify. If you meet the
criteria and you wish to apply, answer “yes” in the box to the right. You may apply for as many as you qualify.
Community Donor
A Child's Place
Applicant is: [1] seeking to become a teacher, [2] seeking a career in
early childhood education, or [3] a former student of "A Child's Place."
ADK Ruth Cole Memorial
American Legion Auxiliary
American Red Cross
Anonymous Givers Charitable
Foundation Scholarship
Bethel Island Lion's Club
Bethel Island Woman's Club
Brentwood Art Society
Brentwood Lion's Club Jack
Adam’s Award Scholarship
Brentwood Men's Club
Brentwood Police Activities
League Scholarship
Brentwood Theatre Group
Delta Advocacy Foundation Bob
Smith Memorial Scholarship
Delta Vista Middle School Panther Pride Scholarship
Dr. McDonald & Dr. Deloso
Ernie Borbon Art Memorial
Laurel School: Anne Allen
Laurel School: Fred Lambert
Jones Family Perfect
Attendance Scholarship
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Applicant is seeking to become a teacher and is a student in good
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Applicant attended the Girls / Boys State program or was recommended Click here to
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and interviewed at FHS for the program.
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Applicant must be a good academic student and a student in good
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standing. All students should apply.
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Applicant must be [1] a-g complete with a high GPA, [2] a motivated
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student, [3] a citizen of good character, and [4] a public servant.
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Applicant must reside in Bethel Island or the neighboring areas of
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Sandmound Boulevard, Jersey Island or Dutch Slough Road.
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Applicant must reside in Bethel Island or the neighboring areas of
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Sandmound Boulevard, Jersey Island or Dutch Slough Road.
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Applicant must [1] plan to major in a visual or performing art, and [2]
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have taken art electives in high school.
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Applicant must plan to pursue a major in [1] Communications, [2]
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Speech and Debate, or [3] Public Speaking.
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Applicant must be a good academic student.
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All students should apply.
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Applicant must want to pursue a career in law enforcement, public
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safety, and community service.
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Applicant must want to pursue a career in theater arts.
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Applicant must [1] plan to major in Environmental Science and [2]
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show a sincere commitment for preserving our natural environment.
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Applicant must have [1] a 2.8+ GPA, [2] 40+ hours of community
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service, and [3] an interest in law enforcement or [4] parent in the field.
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Applicant must have overcome adversity and plans to continue their
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Applicant must have [1] attended Delta Vista (3 years), [2] a 3.0+ GPA, Click here to
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[3] plans for college full-time, and [4] avoided the "No Activities" list.
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Applicant must [1] have a history of community service 9th-12th grade
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and [2] demonstrate a desire to achieve academically.
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Applicant must [1] plan on majoring in a Fine Art, [2] have taken a
range of art classes in high school, and [3] demonstrate a passion for art. enter text.
Applicant must have [1] attended Laurel School (4 years), and [2] a 3.0+ Click here to
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Applicant must have [1] attended Laurel School (4 years), and [2] a 3.0+ Click here to
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Applicant must miss less than 12-15 days of school in 4 years, have a
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3.3+ GPA, and write an essay, “The Importance of Staying in School.
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Community Donor
Knightsen School Parent Teacher
Club Scholarship
Applicant must have graduated from Knightsen School with a 3.5+ high
school GPA.
Lifelong Learning Scholarship
Applicant must be a well-rounded student who shows academic
Lou Bronzan Scholarship
Applicant must have [1] a 2.0+ GPA, [2] a plan to major in Business,
[3] good citizenship marks and [4] community service hours.
Parrotheads at 50
Applicant must be a well-rounded student who shows academic
Ralph Draudson Memorial
Applicant must [1] live on Bethel Island, Hotchkiss, or Sandmound, [2]
pursue a public safety career, [3] have a 3.0+ GPA, and [4] show need.
Vernon Noble
Applicant must be a well-rounded student who shows academic
CSEA Liberty Chapter
Applicant's parent must be an active member of the CSEA Union
Falcon Football
Applicant be on varsity football for 2 years, with a minimum 2.5 GPA
and a student in good standing.
Falcon Wrestling Club
Applicant must [1] have been a member of the Falcon Wrestling Club
and [2] plan to continue post-secondary education.
FHS Aloha Club
Applicant must be an active member of the ALOHA club for two years
with good academic grades.
FHS Black Student Union
Applicant must be an active member of Black Student Union with good
academic grades.
FHS Boys Tennis
Applicant must have played on the FHS Boys Tennis Team during their
time here at FHS.
FHS Centre Stage
Applicant must [1] have a 2.7+ GPA, [2] participate in one theatre
production senior year, and [3] submit and essay with their application.
Applicant must be an active member of the CSF club who attends club
meetings regularly and participates in club activities.
FHS French Club
Applicant must be an active member of French Club who plans to
continue taking French in college.
FHS German Club
Applicant must [1] have a 2.5+ GPA. [2] be in the club and class, [3]
take German in college, and [4] write a “Why Learn German?” essay.
FHS Girls Tennis
Applicant must have played on the FHS Girls Tennis Team during their
time here at FHS.
FHS Latinos Unidos Club
Applicant must be an active member of Latinos Unidos who participates
in club activities and intends to go to college.
FHS National Honor Society
Applicant must be an active member of NHS (2+ years) who attends
club meetings and club activities, and helps the club significantly.
FHS Power of Unity
Applicant must be an active member of POU (2+ years) who attends
club meetings and club activities, and helps the club significantly.
FHS Wrestling
Applicant must be a member of the FHS wrestling team and plan to
attend 2-year or 4-year college.
Freedom Athletic Boosters Club
Applicant must have [1] a parent who is a current member of boosters,
[2] a 3.0+ GPA, [3] played sports four years (two years varsity).
Freedom Athletic Boosters Club Gail French Memorial Scholarship
Applicant must have [1] a parent who is a current member of boosters,
[2] a 3.0+ GPA, [3] played sports four years (two years varsity).
Liberty Education Association
Applicant has [1] a 3.0+ GPA, [2] a parent in LEA, [3] extracurricular
experience [4] rigorous course history [5] an essay and letter of rec.
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Application Essay Required
You will need to submit and attach an essay that is [1] typed, [2] single-spaced, [3] formatted in 12pt Times
New Roman, and [4] very close to 500 words [±25].
Your essay should fully address the following prompt: Describe the world you come from - for example, your
family, community or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
Letter of Recommendation Required
You will need to submit and attach one letter of recommendation from an adult in the community, a teacher, a
counselor or a coach. It is a good idea to make this request with plenty of advanced notice.
The letter should tell the committee things they can’t necessarily observe in the rest of your application and
school records. It should comment on your character, your strengths, and your sense of purpose.
Confidential Teacher Report Required
Please select a teacher to fill out the “Confidential Teacher Report” form which is posted on the school website.
Your teacher will return the form to the Career Center. Please name the teacher who will be completing a form.
Teacher Name: Click here to enter text.
Parent Permission Required
Freedom High School is granted permission to release educational information to organizations conducting their
own selection process for awarding scholarships. This information may include this application, the application
essay, an academic transcript, senior year attendance record, recommendations, teacher evaluations, etc.
Parent Signature:
Date: _________________
Student Signature:
Date: _________________
Student Profile: Required Information
Last Name: Click here to enter text.
Address: Click here to enter text.
First Name: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Zip Code: Click here to enter text.
Parent Marital Status [mark “yes”]
Employment Information
Click here to enter text.
Father’s Occupation: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Father’s Employer:
Click here to enter text.
Separated: Click here to enter text.
Mother’s Occupation: Click here to enter text.
Divorced: Click here to enter text.
Mother’s Employer:
Click here to enter text.
Widowed: Click here to enter text.
Are you employed?
Click here to enter text.
How many people in your family will be attending college next year? Click here to enter text.
With whom do you live? Click here to enter text.
Confidential Information: Parents’ Combined Gross 2014 Income. Type “yes” after the appropriate choice.
$0 - $10,000 Click here to enter text.
$50,001 - $60,000 Click here to enter text.
$10,001 - $20,000 Click here to enter text.
$60,001 - $70,000 Click here to enter text.
$20,001 - $30,000 Click here to enter text.
$70,001 - $80,000 Click here to enter text.
$30,001 - $40,000 Click here to enter text.
$80,001 - $99,000 Click here to enter text.
$40,001 - $50,000 Click here to enter text.
$100,000 and over Click here to enter text.
Total savings that will be applied towards college: $Click here to enter text.
Explain any circumstances which may have burdened the family financially: Click here to enter text.
What type of school do you plan to attend in the Fall of 2015? Type “yes” after the appropriate choice.
Two-Year College:
Click here to enter text.
Four-Year University: Click here to enter text.
Technical School: Click here to enter text.
Other School:
Click here to enter text.
What colleges and universities are you applying to for next fall? Please list all that apply:
School 1: Click here to enter text.
School 4: Click here to enter text.
School 2: Click here to enter text.
School 5: Click here to enter text.
School 3: Click here to enter text.
School 6: Click here to enter text.
What academic major do you want to study in college and what is your overall career goal?
Academic Major: Click here to enter text.
Career Goal: Click here to enter text.
Student Profile: Optional Information
Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Click here to enter text.
Type “yes” next to your ethnic background.
African American: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Pacific Islander: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Native American: Click here to enter text.
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Extracurricular Activities
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
School Clubs and
Organizations [i.e.
Leadership, Band,
Drama, etc.]
Click here to enter
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Community Service
Hours and Work
[i.e. who, what,
when, where, etc.]
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Academic Awards
and Honors [i.e.
Honor Roll, Bldg.
Award, etc.]
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Athletics [i.e. list
sports played, JV or
varsity, and honors
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Work Experience
Click here to enter
[list your employers
and the number of
hours/week worked]
Disclaimer and Acknowledgement
DISCLAIMER: Some of the scholarships listed in this packet may fail to fund for the 2014-2015 school year
and, subsequently, may become unavailable. In addition, other scholarships not listed in this document may
become available after a period of unavailability. Therefore, it is a good idea to periodically check in with the
career technician, Alice Cartwright, in the career center to what is still available.
DISCLAIMER: We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I understand it is my responsibility to submit a completed application, together with
all supporting documents, including a Letter of Recommendation and a Confidential Teacher Report forms, and
that they be received on or before 4:00 pm on January 9, 2015 in order to be considered for the Freedom High
School Local Scholarship Program. I have completed this application with honesty and integrity and confirm
everything to be true.
Initial Checklist
__________ 1 Application Essay
__________ 1 Letter of Recommendation
__________ 1 Confidential Teacher Report Form
__________ 1 Unofficial Academic Transcript
Student’s Signature: _____________________________________
Teacher Confidential Report Form 2014-2015
Applicant Name: Click here to enter text.
Teacher Name: Click here to enter text.
To assist the FHS Scholarship Committee in its appraisal of each applicant, please complete the following:
1. Describe the academic strengths of this student which might not be readily observable in a transcript, such
as the ways in which this student thinks that are particularly impressive and admirable thinking patterns.
Click here to enter text.
2. Describe ways you have observed the student taking an active leadership role in class or around campus,
including their leadership style. Note the effective ways you have observed them interacting with peers.
Click here to enter text.
3. Describe the student’s ability to balance academic responsibilities and extra-curricular responsibilities and
comment on the work ethic and discipline you have observed personally in the student’s behavior.
Click here to enter text.
4. Explain why you feel this student is most deserving of a scholarship and will succeed in higher education.
Make note of their personality qualities that are indicators to you of future success in the collegiate ranks.
Click here to enter text.
5. Please provide any additional comments which may be helpful in the appraisal of this student. Thank you.
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