Fantasy/Science Fiction Study Guide Source “Rain Rain Go Away” Short story “Back There” drama Characteristic of Science Fiction Uses liquidation and space travel theory of aliens on Earth Involves time travel “There Futuristic; will come advanced Soft technology Rains” Short story Example Theme of Story Sugar dissolving in water at the end of the story when they melt. People were sugar people (aliens) Things often are not as they appear. Is it possible for aliens to be living among us? Peter Corrigan travels back 100 years in time Set in post-apocalyptic world; nuclear war; independently functioning house “Flowers Scientific Charlie Gordon’s IQ is for experimentation tripled through surgical Algernon /operation means ” short story “Harrison Futuristic; Bergeron’ advanced short technology story “All Setting in The main events of history cannot be changed but small pieces can; Be open to possibilities Even after humans destroy ourselves, nature will continue to prosper; Too much technology, greed, etc. will be the end of us Be happy with what you have; Do not tempt fate; Have empathy for others Citizens have Embrace debilitating handicaps to differences. ensure equality Celebrate talent. Venus has been Do not blindly Summer Venus; in a Day” meteorology short story Source “Rain, Rain Go Away” Short story colonized; scientists have learned to predict rain patterns. Protagonist/Antagonist Setting P: Wright Family 1950s; suburban A: none (maybe rain) neighborhood, Murphy’s Park “Flowers for P: Charlie Gordon Algernon” A: Dr. Nemur, short story coworkers(at beginning) “Back There” P: Peter Corrigan A: Jonathon Wellington (John Wilkes Booth) “There will come soft P: House A: Fire follow a leader. Cruelty will haunt you. Summary Wright family is curious about strange neighbors (Sakkaro’s) who seem to fear rain/water. Take them to park, get caught in rain, Sakkaro’s melt 1965; laboratory Charlie Gordon is chosen for an operation that will triple his IQ; it seems to work but his intelligence gradually deteriorates 1965 then 1865; Peter Corrigan Washington travels back in Club, Ford’s time; attempts Theater to stop assassination of Lincoln; fails but changes William’s (previously server) life 2026; postSole house apocalyptic world continues to Rains” OR P: Nature A: Mankind “Harrison Bergeron” P: Harrison Bergeron A: Diana Moon Glampers “All Summer P: Margot in a Day” A: all the other kids function without inhabitants; everyone is gone due to nuclear war; fire eventually destroys house 2081; Bergeron Harrison home & theater overthrows his handicaps and his parents watch his murder on national TV Venus; sometime Margot looks in the future; forward to classroom/outside seeing the sun for the first time in 7 years. Kids lock in her the closet so she misses it. Things you should be able to “discuss” the symbolism of the name Sakkaro (means “sugar;” derived from succharose; Sakkaros are aliens made of sugar) the role setting plays in each story how Peter Corrigan was an “anachronism” (didn’t belong in past and therefore couldn’t make any major changes) inferences (be able to take information given and draw a logical conclusion) Literary Terms to know: setting alliteration allusion symbolism protagonist fantasy antagonist personification (esp. in “There will come Soft Rains”) inferences foreshadowing science fiction theme